The Twilight Half-blood

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/2014-12-30-07-24-01--401870078.jpeg.4c3d333d7be34a980ca49821543f3e15.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51292" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/2014-12-30-07-24-01--401870078.jpeg.4c3d333d7be34a980ca49821543f3e15.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


(In human form she has the horn, wings, ears and tail)

Full name:

Skylar Moon


Age (15-20):




Sexual Orientation:


Powers (Maximum of 2):

•Shadow travel/manipulation: she can walk through shadows and come out others or manipulate them to meet her needs at the time being

•Future sight: at certain times she can see the either distant or far future, this is triggered by touch

Weaknesses/ Limitations:

Seeing the future makes her very drowzy and they are usually short thought her shadow magic dose not take up that much energy


Brave, strong, kind, protective, sensitive, caring, stubborn, curious and playful

Likes (minimum of 5):


•Night time




Dislikes (minimum of 5):



•Spicy food




Hurting someone she cares for, small spaces, needles and loud noises


She was born as an alicorn in a dark beautiful meadow on a full moon her coat shined like the night sky (that's where she gets her name) she grew up with a fairly good life till the age of 6 when her parents where killed by hunters she ran and got away and for the first time she has lived in human form for about 3 years now

Writing sample:

'They can teach me to learn my powers?' Sky thought to herself when she walked up to the school wearing newly bought clothes consisting of a grey T-shirt, dull forest green hoodie, jean shorts and black convers. With her hair in a "pony tail" (sorry that was bad) tied by a blue ribbon her wings folded behind her back, ears perked and her tail swishing behind her she approached the school anxious to get started.




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The "pony tail" thing killed me LOL. You're accepted :D Got ya a new trainee @Newtype

Alright guys..i'm going to ATTEMPT to make a female.






Full name: Fumi Nishidake

Age (15-20): 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Powers (Maximum of 2):

Aether Manipulation:
The power to generate and manipulate Aether (also called Ether in some circles), the unique essence that flows through most of existence.

Aethikinetic Combat: The power to combine Aether and physical combat.

Weaknesses/ Limitations: She can only be in one state of mind at a time. When posing as a normal human, she is normal. But when she changes and uses the side of her that controls Aether. Her entire personality changes and she is stuck, unable to change back for a full 24 hours.


In her human form, Fumi is a very quiet person who loves nothing more than music. Smooth rock, alternative stuff. She doesn't have many friends, nor does she really like a lot of people. She thinks they are annoying anyway. It would take someone very special for her to like them at all. She is a vegetarian and will back it up in any way at all. She loves animals and is a very down to earth person.

Aether: Okay, Imagine Human Fumi. Now take a huge 180. There is Aether Fumi. Aether Fumi is very loud and loves to interact with everyone. Also a music lover..but more of metal and heavy stuff. She knows all and sees all. Also in a way..she flirts with EVERY guys she meets Aether Fumi loves meat and almost completely hates vegetables. The only thing she has in common with Human Fumi, she loves animals as well.

Likes (minimum of 5):


- Animals

- Salads

- Forests

- Rainy weather

- Her Headphones (Seriously don't try to take them from her.)


- Animals

- Bacon

- Being with groups of people

- Fire, heat..anything hot.

- Her Headphones (Again..don't try and take them from her.)

Dislikes (minimum of 5):

(They share common dislikes)

- Swimming

- Heavy Clothing

- "Ear Buds.."


- Snakes


(They share common fears.)

