The Sleepwalkers of the Realm Beyond [Inactive]


I listened to the cries of pain then a boy chimed in. When I saw Aife's sword swing towards me I broke the 2 nails pinning her down off, leaving them there then jumped back 6 feet just when it connected with my arm, cutting it a bit. "More interesting." My eyes lit up but the frown stayed until proof was shone. I touched the blood, absorbing it. "Show me." I said.

((sorry my reply was slow, was eating in another room lol))
((dinner? its past midnight where im at :P ))


i smiled, this is gonna be fun "i'd be more than happy to oblige" i said cracking my neck and rolling my shoulders.

"i may not be able to pull swords from nothing but my fists will do just fine!" before i had finished speaking i started running towards her powerful legs propelling me almost all the way to her in just a few strides
Thanatos groaned at MM3's persistence. He was contemplating whether he should pick up Mini Mimir and flick him off the platform. That would at least give him some time to distance himself from the little guy. But he had a feeling it wouldn't be that easy to get rid of him. This guy's definitely more than meets the eye. Does he have any other abilities that he's hiding?

Thanatos sighed in defeat. "Fine. Do what you want. Just...don't get in my way," he muttered. Thanatos continued to walk towards the next platform, but then he stopped in his tracks when he heard a faint sound from behind. It sounded like the wind, but ever since Thanatos woke up in this world, he hasn't felt or heard a single breeze. Thanatos turned slightly to look down at M&M. "Hey, did you hear the wind that just-" He stopped mid-sentence, seeing something in the corner of his eye. He slowly looked up, and his eyes fell on a strange man that was about ten feet away from the two. Thanatos' muscles tensed. He wasn't one of the guys that woke up with Thanatos and the others. "...And you are?" he said softly, but just enough so the man could hear him.
((Its past midnight here too xD had a big lunch and got hungry again lol yay cereal dinner.))


I braced myself for impact, there's the charge that everyone does. I may be small but I know how to hold my own, let see what this newbie has planned for me... "I love surprises." I finished my thought out loud.
Aife's sword clattered into dust again. She cursed aloud. Here she was with injuries, and no memories. This couldn't get any worse. She forced herself to sit up. Bending over her legs, she cried in pain.

She watched as Boreas charged Dimme. "This can't be good."

Aife viewed the nails embedded in her, the spike in her shoulder. The nails weren't embedded so deeply. It was the spike that was so painful, buried in the soft spot underneath her collarbone.

She took a deep breath, grasping one of the nails, and yanked it out. She let out a yelp of pain and tossed the nail aside. She pulled out the other nail too.

Aife took another deep breath. There was no sense in pulling out the spike. It was embedded too deeply and would only worsen the bleeding.

Feeling dizzy from lack of blood, she buried her face in her hands, groaning.

((Sorry for the late response myself; I had a phone call. And sorry for the short response. I'm on mobile...ehhhh))
((no, not this charge. its different :P ))


on the last plant of my dominant right leg I threw my fist right between her eyes, or at least thats what i hoped it looked like. i was actually aiming just off to the side of her head, if i missed, oh well i wasnt really trying to hit her, it was a faint. hoping she would move her head to the side or back to avoid my punch. my real attack came after, just as my fist came close to her face i threw my other elbow back, spinning around aimed right at her head.

The attack with his elbow surprised me, throwing me far. I hit the ground with a roll, stomach, side, back, side,stomach, side... I laid there on my back with a large smile on my face. "You have definitely proven yourself." I let out a sigh. I touched my cheek I could already feel a bump where a bruise was going to form. I chuckled then slowly stood up gaining my balance. "That was fun! Lets play some more, pleeeease." I was thrown pretty far, this time I charged.
((i dont know how to bring out my powers :( ))


feeling the solid thud of my elbow connecting with her skull i grinned as she was thrown several feet away. she got up with a smile on her face saying that was fun

"then let me show you how much fun i can be!"
MM5 covered his mouth, unsuccessfully trying to stop the laughter that was coming out of his mouth. "Pffth, kuku, well, I guess that's part of your p-power, pffft ha. Aaah, the children are growing up so fast." He thought of Merlin's argument with the candlestick and lost it, laughing hysterically at the sullen teen. He abruptly stopped laughing when he felt that Aife and Boreas were in danger because of the connection. Hopefully, MM1 and MM2 would take care of Dimme instead of allowing them to be hurt! Dimme was way out of Aife's league...

