The Twilight Half-blood

Name || Jasmine (Jazzy) Maricela


Age (15-20): 16

"Sixteen... Sixty... I can still beat you."

Gender: Female

"What are you trying to say, huh?"

Sexual Orientation: Pan-Demisexuel

"I don't think of many people like that."

Powers (Maximum of 2): Flying, Telekinesis

"Do you like flying too? Into walls?"

Weaknesses/ Limitations: Can't fight physically, Has a horrible temper which can sometimes inhibit her focus

"Don't get cocky."

Personality: Jasmine is known for her hot-headedness. It's very easy for her to get angry and she has a horrible temper. She does kind things but don't expect her to be gentle about it. Other emotions are hard for her to express and she'll usually just get angry instead. On the outside, she's tough and heated but on the inside she tends to hurt and feel lonely.

"How about you shut your mouth?"

Likes (minimum of 5):

- Video Games

-Her sister (Denies it)

- Animals (Denies it)

- Singing (Denies it)

- Company (Denies it)

"I play a lot of video games. Something I definitely love about the humans. That's about it."

Dislikes (minimum of 5):

- People getting in her face

- Her sister (Yes, I said her twice)

- Expression of gentle emotions

- Judgment/Misunderstanding from others

- Losing


- Utter seclusion

- Closed spaces


Jasmine worked alongside her sister in Heaven for a very long time. Despite Jasmine's temper, Lily hung around her and did what she could for the small girl, loving her all the same. Then, when Lily fell, Jasmine went crazy. It broke her heart and all of her feelings were consume in anger. She hated their brother for causing Lily to fall and hated Lily for leaving her by herself.

Recently, Jasmine escaped Heaven to search for her sister. She told everyone it was to confront her about her negative feelings toward her sister, but really, Jasmine missed her.

Writing sample:

"Where is she?!" Jasmine snarled at the maid. Although Minerva was a good foot taller, she cringed from the small girl's wrath. "Sh-Sh-She is gone. Went away." The maid took a few steps back when the table lamp beside Jasmine exploded. She clenched her teeth in frustration and sighed. "Tell me where she is. I need to see my sister." Minerva blinked once, calming a bit. "Your sister?"

A few minutes later, Minerva was handing over a small slip of paper with the address. "It's sweet you want to see Lily." The maid was obviously nervous but tried not to upset the angry girl. Jasmine pocketed the paper and began walking out the door. Calling over her shoulder, she said, "Yeah, I want to fight her." Minerva was left dumbfounded standing in the foyer.​

Yey. And even more. \o/
Skye "Kai" Doranvol

  • Appearance:




    She now sports a Tattoo on her left arm. ^~^

    Full Name: Skye "Kai" Doranvol

    Age: 21

    Gender: Female

    Sexual Orientation: Straight (Was unsure until she fell for the most handsome man she ever saw.)

Alright well I believe we have everyone so.. @Newtype would you be the first to respond to the RP?

(5'7/ 120 Ib)

Full name: Ace

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual


Smoke walking: The ability to turn into smoke

Smoke manipulation: The ability to control, create, and manipulate smoke

Weaknesses/ Limitations:

Wind powers

His own curiosity



Ace is a... very very very disturbed individual, he likes to bring pain and suffering on others and likes to mess around with people, he suffers from a major case of M.P.D. Although, for the most part, it is always around messing with people, he is just kinda twisted at the core. He hates the sunlight with a strong passion for no apparent reason and is always talking about blood and dying, did I mention he likes to hurt himself for no reason at all? No? well that is the case... The boy is also very curious, often doing stuff no one would think of doing, like trying cat food. Ace usually likes to walk around in a straight jacket to mess with people, and does not hurt anything he deems cute, like spiders.


