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Realistic or Modern The Town of Knives

Kima giggled dancing in the rain on his way to Davids house. The rain felt warm on his skin. Tilting his head back he opened his mouth and caught some in his mouth. Twirling he giggled childishly seeing Davids house in the distance. Skipping forward he glomped David happily." Its time to go play."
"Hello! I came to pick you up, as promised." I smiled, walking back down the stairs. "We have such fine weather today." Rainy days really are the best days. There's so much you can do in them. I got into my car, beckoning for David to come. I flinched when I saw Kima jump out of nowhere. Huh? Was she coming with us? No matter. It won't affect much today.
David stared at him, one eyebrow raised. He looked up at the sky, which was filled with angry black clouds, unleashing their torrent of rain. He looked back at Derek, who sat in his car. Scratching his beard he called out, "Mike! Come one, let's go." He cried out when Kima grabbed and he quickly pried her off, straightening his now rumpled clothes. "Hi…"
Giggling Kima let go of David and skipped to Derek's car. He slid in and hugged the back of Derek's seat. "Its such a nice day don't you think?"
"Here we are!" I sang as I backed up into the parking spot. "Don't forget to lock your doors. I'm going to go buy the tickets." I exit and go stand in line at the ticket booth. "Wait for me over there." I call, pointing to spot by the entrance. I return with the tickets, and seeing David standing there, a smile on his face, I can't help but smile too. "Here you are." I say, giving everyone an adult ticket. As we walk along, I notice a huge crowd gathered around an area. "What's the commotion over there?" We wander over and see a girl in a tight bikini standing next to a bear wearing a small hat.

"Don't forget to visit our circus at 3pm! There's going to be lots of shows by Mr. Ted the bear and his cute friends!"

Hmmm. This seems interesting.

I grab Michael's wrist and drag him towards the crowd.

"Before we leave, does anyone want to dance with Mr. Ted the dancing bear?"

I glance over at David and give him a smile. Before he can react, I kick him right into the arms of the bear.

Time to disappear.
"Circus! Circus!" Kima cheered twirling. He stumbled giggling as he almost fell. Looking up he saw David in the bears arm and beamed."David is gonna dance with a bear because he is so cooool."
David wait with Kima and Michael by the door. He remembers fondly the days when he used to go to these parks all the time. They receive their tickets from Derek and go in. Derek mentions something about a crowd and suddenly he's running off with Michael. Humming, David follow them, used to Derek's random wanderings. A girl talks about a circus next to a big grizzly. She says something about dancing with the bear and Derek smiles at me. Daivd gives him a questioning smile back. Suddenly, something pushes him forward right into the bear.

"HEY!" He shouts when he sees Derek's triumphant grin, his leg still up in the air. He turns back to the bear which hugs him tightly.

"Uh oh."

Suddenly, they're off, dancing wildly in some messed up tango. He turns back to the duo about to ask for help when he notices they've gone!

"What…?" Mr. Ted seems to have taken a liking to him because he doesn't let go. When he finally escapes he just sighs and goes off to a drinks stand. "One lemon tea with lots of sugar please."

"Um… what about Mr. David?" Michael asks as Derek leads him along elsewhere.
"Don't worry about him," I say, reassuring Michael. "Because this place isn't that huge."

I lead him into the hedge maze. When we've gotten far enough, I stop, turning on my heel and grab Michael's forearms. With a pull, I send him spinning towards the bushes. Have fun!

Then, I'm gone, leaving him in the middle of the maze.

I sit on the park bench, sipping my coffee. "Ah, it's a pain in the ass not being able to smoke here." Amusement parks are the best place to play hide and seek or chase because there're just so many places to hide. However, there's also a negative side to it.

"You shouldn't do it in the first place."

And it seems like a certain someone doesn't like this place...such an unpleasant guy. A man with slicked back black here with black shades and dressed in black attire stares at me disapporivingly.

"Come one." I say, glancing back at him. "It's nice to have a change in atmosphere every once in a while...Runner."

"You shouldn't complicate things,especially when you already know the rules." He says, grabbing my shoulder.

"Yeah the merchandise is at the same place. You have exactly 1hour and 43 minutes left. Good luck." Customer service is still a common practice.

"You're a fucking asshole you know that?"

"I'll take it as a compliment, but could you please get lost?" I say as my eyes find David's figure. "I have some more important business to deal with."

But missing a chance to have fun is more unacceptable.
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Kima stops confused as he watches Derek push Michael into the maze and then leaving. Why would he do that? Shrugging he decides to ignore it. Turning he headed toward the rides. He really wanted to ride a rollercoaster. Maybe he will get some cotton candy on the way.
"Wahhhh!" Michael cries and he goes spinning and face plants into the hedge. He stands there for a bit, shaking before coming up to gasp for air. Looking around, he realises that Derek isn't there anymore. "Um… Mr. Derek?"

David saw Derek sipping coffee at apart bench and walked over. "Where's Michael?" He asked.
This is bad....

"That's a good question Mr. David." I say, leaning forwards and looking him in the eye, smirking. "Where is he right now?"