MM1 scowled at Dimme, who was sweeping the floor with Aife. He beckoned over to MM2, who reached into his bag and took out one of Momotaro's Millet Dumplings.
"Eat this. It'll make your wounds go away." Hopefully, he wouldn't have to use a lot of Momotaro's Dumplings... It was always a pain getting Momotaro to give them to him, and he only had 5 left now. MM1 held the Millet Dumpling up to Aife's face, while MM2 quickly pulled out the last spike and threw it away.

"Yes, please show me." Making it to him I flipped over him, my back facing his. I kicked backward, aiming for the back of his knee and also threw my elbow back hoping to return the favor.
Aife reached for the dumpling, opening her mouth to eat it, but stopped with a scream of pain as MM2 pulled the last spike out. "Ow! Dammit, Mimir!" Groaning, she stuffed the dumpling in her mouth and pressed her hand against the wound. Blood warmed against her hand.

bracing for, and expecting an attack from the front i was caught off guard when she went soaring over me, my knees giving out soon after with the force of her kick. instead of trying to keep my balance I dropped with it and tried to roll forward to distance myself, but before i could even start to roll i caught something quite hard to the back of the head. with a grunt of pain my face drove into the ground in front of me.

"you little...." i growled getting to my feet blood running down my nose. "you'll pay for tha-...." i froze when i went to wipe the blood off my face and it nearly instantly froze to my hand "what the hell?"

I turned around to see his blood freeze. I jumped from foot to foot as I clapped. "Oh goody you found your power." I got to an offensive position. "Come on lets see you use it."

my power? so my power is something to do with ice? but how do i use it, i didnt even notice a change....

i guess it cant hurt to give it a try. i concentrated on the frozen blood, the feeling of cold, and just willed something to happen. well, something happened alright. the air grew frigid, snow started falling and strong winds started circling me engulfing my, and about a hundred feet or so, in teh snow and ice of a blizzard and nearly knocking me from my feet.

i cursed "and how is this usefull?!!" i shouted above teh wind 
((sorry to leave in the middle of a fight but i cant keep my eyes open, night ))
((No worries, I'll end this =3 I need to go to bed soon anyway.))


I laughed playfully as snow fell. "Ah this reminds me of home." I closed my eyes for a moment and quickly fell back. Laying avoided the winds. "Actually I think the sun is up at home so its almost just like this, well except for this wind." I quickly sat up and got on my hands and knees, struggling to stay in place, I was almost swept up and thrown to... "Ahhh." the winds are circling him which means... I turned around and crawled over to Aife. Grabbing a nail that was pulled from Aife's shoulder I threw it towards him. "Mirmir I believe I just did you a favor." I smiled at him as I jumped up as high as I could. I flipped in the air and landed, on a platform above us. Just when I touched the ground I was at a kneel with my head down. I dramatically stood up with one arm on my hip and the other pushing the hair from my face. The nails, thrown toward the boy and beside Aife, shot out shards. I smiled as I jumped away.

((Geez I need to think of some more poses lol))
Seth just stood there, watching the boy for a while. When it was clear the boy knew he was there, he spoke up. "I'm Seth." He let's his name hang in the air, as if that explained everything. He looked over at Minor, "I imagine you know why I am here, and if you can tell me why the Dreamer himself gave them their names, then we can save a lot of time and trouble.". Seth is now holding his was scepter, the prongs at the bottom sharpened to points, and opening a bag at his waist that was filled with sand. He looks at the boy, "or you can tell me your powers show me why your important."
MM1 and MM2's eyes widened simultaneously, and they each threw themselves in front of their respective Sleepwalker. Each MM managed to catch some from hitting Aife and Boreas, The shards dug into each Mini-Mimir, and they winced in pain. This is why he always hated dealing with Dimme. MM1 fell to the ground, impaled by the shards dug into him. Ugh, they'd be a pain to pull out later. MM2's vision blurred slightly, and he coughed blood out onto the floor.