+ Messing with others

+ Blood

+ Talking about blood and death

+ Hurting others

+ Hurting himself

+ Roast Beef

+ Spiders

+ Insects

- Losing

- Not Knowing stuff

- Oranges

- Cat Food

- Boxes (Because he doesn't know what's in them)




Ace was born into a village in the middle of the jungle years ago, 15 to be exact :3, into a family that did not want him or care for him, and so they gave him away to the modern explorers when they found their village. He claims to remember this, and so this is the start on his journey to insanity. When they returned to the modern world, his adoptive parents quickly died from a disease they picked up in the forest, and so he was given to an orphanage where he spent most of his childhood life, up to the age of 6. When he turned 6 he accidentally caught the house on fire, claiming that he wondered how toasters really worked. This happened 3 more times over the span of a year for different reasons, and so was declared "unstable in the mind" and sent to a psychiatric ward to receive treatment for 7 years, where they discovered he had power over smoke. He got out last year and was sent to this guild to learn how to control his powers.... how did he get out you ask? Easy, he walked out the door :3


Full name: Alfons Tospt

Age (15-20):16


Sexual Orientation:Heterosexual

Powers (Maximum of 2):

-Ice Of Kings:He had born with the unique capability to make ice and control it , but the ice he controls is unique , the ice he makes is in full control of Alfons and depending of his power and magic he will be capable of destroying a wall of concrete or just make a flower of ice,his ability is stronger in winter and cold days.

-Heir of the Realm:For every person he gets under his command , his ability to control ice becomes stronger and makes the people under his command more confident about him and themselfs ,plus the people under his command obtains a bit of his magic and are more capable of following his orders.(I wont use this much i guess)

Weaknesses/ Limitations:

-Ice of kings demands magic depending in the situation , if is summer is more and if is winter a lot less.

-When he gets someone under his command and is hurt or kill , he will feel the pain.(Like a true Noble)

-Maybe fire

Personality:He is arrogant and considers below him , that doesnt mean that he treats them as trash instead he tries to lead them and help them if they need , he distrust the people that he considers equals mostly because he was in a court full of complots and things since child and he tries to do the good when he can , because of his ethics to other people and the education given to him.

Likes (minimum of 5):

-Cold -Music

-Winter -Read

-The Night -Help others

-Practicing his abilities -Cajolery to him


Dislikes (minimum of 5):



-people who consider themselves better than he

-Being interrupted when reading

-That the others ask him a lot for help

Fears:the betrayal , The loose of someone important to him

Bio:He had born in The Realm of Ice , being the heir of the kingdom ,because of this he had been taught to lead and govern over others but there was a problem his father always had trouble with the nobles and in someway ,he was intrigued about what happened in the court what he didnt know is that the nobles was comploting againts his father , one night when he and his mother was going to walk around the palace an arrow cross the air to his mother and killed her ,after that he only stayed in his room until his father told him the truth of what was happened in the court and why his mother was kill,his father taught everything he needed to know and told him that he was going to escape the realm alone and some day claim the realm for himself .Months after his departure news came to him , saying that the King was murdered and the nobles took control of the realm , with this Alfons made a promise to reclaim his realm and kill all the nobles which betrayed his father.

Writing sample:

Alfons today wake up in the palace as always ,the servants dressed him and clean him , his father and mother was waiting for him in the dining room ,with a bow to his father and a kiss to his mother ,then he took seat near them ,

-Father why yesterday you was discussing with a duke

-Dont worry son, is nothing that you need to know now when you grow i will tell you why.

-When i grow , i will be king too ?'

His father a bit worried and thinking about the problems he had ,because of this it was difficult to tell him yes or no

-Yes, you will be king , but you will have to be a good king , never forget that you have to be the best , then others will follow you.

Alfons noticed the anxiety of his father ,he finished and proceded with his normal day.
Federoff said:

(5'7/ 120 Ib)

Full name: Ace

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual


Smoke walking: The ability to turn into smoke

Smoke manipulation: The ability to control, create, and manipulate smoke

Weaknesses/ Limitations:

Wind powers

His own curiosity



Ace is a... very very very disturbed individual, he likes to bring pain and suffering on others and likes to mess around with people, he suffers from a major case of M.P.D. Although, for the most part, it is always around messing with people, he is just kinda twisted at the core. He hates the sunlight with a strong passion for no apparent reason and is always talking about blood and dying, did I mention he likes to hurt himself for no reason at all? No? well that is the case... The boy is also very curious, often doing stuff no one would think of doing, like trying cat food. Ace usually likes to walk around in a straight jacket to mess with people, and does not hurt anything he deems cute, like spiders.


