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The Small Room With A White Tile Floor

"Well Caleb... You seem a little quiet. Let's actually continue talking... Like um... Uh.. I like your shirt! It's nice..." She stated.

Aki glared at the girl and put down his shirt. "Pfft.."

Dreamy boy blushed.
"Thank you. But don't try so hard to make conversation. It should flow naturally," Caleb said. His voice was halfway creepy sounding, but with a hint of humor. Smiling, he stretched against the wall. "How old are you?" he asked her.
Raja smiled. "The name is Raja and seventeen, how old are you?" She said sleepily, was it already getting dark outside? Who knew. But she was but tired. She yawns a little and raja put her head on his shoulder.
Caleb froze when Raja put her head on his shoulder. "Umm...I'm seventeen as well," he said awkwardly. He didn't wanna seem like a heartless ass and push her off so he just sat there.
Paul leaned in and watched the screen.

"It seems they might kill each other before they can get out."
Minerva smiled at Paul. "Yes. They might." She said and clapped her hand. The butler came. "Lunch please, What would you like Paul?" She asked him with a sweet tone,
She nodded.

"Italian as well."

Minerva smiled and the butler nodded and went to go tell the personal chef.

( I gotta go baiiiii! )
Paul sat back and looked at Minerva.

"That's actually pretty cool."

Raja was already fast asleep. Like someone knocked her out. Her long dark hair fell on to his shoulder a little.

"Pretty cool? What is pretty cool?" She said relaxing and looked at the screen. "Should we release the dogs? Or later? Or now, because I am getting bored." She said evilly.
Reina sighed and walked over to the blank screen. She stared at herself in the reflection of it, fluffing her hair up a bit, and then placed her hands on her hips.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" She stared at the screen that remained blank. She brought up her hand and rapped her knuckles on the screen, not being gentle at all. "Knock, knock! Hello!"

She sighed. She remembered someone mentioning something about dolls. Was she here because someone wanted to play with her like she was some children's toy? A vein throbbed in her temple as she grew angry.

"Look, I'm not even pretty enough to be a doll so release me and let me go on with my pathetic life. I can hear my my spicy ramen waiting for me and it doesn't like to wait!" She snapped at the blank screen and sighed. No point in talking to herself or even punching the screen, she went back to her chair and collapsed onto it with a huff.
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Minerva grinned. She turned on her camera. "Oh sweetie, you are very beautiful. I picked everyone here because they are beautiful. Especially Aki. Hello Aki. How's your sister? Oh. Yes. Dead." Minerva grinned and chuckled. "Father? Mother? Oh. Dead. Grandparents? Yes. Dead. Uncles? Aunts? Dead. Best friend? Not yet. But in exactly.... Two minutes he will be deceased." Minerva laughed.

Aki cringed. "Stop! Don't kill him like you killed my family... Just kill me. Or do whatever you want... Just don't harm these innocent people and my best friend.." He begged. "Oh Minerva! Please!" Aki closed his eyes and clenched his fists.
Reina stared at the screen from her seat in disbelief, soon a dry laugh followed. "You're one crazy b*tch, I'll give you that," she said. She always said what was on her mind and didn't care whether it killed her or not. She was prepared to play this woman's little game.

She then wondered about her own family, now that this woman was mentioning Aki's apparently deceased family members. She had a mother back home that ran a small, rundown ramen shop in the poor area of the town and that was her home for they lived just above it on the second floor with the leaky roof, and she didn't have any siblings. Her father had run out on her mother when he found out that she was pregnant with Reina, and because of that, Reina had to assume the position of man of the household, thus why she acted more like a man than a girl. She smirked a little. Her mother would do fine without her, she was sure, glad to be out of her mother's eye for she always berated her daughter about the way she acted, wanting a pretty, ladylike daughter and not a daughter that acted more like a son.

Let the games begin...
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Caleb sat there in silence, allowing Raja to sleep on his shoulder.

