The Twilight Half-blood

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.7fac86d99a1c4ece0baabd8ab5a14b90.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50959" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.7fac86d99a1c4ece0baabd8ab5a14b90.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full name: Andrew "reptile" black

"Who missed me??"

Age: 20

Gender: male

Sexual orientation: gay

Powers: acidic spit- spit can melt through most objects rapidly

Enhanced reflexes

Weakness: tends to act out when bored or his husband Alex is threatened

Personality: reckless and wild. He can get bored very easily. He'll do whatever it takes to entertain himself and his great imagination helps with that


Having fun

The color green


Alex drake






Big cities

When his husband is upset





His dad was a reptile man....thing? And his mother was a regular human. His dad was around for about five years then he disappeared. Andrew eventually had to be homeschooled after trying to melt peoples faces with a loogie. He was eventually banned from leaving home for the same reason.

He was sitting at home melting trees one day when he got a letter to go to Kieran academy. He thought it would be boring and dredded the whole thing. By the time of the war games he learned he had to make friends for once to his dismay. He later became good friends with Skye and started dating Alex.

After Alex had transformed into drake Andrew stopped seeing him believing that what he had done was unforgivable. He learned that Alex was going to commit suicide and stopped him. They went back together and things with them only got better.

Some way or another Andrew was talked into taking a job at the new and improved academy. He thought it would be boring and dredded the whole thing.....but Alex would be there so it might not be all bad....

(Did you just think I wasn't gonna join kro?? Think again!!)



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Appearance (Place an image, anime Preferred):

Full name: Ink... Just call him Ink (too lazy to go back to look for his original name xD )

Age (15-20): 20

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Powers (Maximum of 2): Sound manipulation. Ink control sound and uses vibrations in the air as his weapon. Other weapon... Guitar (I've had this new improvement in mind for it but never got to use it in the old RP so I'll save it for this one :P ) He could also physically become a manifestation of sound. Except he's improved to move at a speed of Mach 5 and is actually really close to 6 depending on how hard you've ticked him off. The sound waves could either be loud and crushing or soft and piercing. He also uses different strings of his guitar for different sounds. One of them includes a healing/ soothing tune that he uses in case he unintentionally damaged someone's ears with his sound.

Weaknesses/ Limitations: Well... I think it's pretty clear that he could be beaten but uh... One thing is to seperate him from his guitar, which is his main manipulator of sound although it won't entirely stop him from using his voice, even though he has a much more inclined preference to his guitar.

Personality: Ink loves music, and doesn't have anything against speaking his mind and will do it often. He's certainly matured but he isn't afraid to speak up against something he doesn't like. He could come at as a bit arrogant but more than anything, he just loves to give a good time to everyone else.

Likes (minimum of 5):




-Playing music

-Being center stage

Dislikes (minimum of 5):





-He's a teacher now so you'd bet he'll keep unruly students in line... Sometimes lol

Fears: Sore throats, and losing his guitar. Most of all, losing Lily

Bio: (Meh xD I'll just try to sum this up as much as possible) Firstly, well... Ink loves music. Dancing too but mainly the music. He loves making others smile and laugh. Always enjoys having a good time. Of course, his highschool years involved him falling in love with Lily who is also a teacher at the school. Ink has matured... Somewhat. He retains his usual air of partying about him but he certainly isn't as arrogant as he used to be.

Writing sample: (This is just so I can see how you write, write how your character feels about getting into The Twilight Half-blood): Do I have to do this? If so... Meh... Fine xD


Penance said:
Since recently bitch!!! Alot can happen in 4 years!! xD
At the age of 20...? Wait... You graduate from highschool at the age of 18... Wtf? That's two years, pass math betch xD
No, none of you from the old RP need to do the writing sample. Also we know just how to beat you Rap. Just act like i'm gonna hit you. That's how I beat you the first time :D
KroNicc115 said:
No, none of you from the old RP need to do the writing sample. Also we know just how to beat you Rap. Just act like i'm gonna hit you. That's how I beat you the first time :D
Well he ain't even close to be so much of a pushover this time so wotch it mate -_- lol
rapjack123 said:
Appearance (Place an image, anime Preferred):