+ Messing with others

+ Blood

+ Talking about blood and death

+ Hurting others

+ Hurting himself

+ Roast Beef

+ Spiders

+ Insects

- Losing

- Not Knowing stuff

- Oranges

- Cat Food

- Boxes (Because he doesn't know what's in them)




Ace was born into a village in the middle of the jungle years ago, 15 to be exact :3, into a family that did not want him or care for him, and so they gave him away to the modern explorers when they found their village. He claims to remember this, and so this is the start on his journey to insanity. When they returned to the modern world, his adoptive parents quickly died from a disease they picked up in the forest, and so he was given to an orphanage where he spent most of his childhood life, up to the age of 6. When he turned 6 he accidentally caught the house on fire, claiming that he wondered how toasters really worked. This happened 3 more times over the span of a year for different reasons, and so was declared "unstable in the mind" and sent to a psychiatric ward to receive treatment for 7 years, where they discovered he had power over smoke. He got out last year and was sent to this guild to learn how to control his powers.... how did he get out you ask? Easy, he walked out the door :3

Murtox said:

Full name: Alfons Tospt

Age (15-20):16


Sexual Orientation:Heterosexual

Powers (Maximum of 2):

-Ice Of Kings:He had born with the unique capability to make ice and control it , but the ice he controls is unique , the ice he makes is in full control of Alfons and depending of his power and magic he will be capable of destroying a wall of concrete or just make a flower of ice,his ability is stronger in winter and cold days.

-Heir of the Realm:For every person he gets under his command , his ability to control ice becomes stronger and makes the people under his command more confident about him and themselfs ,plus the people under his command obtains a bit of his magic and are more capable of following his orders.(I wont use this much i guess)

Weaknesses/ Limitations:

-Ice of kings demands magic depending in the situation , if is summer is more and if is winter a lot less.

-When he gets someone under his command and is hurt or kill , he will feel the pain.(Like a true Noble)

-Maybe fire

Personality:He is arrogant and considers below him , that doesnt mean that he treats them as trash instead he tries to lead them and help them if they need , he distrust the people that he considers equals mostly because he was in a court full of complots and things since child and he tries to do the good when he can , because of his ethics to other people and the education given to him.

Likes (minimum of 5):

-Cold -Music

-Winter -Read

-The Night -Help others

-Practicing his abilities -Cajolery to him


Dislikes (minimum of 5):



-people who consider themselves better than he

-Being interrupted when reading

-That the others ask him a lot for help

Fears:the betrayal , The loose of someone important to him

Bio:He had born in The Realm of Ice , being the heir of the kingdom ,because of this he had been taught to lead and govern over others but there was a problem his father always had trouble with the nobles and in someway ,he was intrigued about what happened in the court what he didnt know is that the nobles was comploting againts his father , one night when he and his mother was going to walk around the palace an arrow cross the air to his mother and killed her ,after that he only stayed in his room until his father told him the truth of what was happened in the court and why his mother was kill,his father taught everything he needed to know and told him that he was going to escape the realm alone and some day claim the realm for himself .Months after his departure news came to him , saying that the King was murdered and the nobles took control of the realm , with this Alfons made a promise to reclaim his realm and kill all the nobles which betrayed his father.

Writing sample:

Alfons today wake up in the palace as always ,the servants dressed him and clean him , his father and mother was waiting for him in the dining room ,with a bow to his father and a kiss to his mother ,then he took seat near them ,

-Father why yesterday you was discussing with a duke

-Dont worry son, is nothing that you need to know now when you grow i will tell you why.

-When i grow , i will be king too ?'

His father a bit worried and thinking about the problems he had ,because of this it was difficult to tell him yes or no

-Yes, you will be king , but you will have to be a good king , never forget that you have to be the best , then others will follow you.

Alfons noticed the anxiety of his father ,he finished and proceded with his normal day.

That makes two more trainees
The person who created the previous rps and had part in this one? Wanting to make a character? HAHAHAHAHA Why would that be a thing?

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