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The Small Room With A White Tile Floor


Fuck Off, Please!
Only a Few people visit the room with a white tile floor. They were the lucky AND unlucky ones, People came into the room with other people sometimes, what did they do there? Who the hell knows. Sometimes death and sometimes life. But most people who enter the room don't remember how they got in the room. There is a small screen in the corner of the room, a beautiful woman talking, 'You shall pick what you shall do... My dolls... But... I am your master so you will obey commands from me when I say so...' Then the screen turns black. The people who wake up are usually nice dressed. Now... These group of people are special. They don't fear their master and they don't fear the room. All they want to do is ESCAPE.

The Small room with a white tile floor. For now..

1. Behave

2. Cursing is allowed just not directly at the rper

3. No sexual content

4. Have fun!

]After 'the evil lady' turned off the screen she sat down in her fine looking chair. The room around her was cleaned and finely designed. She was wearing a fine dress. Her name was Minerva. She looked at her evil partner, and smiled. "Care for Wine?"

Raja looked up, being here was a surprised. "What the fuck? Where am I? Who are you?" She asked a boy with black hair and dark feeling coming off him..

Aki was banging his head slightly on the wall.. "We will never get out.. She will kill us all!" He exclaimed and bit his lip, he ran his hand through his hair, wondering what all these people think.

Daniel smirked at Aki and Raja. "Whatever." He stated and played with his new fancy tie, it seemed okay. Daniel licked his lips at this one girl, winking at her.
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"You know I'm not a big fan of wine, Minerva." Paul said.

He stood, leaning against the wall behind her, his eyes closed, arms crossed and his legs crossed on top of one another.
"Sit down Paul!" She poured some wine for herself and she clapped her hands. A butler immediately went up to her. "Yes, get me some..." She paused and looked at Paul. "Tea? Sparkling water? Fruit juice?" She asked him and sipped her wine. Her beautiful dress flowed down the ground. Her pink hair curled ever so slightly.

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Nicolette sat in a corner, silent. She started humming softly, and soon enough, the humming became soft singing. She didn't care if anyone could hear her. "We won't die. Everything will be fine," she said softly after her singing had faded out. She ran her fingers through her blue hair and sighed looking down at her clothes. She had on a pair of red skinny jeans with a black stitch pattern and a black Rolling Stones tshirt.

Caleb paced against a wall trying to hold back from yelling at the top of his lungs. He went to where the screen once was and punched it. Of course, nothing happened. "We are all gonna f***ing die and no one else is freaking out?!" he yelled, the panic in his voice was evident.
Reina leaned back in her chair that was far from everyone, sitting unladylike with her legs slightly spread. She was still wearing her school uniform, which was a sailor-like outfit with a blue collar and cuffs and a short blue pleated skirt. She would have worn something more comfortable, but she did not know how she got here in this room with these people she did not know. She remembered walking to school like every weekday morning and it was the last day before summer break. She didn't care really, she didn't want to go to school anyway and she got the perfect excuse for not showing up: kidnapped. She smiled to herself and then began to look at the others, studying them.
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Daniel sat next to the school girl, winking at her. "Hey there pretty lady." He said and smiled. His dreamy blue eyes and shining smile was directed to her, "Hmm. Kidnapped right when school was over? Sucks, I know." He stated with a grin.
"Eins Bier, bitte." Paul says to the butler.

He opens his eyes and sits at an equally fancy chair next to Minerva.
She looked over to the fellow that sat beside her. She didn't like pretty boys for she was not like other girls. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"Not really..." She said with a scowl on her face. She hated being hit on, and especially when she was in a new place where she knew no one.
Minerva smiled, the butler nodded and got him his beer fast. Minerva batted her eyelashes at him. "What do you think about our new dolls? I love that Caleb one, and Reina. " she smiled at Paul and blew him a little kiss. She would always randomly tease him. Even though he didn't react much.

Daniel frowned. "A tomboy. Huh." He gave up his pretty boy act and rolled his eyes. "Please stop scowling, it looks ugly on your face. What do you think about this huh? " he leaned back and closed his eyes.
Paul took a drink of his beer and set it down on the table and looked up at Minerva.

"I always wonder why you pick the scrawny boys." He said.

This time he decided to act like he grabbed the kiss out of the air and put it in his pocket.
"Obviously, Captain Obvious, and good. It's not like I'm pretty to begin with!" She scowled harder, deep lines etching into her face that made her look more angry. She then calmed down and said one word that she thinks describes this place to answer his question: "Dull."
She shrugged and drank some more wine. "Oh Paul..." She sighed. "You're lucky I let you live this dream." She said the singing softly under her breath.she leaned him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, letting some wine on her lip stay on his cheek.

Daniel raised a brow, "Pfft, you are pretty." He stated and looked away and the head banging kid, the questioning girl, dark boy, and singing girl. He shrugged. "yup dull."
Nicolette stood up and brushed her clothes off, she moved her hair over to one shoulder and started walking around, unnoticeably glancing at Aki.

Caleb slid down the wall he was pacing against and sighed, deciding to go quiet. He didn't know how they were gonna get out of this, if they were, but he knew they had to try.
"You're such a dweeb," she said to this Daniel guy.

Reina looked at the people in the room, especially the girls. She liked guys that were like her: tough and aggressive, but she girls interested her as well. Sometimes she daydreamed of messing with girls hearts, like boys did, and kissing them. She wondered what it would be like to a kiss a girl. She smirked at the thought, thinking herself as such a player.
Paul smiled and looked at her.

"You're lucky that I decided to take you up on the offer."
Raja looked at Caleb, going to sit next to him. "Hi." She said quietly and smiled. "You okay?"

Minerva grinned and drank some more wine. She turned on her tv and decided to browse there're some channels.

Daniel rolled his eyes. "Whatever man." He kicked the chair and sat down on the ground looking at singing girl.
Paul downed his beer and set the glass down and looked over at Minerva and said nothing. She was pretty, he'd give her that.
"Does anyone have a cigarette?" Reina asked loudly, looking around at the people in the room. She was dying for a smoke.
Caleb picked his head up and looked at the girl. "No one is concerned about the fact at we could die, except for me. Or so it seems," he explained with a soft sigh.
Aki nodded. "Here." She threw her a cig and a lighter.

Raja smiled. "I do care.. Well.. Yeah.. We'll get out." She patted his back. Rajas long hair flicked and swooshed around.

Minerva raised a brow and looked at him, "What are you looking at?" She said with a smirk.
"Thanks," Reina said as she caught the lighter and cigarette, winking at Aki with a smirk. She placed the cigarette between her lips and lit it up, inhaling. She removed the cigarette from between her lips and exhaled the smoke into the air with an appreciative sigh. She was craving tobacco ever since she woke up.
"I sure as hell hope so," he said quietly, more to himself than anyone.

Nicolette listened to everyone talking. Her singing had stop and se was silent, other than the sound of her feet on the ground as she walked.
Aki smiled at her wink. He pulled up his chair next to her and took the lighter from her, lighting up a cigar. Her blew in and out, sighing. "hey." He said quietly and looked up and sighed again.

Raja just sat there. "Hmm.. Relax.." She sat patting his head. "We will. Get out." She said with a grin. "Just., um.. Here.." She took out her phone, no bars, and no wifi. All she had were some addicting games, "Wanna play?" She sounded like a little girl, but.. Who cares.
"Hey," she returned after inhaling the cigarette, watching him from the corner of her eye. "So, do you know anything about this place?"
"At you, obviously." He said, with a smile.

He looked at her eyes with his usual look and waited for her to reply.

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