The Twilight Half-blood


The bender of Time and Space.
I am mostly looking for new members to join the guild, I have plenty enough teachers and stuff.

Apperance (Place an image, anime Preferred):

Full name:

Age (15-20):


Sexual Orientation:

Powers (Maximum of 2):

Weaknesses/ Limitations:


Likes (minimum of 5):

Dislikes (minimum of 5):



Writing sample: (This is just so I can see how you write, write how your character feels about getting into The Twilight Half-blood)
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Full name: Takao Rylynn Kieran

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Powers (Maximum of 2):Demi-god, Darkness Manipulation.

Weaknesses/ Limitations: Becoming too power crazy, Water.

Personality: Takao is an all around guy. He loves the world(sure) and he loves everyone(sure). He is nice to everyone when they are nice to him, but the second you turn on him he will not hesitate to take a turn on you. He stands at about 6 feet tall and is very muscular. Takao is powered by rage and anger, While he may not show it often, the angrier he gets, the more power he attains.

Likes (minimum of 5): Darkness, power, Pizza, Black clothes, Hand-held weapons

Dislikes (minimum of 5): Arrogance, Drugs, The light, Water, Feeling weak

Fears: Losing the ones he loves, Spiders.

Bio: Takao lost his parents around the age of 11 to a mysterious person. He was taken in by Hisago at the age of 13, since Hisago's wife was unable to have children. The source too his dark power is a small tear drop necklace that belonged to his mother. How it got there and why there is some weird black liquid inside of it, he will never know. Takao was always taught how to use his powers by Hisago, but decided to come to the school to master them and to be Hisago's right hand man. Takao always respected Hisago and thinks of him as a real father.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.79bc306c5bb60013ea7dddf256ef76bb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50930" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.79bc306c5bb60013ea7dddf256ef76bb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

name: daniel reaver

age: 15

gender: male

sexual orientation: straight

year: freshman

powers: flying, fire breathing, turns into giant dragon when enraged, cant self heal

weaknesses: when in dragon mode slowly saps life out of him, scared of people finding out about him

personality: distant, shy, sad

likes: not being alone, music, also being alone at times

dislikes: being in crowded places, being put on the spot

bio: when his parents where killed when he was five no one would take him in because of what he was. he was bullied every day and resorted to cutting thinking it would ease the pain but it only made it worse so he ran away from his home town after he got enraged and burned half of it to the ground so he enrolled in this school hoping he could start over.

writing sample: As i sat there on a hill over the city watching it burn to the ground i started to cry and though of it. Though of when what stupid kid did to me. Then i though of when i crushed him and burned the city down. It felt so good so good to get revenge on the town that didn't accept me. So good to finally let the power out. So good to hurt them the way they hurt me. I suddenly looked at my hands horrified at the though of my liking it. I cried more as the smoke rose from the city and distant screams and cry's of wounded and mourning moms, dads, sisters, and brothers filled my ears<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.9220496a9a9559d83b7c59deb8de5685.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50931" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.9220496a9a9559d83b7c59deb8de5685.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Apperance (Place an image, anime Preferred):



Full name: Jace Eclipse

Age :20


Sexual Orientation:Straight

Year: Senior

Powers (Maximum of 2): Type 2

Weaknesses/ Limitations: Women(Most dangerous weapon to all men),

Personality:To be revealed in RP

Likes (minimum of 5):Women, Heroics, Variety, Training, and Socializing

Dislikes (minimum of 5): Arrogance, Evil, Unneccesary Collateral damage, Bullies, and Fighting women

