The Three Kingdoms OOC

SirDurrHurrHurr, we actually have 12 people participating in this RP. That's actually a good size if i do say so myself. and we will still be accepting even after we start
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[QUOTE="Sol The Hastag]I don't even see Ene's picture......12 people....I'll let that sink in first....

Are you saying that isn't a good amount of people to start with?
No, I'm saying that's actually a lot of people, just letting it sink in my head that there are a dozen of us and maybe even more once the RP starts and that my earlier estimates were off xD
[QUOTE="Sol The Hastag]No, I'm saying that's actually a lot of people, just letting it sink in my head that there are a dozen of us and maybe even more once the RP starts and that my earlier estimates were off xD

I see. I am taking that as a good thing i guess?? lol
Name: Belzamel

Age: Twenty-seven (27)

Personality: Belzamel is usually the last of any member of a congregation to share his presence. The Draconian is a mentalist shrouded intentionally by the air of a distant yet calculated sociopath with an inclination of sadism. He emanates a grin that perpetuates his amusement in other sentient life forms. His new found freedom ( see history section) along with his particular set of skill allows Belzamel the confidence to impose fear n others before even making contact with the victim. Belzamel is not one to waste words or talk nonetheless, so when he is talking one would be wise to recognize swiftly the intent behind his tongue. Belzamel knows his appearance and presence may make the weak of heart alongside the lionhearted feel uncomfortable and plays upon that when it does. Belzamel also suffered the tutelage of one of the most seasoned rogues in all of existence... "Raven-Haired" Thorin; and that is particularly why Belzamel has a near genius level capability as an assassin, strategist and MOST importantly... an opportunist.

Appearance: "Belzamel using Dimension Door"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Belzamel.jpg.c9c467241f4409ce75ad09e3dc89fb33.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2213" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Belzamel.jpg.c9c467241f4409ce75ad09e3dc89fb33.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Race: Draconian

Faction: The Empire of Rendanna

Class: The Shadow Assassin

Weapon: Primarily, his razor tipped dark-stained mithril gauntlets. He does however conceal a short adamantium poison blade aptly named "Malice" on his persons, that upon contact may also mute the victim for thirty (30) seconds.

Birth Place: The Blackened Hole

Current Place of Residence: At a covert base of the Army of Rendanna.

Skills: Tumble / Auto-hypnosis / Survival / Search / Sleight of Hand / Intimidate / Open Lock / Move Silently / Hide / Listen

Magic spells: Feather Fall / Ghost Sound / Alter Self / Pass Without Trace / Misdirection / Non-detection / Deeper Darkness / Dimension Door / Modify Memory

  • Belzamel's intent is to instill fear in all of his victims. The result is that the majority of his techniques employed are utilized to emulate terror and hysteria through atmospheric or mental manipulation. However, spells such as Dimension Door provide mobility that once in unison with a physical strike births devastating combinations.

Position in Society: Infamous amongst underworld assassination circles and their clientele.

History: In several short segments:


Belzamel was born to victim of sexual assault; a woman who had not intended to have offspring nor was fond of children. This, and the fact that every time she laid eyes upon her son she could see a striking image of her assailant, was the reason that she went on to neglect Belzamel. They had lived on the fringe of one of the Hole's conclaves and the woman made her means by various forms of theft or sexual compromise. The woman had a sister who could not bare her own children, and through the death of her own husband she lost her belongings. This sister took care of Belzamel till about the age of six, where she passed from illness. This left Belzamel's care in the hands of his mother again, who had not and did not prepare for raising him. She typically left Belzamel alone most of the day, though on occasion would interact with him in the evening or early morning to taunt and tease if she had returned home under the influence of a substance. This prompted the boy to sleep irregular hours and take to the streets most of the time to fraternize with steet-rat variety a little older than he. Belzamel learned through watching others in the enclave, and some habits he picked up became a means of expressing frustration through violence. He never did go hungry however. Despite her distaste in her child, Belzamel's mother would always leave scraps of food on the table for him to pick at for his fill before he would crawl back to his quarters; this perhaps was done out of guilt, though more than likely she had schemed possible profits in Belzamel's future.