Full name: Ink... Just call him Ink (too lazy to go back to look for his original name xD )

Age (15-20): 20

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Powers (Maximum of 2): Sound manipulation. Ink control sound and uses vibrations in the air as his weapon. Other weapon... Guitar (I've had this new improvement in mind for it but never got to use it in the old RP so I'll save it for this one :P ) He could also physically become a manifestation of sound. Except he's improved to move at a speed of Mach 5 and is actually really close to 6 depending on how hard you've ticked him off. The sound waves could either be loud and crushing or soft and piercing. He also uses different strings of his guitar for different sounds. One of them includes a healing/ soothing tune that he uses in case he unintentionally damaged someone's ears with his sound.

Weaknesses/ Limitations: Well... I think it's pretty clear that he could be beaten but uh... One thing is to seperate him from his guitar, which is his main manipulator of sound although it won't entirely stop him from using his voice, even though he has a much more inclined preference to his guitar.

Personality: Ink loves music, and doesn't have anything against speaking his mind and will do it often. He's certainly matured but he isn't afraid to speak up against something he doesn't like. He could come at as a bit arrogant but more than anything, he just loves to give a good time to everyone else.

Likes (minimum of 5):




-Playing music

-Being center stage

Dislikes (minimum of 5):





-He's a teacher now so you'd bet he'll keep unruly students in line... Sometimes lol

Fears: Sore throats, and losing his guitar. Most of all, losing Lily

Bio: (Meh xD I'll just try to sum this up as much as possible) Firstly, well... Ink loves music. Dancing too but mainly the music. He loves making others smile and laugh. Always enjoys having a good time. Of course, his highschool years involved him falling in love with Lily who is also a teacher at the school. Ink has matured... Somewhat. He retains his usual air of partying about him but he certainly isn't as arrogant as he used to be.

Writing sample: (This is just so I can see how you write, write how your character feels about getting into The Twilight Half-blood): Do I have to do this? If so... Meh... Fine xD


At the age of 20...? Wait... You graduate from highschool at the age of 18... Wtf? That's two years, pass math betch xD
Dude....because of magic he pulled it off.....beat that (B')


(5'6/100 Ib)

Full name: Siezzy Meiz

Age: 15 (In human years)

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual



Enhanced Strength/Durability

Weaknesses/ Limitations:

Anything holy


Like mother like daughter...

Siezzy has two sides to her personality, her more demon like side and her more human like side. Her demonic-like personality is overall dominate unless she eats certain foods, which will be listed later. This side of her is Stoic in nature, coming across as if she had no emotions and sometimes rude, even if she isn't meaning to be rude. She does not understand social and emotional interactions as well as others.

The more human side of Siezzy is a sweet girl, she likes to help others in any way she can, she too is not a big fan of violence. She talks with others and interacts like a normal girl, the complete opposite of her other persona. She is very shy when people focus attention on her, and unlike her mother, will run away if she blushes too much

Both sides of her though like to read, she often can be found reading alone and on a rare occasion with a cup of hot chocolate; her favorite thing in the world. When you don't see her reading then she is usually looking for another book to read, Siezzy is a bookworm at heart.

She is also a lot like her father, she is very mellow going and hates to fight, unless necessary of course, and is quiet lazy.


+ Relaxing

+ Sleeping

+ Reading

+ Fried Zucchini

+ Hot Chocolate

+ Helping others

+ Talking with others

+ Joking (Human side only)

+ Beaches (Human side only)

+ Darkness (Demon side only)

+ Kiwis

- Talking about herself (Human side only)

- Being alone (Human side only)

- Arrogance/rudeness

- Sunlight (Demon side only)

- Fighting

- Yelling

- Anything Spicy

- Lies

- Potatoes... F*&king potatoes


- Fears Drowning

- Hates spiders with a burning passion

- Never finding love and acceptance

Foods that change her:


Solid Chocolate



Siezzys' parents attended Kieran Academy a few years back before leaving to go back to the village as it was under seige. After defending the village the two settled down and fell in love, somehow, and had her shortly after. Since she was a Succubus she ages faster then the rest of the world in terms of human looks, she being 15 now. Her father wanted her to go to the school and study for a full high school education, something neither of them have.