Fears: Fighting women, Turning evil, Going Berserk

Bio: He's the son of an angel and a human making him a half angel. Due to this he was always seen as the Golden child of the family, though his father was never in his life. That was until when he turned 14 and awakened to his angelic power, his father returned home to him then. After quite the bit of family drama, his father was able to stay and be his father for once. However, Jace discovered that he could go berserk if he channeled to much power before he's ready. During his episodes his father would surpress his power. He's been training under his fathers watch since then. Jace attended Kieran academy, and by far was one of the most powerful and pacifistic supernatural being in the school. Jace grew and slowly became a bright child, as well as valedictorian the year he graduated. Hisago respected Jace as a student and as a friend, thus appointing him with Takao to create The Twilight Half-blood.
Lol nah dude, you're fine. And if you think I wouldn't accept you then you're stupid. I'm just NOT gonna accept my co-gm lol.
Yea also about that, You have the ability to accept people and make executive decisions in the RP


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/3.jpg.e32106f6e739d99928e5bee93c42f43a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50933" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/3.jpg.e32106f6e739d99928e5bee93c42f43a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/b.jpg.6e7415c3cd213acd476b0725385dc568.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50938" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/b.jpg.6e7415c3cd213acd476b0725385dc568.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/e.jpg.4449d6885086f190818994b27b3e767f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50939" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/e.jpg.4449d6885086f190818994b27b3e767f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Sakamaki_Subaru_240_1720456.jpg.081ef3abdd441ac897a3ad8fd8377bc5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50941" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Sakamaki_Subaru_240_1720456.jpg.081ef3abdd441ac897a3ad8fd8377bc5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Subaru-1.png.5222dc83ff7e85f9b9c39779e8055409.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50942" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Subaru-1.png.5222dc83ff7e85f9b9c39779e8055409.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/7c131e2d380a02d31873fc4c0d98fac6.jpg.be100279b51b2e74788f34edd3535474.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50943" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/7c131e2d380a02d31873fc4c0d98fac6.jpg.be100279b51b2e74788f34edd3535474.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/tumblr_static_anime-boy-with-black-hair-tumblr-goth.jpg.b58dfa769a44768bc9c7c29b3ec1b767.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50936" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/tumblr_static_anime-boy-with-black-hair-tumblr-goth.jpg.b58dfa769a44768bc9c7c29b3ec1b767.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Anime-Guy35.jpg.d601e2e267a2a98ac528addddf5512b4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50937" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Anime-Guy35.jpg.d601e2e267a2a98ac528addddf5512b4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> He has only changed into this person one time and that was when he was a child. When he is like this he becomes completely ruthless and his powers increase. He also can ignore pain for a good while. He only becomes like this when he is beyond terrified or something he loves is taken away from him

Full name: Alex Drake

Age (15-18): 20

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual (Don't bother he's married to Andrew Black)

Powers: Technology manipulation and attributes




Weaknesses/ Limitations:

If he absorbs too much electricity he will slowly and painly fry from the inside and die. Rubber and other non conductible material.


He is ridiculously innocent (yes despite his past and age), he loves to play around and is highly curios. He is also very forgetful (due to his short term memory loss), so if he stops in a middle of a conversation or just walks away after a question is asked he doesn't mean to be rude, he just forgot (however he never forgets when he uses his copy power) If he does something wrong he freaks out and won't stop apologizing. He is easily frightened and can just as easily tear up. He doesn't believe he is strong (though he can rival Takao if he got down right serious), but won't deny a fight even though he will be hesitant. If he sees Andrew badly injured or on the brink of death....... Run b*tch.

Likes (minimum of 5):

Andrew Black



Asking questions

Goofing Off


Dislikes (minimum of 5):

Bitter foods

Remerbering is past


Being frightened

Making people mad at him


That Andrew may die or leave him. Large bodies of water (can't swim).


He was orphaned by the age of nine, before he became an orphan, he lived with his rather large and well off family. He had is mother, father, aunt, uncle, grandmother two older sisters, one older brother, and one younger brother. He was the only one in his family that had any powers, and that's what made his life a hell. His parents and siblings feared him and kept him locked up and chained in a small hidden room. He was beaten often and had a few close calls with death, but one day his close call became too close. His father had pulled a gun on him and actually shoot him, just as he thought he was about to die his mind went blank.