When Opportunity Arises

The Blackened Hole was fond of wander-lusting vagabonds and mage-kind from above. Sometimes even humans felt the gall or had the means to explore it's depths for riches, and that of course meant work for dare-devil tour guides and hired hands. If not for those means, one may also take into account the individuals with particular tastes that seek the Hole's denizens as mates or perhaps something not so mutually beneficial. It was on a particular night that word caught aflame about a magi seeking young Draconians for personal endeavors. Belzamel's mother was one recipient of this knowledge, and followed the trail of whispers that led her to his location. The mage was staying at lodge roughly a mile and a half from her usual stomping grounds. It did not take long for her to reconcile the benefit of exploring the option.

Nothing Worse Than Here

The unwanted child was nudged awake at an odd time that day, his mother's toes shaking fervently upon his shoulder. It was not to taunt him but instead introduce a visitor. A man was standing in the lit edges of the room, which wasn't something odd to see, except for that this man was far more elegant looking than the usual gruff to frequent the hovel. After his eyes adjusted, Belzamel noted the interesting style of robe he was wearing; swaths of cloth adorned with small chains pocked with trinkets and gems, along with other pieces of cloth draped over his limbs. His inner robe was rather tight to his frame, though his sleeves opened up wide, more than likely to make spell casting easier. He caught the boy's stare when he cracked a smile riddled with golden teeth. "Ellethale of Stormwatch, my young lad..." The man bowed before Belzamel and held for a moment before rising up and striking his chin.

This was the first time the boy had been shown respect by anyone older than he, and without using methods of intimidation. "I'm looking for healthy young draclings of magnificent potential to come along with me to my lands, and partake in my glories. You'll get to get out of these damps underworks, and see the skies and breathe the air of the beautiful upper world; engage in feasts of culinary perfection all the while praying witness to the glory of my holdings. It is perhaps not the life your creator thought you deserved, but I like to think that I defy my own creators everyday through ingenuity!" The mage chuckled at his owns words as the boy stood cross armed, now around the age of nine. "Why?" the boy responded plainly. "You just shut your damn mouth and get outside bra-" the woman was hushed by the risen hand of the magi before continuing her tirade. "I simply find the Draconian specimen to hold fascinating potential. Your mother's heritage is also connected to the same stream of energy that I use to harbor my own magics. Isn't that right Prizma?" The boy tilted his head as he looked between the two situations.

He thought to himself while Prizma humored Ellethale with knowledge of the drow that was ridiculously primitive to his own findings already. Sickened by the two minutes in which he watched his mother sell herself, the boy reflected on his life here in the Hole and weighed on whether the great unknown would be a fairer alternative. For his age, his problems matured him faster than a normal child of a decent upbringing would inherit. This fact is what prompted his own query: "Is it better than this cesspool?" The mage raised a brow. "Cesspool? I am impressed by your verbiage dracling! And I'll only accept the ignorance of such a statement seeing as you are young and have never seen anything other than darkness..." The boy's mother chimed in, saying "Well would you look'e that? You two were practically meant for each other. Getchu'r things together brat; you and the nice soft skinned man here are going to go live the good life!" Ellethale glared at Prizma as Belzamel gladly rolled up a sack of supplies.

The mage looked to Belzamel as he prepared, then back to Prizma who's eyes said it all: "Yes... about our little trade, Prizma. To never be harmed again and to have a way to seize your own bounty. That was it, right?" Ellethale seeped with a grin. Prizma nodded, but picked up with her own statement. "I've been thinking Elle, and to be honest this trade may be an ogre's nut more special than you think. I AM handing you my only son, but you just say you can give me the ability to do what I want, instead of just given' it to me!" Ellethale looked to Belzamel and nodded, the boy turning to his mother before leaving yet not being compelled to do anything other than sigh before walking out of the door. "Missin' me so bad he can't get the words!" Prizma whined as she portrayed the facade of a caring mother. "I'll miss you moss-fart!" she said before dropping her act almost absentmindedly to finish her dealings with the mage.

"It is just a child amongst many I could pick. My words to him and my words to you should not mingle. The fact that I even gave you coin before what I am to give you now is already more than some of the richest men of my world would even dare ask of me in my domain. Take what you have now before I happen to lose interest in your ilk." Prizma frowned, but simply groaned before holding out a grubby hand. "Right then" said Ellethale before raising his finger to her forehead. "I'll instill upon you a gift that will change how others see you forever. I can't imagine you not being moved by the results." Prizma grinned widely, not even caring about what he was to do, but simply trusting the words of a man who's class insinuated straightforwardness and efficiency. "Don't move" the mage said as he murmured an encantation and etched a symbol on Prizma's brown. After the mage finished, Prizma complained about the anticlimactic nature of the event and lack of change she felt. Ellethale simply turned and took out the door, pushing Belzamel ahead and chatting with him on things to come. Prizma was shouting things from afar, yet went in and out of her home to check herself for physical changes. In this process she eventually lost sight of them.