- Killing

- Falling in love

- Never falling in love


Born to a normal family living the normal life in Tokyo, Japan. Fumi's family moved to the United States when she was just 3 years old. Her family however had a dark reason for leaving Tokyo. Her father was a murderer. Fumi was too young to understand it all, and when she became about 10 years old it finally all dropped onto her. Sirens and blue lights everywhere. They had found her father. She cried for days, Fumi's mom had committed suicide of the fact that her husband was gone forever, leaving Fumi all alone. She was brought into Foster care and taken in by a humbly rich man and woman. Hisago was the man's name. Fumi however kept her old last name. One day she had stumbled into Hisago's lab and found a vile of yellow liquid, looked like apple juice. Fumi was not aware of what she had been holding and decided to drink it. Hisago came back later to find her on the ground unconscious and with golden hair. Hisago looked around and found a sticker on the ground that read 'Aether' She had drank an extraction from an Aether user, not enough for it to be permanent. She woke up hours later with her normal hair back and almost better than before. She had been able to change back and forth between forms and became power crazy in her Aether form, almost killing Hisago, his wife and their newly adopted son Takao. She fled and began to live a life on her own, looking for answers. She decided to look for Takao, lucky on her endeavors, she found him at Kieran academy and followed him ever since. Now she is ready to reveal herself and become stronger, learn her powers and right her wrongs in attempting to kill Hisago and Takao.
Apperance:(she wears the ears and tail just for fun)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/2763046234b8c0c3c4d9bd9c1be6fc35.jpg.0c32ffd8736ac24f93080a29b4db8604.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51374" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/2763046234b8c0c3c4d9bd9c1be6fc35.jpg.0c32ffd8736ac24f93080a29b4db8604.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full name:Jade Rose

Age (15-20):18


Sexual Orientation:Straight

Powers (Maximum of 2):she can change into certain armor with a weapon that gives her certain abilities and resistances. Like say if an opponent used fire magic, she would wear the fire empress armor and the fire wouldn't do as much damage to her but still starts to break it. And the weapon comes with the armor that affects the opponent, there's different weapons for each.

She's light on her feet, allowing her to run quick and with ease for long periods of time, leaving now footprints.

Weaknesses/ Limitations: during battle when the armor is broken she can't use it again

Personality:Easily angry, over reacts, fun, barely screams like an actual girl,Can be terrifying

Likes (minimum of 5): Cheese cake, having fun, relaxing, friends

Dislikes (minimum of 5): being embarrassed,being hurt, the dark, idiots, friends getting hurt

Fears:loosing someone close

Bio:Jade was born an only child, her parents didn't care for her and eventually forced her to do everything, they beat her if she didn't do something right or got in trouble, eventually she got angry and lashed out leaving them forever, and eventually found her way to the guild.



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Apperance (Place an image, anime Preferred): Normal Form

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/that_unforgettable_battle_by_kawacy-d7hxtuf.jpg.6e6085d41cfc62da26e950922329ec30.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51560" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/that_unforgettable_battle_by_kawacy-d7hxtuf.jpg.6e6085d41cfc62da26e950922329ec30.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.e7905ec514a5b9f6ecb512be06c637d9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51557" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.e7905ec514a5b9f6ecb512be06c637d9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Anime-boy-with-black-hair-tumblr-hhbdeiz3.jpg.49da3db922dbe20c5fcd9a50f0ad4dff.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51558" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Anime-boy-with-black-hair-tumblr-hhbdeiz3.jpg.49da3db922dbe20c5fcd9a50f0ad4dff.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/thJ55Y7E09.jpg.5fdb43d4c61f5e9ae220df236b1483c7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51559" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/thJ55Y7E09.jpg.5fdb43d4c61f5e9ae220df236b1483c7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Nether Form

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/icedemon_assassin_by_benedickbana-d5olpgo.jpg.e1db5df1c44248d4f290dc4525ef6cc4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51556" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/icedemon_assassin_by_benedickbana-d5olpgo.jpg.e1db5df1c44248d4f290dc4525ef6cc4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

Full name: Nether Nobody

Age (15-20): 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bi

Powers (Maximum of 2): Nether manipulation; generate, conjure, and manipulate Nether, the essence that flows through the realms of the Living and the Dead. The source of powers such as Death-Force, Dark Arts, Necromancy, and Mediumship. The opposite force of Aether Manipulation.

Weaknesses/ Limitations: Aether. He can use some of his Nether manipulation abilities when he is in his human form. However in his Nether form he can use far more. He can be in his Nether for sometime. However when he goes back to human form, his powers weaken significantly. It'll take a half a day to get his powers back to normal, but he has to wait two days till he can use his Nether form again.

Personality: He is very prideful and looks down on almost everyone even if they are a million times strong than him. He doesn't respect anyone and it's not easy to gain it. He is very sarcastic and usually keeps a blank face on. If you don't interest him then he won't even acknowledge you existence. He doesn't give a damn about others and their lives. He's pretty much a master actor and knows how to fake a variety of emotions. Rarely to nether does he actually care.

