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Realistic or Modern .:The Typicality of Anime Schools:.

Should We Have Dorms?

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I just read over Tomio Takahashi's cs and pictured him slapping everyone's ass... And rolled off my bed from laughing too hard.
Katsumi said:
I just read over Tomio Takahashi's cs and pictured him slapping everyone's ass... And rolled off my bed from laughing too hard.
That's him summed up xD
kawiibunnygirl said:
Ahi just realized that the majority of the people who are joining are all honor students. //sigh// Poor Natsumi
if it makes you feel better, mikan has never marked higher than a ninety on a test.

Corgi said:
Mikan isn't cx
is this your way of killing me
Takeshi is a competitor as well. He just is super lazy so it doesn't seem like he actually is pretty smart. (I've discussed this matter with Macaron already~)
Suzumaki Arakai]Aye [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17998-corgi/ said:
@Corgi[/URL] we should get SirBlazeALot in here c:
I already asked him and he said he would join but no character of his has come up :/
M'kay. So Natsumi has already had history with two characters so she just needs to have a way to have a past relationship with the others.
Ryuzaki met Koichi for the first time inside a convenience store. Koichi was having a really hard time trying to decide between a teriyaki bean bun or a miso bean bun. So to help him out, Ryuzaki bought the last four teriyaki bean buns; Koichi no long had a choice in the matter. But, Ryuzaki never once talked to him during that situation, he just walked in, bought the bread, and left lol.
[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]Ryuzaki met Koichi for the first time inside a convenience store. Koichi was having a really hard time trying to decide between a teriyaki bean bun or a miso bean bun. So to help him out, Ryuzaki bought the last four teriyaki bean buns; Koichi no long had a choice in the matter. But, Ryuzaki never once talked to him during that situation, he just walked in, bought the bread, and left lol.

Wrote it down cx
Natsumi and Aiko always competed with each other, since elementary school for the top of the class, but Aiko always came second.
And he met Natsumi near the end of their first year of Junior High; he was never in the same class, but everyone was gathered around to see their grades and Natsumi beat Ryuzaki by 3 points and she looked up at him with a smirk/glare then walked away triumphantly?

How does that sound?

sorry u guys i fuckin' couldn't come up with characters for this for the longest time cause normally I don't go this young no more but like, i got it now.

ty for being grandfathered in @Corgi

i'll do the sheet today (o'v'o)(o'v'o)(o'v'o)

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