Nicolette paced across the room and back, knowing there was nothing she could do. Except escape, along with everyone in here. She walked up to the screen and stared at it for what seemed like forever. "I'm not afraid of you. You're just a crazy psychopathic b***h that hides behind a screen. You act tough because we can't touch you. You can't fight your own battles because you'd be dead within thirty seconds. I would personally see to that. I want you to listen and I want you to listen close. I don't care if I spend the rest of my life in prison because it'll damn sure be worth it. When we get out of this hellhole, I'm gonna come after you. I'm gonna come after that lapdog. I'm gonna brutally murder both of you to the point that cops won't be able to make an identification. That's a f***ing promise," she said coldly, not taking a single break.
Minerva had a serious face. "Open the room." She grinned. The small room seem to stretch and stretch until it looked like it was a living room area. "There is bedrooms. Sleep. But be careful. Danger lies ahead." She said in a sweet tone, "Release the dogs.." She whispered to her butler near her. He nodded. There was barking heard in the huge house. There were doors. "These are not ordinary dogs... By the way. Equip them with weapons." A man in a black suit came in. He smirked. "Hello." He said to them nicely. He laid out a selection of weapons. Not Strong enough to kill the man, but they were weapons. "Try to kill me and... Well. Lets just wait and sees what happens if you do."
Reina laughed at the other girl in the room that had cussed her out earlier. She was a thin girl and her body reminded Reina of a twig; she could be easily snapped. I bet that screen b*tch can break you in half, little girl. I bet you haven't even fought a day in your life!

Her laughter was cut short when the room stretched. "What the- Am I tripping!? Did you drug me!?" Ignoring the screen woman's words for she was too busy fuming with anger. Then a man in black entered the room with what seemed to be a case of weapons. Reina got up and was the first to have a look at the weapons. They were just melee weapons, weapons that required strength and not relied on just a pulling of the trigger. There were small daggers and flail weapons, amongst other melee weapons. She decided she would go with the machete and the strong chain that laid beside it. Without removing eye contact from the man, she stole a dagger from the case, sneaking it behind her and pretended she was itching herself as she tucked it into the back of her skirt and covered it with her shirt. She stared at him for a moment, wanting to strangle the man with the rusted, heavy chain she held tightly in one hand, but she sensed other danger coming.

"You, sir, are not worth my energy that I need to play this game..." She turned to Nicolette. "You're turn, little girl."

With that, Reina walked away from the weapons, giving her enough room to browse the selection.
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Sandra updated The Small Room With A White Tile Floor with a new update entry:

Twist and Turns! Greek Mythology creatures! Yay!!!


Hydra, also known as King Hydra, a many-headed, serpent-like creature that guarded an Underworld entrance beneath Lake Lerna.


  • ...
Read the rest of this update entry... 
Raja was still sleeping, but she woke up by sudden movement... She looked around... It seemed to have got bigger. She shrugged and watched the girl take her weapon.

Aki smiled at the man. "Hey Jeff! How's it been?" The man frowned. "Hello. Aki." Aki gave him a hug, a very tight one. "Hmm... The last time I saw you was last year! In this very spot! Hows your children? Mother?" Jeff looked annoyed. "Thank you for asking, they are fine. Just pick a damn weapon." He muttered. Aki smiled and picked this golden dagger. "Damn you Aki.." He muttered. Aki smiled. "Like I said, I know everything about this place." Jeff rolled his eyes. "Jeff, does you wife know about this?" Jeff nodded slowly. "We are rich because I am doing this, so shut your trap so the other players can choose there weapon." Aki nodded and grinned devilishly at him.

Daniel raised a brow and smirked at their friendly conversation. "Well I'll just take that small knife." He said taking it and holding it firmly in his hands. Dreamy boy eyes wondered around the room, looking at Aki, the girl and guy sitting next to each other and the Tomboy.
Nicolette went over to the selection. She picked up a shiny looking knife and threw it, missing Reina's head by a couple centimeters. "Don't underestimate me," she said simply.
Reina put down her weapons and retrieved the knife that was thrown at her. She looked over to the little girl with mischievous eyes. She walked over to her and grabbed her by the arm, dragging her over to the wall and slamming her against it. Reina pinned Nicolette to the wall, pressing the blade of the knife to her cheek.

