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Realistic or Modern The Town of Knives

"Ah! Eh? Erm..yes all right." Michael managed to mumble before being dragged off.

For Mr. David, the bite was still throbbing but there was an amused grin on his face.

"So, that's how you tease people huh?"

Chuckling, he got up and trailed after the two.
Kima squeeled from behind a nearby bush when he saw Mr.Derek bite Mr.David on the neck. They would make such an adorable couple! He was so glad he had stayed hidden after Mr.David finally figured out how to get out of that boring maze. Even better Mr.David didn't look so angry anymore.

Giggling he skipped towards them as they got up. He wanted to have fun and it was always better with friends. Getting behind them he glomped Michael beaming. Michael was just so adorable.
She slammed down the knife into the table, causing the man to flinch.

"I thought you told me he was dead," she whispered icily.

A loud, rumbling chuckle rolled out of the tall man, as he clasped his fat hands together.

"What was I to do, my Doll? Your head was becoming a little weird...you couldn't even remember him. And, you even told me yourself that you would never allow yourself to get caught in a dream like trap. Of course, to protect yourself, your mind collapsed, erasing any memories that you can't handle. It's quite pitiful isn't it...that you remember him? Judging from your expression...it doesn't seem like he remembers you," he chuckled, as he rolled a truffle between his two fingers.

"Do you remember the night I found you again? Thrown out onto the street once again...like a broken doll. 'Sweet things never last do they' is what you said. People like us...once we've been caught...we can't ever go back. I honestly believe those couple years softened you a little too much...it's starting to get in the way." He smashed the truffle, the sticky chocolate slowly oozed disgustingly between the gaps in the fist.

She gently placed the dagger on his neck, forcing his chin up.

"Sir...do you believe that it matters if he is alive or not? He was just a simple toy to play with...since my life was so boring back then," she hoarsely whispered. "Even sweet things...will get caught in your throat and start making you choke on the melted gunk left behind. All you need is one glass of cold water to wash away everything...and forget the taste."

"The thing is Doll...once you taste it again...you get addicted don't you...," the man snickered, as he forced the smashed truffle into her mouth.

"Kill him. He is getting in the way of your career."
At last, tired but content, we all decided it was time to head home. By now,the parking lot was completely deserted, the occasional wrapper fluttering in the cold wind. It was raining, but no more than a drizzle. It has been indeed a rather fun day today. I glanced over David and chuckled. The bite was less angry-looking than before, but it still shone red. It was a quiet ride home though there was no tension or awkwardness in the air. We were all contempt just withdrawing into our own thoughts.

That girl. I thought, peeking at her from corner of my eye. It seems she's not what she makes out to be. I wonder if the other two have guessed it yet. Never mind, she's insignificant anyways. Just another average Joe.

I dropped them all off at David's house, not bothering to ask the girl where she lived.

"Let's do this again some another time yes?" I smiled at all of them, giving David a wink. "Thanks for the meal." With that, I drove off, leaving a cloud of smoke in my wake.

At last I arrived home and straight away went for a shower. It's always better to have a shower before dinner. Steam rose off of me in dizzying waves as I walked out, a towel slung lazily around my neck and waist. Grabbing a cigarette, I lit it up and sat down heavily on a wooden chair. It was only when I was comfortable did I begin mulling over what Michael had told me at the park earlier today.

"So, how many people live in your house? It looks huge. I suppose you live with Mr. David and his family?"
Michael looked over at Derek, surprised by the sudden question.

"Ah..um... three. If you count Mr. Jeremy, but Mr. Jeremy doesn't really live there I don't think. He comes over often but I don't remember him staying over very much."

Michael wondered if he should telling Mr. Derek this information. He didn't know if Mr. David would be particularly happy with him doing so. I think it's ok though, Michael thought. It's only Mr. Derek after all.
Oh? This is the first I've ever heard of another man. His brother perhaps?

"I see. So Mr. Jeremy is his brother yes? What does he look like?"

The house still seems much to big for only three people. And by the sounds of it, one of them is temporary.
"Brother? Um.. no Mr. Jeremy is Mr. David's boyfriend." Michael went quiet for a few moments, thinking of the best way to describe him.

"Well um... Mr. Jeremy is much larger than Mr. David and a lot taller too. He looks very fierce though I think that he only does that because he's a policeman. Oh, and he has red eyes, like a snake. It's strange."

Michael wasn't sure how he felt about Mr. Jeremy. He's a little scary, but as long as he makes Mr. David happy, then that's okay.
Kima happily waved at the retreating car beaming. He was so happy! Today was so fun! Best of all was he had spent it with his friends.

Once the car was out of sight he turned to Michael and Mr.David."Today was such a fun day wasn't it? I hope we can do it again soon." Noticing the time he decided it was time to leave his friends. He wanted to get back in time to use the orphanages computer."I have to go but I will see you again."

He waved back at them as he skipped away. His hair and clothing was damp from the rain and he was sure he smelled like mildew but he couldn't be happier. Despite this though something was nagging at him even though he tried to ignore it. Mr.Derek acted so weird not just today either but yesterday as well. He seemed weird yet familier. He actually riminded Kima of.. Well Kima!

