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The Small Room With A White Tile Floor

Aki grinned. "All I know is that people die here. Only one makes it out, sometimes." He chuckled and inhaled some more of the smoke.

Minerva blushed. "Yes I know me, what exactly were you looking at?" She raised a brow. "My eyes? My smile? My hair? My dress?... My curves?" She said the last part with a laugh. 
(( I'll be leaving soon. Please if I do not reply, don't keep rping. I don't wanna read so many pages! xD ))
"Perhaps all of it. I am a man you know, and your flirting doesn't go unnoticed." Paul says.

He turns and asks the butler for another beer, which the butler turns on his heel and fetches, Paul drinks from it again and sets it down.
Nicolette glared at Reina. "F***ing b****," she said, loud enough for the smoking girl to hear.
Minerva smiled in satisfaction. "Hm. I thought so. Paul, you are interesting man." She said with interest of course, she wiped some lipstick off of the edge of her bottom lip.

Aki raised a brow and looked back. "Woah, woah, little lady, what's your problem?" He said angrily. "She is just having a smoke!" He stood up and waked towards her after kicking his chair.
Nicolette stayed silent. "I don't call winking 'just having a smoke'," she said softly before going back to her corner and sitting down, her confidence dropping by 50%.

Caleb sighed in frustration at the evident pre-drama that was going on. He just wanted to get out of there, and now chances were he wouldn't be the one to get out.
"Thanks for the info," Reina said, eying Aki suspiciously. She exhaled the smoke and dropped the cigarette on the floor, crushing it under her black school shoe. She then hears someone call her a name and looked at the girl and just laughed.

"Haha, little girl. You know it!" Words didn't affect her and she agreed when others called her a b**ch. She could care less what others thought. She looked at the girl up and down. Not my type... She shrugged and got up, walking over to a wall to lean against.
Little girl. Those two words made Nicolette want to curl up in a ball and hide from everyone, but she couldn't do that. Not here.
Aki snarled and bent down, looking the girl in the eye. He had a devilish grin. "You don't know what's going to happen. But I do." He leans in even more. "Oh little lady.. You should not pick on anyone here... I promise you.. Before someone gets out.. You'll die." He grinned again and twirled her hair around his finger. He got back up and stood next to the girl he was smoking by. He sighed in relaxation.

Minerva shrugged. "liking a girl who likes locking up High school students in a room." She smiled. "That is interesting. And that Aki boy.. He has been in the room before. He seems to interesting to let go of." She grinned.
Nicolette tried to put on a tough face, but it just wouldn't work. She turned facing the wall and started crying softly.
Reina was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed in a relaxed manner.

"I didn't catch your name," she stated as she looked at him through the corner of her eye.
"Akirito, call me Aki please." He smirked."Your name?" He threw his cgi to the ground, smashing it with his foot. His devilishly handsome features shown out when he smiled to the crying girl. Then his smile faded. "Be right back.." He bent down and looked at the girl. "Girl, why you cryin'? Ya' know I was just messin' with ya'." He nudged her and twirled some of her hair with his index fingers.
Nicolette tensed up and quickly wiped her eyes of the tears. "Bad memories," she said simply. Her face now dry, she stood up and turned facing him. "You're wrong. You're not the only person that's heard about this place. My mom was killed by those psychos!" she nearly screamed.
"Reina. Okay, then..." she said slowly, eying him a bit suspiciously as he left her to her own device. There was something about him that she knew he was in on this whole white tile room business. She didn't care for making friends, but she had to stay on the others' good side in this place. She would not be made into a fool like some of the others in here, like that little girl with low self esteem. She needs to grow a pair of balls... She scoffed, following with a sigh of boredom.