"There are not toys, little girl. They're weapons we need to survive so we can get our asses out of here. Instead of being a whiny little b*tch that you are, I suggest you not to get on my bad side or I will cut you. I have fought many a man before and so a little girl like yourself will be just as easy to put down..." Reina's face was close to Nicolette's face. She licked her own lips and then smirked before letting Nicolette go, the knife clattering to the floor as she dropped it.

Reina turned and looked over her shoulder. "And if you keep messing with me, I suggest you sleep with one eye open..." And with that piece of advice, she left her with a wink and went to pick up her machete and chain, walking off to find a bedroom that was far from the others.
Nico picked up a much larger knife and a bow and arrow. She went up behind the girl and turned her around, shoving her against the wall. She shoved the knife into her leg before pulling it out. "I don't have time to deal with some whore. Now I want all of us to leave alive whether you believe it or not. So the best thing to do is not to kill each other. That's just one less person they have to kill before getting to you." With that she turned and walked off to a room, slamming the door shut.
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Raja was in fear as the girl stabbed the tomboy. She hugged Caleb and shivered. "These people sort of scare me.." She whispered. "Let's just grab a weapons and get out of this certain room..."

Aki was shocked. She went over to Reina and looked her in the eyes. "Jesus Christ that girl is crazy." He said muttering. "HA Jeff! Look what I brought!!" He held out a roll of bandages. He wrapped it around her leg and Jeff frowned. Aki nodded to the girl and went off to a certain room he choose of liking.

Daniel seemed alone. Too alone. There was only the girl,boy, him, and the tomboy. Also Jeff. He went up to the tomboy.. "Hey, sorry for trying to be ya' know. Dreamy. Was just trying to start a convo I guess." He shrugged and itched his neck. "Well um. I guess should we partner up? Er...." He said. That was fast and to the point.
Caleb stood up, politely shrugging the Raja off. "Not to sound mean. I'm just not a hugger and if you wanna survive here, you've got grow a pair," she said before walking off to a random room.
Raja frowned. "Oh. Okay." She got up and took a small axe thing. She sighed and went into a room also. And as Minerva said... Danger lies ahead. A Chimera was in her room. It seemed more like a forest to be a room. "Gah!" She yelled and went she turned around to open the door, it was locked. She bet it was only open from the outside. "SOMEBODY HELP!!!" She was pounding on the door. The Chimera hissed and got in its pouncing position. Raja was panicking. "HELP! PLEASE!!" She screamed.
Reina grunted as she touched her stab wound on her leg.

"I'm the whore!? Everyone knows whores have poor self esteem and I have plenty of that!" She screamed, hoping that Nico listened. She glared and then looked down at her wound. Luckily the stupid girl didn't stab too deep.

"Little bitch needs to learn how to stab properly. Just a flesh wound, I'll be fine..." She told Aki and thanked him for caring after her. Thoughts of torturing that girl ran through her mind as she shook from anger, clenching her fists tightly. She paid no mind to the dreamy boy who approached her after Aki left. "I'll keep that in mind. I need to rest now, okay?"

Then she laughed suddenly after she got a devious thought. "I hope screen woman gets you! I'll leave you alone... just so that beautiful vixen that owns this place can have you all too herself!" Reina stared at the screen intently. "I bet she's delicious!" Reina could not STAND pretty girls like Nicolette. It was always the pretty ones that died first and she hoped Minerva took up her suggestion.

She then went down a hall with a huff, limping a little and taking her weapons with her, and disappeared around the corner, going deep into the house. She found a room where she was sure it was far from everyone and headed in, slamming the door behind her.

This is going to be my turf and pretty girls are NOT allowed... I won't fucking lose...
"The butler part." Paul said. "Do it, see how they fare."

He leaned forward toward the screen with his face expressionless.

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