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Realistic or Modern The Town of Knives

David looked up at Derek. "Yes but I'm not finished with my explanation yet." He pointed out, retrieving his phone. He was completely oblivious to the girl, focusing only on Derek.
"I didn't say you were." I smirked, raising an eyebrow at him. Yes, this is very, very interesting. I've won, I thought and hummed happily.
The nerve! David thought, angrily gnashing his teeth together. Ack. I've lost when I got annoyed. He could hear Derek humming gleefully and frowned, deciding not to say anymore.
She didn't understand why her heart had suddenly froze, when she saw the boy.

Clearly the boy didn't know her...and nor did she need to know who he was.

She focused back onto the conversation that the two older men were having.
I chuckled seeing the sour look on David's face. "So, do you want to go? They sell cotton candies too. They're fluffy and sweet. Who knows, that might be your new favourite." I could see the uncertainty on Michaels face and new that he would ask David for permission first. That's why I mentioned cotton candy.
Michael turned to the girl and said, "Mr. David has a boyfriend. He's a policeman." He turned back to Derek. "Er…um..' His eyes slid over to Davids and mumbled, "I don't know…" His eyes asked the question for him. David sighed and said, "Yes, you can go, but I'm coming with you." On the last note, he looked at Derek, daring him to say anything.
I chuckled, seeing David glare at me. "My, you're such a good guardian. You're acting like his father." I glanced at him. "Perhaps you should lay off a bit?" It wasn't a threat, but it wasn't a suggestion either. My ears pricked up upon hearing Michael's remark. He's gay? I wouldn't have pegged him as one. Well, everyone has their own preferences I suppose. Though personally, I liked women, not men. Though this particular one is very interesting.
"Not always. His boyfriend is a very nice and kind man. He saved Mr. David, like Mr. David saved me." Michael retorted, thinking back to that day in the rain.

David narrowed his eyes at him and calmly said, "Well, how can I let him go off by himself with a stranger?" Maybe this'll finally shut him up, David thought.
Something about the way the man named Derek talked reminded her of how she talked to her victims before slicing them open.

A soothing, sugar coated manner. Sweet and relaxing.

An amusement park was certainly an easy place to murder someone.

The noisy laughter of children, chattering of adults, and rumbling of the machines was enough to disguise the scream of horror as a scream of delight. And the overly toxic sweet scent of candy and other pieces of junk food would be perfect for covering the smell of a rotting corpse.
My eyes widened at the comeback before they narrowed again and a smirk twisted my lips. "I could say the same about a person who took in a complete stranger." I say as I pick up the dirty plates and bring them to the sink. "Anyways, I'll pick you guys up tomorrow. And here are your cookies." I hand them a brown paper bag, heavy with butter cookies.
Michael nodded to Kima's statement. "He gives me a lot of food." He said, gesturing to the bag of cookies.

Though David should've felt angry or threatened by Derek's remark, he instead found himself quite amused. He thanked Derek for the cookies.

"Tomorrow?" Michael asked.

"Yes, tomorrow." David answered. "We're free tomorrow. What time will you come?"
"Thanks Mr.Derek" Kima eagerly grabbed the bage stuffing one in his mouth. He paused a glint of silver catching his eye and finally looked around. Its so colorfull and there was so many knives. Getting up he began looking at them. He liked knives they were so shiny and made playing games funner.
"When do you normally wake up? Is 10am a good time?" I asked. I myself get up quite early most morning. Whether I open up the shop or not depends on how I feel. There's not set time the shop opens or closes. I can have as many days off as I want. As long as my clients continue to demand my 'special' orders.
Michael nodded.

"Great. It's settled then." Said David, getting up from his chair. It's been quite a while since I've been to an amusement park, he thought. I'm sure it'll be fun. "See your tomorrow. Thank you for the cookies and pizzas. Let's go Michael. Goodbye everyone."

"Yes, um… thank you Mr. Derek." Michael said as he followed David out the door.
"Mr. Derek? Are you sure you are simply a butcher?" Michiko slyly asked, as her eye scanned the row of knives.

"Your knives seem rather dull...for chopping apart animals."
"Yes, see you tomorrow. Yes, it's my pleasure." I walk with them to the door, holding it open for them. "Have a nice day~" I catch David's eye and give him a charming grin. Michael Moreno is interesting enough but, if we consider he has amnesia... It's quite normal. I pull out a cigarette, lighting it up and chuckle. In comparison, that man seems like much better prey... 'David' Moreno. This is certainly going to be fun. I head back to the others and clapping my hands together announce,

"All right girls, it's time for me to close up the shop, so I'll be seeing you! Goodbye!" I say cheerily. "Hmm? Yes, I'm sure I'm a butcher, otherwise I wouldn't open up this shop would I? In terms of the knives, if you had read the notice outside, it would tell you that the knives on display aren't sharpened for safety reasons." I remembered back to a couple of days ago. "Otherwise, everyone would be able to kill me and take my money no? Now please leave. I need some sleep after a busy day."
Kima curiously looked over when he heard Mr.Derek. Glancing back at the knifes uncertainly he reluctantly decided to leave. It was getting late. "Bye Mr.Derek.

Walking out he waited until he was far enough away to slid out his new toy. His sharp grin reflected on the shiny metal of his new knife and his giggle echoed throughout the street.
It's the next day and David was splayed out on the couch, sifting through the news. He looked at the time. It was another five minutes to 10. He glanced out at the window and saw it was raining heavily. Perhaps he will cancel today. He continued to read the news, expecting just another normal day.
I walked up the stairs leading to the front door to David's house, singing 'You are my sunshine' under my breath. Grinning, I press the doorbell. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. "DING DONG DING DONG DING DONG DING DONG!"
"Farewell, Mr. Derek. It was fun talking to you," she chuckled, as she walked out the door.

The night welcomed her back, and the warmth she felt for a second immediately disappeared.

She flipped open a file, that her boss had given her.

"It doesn't matter how long it takes. He is a piece of work, I must say. Described as charming by the client who requested his death. Yet dangerous...far too dangerous. A monster in disguise."

She snickered, remembering her boss's words.

Derek "Butcher" Moore...it certainly was a pleasure meeting you.

David heard the doorbell and wondered who it could. Groaning he got up and made his way towards the door. As he approached it, suddenly a multitude of doorbells rang throughout his house, deafening him. Throwing open the door, he roared, "What the hell are you doing!" He was surprised to see Derek standing there, giving him a smile.

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