You seem to be more patient than expected Mr. David.
David stared at him, raising an eyebrow. He looked around and noticed the huge sign saying 'Maze'. He looked back at Derek, expressionless, before walking off towards the maze.
Kima happily munched on his cotten candy his cheeks flushed from excitement. He had just finished riding the biggest rollercoaster in the park. It was awesome!

Licking his sticky fingers he skipped through the crowds throwing the cottan candy wrapper to the ground. He jumped in water puddles giggling. The sun had come out a moment ago and was beating down on him. His new friend was pressed against hip hidden in his dress and sent shivers up his spine.

He had gotten it from a mean punk who had tried to cut him in line. His blood now stained the ground crimsion hidden in the basement of the fun house. His screams still echoed in his head like the song of the angel of death.

Looking up from the ground he beamed when he saw David. He was about to call out to him but noticed the expression on his face and decided against it. He looked so mean. Why did he look like that?

His curiousity got the best of him and he decided to follow. He made sure to stay out of sight.
I relaxed into the seat, sighing with relief.

Damn...that is not cute at all but even so... a wise prey is better than stupid prey.

Chuckling, I plant my hand on my face, leaving a gap between my fingers so I can watch as David leaves.

"Ah, David Moreno this isn't good at all. You're doing it all wrong but... you're ever so fun to play with~"
Eventually, Michael found his way out simply by following people around. He wasn't at all concerned or annoyed. He was just curious as to why Mr. Derek had done that. He looked around and asked,

"Where's Mr. David?"

Meanwhile, David was busy getting himself lost in the maze. Just the day to leave my phone, he thought despairingly.
I wanted to groan when I saw Michael walking towards me. Again he wore the blank expression. I was glad to have something to play with earlier but this is such a disappointment. I just feel tired. I sighed and placed my head in my hands, wondering what to do. It can't be helped that the guinea pig turned out to be worthless but the prey makes up for it I suppose. 'Prey' is worth more than a guinea pig anyway.

Fixing a smile on my face, I stand up, stretching out the kinks in my neck and back.

"It can't be helped! I invited you out here to begin with so I'll take care of you until the end. Let's grab something to eat."

We end up going to a taco counter. There seemed to be a layer of grease every and you could smell the fat burning in the beef.

"How's the food?" I ask, out of common courtesy.
"I like it...I think." Michael continued eating the taco which was quite slippery in his hands. Everything was falling out from the sides and he wasn't sure how to eat the thing. Then a shadow fell over the table and he looked up to see David standing over them, looking displeased. David, who was glaring specifically at Derek.
"Yo! Mr. David!" I chuckled at his glare and lazily gestured at one of the chairs. "Please, have a seat. You wouldn't want to miss lunch would you?"

I wanted to see how far I could go before he snapped. I gave him one my most arrogant smirks. "You can have my share." I knew David had a thing about me eating with them apparently.
If looks could kill, Derek would've been a zombie x5. Sighing, David sat down on the chair and grabbed a taco. He didn't really want to lookat Derek's face anymore, so David closed his eyes and concentrated on eating his too soft taco. He's testing me, David thought.
I watched as he calmly ate the tacos. Silence settled in the air, the only thing you could hear was the crunch of taco shells.

"You certainly do have such a high patience." I smirked even more, narrowing my eyes at him. Come on. React. Let me see your other side.
David glanced up briefly at him, noting his smirk as his narrowed, golden gaze. He paused eating his taco, but only to swallow before continuing. Don't break. He's playing with you. Don't let him win. All these thoughts gave David enough strength to continue, almost angrily, eating his second taco.

Michael watched the interaction between the two and suddenly felt a strong sense of foreboding.
Hahah. How interesting you are.

"You know you shouldn't do that. It makes me want to bury my fangs in even more."

Before he could react, I grabbed his shirt collar and jerked it forwards. Teeth met skin as I bit him hard on the exposed bit of neck. I could feel the shocked gazes or bystanders. This time, you could hear a pin drop. I sunk my teeth even further, tasting his blood on my tongue. Metallic. Finally, I released him, snapping my fingers as I flicked his collar away. I settled back into my cheek resting on knuckles pose and gave him a triumphant little smirk.
David looked at him in confusion when he made the comment. He was not expecting Derek to suddenly grab him. What th- He flinched as Derek bit him on the neck. Ouch... He was too shocked to react, only gritting his teeth against the pain. When Derek bit harder, he tried to pull away only to cringe as a bolt of pain went up his neck. After what felt like decades, Derek pushed him away.

Quickly, David reached up and gingerly touched the wound. His fingers came away wet and he snarled,

"What the fuck was that?"

Michael continued to nibble at his taco. He wondered if David did that with his boyfriend too.
"Well, it's like I said before..."

Suddenly, I'm in a much, much better mood. I stood up and shrugging my shoulders say,

"Anyways, since we're all already full, let's find something fun to do." I grab Michael by the arm, already pulling him away from the table.

"Come along Mr. David, lest we leave you behind." I attempt to throw a smirk over my shoulder but it comes out more like a grin.

Ah, lunchtimes really are the best.

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