Lost Expectations

The trip to Stormwatch was riddled with laughs and joys from the other children, while Belzamel gave thought unto what was truly to become of them. It became clear sadly that this new destination was not what they had dreamt of. All the children had learned upon reaching the mage's home that they may had been chosen not to live a glorious life alongside Ellethale, but instead be used as things more like. The children were quartered away one by one to be dissected individually and privately. In time, the children went from undergoing hypnotic therapies and chemical supplements, but some were used in bewildering experiments that pushed the limitations of the draclings so as to monitor their potential as agents of Ellethale. During these processes, Ellethale evoked advanced mind-control spells that constituted a severe allegiance to the magi within the children. Belzamel himself was riddled with markings that were used in incantations to speed the process, that and scars from probing his body to add and remove things that would improve his capability. The mage was industrious and ambitious, and his latest idea lead him to amassing a squad of blindly loyal executors that could amplify his placement in Sadon's elite.

To be but a Slave

After a few years of servitude, Belzamel grew into a potent murderer. While he didn't take care of diplomatic affairs (at least civilly) he picked up on vast quantities of information and tactics. This was subterfuged with the other knowledge Ellethale allowed his agents due to his confidence that his control was strong enough to not allow any back fire. Though the thoughts may have passed through all of their minds what it would be like to be of freewill, something in their minds always seem to sedate the notion and keep them comfortable with their situation. It was not until a certain mission that things would change for both the draclings and Ellethale entirely.


The agents were mostly in their early twenties by now, tome fulls of mission experience and wisdom in tow. It was a bitterly chill night that hosted the scene of the dracling's cataclysmic encounter. The agents had been sent to dispose of a rival magician of Ellethale's, though only upon meeting this Saltore did they realize said target was outrageously powerful. Through various means, the team had overcome Saltore but not without him imparting a gift. The magician flung a phrase that appeared to lift the subconscious control Ellethale had on all of their minds. "I sensed that you were all slaves to that hack tongue-biter, so now we get to see how much love you hold for him now!" Most of the agents looked to each other momentarily, but finished the job only because that's all they knew how to do.

The agents discussed their inclinations on Ellethale on the flight back, remembering that originally they had all been lied to and manipulated into beings of terror. Thankfully, many of the available agents were on this particular mission and fathomed that the only resistance they would meet upon planning a coup would be the magi his self, his servants and the spare draclings that were still bound to his will. A plan was hatched that required all of the agents to feign normalcy upon return, and overtake Ellethale by surprise.

A majority of the plan proved successful, for they had returned and adjusted with little suspicion. They definitely also caught Ellethale off guard on the day of the attack. The mage imagined that if ever they were to be free of his control, they more than likely would run away. He reconsidered this idea at times when he realized the extents of his training for them, and now that had proven to be just intent. They probably knew that if they were to run away and split up or run out of necessities, they would all be easy targets for counter measures taken by the Ellethale. The actual battle in Stormwatch was blood ridden, as former allied agents tore into each other at the behest of their master of their cause. Belzamel was a part of the group that had managed to corner Ellethale, and they eventually over came him though at the cost of many lives.

Belzamel led the collapse of Stormwatch along with the massacre of it's inhabitants. Since the agents were a secret weapon to an already ominous magi, clues to Stormwatch's fall were lost to time. Belzamel looked to all those left and advised to do what he would do, and run for a while; learn of the world and learn to shape it to their will.

...and Rebirth

What Belzamel chose to do with his freedom was what came most natural to him over his long captivity; to kill things. Belzamel spent roughly three years out in the

North seeking out contracts for killers. He made a special effort to chose mage targets as over time he developed a theory. The mage was far too powerful a class for any sentient to wield. He was sickened by the wanton eccentricities that pedestrians suffered from mage's and their ambitions. The Draconian grew quite a name for himself in this time, and through word of mouth found his wings beating to the chamber of the Rendanna's elite. It was there that they had struck a deal of mutual benefaction. Belzamel overtime had decided that if he could do anything with his talents, it would be to initiate a witch-hunt that would sunder the lands of Sadon once and for all. The officials of Rendanna naturally supported the idea, and in turn provided Belzamel with the means to do so...

