The Sleepwalkers of the Realm Beyond [Inactive]

(Sorry I've been neglectful these last few days... hehe....well this will be a brief post because )

Aife watched as Boreas discovered his powers, and snow swept up and floated through the air.

Even though MM1 stopped some of Dimme's shards from hitting Aife, a few still nicked her face and arms, but not enough to do damage. She watched in amazement as the Mimirs merged together into MM1.5. She sat, gaping, at the MM1.5 when Boreas came running up.

"I don't know where she went!" She tried to shield her eyes from the snow. "Can I help? I'll help you." She struggled to her feet, a hand still pressed to her aching and bleeding shoulder. She summoned a ring and pulled a sword from it. Single use swords. Hm. She swayed slightly from blood loss, but stayed on her feet. I'm sick and tired of being helpless.
M&M tugged on Thanatos's pants leg, and pointed at the sand. "Hey hey Than-than, it looks like he's controlling the sand. Do you think he'll grind you to a bloody paste first? Or do you think he'll try and use Gaara-style sand coffin? Either way, it looks like he's itching for a fight!" He grinned up at Thanatos. Hopefully, he'd unlock his power quickly, or end up dying quickly.

MM1.5 looked up at Aife.
"Dimme isn't here anymore. She left." He smiled and pulled the shards from his body and pulled a needle and thread from his Bag. With the grace of a one experienced with sewing wounds shut, MM1.5 began pulling the needles into his skin quickly. He snapped the string with a quick bite, and moved to the next injury. Thank *** for the innovations of modern science.

MM5 flipped onto his feet, and dusted himself off. A bit cruel to do to the candlestick, and a bit dehumanizing. Well, the candlestick wasn't human to begin with, but it seemed as humane as the next person. Ah well, he couldn't control Merlin. If he grew up to be the next non-existing figurative Demon Lord, then why would he care? It wasn't as if he was going to try and destroy the Lucid Dreamer.

He bent his knees and jumped onto Merlin's shoulder.
"Since we've discovered your powers, let's just say that we continue to search for your first memory! You should try and train more when you have the time. I mean, I doubt that your 'servants' are gonna listen to someone who's uncharismatic and weak!" He snuggled himself into Merlin's clothes, making himself comfortable.
Aife relaxed. "She's gone? Does this mean we can search for our memories now because i'm tired of trying to remember things and coming up with nothing." She stabbed the sword into the ground and it disintegrated. She plopped down on the ground in front of MM1.5.

She was tired enough that watching Mimir stitch himself up didn't make her flinch. the pain of her own injuries had faded from agonizing to a steady, aching throb through her shoulder, and her head just felt like a bad headache.

"Can I help?" She held out her hands.
Thanatos rolled his eyes at M&M's explanation. "Tch, sounds like an excuse to me..." That's it. First moment he gets, Thanatos is going to chuck the pipsqueak off the platform.

Thanatos cursed under his breath as Seth listed out his reasons. There was no mistake in the guy's description. Everything just so happened to apply to Thanatos. Why did have to target me out of all the other newbies here?, he thought. He eyes widened when the sand in his bag started to move on its own, slithering down Seth's leg and aiming straight for Thanatos, but then the feeling quickly changed into annoyance when M&M started babbling at him again. "Maybe if we're both lucky, he'll grind you up first so I won't have to," he rebuked, still keeping his eye on the enemy. He wasn't even going to ask what the second thing was. Probably something stupid he made up just to get under his skin. By the looks of the situation, however, the odds of him beating Seth were little to none at this point, and it would be suicide to take him on without any weapons. So Thanatos decided to do the one thing he could do.