Ouch. A shard must've hit a lung. Well, this is a pain. Literally and figuratively. MM1 stumbled over the ravaged crystal landscape to MM2, and they pushed themselves together. Their small bodies meant that they had a lower amount of blood, so it would be easier to merge into a larger being. Their skin bubbled and pushed into eachother, bones creaking and tendons tearing, to become a Mimir the size and age of a toddler instead of a munchkin. Blood dripped from the still-present wounds, and Mini-Mimir 1.5 pressed his small hands to the wounds.

Damn it. His scarf was stained.

MM3... Or M&M, whatever Thanatos wanted to call him, smiled when Thanatos finally relented to tolerating his presence. He restricted himself to merely walking at Thanatos's side, adding a small bounce to his step. And then Thanatos noticed Seth, and M&M narrowed his eyes with Seth's question.

He shrugged his shoulders, feigning a carefree manner with ease. "Ah, well, the Lucid Dreamer is veeeeeery secretive, y'know? He barely tells me anything! I'm just following his orders, y'know? I'm as in the dark as everyone else is about this!" He pasted a cheerful smile on his face, keeping his guard up against Seth.
Thanatos glanced down for a moment at M&M, and his eyes narrowed at the munchkin's nonchalant behavior. It better be some cruel, sick joke if he's acting like that with this guy. The vibe that this man gave off was anything but pleasant, nothing to be joking around with. But then he put his focus back on the man now known as Seth. Thanatos' eyebrows furrowed as a scepter-like weapon appeared in Seth's hands. The sharpened ends of the weapon made Thanatos even more on edge, and then there was the bag of sand he opened up too. Probably has something to do with his powers. He mentally noted himself to keep an eye on that bag.

Thanatos shook his head when Seth referred to him. "I don't even know what you're talking about," he said, wide-eyed. He must have been referring to the "super-powers" M&M was going on about earlier. Thanatos still didn't understand the whole concept behind it all, but he didn't have any time to think about it now. If he didn't come up with a way to get out of this situation, things could get ugly fast.

Thanatos turned to M&M. Maybe he'd be of some use after all. "Oi, do you know anything about this man, Mimir? Like why he's carrying that sand bag? Or the deadly scepter, his background, anything?"
M&M stroked his chin, running his fingers through an imaginary beard. "That is Seth, the Nightmare of the Sleepwalker Osiris. He carries the pouch of sand and the was because he needs it in order to use his powers. Hmmm, what else am I allowed to say about him? He hates the Lucid Dreamer, and he loooooooooves getting stronger! You might unlock your powers if you fight him." Man, of all people, why did they have to run into Seth? Ughghghghgh, what a total drag. Today sucked.
"Now you know who I am, yet I barely know you." Seth walks forwards, until he was only 5 feet away now. "Do you know why I want to become stronger?" He doesn't wait for an answer, "It's because of people changing things for no real reason other than they don't like it. I would love to tell you more about myself, but what I really want is to know more about you." He shifts the was scepter in his hands, although he didn't move much, he was prepared for a fight, with Mimir if he had to. There were many things Seth wanted to know about the kid, but he knew he would find out in due time.