When he opened his eyes he was surrounded by his families’ corpses, he was shocked and knew he did it...though even though he was terrified he was also happy. He laughed and laughed till the cops arrived. Before they entered he stabbed himself so it looked like he also was a victim which barley survived. After he was sent to the hospital and patched up he was then sent to the orphanage.

Everyone in the orphanage hated him for his cleverness (and looks), and the feeling as mutual. He had been adopted several times, but the longest was for two months. After the tenth failed adoption he soon became sick of it and had a hard time at understanding why he kept being rejected.

He stopped caring and kept himself locked up in his room when people tried to adopt him he would do something to make them change their mind since he was so sick of it.

He attended Kieran Academy as well and even with his short term memory he excelled in it. He was the best when it came to anything with tech and electricity. He had attended the War games, an event that had been ruined thanks to Yumi. During this fight with the god he was forced to become Drake. After the fight he remained as Drake for a good while and during this time slaughtered twelve humans.

When he returned to his normal self he realized what he'd done and that sent him into a heavy state of depression. On his graduation day he'd almost committed suicide, but was stopped by his lover Andrew. Thanks to him Alex is still alive and has now taken a job here, ready for anything, as long as Andrew is with him and no one fucks with his pizza.


He is often plagued by nightmare at times he even see shadowy figures of the people he murdered. After he had slaughtered the twelve people these nightmares hae gotten worse. Also only the people at the War games know of Drake..

Writing sample: ((Do you still want this even though I was in the first RP?))



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Peaceswore said:
View attachment 117123

View attachment 117124 He has only changed into this person one time and that was when he was a child. When he is like this he becomes completely ruthless and his powers increase. He also can ignore pain for a good while. He only becomes like this when he is beyond terrified or something he loves is taken away from him

Full name: Alex Drake

Age (15-18): 20

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Powers: Technology manipulation and attributes




Weaknesses/ Limitations:

If he absorbs too much electricity he will slowly and painly fry from the inside and die. He is only immune to his electricity so if he doesn't absorb it he will die. It take a lot out of him to travel through technology, so if he does it too much he will get a high fever and become delirious


He is ridiculously innocent (yes despite his past and age), he loves to play around, highly curios and he's pretty shy. He is also very forgetful, so if he stops in a middle of a conversation or just walks away after a question is asked he doesn't mean to be rude, he just forgot (however he never forgets when he uses his copy power) If he does something wrong he freaks out and won't stop apologizing. He is easily frightened and can just as easily tear up. He doesn't believe he is strong (he is though), but won't deny a fight even though he will be hesitant. If someone he cares about more than his own life gets

Likes (minimum of 5):

Being noticed



Asking questions


Dislikes (minimum of 5):

Bitter foods

Remerbering is past


Being frightened

Making people mad at him


That everyone he knows will abandon him because of his past or just because they all secretly hate him. Large bodies of water (can't swim).


He was orphaned by the age of nine, before he became an orphan, he lived with his rather large and well off family. He had is mother, father, aunt, uncle, grandmother two older sisters, one older brother, and one younger brother. He was the only one in his family that had any powers, and that's what made his life a hell. His parents and siblings feared him and kept him locked up and chained in a small hidden room. He was beaten often and had a few close calls with death, but one day his close call became too close. His father had pulled a gun on him and actually shoot him, just as he thought he was about to die his mind went blank.

When he opened his eyes he was surrounded by his families’ corpses, he was shocked and knew he did it...though even though he was terrified he was also happy. He laughed and laughed till the cops arrived. Before they entered he stabbed himself so it looked like he also was a victim which barley survived. After he was sent to the hospital and patched up he was then sent to the orphanage.

Everyone in the orphanage hated him for his cleverness (and looks), and the feeling as mutual. He had been adopted several times, but the longest was for two months. After the tenth failed adoption he soon became sick of it and had a hard time at understanding why he kept being rejected.

He stopped caring and kept himself locked up in his room when people tried to adopt him he would do something to make them change their mind since he was so sick of it.