Purpose for living: Belzamel's objective is to utterly dismantle the empire of Sadon. His infamy and ability allotted him recognition as an efficient killer, and his specialty was mage-kind. Belzamel met on terms with officials of Rendanna to discuss a mutuality of service, in which he would be given the means to initiate a secret witch-hunt targeting the top fifty Magi of Sadon's provinces.

Summoning: None

Other: The runes, sigils and scars etched unto Belzamel's flesh are secretly his greatest insecurity. It is most of the reason he tends to travel with his wings shading his front-side, if not completely submersing his self in the shadows. Belzamel's way of conquering the insecurity was by reasoning himself to be an umbral figure that owned the fear and ugliness he would perpetuate as oppose to appear victim of it. This personal defect did interestingly enough play a role while developing his assassination style, as his methods evolved from his preference to be concealed. While he is making efforts to spearhead his own designs, one may never know the influence another could have on him. While he is on a twisted path, one major aspect that he is now devoid of is guidance.

Mana Pool: Belzamel has mana potential due to having Drow in his ancestral line.

Element: Darkness

Special ability: None



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  • Name: Teddy "Little Bear"

    Nicknames: Cub (Called by friends and companions.), Little Bear (Called by friends and companions.), Hero (calls himself this.)


    Personality: Happy go lucky nothing really bothers him as his innate genius is not being a genius at all. He lives a simple life enjoying the small things without ever worrying about the future. He is gullible and very child like in all his operations and management towards things. He grew up hearing the legends of heroes so he has picked up a few chivalrous traits along the way. Calls himself the hero.

    Race: Human Dwarf

    Faction: Hunters Guild and Merchant Guild

    Class: Merchant (Gambler class with a Barbarian mix)

    Position in Society: Merchant, Upper Class, Aristocrat.

  • Weapon: War Hammer


    Birth Place: Valadore

    Current Place of Residence: Pluto's Crossing


    Iron Will: Being a child has bolstered his fortitude making him unaware of his own mortality. Thinking him to be the hero of the story and invincible he never gives up.

    These are the goods you are looking for: This silver tongued child has a way to talk you into buying your own pair of pants. He comes from a family of merchants and knows his way around a barter.

    Taunt: A skill that pulls the attention of said monster away from others.

    Iron Skin: His fathers dwarven skin he inherited has given him a tough outer shell.

    Lady Luck: A strike that gains half of total damage added as bonus damage or halves the total damage

    Mammonite: Pays tribute to the gods of fortune as the user pays money to gain damage onto their weapon in an explosion of their coins to do damage.

    Hammer Fall: Slams ground to cause the ground to shake and quake momentarily disorientating those around the epicenter lessening from initial strike point.

    Fissure: Slamming the war hammer against the floor causes the earth to split and tear into a jagged fissure that spreads in a cone in front of the user.

    Adrenaline Rush: The users body temperature increases inflating the muscles and causing the brain to process things much faster causing the user to attack faster and deal more damage for a duration.

    Heroic Presence: Confidence radiates from the user bolstering the moral of all those around them.

    Berserk: Falling near the low health threshold the user can not be criticaled or fataled during the short duration. Berserk also multiplies the users strength immensely, mental magic is ineffective during berserk. Can only be used once in the same engagement.

    Double edge: The user gains bonus damage for from current damage. Making the user stronger for the more damage they take.

    Blood Rush: The first scent of blood on the battle field increases movement for one action to super quick speeds.

    Killing Frenzy: Killing a monster, beast or enemy gives a boost to do more damage and increase speed after target is dead.

    Key to the City: Teddy's war hammer doesn't lose out to locked chests as it can smash most locks open with its heavy swing.


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yes, but no OOC there. just strait up sheets. 
OK people the IC is up! Just be sure to repost (or post) your character sheet here, before you make your first post here. If you have any questions be sure to ask, and aside from that, happy posting! 
Humor, accepted.
Name: Dahrim Vallehund.

Age: 19

Personality: Dahrim is as easy to read as you can get, when she's happy she's elated, when she's upset she's a barely contained hurricane. She's quick to take offence and easily gets upset, though not stupid enough to always respond physically. Dahrim drinks hard, parties hard, and works hard, taking after her brutish father. Despite this she normally has a positive outlook but is keen on taking care of herself, she likes justice, but she likes living better.