Are we going to wait here forever? Hope not...
Akira looked dead serious. "Your parents. My parents on the other hand are same as yours. Dead. Deceased. Gone. Passed away. By them. Just calm the fuck down. You'll live, probably. I won't care if you try to kiss a boy here, try to kiss a girl, try to escape, try to kill yourself because we all are going to fall down. The ring around he rosy. Pockets full of posies. Ashes, ashes, we all fall down. The lady made this fucking game because that song.." He stated and went back to the other girl. He shouted at the ceiling. "FUCK YOU MINERVA AND YOUR LITTLE MAN FRIEND!" He screamed and pounded the wall. "I WILL GET OUT AND THEN YOULL BE SORRY!!" He yelled again.

Minerva heard screaming. "Music to my ears~" she said and looked at Paul.

Raja winced at his screaming and absentmindedly hugged the guy next to her. "Er.. Sorry.." She leaned back.
"Chill, dude," Reina said with a small laugh as she watched Aki have a breakdown. People here are so weak. They break down so easily, it's ridiculous.

"Grow some balls will you and a brain as well..." She mumbled, clearly annoyed with this group of people she was stuck with.
"Oh shut up." He stated. "You would die here without my help. I know this whole building inside and out. Don't ask me why. And when I escape I aint brining none of you.." He growled at her. "I just can't get out now because Minerva changes it every year.. Even though it looks the same.."
Caleb nodded in condolences to Aki then started singing an unidentifiable lullaby, mainly mumbling it to himself like a psychopath.

Nicolette stood there, silence by his words. Sighing, she realized he was right. She started walking around the black room singing, "London bridge is falling down, falling down falling down. London bridge is falling down. My fair lady." Her high voice rang out and bounced off the walls.
Reina laughed a loud laugh as if he told her a very funny joke. She held her stomach for that's how hard she laughed. "Ah hahahaha! Ah, don't make me laugh. You do not know who I am. Just because I'm a girl, doesn't make me weak." She growled.

"I don't need a loose appendage between my legs to tell me if I'm strong or not..." She glared long and hard at him.

"Look..." She said calmly. "I'm not looking for a fight, but I just want you to calm down, okay? You're not gonna get out of here, if you are not calm. Anger makes people do stupid things and I don't want you to do something stupid that we all will regret. Alright? Alright..."

Reina sighed and tried to keep her fists from shaking. She hated getting peeved from such trivial things. She probably would hit anything that moved, really.

Why the Hell did they kidnap me in the first place?
"Fuck all of ya." He said and knocked on the wall. Making a crashing sound. "Ah Minerva,.. You are such a pretty lady, ya' know? Where did you bury my parents?? I just wanna know, because, I know I'll be with them soon." He said that all with a smile.

Minerva had a annoyed look on her face and turned on the cam. "Hello my dollies. Aki, I actually disintegrated them! Yes,.. So.. Nah, I'll just keeps you alive every year. Making you live In pain.." She smiled and looked at Paul. "Maybe Paul and I shall keep you as a pet? Right hubby?" She said playfully. But she did not need a answer. "Well good bye!" The cam turned off.
Reina's eyes narrowed a bit. "Sooo... Are we just gonna stand here forever? Are we gonna have lunch at least soon?" She sighed, hating standing around without nothing to do. They could have least taken my bag with them so I can have something to do... She came here empty handed with only the clothes on her back and a blank memory of what had happened and how she got here.
"No Lunch. No fun. Just wait. For the pain!" He said excitedly and pulled up his shirt. Scars... So many ugly and just horrible scars.. "This all from here! Yes! I have been here before! I read her mind. Dreamy boy will die first. I just know it." He grinned evilly at dreamy boy.
"Are you serious? I skipped breakfast this morning because I was late for school..." She hit her forehead with her palm. "And put your shirt back down. You're making fool out of yourself..."

She went to sit down on the chair again and relaxed. Hopefully I'll never meet this lady that's behind all this. She won't like the bite I pack...
"No he's not. We're all gonna have to face the truth of what we can become IF we get out alive," Nicolette said, loud enough for everyone to hear.

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