He attended Kieran Academy as well and even with his short term memory he excelled in it. He was the best when it came to anything with tech and electricity. And even after an incident which had him take the lives of twelve innocents he agreed to come here, let’s hope a similar incident doesn’t happen…


He is often plagued by nightmare because of this. At times he even see their corpses and freaks out. He also keeps his other self under wraps since he only changed once he has no clue if it will happen again..

Writing sample: ((Do you still want this even though I was in the first RP?))

Nah You're good dude.

@Daniel reaver Yea man sure thing! Just make sure you keep track of both :P


Full name

Lorraine Ovanine





Sexual Orientation



Electron Manipulation (Limited)

Enhanced Condition

Weaknesses/ Limitations

* Her Electron Manipulation is Limited, She cannot disassemble Atoms like a God or Manipulate Matter.

* If she were to use Unstable Electrons the Effects could be catastrophic.

* She can only fire the direction she is facing

* Her beams have a 3 Second Interval between charging and firing.


Lorraine comes off as a mature blunt person who is not afraid to voice her Opinion to anyone. She also at times can come off as sarcastic and mocking. Though blunt she can at times be kind and even benevolent though this is usually over shadowed by her Incredibly short temper and intolerance for a number of things but most specifically failure. This is shown by her utter relentlessness when it comes to something like fighting and may make her come off as incredibly brutal, with not a hint of mercy. She is also known to regard Efficiency and if she begins to find someone as worthless or getting in the way she will attempt to get rid of them. She can also reveal a highly intelligent and calculating mind, though again this can be over-shadowed when she loses her temper and loses rationality.














Killing those she cares for


W.I.P (Will be completed as soon as possible.)

Writing sample

A Grin slowly formed on her face as she read over the acceptance letter. She was absolutely Ecstatic at the prospect of going to a place that contained people of her calibre, people who would actually show some back bone and not cower like rats. Though she knew the real reason why she was being accepted , showing clear annoyance at the memory of losing her temper and blowing up a police station course no one was in it at the time. She was allowed to be Exempt of any charges as long as she would go to this academy , She was planning to anyway but she didn't mind, It seemed to speed the process up. Course from what she heard quite a bit of drama has happened which might make the it even more interesting, Which made it even the more exciting for her.. (This is simply a writing Example , Most likely her reason for joining might be different entirely)
  1. General
    Name: atrio
    Age: [14-19] 16
    Gender: male
    Accent: American
    Sexuality: straight
    Supernatural Creature: nightmare
    Powers: shadow bending (control over every shadow near him), nightmare state (this alowes him to put people into a nightmare state that brings the persons worst fear to life in there eyes)
  2. Ability to create shadow and become part of any shadow or darkness
    Advantages: [strengths] can use his powers now matter what state he's in
    Disadvantages: [strengths] very emotional and the nightmare kindof takes him over (kindof like a multiple personalaty) heavenly light weakens his powers and his physical abillites
    (Human form)

    (Nightmare form)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.e2d9c99f20825e4478cb7ee5c8bd0105.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51802" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.e2d9c99f20825e4478cb7ee5c8bd0105.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
    Description: [Opt.]
    Height: 6"1
    Theme song:
    Quote: I'll never let him out for he is then one that took every thing from me
    Secret: the only time he had let nightmare take control it had put every one in his home town into a night mare state including his parents then killed all of them
  3. Likes:being around people, The dark,Being up at night,sweets
  4. Dislikes: cocky people, sour stuff

Bio: have to ask him in the story

  1. (Sorry if I missed any thing I grabed another of my characters from another rp and do I still need a writing sample)



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Just to clarify the academy had actually closed down after Hisago's death meaning new people will be going into the Twilight Half Blood's recruitment and training program as well as have Trainee status. Returners unless @Thiocyanate @Daniel reaver

Daniel Reaver both of your characters are being placed as trainees
Yep, that's how I planned it to be. Once we get the people from the old RP to post their CS then we will begin, I already made the first post. So just be ready when I let you all know.
I guess I'll join, If I have To



5'6/110 IB/ red eyes.