He giggled at the thought as he skipped into the orphanage. It was a rather ordinary place. Painted white and two stories tall it was rather large and decorated simply the walls done in a creme eggshell color. There was two large rooms for the girls and two for the boys with separate bathrooms, that were full of small thin twin sized beds. There was a large kitchen attatched to an equally large dining room that led into a living room cluttered comfortably with leather furnature. Finally there wad three seperate rooms for the nuns. This was all surrounded by a large garden.

So all in all it was nice. It was family oriented and comfortable. Kima stood out like a sore thumb.

Walking up the steps to were the bedrooms were located he went past the rows of doors to the last door at the end of the hall. This was his room. The other kids didn't like him sleeping near them so the nuns gave him one of the storage rooms.

It was a small ten by ten room done in cracked white paint and steined hard wood floor. The furniture in it was a small thin twin bed on a metal frame covered by thin white sheets and a small dresser. There wasn't a window so the only source of light he had was a light bulb on silver chain that hung in the middle of his room. It wasn't the most comfortable place but it was home. At least for him.

Quickly he showered in the small glass shower tucked away in the corner of the room before changing into some white cotton pajamas. Sitting on his bed he reached under his thin pillow and withdrew a small old laptop. He had gotten it from a charity some years ago for Christmas and had dubbed it the orphanage laptop. It was second handed and shut down often but if your patient it will work for whatever you need it to.

Opening it he logged in then began his search. Site after site passed by his eyes his fingers moving swiftly over the keyboard. Hours passed and he had to hack into many before he found what he was searching for.

His lips twitched slowly forming a demented smile and the glow of the computer screen casted shadows on his face. It made his eyes glow giving him an air of insanity.

David Moore..He thought in satisfaction.There is more to you then meets the eye.
I blinked at Michael in surprise. After that, I hadn't asked any more. But being gay is quite normal nowadays. Nothing wrong with that, everyone has their own personal tastes after all. Though I don't understand how doing it with a guy is in any way satisfying...this information could prove useful.

Suddenly the shrill cry of my phone echoed throughout the room, snapping me out of my little daydream. Retrieving the phone, I sighed when I saw the caller ID. Jonas Suite. The young doctor of the biggest hospital here. When you first saw him you would think he was as pure as the white coat he always wears. You'd never believe that he's actually a wolf disguised as a lamb. Ah well, he is a client.

"Good evening, how may I help you, Mr Jekyll?"

"There you go, calling me that again. Why?"

"It's just my personal preference... which part of the meat would you like this time?"

"You're a funny man Mr. Moore."

"I'll take it as a compliment. Well, you're not calling just for a chat are you, though I am indeed a wonderful person to talk to."

"Liver. If possible, I would like a group of liver in a week. And it would be great if you could get me more than one, in case of the patient's rejection."

"Hey, hey, " I say, frowning at the phone. "Wait doc, you're contacting the wrong person here."

"No, I'm not. I know the rules but I'd like to contact the Butcher directly."

My eyes narrowed. What is he thinking? I don't like it. The Runner told me that'd Doc would call me but I never thought it would be this way.

"Understood. If you don't want to contact the agent, then I'll contact Hunter for you."

"N, I want you to find it for me. That's why I called you."

"Listen, I'm not a provider."

"No, but I want the materials you provide."

"Fine. I'll have to report to Lady though."

"That's not a problem. Ok, bye bye."

Perhaps he is looking to test me. Ugh, it's annoying but a job is a job.
Groaning, I throw myself on the bed not even bothering to take off the towels. Even if it doesn't follow the rules... David... I'll deal with him later.

"Ah this sucks. Over my duty, my schedule is delayed, but if the client wants it, I'll have to do it.."

It's raining today, the next day. There have been many customers but I still haven't found the perfect prey. I understood when they said this place was full of thugs but, this is too much.

"Hmm? Blood group? What's that?" Asked a skinny guy sporting a bandana.

"Ah, i've forgotten. WOw your cookies taste good!" Slicked back blonde hair.

"You nuts? I don't even have a birth certificate, how the hell would I know what my blood group is?" A hobo.

How the hell does Hunter get his prey is beyond me. Then the door creaked open followed by a voice loudly saying,

"Those bastards. I'll take revenge another 10 times."

Might as well get it over with.

"Hello sir. Is there anything I can do for you? And.. would you mind if I asked you a question?"

"Hey! Smoking is not allowed in the hospital area you know that?"

I looked up from lighting my cigarette only to find a small wrinkly old man with white hair growing in tufts on his head and a leery grin twisting his lips.

"Ah, but I think I'm out of the area, Mr. Hyde."

"Such a funny boy." He chuckled. Or should I say, croaked. "That 'potato' sack over there, Suite will come to collect it soon."

"That's good, and please tell him to call Hunter next time." I walked away, not bothering to here whatever Mr. Hyde had left to say. It seems like they're having a market fair today. I thought as I walked down a cobble path, colourful stalls lined up on either side of me. I wonder if they're any good knives around. Or maybe some new soap would be nice. Suddenly, I felt someone clutch at my elbow and looked down to see a small child with dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes staring up at me.