He ran. He turned and ran and jumped to the nearest platform. He could care less about unlocking his powers at the moment. He wasn't about to risk his life on something that could prove to be worthless in the end, or even worse, his demise.
Immediately the tendril of sand shot out towards the boy, wrapping around his right leg. The sand starts to pull the boy to a stop as Seth became a blur, shooting past M&M. Seth jumps and, because the sand stopped the boys momentum, he slams into the kid, sending them tumbling through the air. The ball was a mad mass of arms and legs. Seth glanced off a missed platform. Well, if I missed that platform, then this fall will hurt. And hurt it did. They hit a platform below that had a hole in it. The two bodies separated when they hit the ground, but both missing the hole. Sand falls slowly to the ground, almost like snow. Seth stands, looking peeved, as if what he just did was an inconvenience that someone like him should not have to bother with. "Now, are you going to use your powers, or am I going to have to pry until I find it out?"
M&M jumped off of Thanatos's shoulder, landing gently on a crystal platform. Seth would not let Thanatos escape easily, and M&M would watch to see if Thanatos unlocked his powers. If he did, he lived. If he didn't... Well. Let's just leave it at that, shall we? "Hey Thanatos, be careful! It looks like he wants to hurt you pre-tty badly, hey? And watch out for that hole!"

MM1.5 glanced at Aife, and smiled. "Don't worry, I'm fine! You're probably inexperienced at stitching wounds such, and I'm used to it already. Why don't you go talk with Boreas and see if he's okay?" With that being said, he returned to stitching the injuries he had sustained.

(( Sorry about my absence. AP exams are coming up, and studying is one of my top priorities right now.))
Merlin was running and jumping through the platforms, with . For some reason, he was more excited now. And so was the candlestick. He was talking more now. "Well, the way I see it, I think the meaning of life to me would be to enjoy life. To use my time while I'm here". Merlin nodded. "Yes, and how will you enjoy it?". The candlestick returned to his thoughts before replying. "Well I guess I will... You know... Sing, or something". Merlin smiled sarcastically. "Woah, a singing candlestick. Yeah, that's really cool". The candlestick noticed the ironic tone on Merlin's voice. The candlestick asked, angry: "What's so funny, mate?". "Well, you know, candlesticks that sing, being sued by Disney...", Merlin stopped talking when he saw a white glowing orb on the platform he was. He and the candlestick were amazed by the sight of that great light. He got closer, but remembered when Mimir warned him about danger. He looked at the mini-mimir at his shoulder.

"What is that?".
((Sorry for being gone for a while, was busy tending to my own mental health ))


Angry at being attacked, angry that dimme had gotten away, angry at that cursed semi-Munchkin, and angry at this gods forsaken snow!!, I gave a rather loud roar of frustration followed by several colorful curses. After I had "calmed down", atleast to the point were I could think again, I realized just how cold it had gotten with my fingers starting to show light shades of purple. "D*** snow!" I growled walking up to where aife and the semi-munchkin were at

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MM5 cleared his throat, pausing slightly for a dramatic effect. He pasted a look of extreme seriousness and solemness on his face. "That, my dear old kamerad, is... one of the most precious things in the Astral Plane. A manifestation of your entire being, your emotions, your life... All encased within a small orb... That is a Memory Orb." The light from the orb reflected off his crystal-like eyes, illuminating the green inside.

MM1.5 shivered slightly when Boreas came closer. Was it just him, or was it getting colder when Boreas came closer to him?? The snow was getting heavier, and it buffeted MM1.5's fingers, inhibiting the stitching of his wounds.
"Lord Almighty, that's cold. Man, are you a walking freezer? Stop bringing the cold over here!"
((Lol Dimme can't really do much for now xD ))


I stopped and looked back, though not looking at anything because I was on a higher level of plate forms. Giggling at the loud roars of the boy I fought before, who I never really got a name from, I turned back and continued walking. I had my fill of fun for now. I made my way to an area where a subway was stopped at. Hoping I wouldn't miss it I ran and jumped in. Soon the doors closed and it zoomed off.

