The Sleepwalkers of the Realm Beyond [Inactive]


i walked over and grabbed a redheaded munchkin by the foot hoisting him in the air " i swear to all the gods I will throw you off a cliff before i die for that stunt" i told the upside down Mimir. With the munchkin in hand i slung him over my shoulder and headed in a seemingly random direction, at least consciously anyway. As it would happen i had chosen the same direction as the small redheaded girl with the accent and glasses ((Aife))

((hope ya dont mind. i thought the small and timid would go interestingly with the large and stand-offish :P ))
Aife hesitated slightly. "Nothing is safe?! Then why bring us here?!"

Oh my god this can't get any worse. SHe pulled her sleeves down over her hands. "And wait a second, he wants us here? Who's he?!"

She took a deep breath. Aife, you're overthinking this. This is all gonna blow over. It's just a dream or something crazy like that. Pushing her glasses up her nose, she looked up at the stars and stopped. It's so beautiful. She squinted. There was a smudge on her glasses. Frowning, she pulled them off and polished them on the edge of the t-shirt she wore underneath the sweater. Squinting through them, she frowned again. I can't get this damn smudge off! She grunted with frustration and jammed them back on her nose. This is gonna bug me. At least my head doesn't hurt as bad. She touched the bandages on her head.

Aife thought she heard a sound behind her and turned. Am I being followed? And she saw the boy. The violent one--Boreas, right?-- following her.

[a bit writers block again... hehehe sorry guys]
MM5 scratched his nose, and leaned against Merlin's trembling neck. Cold and clammy, eh? "Well, I guess it depends, huh? And I can't summon portals, that's not one of my powers. I might have an Treasure that does that, but I guess I don't, huh? And we really aren't going anywhere specific! In all honesty, you are the one who is deciding where we are going! Ain't that fun, yeah?"

MM2 cried out slightly in surprise when Boreas slung him over his shoulder. Jeeeeez, talk about rough treatment. His poor beautiful leg! "Hallo, Boreas? You're going in the same direction as Aife, are you planning on sticking together? Do you... GASP, like her!? LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT?? Just kidding!" He scrambled into a more comfortable position on Boreas's shoulder, clinging onto it with great ease. It was so fun traveling on people's shoulders!

MM1 adjusted his scarf, and stared at Aife's ear impassively. She looked quite frustrated as she rubbed at her glasses. Didn't she know that she didn't need them anymore? Well, she probably didn't... His eyes traveled to her bandages, thinking that they would heal in a few Astral Plane hours. Thank the Dreamer for upgraded physical capabilities!
"He is... well, it, actually. He doesn't actually have a gender, but it feels better calling him a he, 'cause calling him an it makes him seem like an inanimate object! He brought you guys here 'cause something really, really bad happened to you guys!"

"So being here means you get a second chance, hey? And the he I'm talking about is my lord, the being I serve! He's absolutely wonderful and magnificent!"
He continued waxing poetry about the Lucid Dreamer, unheeding of the quickly approaching Boreas.

man i thought he was annoying before but now.... now he's tiny and wont shut up while sitting next to my ear. he's like a bug that just wont go away. but even as annoying as the little redheaded bug was I still needed him, even I could see that.

"love is for those too stupid to know any better" I told him "now as for how much i enjoy her presence? well, so far a hell of a lot more than yours. she's actually quiet!"
Thanatos glanced over his shoulder, hearing Mini-Mimir shout at him. He rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Go away, I said I didn't want anybody to follow me." he said bluntly. What did the little guy not understand when he said 'I'll pass'? Thanatos picked up the pace as he continued to wander farther away from the group.
Seth had to make a choice.

The group was splitting, that was inevitable, but who to follow. The one with wings looked promising, but she had that other one, the angry one, with her. Then there was the one that didn't want a minor, he looked easy to follow. The others... they all had a minor with them by choice, and were still wildcards on powers. Seth made a decision and starts to follow the one who wanted to do it alone (Thanatos). Seth stayed at least ten feet away from him and the trailing minor. If the minor stops, the Seth would walk past him, and if this kid saw him and used his powers, 'then we will see what happens,' Seth thought.

I watched as they started to split up. "Oh?" I whispered. There are 2 going in the same direction. I shook again with excitement. A challenge. I silently followed waiting for them to get far enough away from the others to... Test them. Hmm should I wait until they get their powers? Nah I'll just see how strong they are now, I won't kill them just yet, I just want to see how interesting they'll be.
"Something... Bad??" Aife felt her heart speed up and her head felt dizzy. What had happened to her?! "Like what?! I'm bleeding from all over. My head hurts. I've probably lost a lot of blood..." She stopped, and looked sideways at MM1. "Why am I not dead? Or am I dead and don't know it? How did I get here? Why am I here?!" Her panic built as questions flew from her lips. Her voice rose to almost a scream. Her voice broke on the final question. It hung in the air.