Likes (minimum of 5):






Dislikes (minimum of 5):



People thinking they are better than him

The color pink


Fears: That he may actually fall for someone or start to care. He is worried if either of those things happen he may hold back and end up dead.

Nether was born in a completely different dimension. In his dimension everyone had powers, and there was a caste system, your power determined you position. He was born to a long line of Nether manipulators, who's family is believed to be the descendent of the creator of Nether, and nothingness. Really that is a legend, whether is true or no has yet to be determined. Anyway! Being the only son of the Nobody family, a family that is highly regarded he was taught many ways to control his powers.

It was soon found out that Nether actually had far more control, and power than most of his descendants. This worried many people greatly, cause to much power would be a huge threat to their world and dimension. It at first started as a small worry, but soon sides were being taken and fights broke out...and then a full scale war happened. The war was against Aether users and Nehter users along with the everyone else who sadly got in the middle of this.

The war lasted a long while, but with each side practically even in terms of pretty much everything, it showed no signs in stopping...however nothing was being gained and many were just losing. Stars and plants got decimated in this war, trillions of lives on both side lost. And all because Nether had more power than the rest. Had he been older, then maybe he could have stopped all of this useless fighting. However this war started when he was three, and it didn't end till he was seven.

Now the war didn't end because they came to an, it ended because there was no one left to fight it. The head of the Nether and Aether family ended up killing each other, but the battle was so epic that it destroyed the home plant as well as half of his dimension. When the fight came to an end, the power user, actually every living thing was near extinction. Even with the survivors the dimension was lost, there was no way to repair it even with their absolute power. So the few survivors decide to abandon that dimension and go to a new one.

Only a few were chosen to go, and they were all sent to different ones. Nether was sent to this dimension and was forced to learn how to survive on his own. He found that task rather easy since compared to his, the people here were weak and had far fewer, but more competent power users. He traveled all around till he heard about this camp which peaked his interest. The idea od seeing this dimensions potential interested him more than anything so he decide to go....



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Emarni Callidus Kieran || Seventeen || Female || Heterosexual



Weaknesses/ Limitations:

She gets pretty worn out from using her powers.

Also, they don't tend to work very well when she's miserable.


She's a whiny pissbaby

Emarni has... Matured a little since the siblings last met. She is still a spoilt brat that is very intent on getting her way and she's still very easily pissed off. She's not as reliant on her brother anymore as she has survived on her own for a while now. She is still prone to slight psychotic episodes (but no more throwing people down elevator shafts, I swear). She is more confident in her abilities and as a result, more in control of them. She forgets things sometimes, long term amnesia will do bad things to your ability to remember.

Also, a tiny weeny bit yandere but kinda tsundere.




Her brother

Slaughtering people





Bright lights


Being lost

Feeling weak


Small spaces



I had to tweak her backstory but fuck whatever

Emarni Callidus Kieran was born seventeen years ago to a pretty nice family. Then, their parents got murdered and that totally sucked. Emarni got locked in a facility for beings with supernatural powers. Even after she escaped with some friends, she spent a long time trying to evade capture again. She got kind of lost for a while, looking for her brother. But eventually, she got a lead. And now she's found her brother again.


Writing sample:

It had been a very long time. Or perhaps it had been a short time and it just felt like it had been a long time. How long had it been? She wasn't sure. Either way, Emarni was very ready to see her brother again. She'd been ready for a very, very long time. She had made her way all the way to this... School, just to find her brother again. But, then again, he might not be here. All the other places she'd been told to look, she hadn't been able to find him. This could just be another dead end.

Darkness... Did he even go by that anymore? Takao? ... Brother? She called out telepathically as she trekked towards the school. Are you here? I've come to find you. Brother? It's me... Emarni... You haven't forgotten me, have you?
Another telekinesis user, maybe she can give Jasmine a few pointers lol. I can't believe you used Emari from that vampire RP we did way back when. Just have her go to the admin office get her dorm, unpack, and then come to the lecture room. Jace will be expecting her.

this makes me want to bring back my character from that RP
Apperance (Place an image, anime Preferred):


Full name: Travis Knightwalker

Age (15-20): 18

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Powers (Maximum of 2):

@Newtype accepted
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