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Realistic or Modern .:The Typicality of Anime Schools:.

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Maki Noriko


Maki Noriko - Ione Aelia = Maki would definitely like to hang around and talk with her because of her upbeat and happy personality.


Maki Noriko - Natsumi Hayashi = Maki knows there's just a tiny bit something up with her, but he's nice anyways because he doesn't like making enemies.

@Leaf Fi

Maki Noriko - Tomio Takahashi = Maki thinks he's pretty outgoing
(and hot) and he likes to hang around him because of how much fun he is.


Maki Noriko - Aiko Kei = Maki thinks that she's very entertaining and funny, and he loves to listen to her jokes and such.


Maki Noriko - Takeshi Kitao = Maki feels like he's pretty cold, but he might have a soft spot under all of that? Who knows.


Maki Noriko - Mikan Uchida = Maki thinks that Mikan is super adorable, and would definitely love to talk to him more!

@Suzumaki Arakai

Maki Noriko - Ryuzaki Tanaka = Maki thinks that he's super tall, and even though he's a bit mean, he tries not to take it to heart.

Character Relations/Thoughts


Aiko Kei


(Aiko Kei) - (Ichikawa Koichi) = (I think they'll be best friends because of how bubbly he is and how he loves to put smiles on people's faces, She admires that quality! She loves it when people see the positive even when the situation is terrible!)

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Ione Aelia's Relationships

Ione Aelia - Natsumi Hayashi = Ione would probably find her very interesting and try to be friends with her (I think they may have met at some sort of festival and became friend? Maybe during beginning of middle school, end of elementary school?) @Wataru

Sakura Haruhi's Relationships

Sakura Haruhi - Ione Aelia - Friends, only because she's nice and showed enthusiasm, she also put effort into trying. (Forced project in elementary school.)

Sakura Haruhi - Natsumi Hayashi - Sakura probably wouldn't interact with her again unless she striked up the conversation (... I have no ideas...) @Wataru

I say it works! I'm still thinking of what Ryuzaki thinks if everyone...he normally doesn't pay attention to that sort of thing. But I'll figure something out c:

@Leaf Fi

You should put Yumi in!!!
Corgi said:

Ione Aelia's Relationships

Ione Aelia - Natsumi Hayashi = Ione would probably find her very interesting and try to be friends with her (I think they may have met at some sort of festival and became friend? Maybe during beginning of middle school, end of elementary school?) @Wataru

Sakura Haruhi's Relationships

Sakura Haruhi - Ione Aelia - Friends, only because she's nice and showed enthusiasm, she also put effort into trying. (Forced project in elementary school.)

Sakura Haruhi - Natsumi Hayashi - Sakura probably wouldn't interact with her again unless she striked up the conversation (... I have no ideas...) @Wataru

I think elementary school is good for Ione

And middle school for Sakura! ^^

mikan and the reason he loves your characters

written by lord mikko


ichikawa koichi x uchida mikan = probs singing/joking buddies and hopefully close friends bc koichi can light up a world like nobody else and if he were to flip his hair mikan would be overwhelmed and when koichi smiles all around it's not hard to tell that he kn-o-o-o-ws that he's really beautiful, and that's what makes him beautiful.

Natsumi Hayashi


  • Natsumi Hayashi - Ione Aelia = On the outside Natsumi will be kind and friendly towards Ione. Since she won't feel much of a threat from her she won't be secretly plotting against her. Since they also met at a festival she became aware of her back in middle school.

    Natsumi Hayashi - Aiko Kei = Aiko will be someone who Natsumi will be aware of and will be careful around. However she'll still be cordial towards her despite everything.

    Natsumi Hayashi - Sakura Haruhi = Now this little girl remind Natsumi of a cousin she has so their relationship is much nicer than the ones she has with other girls. Being 'friends' is a possibility, but it's not for certain.


Oh, God, words will not explain how much I laughed/cried/choked/died at Natsumi's reaction towards Takeshi.

Help, someone save me---I CAN'T BREATHE.

"Horrible accident", "civil relationship".

Beautiful choice of vocabulary--I give thousands of applause---after I recover from dying.

//sent to the emergency room//
macaron said:
Oh, God, words will not explain how much I laughed/cried/choked/died at Natsumi's reaction towards Takeshi.

Help, someone save me---I CAN'T BREATHE.

"Horrible accident", "civil relationship".

Beautiful choice of vocabulary--I give thousands of applause---after I recover from dying.

//sent to the emergency room//
I know! I laughed as well!
Haha @macaron you're too kind! I'm happy that I made you laugh so much though. Just make sure that you are able to type so that you an RP with us later. Natsumi is a very sinister and violent girl at heart. I mean she can't be a totally innocent girl. However if you noticed she doesn't want to hurt him herself. This shows that she would probably hire someone to do all of her dirty work for her.

I will never miss out on this RP. I have too much to lose (for the first time in my life)--I can't ever miss a chance to RP with so many amazing people!

And from what I see, Takeshi will need to lock his doors when he sleeps; I know for sure Natsumi's spirit will strangle him once it gets past his door.


Me, too~

I think we have enough members, so I hope we can start soon.

(I still need to post my relationship chart, though, but I can't since mobile is rebelling against me and I'm losing the battle...)
@Corgi hopes to start really soon, and i'm not sure if i'm supposed to reveal this, but when i say really soon, i mean like, tomorrow soon.

you are all super sugar sweet, so i can't wait to chat more with you!

also if i was not supposed to say that i fear corgs might kill me or something rude like that so please protect me
You guys are so sweet, gahhh!! Don't worry my dear, KATSUMI IS HERE!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That doesn't sound like a bad idea. It might be ironic, too.

But I want to discover more of everyone's character before I tie down mine, though I will definitely keep the possibility in mind.

It's going to be very interesting if such a thing happens. xD

For a ship name, I think "Natsushi" works well with the tongue, though I find the word 'sushi' that formed a little out of place. >.<
Tanaka Ryuzaki - Ione Aelia

"Hmm? Who?....oh. She's weird I guess...?"

First time Ryuzaki took notice of this girl was when he was walking home after a game of street ball and noticed her cuddling a stray dog. He stopped and stared for a second until she to a glance at him, it didn't phase him though. I guess it didn't her either, she just waved with a smile and he just continued on his way. Doubt she remembers though...it was about a year ago. Then there was another time when she tried tackling him for some reason but he dodged it and began squeezing her head for about thirty seconds before walking away.

@Wataru [/i]

Tanaka Ryuzaki - Narusaki Yumi[/color]

"We've hung out since out first year of junior high..."

Ryuzaki first met Yumi on the rooftop of their junior high school. He was secretly smoking a cigarette in silence when suddenly she came up there as well. The girl scolded him and said the teacher sent her to bring him back to class.

Yes, he was really young at the time...but...he was going through a lot so that's when he first started smoking.

Ever since that day, Ryuzaki has always just randomly followed Yumi around for no reason; he picks on her a lot but doesn't consider them enemies...friends neither. Although they look like friends a lot, Ryuzaki will deny it and say she's no one special.

@Leaf Fi

Does mine look okay? ^^^^^
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