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Realistic or Modern .:The Typicality of Anime Schools:.

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[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]I love riding horses!!!!
I've been kicked by one before c:

I flew

*pats comfortingly* If it makes you feel better, I practically flew over a jump once after a horse threw me off


kawiibunnygirl said:
Oh my gosh I wake up my phone is literally blowing up from notifications. I couldn't even see the screen when I unlocked my phone!
That happened to me too xD Welcome back!
kawiibunnygirl said:
Oh my gosh I wake up my phone is literally blowing up from notifications. I couldn't even see the screen when I unlocked my phone!
Shows signs of a healthy roleplay :D

Welcome back~
Suzumaki Arakai]Kawii get yer ass back here! [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/9694-kawiibunnygirl/ said:
Oh Yumi! Did you think Ryuzaki and Yumi's relationship sounded right?
Oh! I'll have to check it! Gimme a mo~ *turns into a leaf and flies away*
[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]This one c:
I was typing on a phone so I messed up on the size of the font and autocorrect wanted to play a part in it.

... *floats back in and changes back into a girl* Yup! That's perfect! I love what he said about Tomio by the way; it cracked me up xD
Since we have quite a bit of people on, would you like to start with how all of our characters met eachother?

I'm not sure if it would just be easier to say that at some point, they were all in the same class or if we go with what I started to do which was they all met at individual places? The roleplay was meant that all of the characters that were made were at some point some sort of friends or enemies.

I'm sleepy though @Suzumaki Arakai //rolls onto the floor wrapped in blankets//

Ah I'm planning on posting another female character later today
I'd like to start soon, so after today, no more characters.

We'll discuss how characters met as well.
Do we want to do it kind of like we did the relationship sheet? Like the (character name) - (character name) = (how they met?)
[QUOTE="Zero Gravity]Do we want to do it kind of like we did the relationship sheet? Like the (character name) - (character name) = (how they met?)

I was thinking we'd just... discuss it. I feel like it would be too much trouble saying every character and how they met, so like I said... How about they all met in a different school at some point. Not specifically in the same class (At least not all of them). They could also have met outside of the place since the roleplay was suppose to be about friends/enemies who are now going ot the same highschool cx
Lol I already wrote down the encounters that Ryuzaki can recall with each person. Whether that was his first or second or whatever encounter. They're the only ones that really ring a bell.
[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]Lol I already wrote down the encounters that Ryuzaki can recall with each person. Whether that was his first or second or whatever encounter. They're the only ones that really ring a bell.

Exactly! Like.. The one with Sakura and Ryuzaki, he asked for a pencil during class, right? That means they were in the same class together cx
[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]Yeah...I put that Ryuzaki and Takeshi were in the same class too c:

Sweet! That means a connection between Sakura, Ryuzaki, and Takeshi already. I'll keep track of this. Middle school or elementary?
It was Junior High c: so technically middle school

But Ryuzaki had class with Yumi his first year of Junior high but not the second or third time. And ever since then; he and Yumi have technically been friends.
This is the sort of thing I was talking about xD We get it out square and occasioanlly pass around ideas if we don't know.

(And I wrote it down ^^)
There is so much to write for character relationships xD I'm currently dying since I'm typing on my phone too
[QUOTE="Leaf Fi]There is so much to write for character relationships xD I'm currently dying since I'm typing on my phone too

Eep! Don't die >~<

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