Appearance:(pic or detailed description.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdc475e4c_FinalDahrim.jpg.ccdf10a727aa88dbb04f1533bb874309.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2217" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdc475e4c_FinalDahrim.jpg.ccdf10a727aa88dbb04f1533bb874309.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Dahrim is around 5'2" with wild and bright white blonde hair and weather paled skin, she has wide eyes and a thin mouth. Her shoulders are thin and her upper body is slightly toned, though her legs are where her power is at, fully toned and strong.

Race: Human

Faction:(Optional. But lets not have everyone not choose a faction.) Dahrim is a part of Wyrm's Wall but dislikes their tactics used and is somewhat naive to their true purpose. If it came down to it she would leave them and side with Lotheihan, anything to stop a military take over.

Class:(PM me to request an advanced class.) Ranger.

Weapon: Ear Dagger

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/ear_dagger002.jpg.78f8dc52177fea2f5673f35ef5564d98.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2201" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/ear_dagger002.jpg.78f8dc52177fea2f5673f35ef5564d98.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>small, dagger strapped to her thigh. Mostly used for cutting fishing nets and other daily needs, not necessarily a weapon.

Long sword.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdc420c86_longsword..jpg.9aa718f41be7df3b99b9925417c454b4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2202" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdc420c86_longsword..jpg.9aa718f41be7df3b99b9925417c454b4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> sword she keeps strapped to her hip. Light weight, simple and around 2 feet long

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/0367_recurve_bow.jpg.d45de532602c764c559f08f5a1f13672.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2216" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/0367_recurve_bow.jpg.d45de532602c764c559f08f5a1f13672.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>Short bow, mostly used when hunting animals.

Birth Place: Unamed small village, cold climate in the mountains. Near Drake's Perch but well secluded from it. It being the BEAST-ly dragons that like to chill there.

Current Place of Residence: Bridge of Hope, close to Farrack

Skills: One on One fighting.

Chaotic Crowd fights. (Like a bar brawl.)

Wilderness survival.

Mountain climbing.

Animal mounting and combat.

Slightly adept at fishing.

Very adept with a spear (Because that's what her clan used to hunt)

Can take a punch like a man. ( Wishes she could hit like one.). Very good at archery. Though new at it, she recently learned two years ago, taught by Rawlin.

Magic spells: (List every spell you use, even the lame unimportant ones. you can use the links listed above, for white and black magic. or if you feel so inclined, you may even create your own. (lets not be op here.))

Small Flame: -3 mana, creates a small flicker of fire, (Only used to light campfires)

Battle Prowress: -65 mana, increases stamina, reflexes and strength by two for a short period of time.

Position in Society: A lowly merchant right now, has a stand where she sells the fish she catches for a low price.

History: (Please be detailed)

Dahrim grew up in a very small clan located in a more frigid part of the mountains relatively close but secluded from Drake's Perch. In this clan, while men did the hunting women ruled and were head of their society. Despite this Dahrim spent most of her childhood with her father, hunting in the snow and playing and riding the animals there. When news of the war reached the clan they decided to pack up and move further away from the three kingdoms and start anew. Dahrim's father quickly took her and left, travelling down the mountain carefully avoiding being detected by dragons they spent three years in the wilderness.

Finally the two managed to reach The Blackened Hole, in hopes of being able to raise his child there Dahrim's father entered, and a few weeks later was killed in an 'accident'. Thirteen year old Dahrim left, using what she knew to travel away through the land, taking three years before finally finding a place where she wanted to stay, Farrack. At the age of sixteen Dahrim secretly studied the fisherman to learn their techniques and set up a small merchant stand on the Bridge of Hope. She was able to keep a steady flow of customers and is now able to form a small inn room on the point of the bridge closest to Farrack. Now and then she travels off to visit the woods and hunt, hoping to bring back memories of her father and ended up meeting Rawlin, who almost took her head with an arrow, resulting in one of her notorious hissy fits. Despite that he ended up being one of her close friends and she means the world to him, though his protectiveness irritates her more than a little bit.

Dahrim now drinks and parties in ale houses, and gets into the occasional bar fight, but she is in general happy where she is and at all costs does not want the war to affect this.

Purpose for living: To live for today, and possible to keep the war from destroying her day to day somewhat carefree lifestyle.

Summoning: (This only applies to summoning mages. and wizards of extreme power.)

