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The Time When We Adjust

Shaina nods at his words "Wonderful choice" she says with a smile. "What do they teach in physical education? Do you have tests and exams for that as well?" she asks him in wonder.

He was so polite with her. It was always good to be around well-behaved people, and hence she had already taken a liking towards Aaron and Tyler.
"Eh, not really," Aaron said to her as they left the main building, heading back towards the North Wing. "You're basically just marked based on the effort you put into the activity being done. After all, it doesn't seem fair that you'd be marked on your ability to shoot a basketball and score every single time, right?"
Shaina chuckles and nods, "True true. I think I'll take it up" she says with a grin. "Is there a girl's basketball team? I'd like to join as I always had a fantasy for it" she nods.
Aaron nodded in response. "Yeah, of course. There are all sorts of teams for boys and girls; basketball, hockey, football, you name it. I actually played for a soccer team once; we ended up winning a championship game."
Shaina smiles, "That's awesome. Where to sign up? I'd love to give a try to get into the basketball team" she says with a nod, and at his next words a huge grin appears on her face, "Woah! That's nice" she nods, "Must have been a pretty good team then," she says.
"Yeah, it was," Aaron said. "Haven't played for a team since then, though. Oh, and you can just sign up at the gym. It's typical, but whatever."
Shaina nods, "Mhm! Why not? I thought it was fun?" she asked him as she looked around. They were in the grounds now, and she could see all the outdoor courts, and it brought a happy feeling over to her. The fresh wind spent around, covering her face. With a chuckle she pushes it aside and takes a deep breathe, "It's a nice day" she says with a smile and nods.
"Yeah, well..." Aaron laughed, rubbing his head. "That would be partly because I ended up breaking my leg during that championship game. It's fine now, but I suppose I grew out of it in that time." When Shaina noted that it was a nice day, he smiled at her.

"Yes, it is, isn't it? Hopefully it'll be like this when Tyler shows you around town," he chuckled.
Shaina frowns, "Ouch! That's got to hurt," and without meaning to do it, she looked down at his leg, "It looks good now though," she says with a chuckle, "You can still try though. It doesn't matter so much. Your legs will become stronger, the more you play," she nods.

A small smile appears on her face at his words and she agrees with him, "Yeah! That would be nice. I don't want the sun scorching its heat on me or rain or snow. This weather, right now, is nice" she says with a smile. "It must be nice to be here, in this campus, during autumn and spring, right?"
Aaron nodded. "Of course. Particularly in the fall, the setting really puts me at peace," he said as he looked up at the sky. "Time and time again, I've painted or drawn pictures based upon whenever I've had those moments..." He laughed a little, looking down at the ground and rubbing the back of his head. "And I'm sure a few more will follow."
Shaina smiles at his words, "That's splendid. It really is. I'd love to see your pictures sometimes," she says with a nod as she bends down to pick up an almost dry leaf.
"Sure. I could show you some of them another time," Aaron smiled. He found himself quickly admiring this girl; it wasn't very often that people got the opportunity to meet kind people like Shaina.
Shaina smiles, "That would be lovely, Thank you" she says with a grin. She looks around wondering if there was any place she wanted to go.
With his hands in his pockets as he took a moment to look at the area around him, Aaron then turned to Shaina. "So, is there anywhere else that you want to go? Or do you just want to head back to our Wing?"
Shaina turns to face him and then looks all around. "Mhm! It's upto you" she says with a smile. She was usually not choosy or picky over anything.

[sorry for the extremely late reply. I had no internet!]
Aaron nodded, still smiling. "Alright. Let's head back to the Wing, then."

(That's okay)
Shaina smiles and starts walking. "Hey I'll walk front. Just follow me and let me know if I'm going the right way. I want to check how much I can remember" she says with a grin.
Aaron raised his eyebrows as he followed behind Shaina, his smile still present. As always. "That's interesting. I've never met a tourist who's done that before," he noted with a laugh. "Alrighty, then. I'll make sure to point you in the right direction if needed."

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