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Realistic or Modern The Town of Knives

"Ah, he has amnesia." David explained. "I was hoping he might regain his memory if he continues trying new things." That was the only reason why David had agreed for Derek to treat them to pizza.
Kima curiously took a piece wondering why the big man had acted so weird. Setting his hot chocolate down he took a bite. Instantly flavor exploded on his tongue making him moan."This is the best pizza ever!" He declared eagerly eating more.
"Ah, now I get it." If that's so then now the irrational problem has been solved. "Hmmm, that's why I thought he was strange, not having anything he likes." I understand the boy now. I slid my eyes over to David. But what about you? You seem to be much more interesting now...

I smile at Kima.

"That's good. Have as much as you like."
"Do you like it?" David asked Michael.

"Like what?"


"Ah… I don't know. I just thought it tasted weird."

"Hmm, I better ask you whether you understand what 'like' means."

Michael simply stared at David with a blank expression on his face.
"Hahah, so that's how it is. My name is Derek, and yours?" Interesting. I pinched my lips as I thought up of an idea to define like. Aha! "Please wait." I say, standing up and walking back to the kitchen, leaving my guests to their third slice of pizza. I can feel David's gaze on me as I leave and it puts a grin on my face.

I came back with several different beverages and put them in front of Michael.

"There's orange juice, milk, coffee, and honey mixed with tea. Now, if you had to choose one, which would you pick?" I asked Michael. "You can taste them before giving your answer." This ought to be interesting.
Michiko stared into the shop eerily, as she stared at the cheerful table. Knives lined the wall, and fluorescent bulbs reflected against the glassy carcasses of slaughtered animals.

Her hand reached for the door hesitantly and out of simple curiosity. She had a perfect excuse to enter the shop...maybe buying a knife...maybe buying meat...she didn't know. Soon a string of complicated excuses began to form in her mind, as she struggled to open the door. All she wanted was to stand in the light beside them.

She noticed that one of the people had seen something, and was staring suspiciously at the door.
"Um… you want me to choose one?" Michael asked, staring at the drinks uncertainly. He glanced at the girl and stared back at the coffee, dipping his finger into it and licking it off. David watched him amusedly. His eyes slid over to Derek and he asked, "Which one's your favourite?"
I flinched at the question. I'm afraid it was too personal for my taste so I changed the subject. "Hmm, maybe he doesn't like any of them. Perhaps I should go get more choices." Suddenly, I noticed a figure at the door and grinning, I beckoned them in. It has been very busy today.
"I like this one." Michael said, pointing at one of the cups. David was still suspicious of Derek's avoidance of the question but asked,

"The milk? Why do you like it?" Michael was silent for a few moments before answering.

"I like it because it's soft…and sweet."

"That's how you like something." David smiled. "Though sometimes you don't have to find a reason to like something. A 'like' is a like anyway."

"So…this is a like?"

Kima curiously followed Derek's gaze and beamed when he seen a girl outside. Another potential friend. How exciting. Waving his arms excitedly in the air he beamed."Don't be shy. Come join us!"
I decided to chip in. "If you choose something from a pile of items, that means you like, and if you choose something from everything else, that means you like it the most. Now that you have something you like, remember it well." I smile and ruffle his hair. "Haha, you're like a puppy you know."
She froze at the door, as she stared at the man beckon towards her.

With tentative steps, she walked in to the bright room.

Her list of excuses for awkwardly standing outside of the door was at the tip of her tongue...but for some reason she felt as if she didn't need to say such a thing.

The smell of death filled the room, but it wasn't the same crawling sensation she sometimes felt as she murdered her targets. Maybe it was because it was hidden by a mask of happiness...little did she know what she had stepped into.
"Erm… yes I'll try." Michael said, already pinning it in his mind. He flinched slightly when his hair was ruffled and a slight flush coloured his cheeks. What is this? He wondered. This strange feeling.

"A puppy?" David questioned, raising his eyebrows. "I don't know, a puppy sounds…" He couldn't find the word and pouted slightly.
I looked over at David and a smirk curved my lips as I saw him pout. Yes...Like a puppy indeed. I turned back to Michael and suggested, "Let's find more thing you 'like'. I'll take you many places as well, to find which place you like most." It was then that I remember the figure from earlier. It was a girl, though not as cute as the 'girl' hugging Michael, she was certainly prettier. Slender. Calm. "Why hello there. Who might you be?"
Michael cried out as the girl grabbed him. "Ah.. umm." He didn't know how to react. What do I do? What do I do? "Ah um, thank you Mr. Derek." He looked over helplessly at David he simply grinned at him. Hug her back he mouth but Michael couldn't even move in her vice-like grip.

"What place would you suggest?" David asked Derek.
I pondered over David's question. "Hmmm, I know! You should go to the amusement park! That should be interesting. It's a place with lots of entertainment attractions and thrill rides." Indeed. It will be very fun.
"Michiko," she murmured, as she quietly walked over to the crowded table. She awkwardly stood beside the group, not knowing how she could naturally fit herself in. Socializing was not really her area of expertise.

Her eyes gazed over the people. None of them looked harmful in any sort of way.

Right when she was about to sit down, she felt a familiar atmosphere in the room.

She couldn't quite describe it.

Happiness, comfort, pain, and guilt...her eyes snapped onto the boy who the girl was hugging.

Something began to stir inside of her, as her right arm began to shake.

"W-who...are you?" She whispered through gritted teeth, her cold eyes fixated on the boy's pure ones.
Michael stared at Derek and Kima and then back at David. David was busy scrolling through something on his phone. "Here," David said, showing his phone to everyone. "This is one amusement park looks like." It was a picture of a park with a ferris shell, coloured balloons and roller coaster tracks.

Michael looked over at Michiko, confused. "I'm Michael Moreno."
I glanced at the picture and chuckled. Leaning against the table with one hand, I planted the other on my hip. "Amusement parks don't always look like that Mr. David. I noticed the cold glare the girl was giving Michael. Normally I would've said something about it, but teasing David was much more fun.

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