Other:(anything else, you would like people to know.) Dahrim= Mini viking she-bear. And whatever language spoken here is not her first, so she has a light accent.

Mana Pool: (Only for those who use magic. This is the size and power of your mana pool that you pull energy from to use magic.) Dahrim's mana pool is somewhat limited, she has no need to fight daily so she has not taken the time to train these abilities.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/DAHRIIIM..jpg.061c7b0b27146551a8c292d59d95b24b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2203" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/DAHRIIIM..jpg.061c7b0b27146551a8c292d59d95b24b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Rawlin Moore

Age: 23

Personality: He likes to sing and dance and play music. He jokes around and teases his friends but all in all is a sincere and honest guy. He's cautious but not uptight. He hates drinking because it dulls his senses and he likes being on high alert and heavily guarded. Since he can't fight well he has to rely on quick wit and agility.

Appearance: Source (


Race: Human (but he's still a BEAST)

Faction: Wyrm's Wall

Class: Ranger


Bow and Arrows


Feathers (dyed to know they are his)


Stilleto Dagger


Birth Place: Farrack

Current Place of Residence: Bride of Hope, closer to Farrack

Skills: Archery, Hunting, Fishing by shooting the fish with arrows, Healing Spells, Playing the flute, Singing, Running/Sprinting, Finding his way around/Finding something lost (like his arrows), Cooking, and Pick pocketing.

Magic spells:

Healing Spell (depending on the size of the wound it takes her energy)

Fire Conjuring Spell (To make a small fire for cooking)

Soothing Spell (To calm an animal or person's suffering)

Plant Growing Spell (To grow small herbs or fruits)

Position in Society: Doesn't support the war, just wants to survive and protect his friends.

History: His mother was a common prostitute that had seduced his father while he was drunk and hanging out with friends. He found out later that she was pregnant with his child and vowed to take care of the child. He lived a happy life, his father being a fisherman and his mother still prostituting but visiting him and teaching him how to seduce people (which he was terrible at) and pick pocket them (which he was wonderful at). At 15 his mother disappeared, everyone thought she had been kidnapped and killed but he still thinks she's alive. When he turned 16 his father was drafted into the war and he was left alone to fend for himself. He couldn't care for the business so he handed over the business to a family friend. After finding out his father was dead he moved away from Farrack to the Bridge of Hope and started working as a hunter/fisher for a local market. When he turned 22, he met Dahrim in the woods. His arrow struck beside her and they got into a shouting match before laughing together and becoming friends. She is the only thing dear to him in his life and he'll do anything to keep her safe and happy.

Purpose for living: To protect and keep Dahrim happy.

Summoning: None




Mana Pool: Limited

Element: None

Special ability: None
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Name: Vaxiter Meu'lin

Age: 21

Personality: Vaxiter hates no species but his own and the humans.

Appearance:(pic or detailed description.)


Race: Dark Elf

Faction: None, he's pretty rougue. He sides with whoever appeals to him at the time, not really caring about the whole thing in general.

Class: Blue Mage. In his travels he's encountered a lot of monsters, though he selects the spells he learns very carefully. This also gives him access to certain white magic, which he values above anything else he can do.

Weapon: He might be a mage, but he's something of a beast in battle. All the time he had alone in his traveling lets him practice the sword he'd stolen from the Wood Elves when he was a teen. He fights with his mind more often, though- playing games with his opponent until they break and go mad or simply give up.

Birth Place: He doesn't know where, but the rumor is that he was born in Drake territory.

Current Place of Residence: None. He's travelling to Farrack at the moment, hoping to find a place to stay and refresh his supplies.

Skills: He knows how to survive on his own, he's just good enough at hunting and fishing, though he isn't a master at it. He is better with his magic than anything else, but that's not something he likes to talk about.

Magic spells:

Light - Simple replacement for a torch 5

Alter Self - Can take the form of a similar creature 35

See Invisibility - speaks for itself 30

Tongues - Speak any language 15

Water Breathing - subject can breathe under water 20

Break Enchantment - can break some curses and spells cast on subject 20

Mind Fog - confuses target/distracts them 10

Note* Though he has a wide array of magic, he hates using it.

Position in Society: Occasional thief, he doesn't really stay long enough to recognize.

History: Vaxiter's biological parents were Dark Elves. They tried to get rid of him a hundred different ways, drowning, abandonment, poison- they thought it was fun. They enjoyed his anger and pain more than simply killing him. Mind games were inherent since birth. After no one he turned to took him seriously or tried to help, his resentment spread from his parents, to all of his race. The Dark Elves were suddenly his enemies.

