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Realistic or Modern .:The Typicality of Anime Schools:.

Should We Have Dorms?

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[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]Ryuzaki is always playing street ball by himself or with random people he doesn't know. I wouldn't say he gets along with everyone but he's perfectly fine with putting up with anyone.
He just doesn't care at all. Most likely he'll piss someone off on accident but a lot of times he does it on purpose...

Am I missing anything?

Are there school uniforms? c:

'Ello, 'ello, 'ello! Welcome, Suzumaki!

And we're gonna be getting ones ^-^

[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]Ryuzaki is always playing street ball by himself or with random people he doesn't know. I wouldn't say he gets along with everyone but he's perfectly fine with putting up with anyone.
He just doesn't care at all. Most likely he'll piss someone off on accident but a lot of times he does it on purpose...

Am I missing anything?

Are there school uniforms? c:

You're good <3





Various accessories are allowed such as headbands, socks, sweaters, hoodies to go over the uniform, etc. You can wear whatever shoes you'd like.
Since Maki looks so much like a female, would it be okay if everyone thought he was a girl? Like, he got permission from the school to wear a girl's uniform, and he talks pretty high-pitched so no one really knows. Just to add some drama to the whole thing, someone accidentally finds out? HOW DOES THIS SOUND BC I RLLY LIKE THE SOUND OF IT!

[QUOTE="Zero Gravity]Since Maki looks so much like a female, would it be okay if everyone thought he was a girl? Like, he got permission from the school to wear a girl's uniform, and he talks pretty high-pitched so no one really knows. Just to add some drama to the whole thing, someone accidentally finds out? HOW DOES THIS SOUND BC I RLLY LIKE THE SOUND OF IT!

The only problem with that is wouldn't at least a few of them know about Maki being a guy? Since everyone knows eachother magically.
Corgi said:
The only problem with that is wouldn't at least a few of them know about Maki being a guy? Since everyone knows eachother magically.
Yeah, that's kinda what I was getting at I guess? Like, only his close friends know about it, and maybe some people who've been a little too sneaky.
Sorry I'm late!

Well, I think it's time to describe my own character. xD

(But may I add: I might create another character or two tomorrow if I'm up to it. It all depends on how everything goes, and I'm not sure what I'm basing this on....)

For those who don't want to read long things:

Takeshi is rude, dismissive, and looks down on people most of the time.

Full, but short explanation:

Takeshi is somewhat along the lines of antisocial, so he will give short and curt replies when he absolutely needs to talk. Everything he says reveals as little as possible about him, so it would be reasonable that no one knows his history (any bit of it unless your character was a part of his history in a sense) or almost anything about him for that matter.

(Anyone can define his personality without a problem, but as for personal things, he's never said anything to anyone. Also, things he likes and such are not said by him; people can find out by observing).

As for first time meetings, Takeshi has little to no facial expression, but that doesn't mean he can't get annoyed, surprised, etc., so even you can't get him to scream when you attempt to scare him, he might accidentally punch you or show a bit of shock on his face.


Takeshi can be VERY rude and unlikable, even when he knows your character for a while. While I am posting, please remember that I have nothing against your character or you as an RPNation user.

(I tend to go out of character if I stray even a little from his personality)

I don't think I need to add anything else for now...Or maybe I do? >.<
macaron said:
Sorry I'm late!
Well, I think it's time to describe my own character. xD

(But may I add: I might create another character or two tomorrow if I'm up to it. It all depends on how everything goes, and I'm not sure what I'm basing this on....)

For those who don't want to read long things:

Takeshi is rude, dismissive, and looks down on people most of the time.

Full, but short explanation:

Takeshi is somewhat along the lines of antisocial, so he will give short and curt replies when he absolutely needs to talk. Everything he says reveals as little as possible about him, so it would be reasonable that no one knows his history (any bit of it unless your character was a part of his history in a sense) or almost anything about him for that matter.

(Anyone can define his personality without a problem, but as for personal things, he's never said anything to anyone. Also, things he likes and such are not said by him; people can find out by observing).

As for first time meetings, Takeshi has little to no facial expression, but that doesn't mean he can't get annoyed, surprised, etc., so even you can't get him to scream when you attempt to scare him, he might accidentally punch you or show a bit of shock on his face.


Takeshi can be VERY rude and unlikable, even when he knows your character for a while. While I am posting, please remember that I have nothing against your character or you as an RPNation user.

(I tend to go out of character if I stray even a little from his personality)

I don't think I need to add anything else for now...Or maybe I do? >.<

-The crowd goes wild again-

What an astounding explination!