Aife's legs gave out and she let them, plopping onto the floor. Pulling off her glasses, she covered her face with her hands and began to sob. "I'm so confused..."
MM2 stared at Boreas for a few seconds. "Love is extremely important, y'know! Don't be such a sourpussy!" He flattened himself on his shoulder, grumbling. He wasn't that annoying. "Psht, I can be quiet when I want to... It's just that I don't want to!"

MM3 quickly caught up to Thanatos. "Y'know, it's my job to follow you and help you! I'm just gonna keep following you, whether you like it or not!" He was supposed to protect them, and he'd do his job properly! Personal space be darned! During his thought process, he heard the faintest sound of movement behind... So faint, that he would have mistaken it for the wind... THAT IS, IF WIND BLEW HERE. WHICH IT DIDN'T.

Eh... It was probably a Night Terror or a Nightmare. But the probability of it being a Nightmare was high. MM3 would ignore it for now, and wait to see if Thanatos notices it first. And if he awakens his powers because of the danger, even better.

MM1 patted Aife on the side of the head, smiling reassuringly.
"No, you're not dead! Calm down, you were probably just hurt before you came here! And like I said, it's a second chance! Don't cry, okay? You've got nothing to lose!" He was going to comfort her more, or well, try to... Until SHE came along.

Ah, yes. Dimme. One of the many smiling demons of the Astral Plane.

"Ah, Dimme. I haven't seen you in quite a while. Just what are you doing here?" With her arrival, MM1 was instantly on his guard. Dimme was a fickle and capricious being, capable of kindness in one second and violence in the next. Why was she here? To test their strength, or to obtain more knowledge? Tch. In this state, he wasn't at full power, but he was confident that he could match her, having more experience... But Dimme was powerful, not to mention unpredictable. He could hope to match her, but defeat her? MM1 doubted any chance of his winning.
(( xD I didnt want to keep everyone in one spot while I slept so I deleted it hoping no one saw it lol luckily I copied it))

(This post goes before #59)


Ah, they look far enough away. I took a deep breath and smiled. "Why am I here!!!" I mimicked as I walked towards them, a sway with every step and a big smile on my face. "Hello my new toys." I looked over at the 2 Mirmirs and let out a sort of excited squeak. "Ah! Mirmir! Its been awhile. How has my lovely formal playmate been?" I asked as I stopped about 8 feet away from them. 

"Well I've been rather bored lately, then falling from the sky were these wonderful new playthings. And to make things even better, the Dreamer came to give them their names personally." I spun around dramatically. "That doesnt happen very often so as you can see I'm excited to test out my new toys." I watched them all intently wondering how they all responded. I was ready for anything, but who knows, maybe they'll surprise me.
Aife, still on the ground, tried to smile at MM1. It was sweet of him to try and comfort her. It was working... kind of. She scrubbed at her smudgy glasses and pushed them back on her nose when she arrived.

"Mimir... who-- who is she?!" Fear had leapt into Aife's throat immediately. she took a shuddering breath. She didn't sound friendly.

New toys? Oh my god what is she gonna do to us!? I don't even have any memories...

(sorry i didn't know what to post and it's been slow and yeah idk man)
Merlin was in a big platform. No much need to jump anymore. There was no path in front of him, no more platforms to jump to. In the middle of the big platform, there was a candlestick. Merlin approached it and leaned before it. Next to it, there was a little paper note. He took it and read it out loud. "A SONG FROM THE POET". Those words brought some sort of memory on his mind. A little reminder, like poetry was something familiar to him. Well, he had to try...

"What is fire,

What is life,

What's left for us to admire?

Can't be ripped by this substancial... uhm... Knife?".

Damn. He really sucked at this. Okay, one more try. He held the candlestick, because he thought it could inspire him.

"What is Earth?

What is land?

Where we'll meet to take our stand?



Do you feel your life getting... thick?"

Something strange happened. The candlestick started to shine with a magical glow. Merlin was excited. He felt like something amazing was about to happen. That would probably be the most awesome thing he ever did. There was a face starting to take form on the candlestick basis. Merlin was amazed. He placed the candlestick back on the ground and watched it from a distance. The glow disappeared. He anxiously expected for something else to happen. There was silence for a moment. And then, he heard a deep breath. It was the candlestick. He was scared for a little bit, but then, he felt joy for what he had just done. He approached the candlestick. "Ahm... Hello! I am your master!". The little eyes on the basis of the candlestick looked at Merlin.