Full name: Nowi

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual


Vibration: She has the ability to detect vibrations at a much higher level then anyone else, allowing her to "See"

Fire creation/manipulation

Weaknesses/ Limitations:

She is blind

She can only keep track of so many vibrations, too many and the images become blurred.


Nowi is a very outgoing type of girl, a social butterfly to an extent as she will try and make friends with as many people as possible, as long as they are good. She stands against evil and injustice, helping others who are picked on or beaten up, and will stick up for others on the drop of a dime. Despite this outgoingness she is also very shy around certain topics.


+ Helping others

+ Fruit/Vegetables

+ Sticking up for others

+ Music

+ Anything red

- Arrogance

- Bullying

- People who are rude/ or attack others

- Pointless violence

- Cheapness


- Aerial attacks


Nowi had been born into this world with a dreaded curse, blindness; she has not once truly seen anything. Her parents tried everything, surgery, magics, and nothing worked. Her father, a grand master assassin of
The Ravens, decided it would be best to put her through a training program in order to raise her so she could survive on her own. It was a great success, allowing her to defeat foe after foe, collecting rewards for herself. She became fed up with her moms' disapproval of her and so fled her home years ago, she had been on the rode for years going from town to town and getting money the only way she knew how; killing. The girl arrived her a few months ago and decided it may be best to go down a different route for a better future.

Appearance:(The boy)



Full name: Zeke

Age (15-20): 16

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual


Crystal control/generation

Weaknesses/ Limitations:

- Cannot be out of thin air, must convert some sort of Earth into crystals.

- Seafood is delicious


Zeke is a very kind hearted soul, someone who does not like it when people fight, and will often try to break them up as much as possible. He is not the typical prince as he does things himself, unless needing help, he does not think himself superior in any way possible, but does expect people to be respectful when he is speaking. Zeke also has a temper at stupidy and arrogance/evil, often resorting to name calling and speaking ill of the person. Though some ways though he is stereotypical as he is very flirty and is great at many sports and classes.


+ Jewels

+ The beach

+ Food

+ Reading

+ Music

+ Sports

+ Seafood

- Math

- Potatoes

- Arrogance

- People fighting

- Self pity




Zeke hails from a small town to the far west, Zephyr, a traditional town set in a traditional part of the world; despite them having access to technology. He is the son of the king, Ziel, and has been growing up modestly while going to school and working on politics. His life has been him juggling everything in order to become a good king in waiting, and so far has been doing a good job. His father has sent him and his butler, William, to study here.

Appearance: (And last but not least)

Full name: William II

Age (15-20): 18

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual


Chaos manipulation

Negative Zone: The ability to create a dome zone around the user and others, in this zone any person he chooses will experience true darkness

Weaknesses/ Limitations:

- Order manipulation weakens his Chaos manipulation

- Seafood is delicious

- Free time


William is very obedient to Zeke, at the boys side and at his call, only here to serve his master unless he wishes otherwise. The boy has a kind heart, even if his mannerisms say otherwise; he would never put harm on anyone who didn't deserve it... for the most part. He is always in control of his emotions and read to serve Zeke. Despite this he is actually very depressed when thinking about the future as he seems to always scare off everyone.


+ Serving Zeke

+ Seafood

+ Music

+ Reading

+ Cooking

+ Sewing

+ Forging

- Arrogance

- Evil

- Free time

- Anything burnt

- Anything less then perfect


Losing his master

The Future


Williams' family has been serving Zekes' for centuries, never asking for anything more then a roof to live under, and so it has been that way for hundreds of years. He himself has been a full pledge butler for about 3 years now, the younger years of his life spent training. He was once in love himself, but sadly his love was taken away when they had to move from the village years ago; from time to time he wonders if she is alive or not.


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