@Suzumaki Arakai

You never know until you try~

Well, I can see that they'll probably fight often, but a friendship is a bit boring if everyone's all mushy and nice to each other, right?

( xD ....what am I saying???)

[someone please slap some sense into me--I've entered by 'No Logic' Mode... X.X]
macaron said:
@Suzumaki Arakai
You never know until you try~

Well, I can see that they'll probably fight often, but a friendship is a bit boring if everyone's all mushy and nice to each other, right?

( xD ....what am I saying???)

[someone please slap some sense into me--I've entered by 'No Logic' Mode... X.X]
Don't worry, I've been in that mode for HOURS
Corgi said:

-The crowd goes wild again-

What an astounding explination!

You're too kind to me....

I was on mobile (until moments ago) so it was annoying to type that with the screen constantly going up on its own. >.<

But I literally cannot stay away from this RP page.

It's addicting to talk to everyone here!
because i finally realized what you guys are talking about, i feel obligated to say that mikan is a big doofus who loves everything and everyone. he's pretty easygoing and is pretty chill regardless of how you treat him, so, y'know, takeshi's cool aloofness and ryuzaki being an adorable athletic asshole will not faze him in the slightest. just saying~~~~~~~~
I already posed a small question about Maki's gender, so that's what that is. If you guys could give me some feedback on that, it would be lovely. :-)

Maki is over-friendly and a bit like a mama bird. He becomes terribly over-bearing and protective over his friends, and he continuously makes sure they're okay and safe. The boy is constantly radiating a somewhat glitter-like aura, and is super happy all of the time. However, he gets flustered easily and can be a bit sensitive when it comes to harsh words and insults. He tries not to take it to heart, but he sucks it up most of the time. Also, if someone flirts with him and he isn't too flustered, he most certainly will flirt back. He will get extremely flustered after, so excuse that mess that he always makes of himself.

[QUOTE="Leaf Fi]Now I gotta sleep ;-; I'll talk to you all in the morning! Night~ *huggles for all!~*

get some sleep u tiny little leaf u <33333
mikko said:
because i finally realized what you guys are talking about, i feel obligated to say that mikan is a big doofus who loves everything and everyone. he's pretty easygoing and is pretty chill regardless of how you treat him, so, y'know, takeshi's cool aloofness and ryuzaki being an adorable athletic asshole will not faze him in the slightest. just saying~~~~~~~~
It's reassuring to know that at least someone will get along with Takeshi for sure (a male, as there is also a happy, loving female in the RP group~).

Sometimes, I wonder why I created him--in real life, I would probably hit someone like him if he was a close friend. >.>;

(In other words, the character and creator will be fighting almost 24/7)

[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]Lmfao, you used Tanaka Kou for Takashi right?


In all honestly, I had no idea who to use.

I mean, there are so many personalities and people to match them.

So I looked up "Top Favorite Anime Guys" and the list appears. I see Mabuchi Kou (which is his name for most of the show).

And I'm like "BINGO, I WIN."

That's literally what happened. xDDD

[QUOTE="Leaf Fi]Now I gotta sleep ;-; I'll talk to you all in the morning! Night~ *huggles for all!~*

Good night~

Also, don't be surprised if you see me under your bed. ^.^

(Okay, I think I need some sleep, too....I'm worrying myself...)


[QUOTE="Zero Gravity]I already posed a small question about Maki's gender, so that's what that is. If you guys could give me some feedback on that, it would be lovely. :-)
Maki is over-friendly and a bit like a mama bird. He becomes terribly over-bearing and protective over his friends, and he continuously makes sure they're okay and safe. The boy is constantly radiating a somewhat glitter-like aura, and is super happy all of the time. However, he gets flustered easily and can be a bit sensitive when it comes to harsh words and insults. He tries not to take it to heart, but he sucks it up most of the time. Also, if someone flirts with him and he isn't too flustered, he most certainly will flirt back. He will get extremely flustered after, so excuse that mess that he always makes of himself.

get some sleep u tiny little leaf u <33333

Oh my god, I am so scared for Takeshi to meet Maki because I don't want to see Maki sad....

I think I just dug my own grave.... X.X

It's understandable--I should have just made a sum-up section.

I'm sorry I wrote so much--it's what happens when I'm excited for an RP.

Not that writing a lot guarantees being accepted, but I feel like I can't disappoint anyone, if you know what I mean.

But it's a double-edged sword because it tires me out to the point I'm literally all out of ideas. xD

All I need to do now is remember everyone with my awesome short-term memory.... ^.^

I didn't notice this before, but all characters have to either be 14 or 15, so please change his to 15.

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