i brought my hand up in front of my face to shield my eyes from the snow and wind. I frantically looked around trying to see where Dimme would come from but I couldnt see anything past a few inches in front of me. "where is she?!" i growled just before i heard a muffled grunt of pain, "there!" i said and ran deeper into the blizzard only to find the redheaded munchkin, only he was bigger now, covered in blood and dimme's shards. "where is she? im not done with her yet!" i shouted about the wind
Merlin was bored. Now that he had discovered his power, he was upset because it wasn't as good as he thought. The candlestick was still singing its mantras. Merlin was sitting on the ground, with his hand supporting his head. He was bored. He was in a world where the unimaginable could happen, candlestick could dance and sing, magic existed and was everywhere and he was bored. And it was a life and death situation. For his own sake, he couldn't be bored, he had to take it seriously. He had to learn how to survive, how would he use his powers to defend himself. That was tough. The first time he used his powers didn't went well. Well, what can you do? He was already doing his best, and it still seemed like it wasn't enough. Screw it. He wondered if he wasn't in hell. Maybe it was purgatory. Why didn't they sent him straight to hell or heaven? He wished to be dead, just dead, not living an afterlife, but simply ceasing his existence. As always, he was giving up. Soon, someone would show up and kill him. Until the time comes, let's have some fun. He stood up and walked to the candlestick. He leaned and poked it.

The candlestick opened its eyes. "Oy mate, what's the matter with ya? Want to get your ass kicked? You can't just come up poking a man like this while he's meditating!". Merlin smiled. "You're not a man. You're a bloody candlestick. Actually, why are you even alive?". The candlestick laughed. "Look mate, I'm alive because you gave me life. That's as simple as it gets, 'ight?". Merlin pretended he was sad, and the candlestick was about to ask something when he said: "Oh dear lord... What have I done... Yes, now you live, but what is the purpose of your life?". The candlestick didn't opened his mouth. He kept staring at Merlin, with a serious face. You could easily see that he was disturbed. His face got stuck on a confused expression. Merlin was laughing on the inside, but he maintained his serious sad face. Merlin stood up and picked up the candlestick. He looked around and chose a random direction. It seemed like more platforms started to appear around him. He looked at Mini-Mimir.

Well, let's just get out of here".
"What do you mean 'allowed to say'?" Thanatos asked with a skeptical look on his face. This midget better not be hiding something important. Thanatos was already regretting letting the munchkin tag along with him, but he did have a point though about unlocking those powers. Thanatos knew that he wouldn't last long if he encountered opponents like this one without anything to back him up. Heck, he wasn't sure if he'd make it out of this battle alive.

Thanatos stepped back as Seth moved closer to him, pivoting his back foot just in case he had to make a break for it. "Look," he began. He was starting to become annoyed with Seth's persistence. "I barely know anything about myself. I remember nothing that's happened to me before waking up in this world. You've probably mistaken me for some other guy...." He started to pivot away from Seth, getting ready to jump to the next platform. All he could think about at this point was to get as far away from this guy as possible.
MM1.5 pushed himself up into a sitting position, putting pressure on his wounds. His lips pushed themselves into a sardonic smile. "Ah, well, Dimme left after she found out what she wanted, hm? Which was what your powers were, and whether or not you were interesting. Seeing that you're all still alive, I'd say that she found you pretty interesting, eh? Isn't it nice being alive?" Groaning slightly, he pushed himself to his feet, making his way over to Aife. "The Millet Dumpling healed you, didn't it? Feeling better? Haha, isn't it a relief to be alive?" He wiped his mouth of blood, grinning widely.

M&M shifted himself subtly so he was in front of Thanatos.
"I mean what I mean, and I mean that I'm only allowed to say some things and not all things!" He watched carefully for Seth's reply to Thanatos, his hands near his Bag of Holding.
"No, I always pick right." He sees Mimir blocking the boys retreat. That was good, even Mimir wanted a fight, even if it was only to see the boys powers. Well, if the boy wanted to leave, Seth knew where to take him. "Let's see here, you are the new arrival, you did see the Lucid Dreamer, and Mimir is helping you; you must be the person I'm looking for." He takes a few steps, almost as if leisurely strolling through the park, but he was really forcing the boy towards the edge of the platform. A bit of sand started to move out of his bag, snaking down his legs and towards the boy in a threatening manner.

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