He was seven when he ran away. He spent as much time in Wood Elf territory before they noticed and chased him off. At fourteen he had his sword and some magic, so he set off to find some form of academy to train at. Possibly further his magic skills.

He found a human tutor in Pluto's Crossing. The tutor became a father figure to him, even if his teachings were sinister, he could do no wrong. Teaching him how to rob people without them remembering, using him to get alcohol when the need came. The tutor began going mad, and nearing Vaxiter's eighteenth birthday he committed suicide while drunk.

Vaxiter, in a rage, blamed the human race. He realized that his racist tutor only stole from elves or dwarves or Drakes- (though that wasn't true, it was the majority of their targets)

And so, he hates humans for their greed and lies.

Now, he travels from town to town, never taking more than he needs, never from the poor. He sometimes fights for money or gamblers, but that's not a living. He doesn't know where he's going or why or what he's going to do when he gets there. Most of the time everything seems so pointless he considers following his Tutor- and then there's his purpose for living.

Purpose for living: To be happy. That's all he wants. Not revenge, or battle, or women. Just to be happy, something he's never really had.

Mana Pool: I'm not sure how this is scaled. I'll say he has fifty mana, and mark his spells accordingly.

Name: Lyra Belle

Age: 21

Personality: Rebellious. Sparky. Stubborn. Reckless. She does things her own way, without asking questions. They usually work out, and she always knows how to talk her way out of a problem. She loves getting herself into trouble, loves taking chances and never knowing whether she'll be lucky or not. Winning isn't important, the adventure is. She trusts people easily, but she isn't particularly loyal unless you've proven yourself to her. Either way, you won't know her for very long- she's always running off to see what else she can get into.

Appearance:(pic or detailed description.)


Race: Human

Faction:(Optional. But lets not have everyone not choose a faction.) No faction, she couldn't care less what happens. Though she'd be more likely to join the militia- to stop the fighting in the first place.

Class: Swashbuckler. She's always around the sea, she even had her own ship for a few years (until it sank). She's working on getting another ship, though, as she knows exactly how to keep men in line. Don't let her version of friendly fool you into thinking she's nice.

Weapon: Any kind of sword she can get her hands on, and the occasional pistol.

Birth Place: Farrak, and she loves it there.

Current Place of Residence: Farrak, though she has only just got back. She was looking for Capolis for a long time, but eventually came back home. She isn't sure why.

Skills: Lyra's clever, and she can use her mind and body to figure out anyone. She's charming and cunning and cruel when she wants to be. It's easy for her to manipulate someone, but she chooses not to use sexuality as a motivator. She doesn't like 'manipulation', though she'll use it on those who deserve it. Instead she barters and argues- or simply pulls out a pistol. That ends most arguments.

Position in Society: Thief, Sailor, Pirate.

History: Lyra was born in the very city of the ocean. She grew up a sailor's daughter, and loved every day of her childhood spent on the ocean. Her mom never existed- not to her, anyways. She left a long time ago.

Lyra soon got her own ship- a simple "cargo" thing, when really they were smuggling people who wanted to be transported. She made good money, and her crew was happy, considering their captain was seventeen.

Then her ship was attacked by pirates. It sunk, and most of the 'cargo' was lost along with half of her crew. She was taken prisoner on the pirate ship, but it only took her a few months to talk her way into first mate. She enjoyed it, taking revenge on each of the crew lowly, one-by-one. She let the innocent go, they were still under the impression that it was some sort of disease among the crew.

The first port they stopped at was where she got off.

So she traveled.

Eighteen, looking for Capolis, it wasn't a dream or an obsession. She was simply curious about the place.

Having found nothing, she eventually returned home. Where she is now.

Purpose for living: To see and do everything one possibly can. She wants no revenge, though she might if something happens.