"Well, bite me, would you?", the candlestick answered. Merlin was a little less excited now.

(sorry for the delay)
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MM1 frowned at Dimme, his brow furrowing slightly. "Aife, this is Dimme, an old... acquaintance of mine. It's alright to be scared... She's a very strong Nightmare." This was a good chance for Aife to unlock her powers. He jumped off of Aife's shoulder, and turned to point at Dimme. "Aife, you're going to fight her. You don't need to defeat her thoroughly, and I'll jump in if you're gonna be injured really badly. You don't need to if you don't want to, but this is an opportunity to discover what your power is."

Aife would, hopefully, be successful in unlocking her powers. Aah, he felt bad for Aife for having to go up against Dimme at her current level. Oh well, survival of the fittest, eh?

MM5 watched Merlin animate the candlestick, and smiled. It was nice that he had discovered the power he had, as it heavily increased the chance of survival. His poetry could use a little work... eh, it didn't really matter in the end, did it? When the candlestick snorted at the sight of Merlin, he covered his mouth to stifle a laugh. Well, this could be problematic.
"Wait, what?!" Aife whirled at MM1. "You want me to fight this Nightmare?! Weren't we supposed to avoid them?! ANd she's a strong one right? I'm gonna die!"

Her breath caught in her throat again. No, I'm not going to cry. Enough crying. I need to prove myself. She whirled to face Dimme, arms whirling.

A golden light caught her eye and she froze, turning her head slightly. "Wh-what was that?" She flourished her arm again and a golden shimmer formed above her hand, holding a spherical shape. Is this my power? She moved her hand in front of her and the sphere formed itself into a small o.

Now what?

She cupped her hands underneath it, then drew her hands out. As she did so, the small o formed into a larger ring. There's something inside. She reached inside, struggling to keep the ring's shape with one hand while reaching for whatever was inside. She felt something cold and grasped at it.

She pulled out a sword.

And she froze.

Aife looked between Dimme and the sword. I can't fight! What was I thinking? Her short-lived rush of confidence was gone, the shining silver sword.

I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die.

I can't die.

And with that, Aife screamed, something she rarely ever does, and swung the sword clumsily at Dimme. Hitting her arm, but inflicting little to no damage, the sword was suddenly gone, a fine silver dust hanging in the air. Still moving with the momentum of the heavy sword, Aife stumbled and fell clumsily on her side, sliding along the platform.
Merlin watched the candlestick closely. If there was a candlestick city somewhere, that candlestick was one of the drug addicts, living in the dangerous part of the city. Or maybe he was just a bit of a hothead. Heh, a hothead candlestick. Merlin decided that the best thing to do now would be to explain the situation to the candlestick.

"Look, I just gave you life. Life, the great miracle. So, you see, I'm like a father to you". Merlin smiled to the candlestick. The little mouth on the candlestick basis still made him look grumpy. "You being my fatha, I wonder how momma and you did it. Must have been hard.". Okay, that's it. That candlestick was pushing Merlin way over the edge. "Listen, I just created you, so you better do something useful, or I will take life away from you, the same way I gave it to you!", Merlin said, angrily. "How will you do that? You will recite another of your horrible 'poems'? That would certainly kill me", the candlestick answered, nonchalant. Merlin's face was boiling with rage. "Do something useful, dammit!", he shouted. "Something like what? Don't know if you noticed it, but I'm a candlestick. I don't produce fire, I ain't a stove, I ain't a match, I don't even have candles, I'm a bloody candlestick! Now beat it mate. I'm busy", the candlestick closed its eyes. Merlin shouted even louder than before: "BUSY WITH WHAT?!".

"Can't hear ya, I'm meditating", was the last thing the candlestick said before breathing heavily and started to sing a foreign mantra. Merlin sat on the ground and placed his hand on his forehead. He looked at Mini-mimir at his shoulder.

"Seriously? THIS is my power?", he asked.
((sorry for the inactivity lately, been busy with exams and moving out of my dorm))


"you never want to do you?" i growled and quickened my step. maybe if i catch up to the girl i'll have some distraction from this munchkin on my shoulder. i was just a few meters away when her conversation with her munchkin seems to make her very distraught and she fell to her knees, the munchkin trying to comfort her, but he couldnt even do that right.

in the midst of his 'comforting' another girl came walking up and proceeded to call us her "new toys" saying she wanted to "test us out". oh great, someone who knew the munchkin. at least this may be interesting with him saying the girl, aife i think her name was, had to fight this Dimme. who apparently was a nightmare, whatever that was exactly.