((She shall come back at an inconvenient time to start some more trouble >=3 or maybe she'll help someone... I don't know yet she's confusing lol. I'm going to bed xD ))
Thanatos was abruptly stopped in midair by a tendril of sand that had grabbed his leg. The next thing he knew, something, or somebody, crashed right into him, and they both came tumbling down onto the platform below, barely missing the gaping hole in the middle. Lying face-down now, Thanatos had his eyes squeezed shut and hands balled into fists, trying to keep his mind off the pain. He saw M&M land safe and sound out of the corner of his eye. He raised his head a little, just enough to clearly see the midget that had called out to him. "Yeah, no kidding," he grunted as he rose up to all fours. Dammit, I'm not going to last too long if this battle continues like this...Gotta find a way out... He rose up to his feet, glaring out at Seth. "Look, you persistent bastard, I told you that I don't even know what these so-called powers are. So how the hell am I suppose to show you something that's doesn't even exist?!" Thanatos pushed off into a sprint towards Seth. He pulled his fist back and aimed for the man's face, hoping to at least stun the guy so he could try to get away again.

((Sorry for not being on lately, but it's officially summer break where I am. So I'll be able to get on more now :) ))
Things went from mildly amusing to annoying. He already hated the Mimir, no matter what his size, he hated the Lucid Dreamer, and right now he thought he hated this kid. It was so simple to Seth, his powers would show themselves when the boy was in danger, or he wouldn't be around to use his powers. he wasn't expecting the kid, who tried to run earlier, to fight back. Seth tried moving out of the way, so the punch didn't hit him full in the face, but hit his chin. He staggered backwards, and the sand that was falling now whipped itself into a storm that swirled around Seth. It was all a reaction, to defend himself, and was meant to go into the eyes of whoever was near. Seth caught himself, and now really angry, Seth said, "Tell me what you can do, or I will make sure you can't use it."
Thanatos smirked when he felt his fist impact the man's chin, but his celebration was short-lived when Seth retaliated, using his sand to blind Thanatos. Thanatos howled in pain from the sudden burning sensation in his eyes. He staggered back, furiously rubbing them, but he couldn't open them without the pain increasing. At that moment, shackles started to form around Thanatos' wrists, and chains began to manifest from the shackles. He stopped trying to rub the sand out of his eyes for a second when he finally noticed the shackles and chains. He tried to open his eyes again and managed to get them to tiny slits, but then the chains started to fade away. Just before they were completely gone, he quickly shut his eyes. He could feel the chains becoming tangible again.

"So...this must be that power you were going on about, huh Seth?" He tugged on the chains a little, feeling them grow the more he pulled on them. If he was going to beat this guy with this new-found power, he would have to learn to rely mainly on sound and not sight. These chains seem to manifest themselves when his eyes are closed, otherwise they start to become intangible and will most likely fade to nothing again. "You wanted me to show you my powers, right? Here's a little demonstration for you...!" Thanatos pulled back his arm and thrust the chain in the direction that Seth's voice came from. He really didn't have anywhere in particular he was aiming for, as long as he got some sort of hit in.
Finally, Seth thought, I shall see...

Seth took a step to the side as the chain thudded into the ground. The sand that was in the air swirled itself around Seth's left arm, his right hand holding his was scepter. "So, you have figured it out, and now we play a game." He was ready for this of course, this is what he thrived on, this interaction between individuals, knowing his advantages and his enemies. Seth almost seemed to coil, each muscle tensing for the following game. Finally, he launched himself towards the boy, ready to hurt and maybe kill him, just to make sure this kid would have nothing to do with the Lucid Dreamer.
Thanatos cursed under his breath when he heard the chain hit the ground. He yanked it back in and willed it to shorten back to its original state. Thanatos' muscles tensed at the sound of Seth's voice. He raised his head and opened his eyes to tiny slits for a moment, glancing at the fiend. In one hand, he carried his weapon and his sand coiled around the other. He looked like he was ready to kill. When Seth launched himself at Thanatos, he quickly shut his eyes again. Then he grabbed at his chain and yanked it out to his wing-span. Just before Seth collided with Thanatos, he jumped to the side and threw his chain at the man again, this time aiming for his face.
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