Other: Though she has never been in love, she would be quite the interesting partner.
ok, so we basically just received 4 characters with no faction. As i said before my team and i create arcs and -stories for each character, based upon their faction, age, race, history, class, ect. People with no faction, and basically no purpose for living, are extremely hard to make story lines for. Im not asking you to change the integrity of your character, just give them something more to live for in this world, (wanting revenge, wanting peace, wanting power. Or maybe even a faction or two.) 
locknessmonster, Sire Souriez, EliCarter
EliCarter, the point of a ranger is that they have some sort of proficiency with a bow. Be it Long Bow, Short Bow, Cross bow, etc.. So you should at least list that. 
(sorry didn't notice HaruAketchi making mention to that fact)
Wisdom said:
-Computer is glitching up, I'll have to finish this tomorrow but at least you have a glimpse of the app-
Name: Belzamel

Age: Twenty-seven (27)

Personality: Belzamel is usually the last of any member of a congregation to share his presence. The Draconian is a mentalist shrouded intentionally by the air of a distant yet calculated sociopath with an inclination of sadism. He emanates a grin that perpetuates his amusement in other sentient life forms. His new found freedom ( see history section) along with his particular set of skill allows Belzamel the confidence to impose fear n others before even making contact with the victim. Belzamel is not one to waste words or talk nonetheless, so when he is talking one would be wise to recognize swiftly the intent behind his tongue. Belzamel knows his appearance and presence may make the weak of heart alongside the lionhearted feel uncomfortable and plays upon that when it does. Belzamel also suffered the tutelage of one of the most seasoned rogues in all of existence... "Raven-Haired" Thorin; and that is particularly why Belzalmel has a near genius level capability as an assassin, strategist and MOST importantly... an opportunist.

Appearance: "Belzamel Using Dimension Door"

View attachment 15856

Race: Draconian

Faction: The Blackened Light ( allies of convenience )

Class: The Shadow Assassin

Weapon: Primarily, his razor tipped dark-stained mithril gauntlets. He does however conceal a short adamantium poison blade aptly named "Malice" on his persons.

Birth Place: The Blackened Hole

Current Place of Residence: Lives off of the land eating beasts or bunking at any Blackened Light outposts and bases.

Skills: Tumble / Auto-hypnosis / Survival / Search / Sleight of Hand / Intimidate / Open Lock / Move Silently / Hide / Listen

Magic spells: Feather Fall / Ghost Sound / Alter Self / Pass Without Trace / Misdirection / Non-detection / Deeper Darkness / Dimension Door / Modify Memory

Position in Society: Infamous amongst underworld assassination circles and their clientele.

History: (Please be detailed)

Purpose for living: Belzamel tasted absolute freedom shortly before the events in this particular tale transpire. With the ability to make personal choices at that moment available, the Draconian found him self affiliated with the Blackened Light arguably on impulse due to it's initial brand of thinking that in some dimension appealed to him at the time. Living freely amongst society, Belzamel was able to shape and articulate his idea of what he should seek to accomplish with his new-found purpose. Having rather macabre experiences did not lead this line of thinking into anything that appeared beneficial to society unfortunately. After displaying terrifying capability, Belzamel created a sort of anti-hero celebrity status amongst the glances and whispers of Blackened Light affiliates. This prolonged notoriety alongside his precision in the execution of missions allotted Belzamel a sort of respect and freedom to do and wander as he pleased, yet still be privy to high priority intelligence. By this point in time, Belzamel is in the works of formulating an ulterior motive that would utilize the force and intent of the Blackened Light, yet subvert the cause to compliment machinations of his own design. Though he has cards in his hand, Belzamel is still contemplating what he desires to seize with his cunning and affluence.

Summoning: None

Other: The runes, sigils and scars etched unto Belzamel's flesh are secretly his greatest insecurity. It is most of the reason he tends to travel with his wings shading his front-side, if not completely submersing his self in the shadows. Belzamel's way of conquering the insecurity was by reasoning himself to be an umbral figure that owned the fear and ugliness he would perpetuate as oppose to appear victim of it. This personal defect did interestingly enough play a role while developing his assassination style, as his methods evolved from his preference to be concealed. While he is on a twisted path, one major aspect that he is now devoid of is guidance. While he is making efforts to spearhead his own designs, one may never know the influence another could have on him.

Mana Pool: Belzamel has spectacular mana potential due to having Drow in his ancestral line, but this potential is corrupted by the intent to instill fear in all of his victims. The result is that the majority of his techniques employed are utilized to emulate terror and hysteria through atmospheric or mental manipulation. However, spells such as Dimension Door provide mobility that once in unison with a physical strike births devastating combinations.

Element: Darkness

Special ability: None

-Computer is glitching up, I'll have to finish this tomorrow but at least you have a glimpse of the app-
Looks like this is almost done! Dont forget to post it in the Character Sheet thread when you finish.

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