"oooh, this will be interesting" i said, somewhat not-as-angry as i was, when aife's hand started glowing then she pulled a sword out of the glowing circle she made with her hands. "ooor maybe not" i added disappointed when her sword turned to dust on contact with dimme and she fell on her face

"Oh I'm flattered, Thank you for the complements Mirmir." I giggled at Mirmir's words. Then he told the girl he called Aife to fight me. There was fear in her eyes which made my grin grow. When she attacked me with a sword that did very little damage the disappeared I let out a loud laugh then my innocent grin turned to an evil smirk as I tilted my head down and stared at her. "Let play!" I yelled as I scratched the place the sword hit earlier so that blood poured out. My nails absorbed the blood and grew about 4 inches long. I cut her arm as I pushed her as hard as I could. My nails grew and extra inch, absorbing a bit of her blood be for she flew back on impact. I stood there for a sec then broke my pinky nail off and threw it between Aife and myself. "Come on." I said in a taunting baby voice. "I'll let throw the first punch."
Aife gaped as the Nightmare's nails grew with the absorption of blood. She let out a soft whine as Dimme scratched her and threw her aside. She yelped. She bowed her head, and took a deep breath. I can't let her get to me. Sucking in a breath, she grasped for courage.

"Don't treat me like a baby!" Aife stumbled to her feet, lightheaded. She summoned another ring, aiming to make it bigger than the last one. After moments of struggling, it reached about three feet in diameter when out leapt-- a miniature horse with a chariot behind it? This is absurd. I should stick with the swords. Disregarding the mini horse and chariot, she made a smaller ring, and pulled out another sword.

So. Bigger rings equal mini horses. Bigger bigger rings equal bigger horses? Hm. Too much effort right now. But smaller rings equal swords. And those are easy.

"I think I got this." She set her feet apart and gripped at the sword with both hands. It was identical to the last one.

Okay, so if I can jump higher here, I wonder if....

She took a few strides back, then lowering the sword, took a few running steps forward before gathering her energy and leaping into the air, lifting the sword, ready for an attack.

(OOC: Alright Ms. Sinopa, you get to pick what happens now... I'm out of ideas hahahahah....ehhh. I'll respond appropriately.)
((Oh lol ok xD ))


I watched as she fiddled ((Hehe that word is funny xD )) with her new found powers, then surprised at the jump, usually people charged, Oh well this is better. I ran towards the nail I threw on the ground, picked it up and threw it towards her. When the nail reached just under her I spun around, threw my head back and threw my arm in the air striking a pose. Spikes shot at her from it the moment my pose was complete.
Time went in slow motion as Aife sailed not-so-elegantly towards Dimme. Suddenly, Dimme had moved beneath her and spikes were flying through the air. She flailed, panicking. Luckily, her clumsiness helped her to miss a few of the spikes, but one scratched her cheek, another few scratched her arms and legs, but one lodged in her shoulder. With a cry, she fell to the ground, her sword flying out of her hand and disintegrating into dust. Her head, already injured, cracked against the ground and she saw stars.

"Mimir?!" He said he'd help!!

She pushed herself up, letting out a cry of pain.she doubled over, clutching at her shoulder.

When she fell to the ground I was shocked to hear her call for help. "Aww are you finished already." A frown suddenly appeared on my face. Quitters are boring. I cut my are again and absorbed more blood as I walked towards her. When I was about 3 feet away I pointed at her. "Mirmir?!" I yelled, mocking her. My nails grew quickly, digging into her shoulders as I pinned her there. "I was sure you'd have a little more fight left in you. You said not to baby you, I was just honoring your request by not going so easy on you. If you can't handle it don't at so tough, filling me with so much hope for a more interesting opponent."
((thats my que to save tha day :P ))


i was content to watch even as aife sword turned to dust and she was batted away, i was content to sit by when she recklessly jumped at dimme. but i could not ignore the cry of pain from a girl whom i didnt hate yet.

i came forward no longer content to watch and made my way to where she was doubled over in pain.

"i've got it from here" i told her in as comforting a way as possible, which wasnt all that much, i didnt have a lot of practice at it.

"munchkins, help her will you" i told the two mimirs

"now then, how bout i show you a more interesting oponent" i said moving to face dimme
Aife screamed as Dimme pinned her down and Boreas stepped forward. She hoped Dimme would be distracted enough...

She flexed her hand, summoning another ring, and pulled out another sword, summoning up what little strength she had. She swung the sword at Dimme's arm, hoping, praying, she'd be let free, she'd do some damage.

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