(Extra: Can you guess the parents?
xD )
Last edited by a moderator:
Federoff said:

Full name: Siezzy Meiz

Age: 15 (In human years)

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual



Enhanced Strength/Durability

Weaknesses/ Limitations:

Anything holy


Like mother like daughter...

Siezzy has two sides to her personality, her more demon like side and her more human like side. Her demonic-like personality is overall dominate unless she eats certain foods, which will be listed later. This side of her is Stoic in nature, coming across as if she had no emotions and sometimes rude, even if she isn't meaning to be rude. She does not understand social and emotional interactions as well as others.

The more human side of Siezzy is a sweet girl, she likes to help others in any way she can, she too is not a big fan of violence. She talks with others and interacts like a normal girl, the complete opposite of her other persona. She is very shy when people focus attention on her, and unlike her mother, will run away if she blushes too much

Both sides of her though like to read, she often can be found reading alone and on a rare occasion with a cup of hot chocolate; her favorite thing in the world. When you don't see her reading then she is usually looking for another book to read, Siezzy is a bookworm at heart.

She is also a lot like her father, she is very mellow going and hates to fight, unless necessary of course, and is quiet lazy.


+ Relaxing

+ Sleeping

+ Reading

+ Fried Zucchini

+ Hot Chocolate

+ Helping others

+ Talking with others

+ Joking (Human side only)

+ Beaches (Human side only)

+ Darkness (Demon side only)

+ Kiwis

- Talking about herself (Human side only)

- Being alone (Human side only)

- Arrogance/rudeness

- Sunlight (Demon side only)

- Fighting

- Yelling

- Anything Spicy

- Lies

- Potatoes... F*&king potatoes


- Fears Drowning

- Hates spiders with a burning passion

- Never finding love and acceptance

Foods that change her:


Solid Chocolate



Siezzys' parents attended Kieran Academy a few years back before leaving to go back to the village as it was under seige. After defending the village the two settled down and fell in love, somehow, and had her shortly after. Since she was a Succubus she ages faster then the rest of the world in terms of human looks, she being 15 now. Her father wanted her to go to the school and study for a full high school education, something neither of them have.

(Extra: Can you guess the parents?
xD )
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.44729f8d330deb424e456777fb5111c8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50961" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.44729f8d330deb424e456777fb5111c8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Full name: Lily Maricela

Age (15-20): 18

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual (Though is currently in a relationship)

Powers (Maximum of 2): Deception, Flying, The healing thing Hisago taught her (Loopholes? ;D)

Weaknesses/ Limitations: Fire, Deceptive powers do not work on someone who can understand that they are being deceived by that power, poor swimmer

Personality: Lily, while somewhat anti-social, can be kind and dependable. Some describe her as too honest and blunt. Others says she has a dark air to her and can come off as distant and brooding. Those who know her well might say she's determined and loyal.

Likes (minimum of 5):

- Ink

- Flying

- Novels

- The sound of music

- Moonlight

Dislikes (minimum of 5):

- Being told how to do things

- Arrogance

- Cruelty

- Coconut

- Deep water



-Losing Ink

-Being somehow drawn away from earth

Bio: Lily was once an angel in heaven, serving the Gods to her best ability, and was well known in the Divine community. That was until she made a mistake. A poor decision was all it took for her to fall. And she fell because she trusted the wrong person. Humans were given forgiveness, but that was not the case for angels. Stripped of her divinity, she fell to earth as the equivalent of an adolescent human. She retained dark new powers and started her life living among the humans. Eventually, she planned to challenge the one who was also at fault for her fall: Her brother, although she has long given up on this unrealistic goal. Now she spends her time with former classmates and her lover, Ink.


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