"Ah...Apples. Please apples...Please buy some apples over there Mister. We don't have a good sale today so please buy some apples. My mum doesn't feel well!" He cried, tears pooling in his cornflower eyes. Sure enough, his mother stood coughing by the stall watching with helpless eyes as people continued to pass her by. "We cannot go home unless the apples are sold out."

"Derek, I love apples the most!" The flashback hit me like a train and my heart shuddered painfully in my chest. With steady hands, I took out my cigarette and dropped it on the ground, crushing it under my heel.

"Very well. I'll buy a basket, oh and mix the ripe ones with some unripe ones. I'm not going to eat the whole basket at once."

Add brown sugar, cinnamon, lemon juice, ground almonds and some salt. You may add more granulated sugar to make it sweeter.

"Four tablespoons... I wonder if it's enough. I don't like my foods that sweet but maybe this sweet is better. I remember how much caramel he added last time..."

That's funny...though I don't like sweet things, I'm pretty good at making it.

"Derek this is so delicious! Make me more!"

"Heh...How annoying." A smirk creeps across my face and I stop mixing and resting my elbow against the wall, lean my face into my palm. "Such a pathetic fool I am..."

It's raining hard and my cloths are completely soaked through. I don't mind though, I've always loved the rain. The pie in the box is still hot in my hand at least. I wonder what David does for a living to own such a huge house. Maybe he has affairs with the rich who give him money. The house loomed over me, almost threatening in the dark light of the rain. Maybe there actually are more people living here, I mean it's got an attic and basement as well. I looked up and for a split second, could've sworn I'd seen someone watching me. A grin curved my lips and humming a little tune, I walk up the steps to the door.

"DING DONG!" I smirk.

David had been sitting by the window and just watching the black clouds slowly devour the fluffy white ones, turning the sky a haunting shade of black when he saw a figure in the distance. A smile formed on his lips as the figure grew larger and he could make out who it was. He rested his cheek against his palm and his smile grew wider and wider. When Derek suddenly looked up, David quickly ducked behind his curtain. What am I? A child? He thought and sighing, began walking downstairs. Smoky, his cat followed him down, weaving in out out between his legs. He heard the first chime of the bell.

And nearly fell down the stairs when the next six ensued. He scrambled downstairs and threw the door open with a loud, angry 'Hey!'.

I thrust the pie in front of his face, beaming at him.

"Good evening. I'm glad you're home. If I had to bring this pie home, I probably would've gotten rid of it, which would've been a waste. I hope you like apple pie." I give him the pie, using the excess warmth in my hand to warm up my cheek.
Wordlessly, David accepted the pie, feeling the heat seep into his hands. The steam had fogged up the glass box but he could still clearly see the pastry glisten gold and the sprinkle of cinnamon that decorated the pie. It looked positively mouthwatering. He looked up, drinking in Derek's appearance, from his dripping wet hair to his gold eyes that reminded him of the pie. David grinned and said with utmost sincerity,

I don't remember him always looking so pleased to see me. Perhaps it's just the pie, but then he wouldn't have to act so pleased? Maybe I'm over thinking it. He probably just really like sweet things.

"Do you have a lot of free time? Don't you go out for work? You always seem so free."
"I work at home." David said. "You too, you don't look like someone who's particularly busy."

Grinning, he shook the box to emphasise his point.
I give him a boyish grin as I laugh, "I'm a person who does what he wants, whether he has the time or not."

What a normal conversation we're having. He's even smiling. Is it because Michael isn't around?
David stared at him for a couple of moments before he chuckled,

"Aha...You're cute. Would you like to come in?" He asked, pointing his thumb over his shoulder. Though his floor was carpeted, he didn't mind. His mind was on other things at the moment. He is really rather cute, acting like such a carefree child.
I noticed the expensive looking rug on his floor and thought, it might get wet if I come in. It would've been better if I had brought an umbrella but once I get inside, I have no idea what to say to him. It'll be hard to make fun of him considering he's not very short-tempered.

"No, thank you. I don't want to soak your carpet. Perhaps another time."
David's grip tightened on the box at the rejection, but only for a second as he said,

"Ah, that's a shame. Next time bring some more sweet things and I'll make you some tea."

David smiled at Derek, his warmest smile before waving him goodbye.

"Thanks again. I really appreciate the pie."
The shower is almost scalding after the bone-chilling cold of the rain but after enduring it for a few minutes, it becomes warm and soothing. This is awful. I don't get it. What's wrong with him?

"Well that's a shame. Next time bring more sweet things and I'll make you some tea."

Perhaps he was simply being polite? But... that was strange. He might just be that kind of guy.

I turn off the water and head out, wrapping the warm fluffy towels around myself. I frown at the full laundry basket, making a mental note to do the laundry and buy some more detergent.

"He's too tough to play with...How annoying."

I should ask someone about him...but who? Maybe I should take a risk like usual, but I'm going to need some advice.

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