The Sleepwalkers of the Realm Beyond [Inactive]

Aife stepped up. If no one else will try, I might as well.

She took a few steps back, then braced herself, took a few running steps, then jumped.

She suddenly felt weightless.

She fellt like she was flying, free. A smile spread across her face. Breeze blew through her hair.

Then gravity took it's toll, and she went tumbling onto the crystal, legs sprawling beneath her.

Her head throbbed and she pressed her hand against the bandage over her temple. It came away bloody. It's bleeding through the bandage. Damn.

She pushed herself onto her feet, running her fingers through her bright red curls, and turned to Mimir, smiling for the first time since she had awoken.

"So, how'd I do?"
Thanatos rolled his eyes when the man started talking about that gibberish stuff again. He didn't care too much for the strange person's oath to telling the truth. How did he expect anybody to believe him when all that came out of his mouth was nonsense?

Then an unusually warm light appeared. A voice echoed through the area, naming off the fledglings. "...Thanatos..." he said slowly. It's sounded right. Even though the red head said it'd be his new name, it still felt like it's been a part of him for a long time.

Thanatos' eyes widened in shock when the red head, or Mimir, he finally caught his name, leaped to the next plateau. That platform must have been around 15 meters away. How was that even possible? Then again, this whole world is pretty...different. Maybe there really was some truth to what the guy was saying.

Thanatos gulped. There was only one way to find answers around here, and staying on this platform was going to get him no where. He slowly eased away from the group and then broke out into a sprint to the edge of the plateau and leaped into the air, kicking and swinging his arms to try to propel himself farther. Thanatos glanced down for a moment and gasped, noticing how high he really was in the air. He was practically flying through the sky, and the feeling felt amazing. But before he knew it, he impacted the ground, roughly rolling out of the landing and stopping in a sitting postion. Dazed, he looked up to the red head, then back down at himself. "...Whoa.." He breathed.
((I'm sorry, this is really long D: It's an opening post though, my others wont be as long. I promise!))

It was, all of it, nothingness.

The air, the ground, his body - all of it was absolutely blank. The being thought nothing, knew nothing, felt nothing. He was programmed, like a robot, with the sole intention of killing.

And then came the light.

Or, rather, lights. There was the sudden appearance of gleaming orbs, and through his blank eyes he interpreted only that these were the targets for his harmful ways. He was, at first, careful to approach them, a sort of instinctive precaution. He advanced. Before his glassy eyes they transformed into strange creatures, long, lanky, two-legged creatures, and he slowed once more, though this time not in caution but in selection. He knew that he was supposed to choose, now - what he was choosing was unclear, but through another instinct he knew he must. He examined the peculiar bodies. This one, a voice told him, this is your Walker. What exactly that word "Walker" meant was unknown to him, but he understood enough to roll (flop, more like) towards the creature, a strange gravity pulling him in.

Time seemed long as the small Night Terror stalked his prey. It took him nearly a minute to come within the correct distance - transformation distance. How he longed for that circle, for it to pull him in and make him new. He had never before experienced want, and what a delicious thing it was! To desire, to hunger for, it was what he needed in his blood, and he ravenously leapt towards the creature. He moved forth, even when he had reached it and his clear nubs grew into pinkish flabs of skin and bone and what was left of his old body was gone. He belonged to Michael, and he was Azriel.

He followed Michael, now-golden eyes never without a menacing glare. He trailed the thing until he was within maiming distance, and before he knew it he was ripping, tearing. The gears in his head started to click into place and he stopped suddenly. A thought - an actual thought! How bizarre a thing a thought was - to possess such a great power to make a Night Terror stop in its tracks. But there Azriel was, thinking, and - not dissimilar from the first transformation - he wanted more. He wanted so much more! He thirsted for the world and he felt a deranged sort of smile spread across his face as he thrust Michael to the ground. Hm, yes, an interesting position, that of a Nightmare. Caught between a desire for newness and excitement or doing what they did best, killing. "Well - there can be joy in both," he sniggered, tapping Michael's face with a slender finger. The flesh became festered and pus-filled at his touch. Grinning, he set off in no particular direction. "I think I'll find" A low, menacing giggle. "Fun."
Mimir watched Aife jump onto the crystal platform, followed by a hesitant Thanatos. He cheered and whooped for them, and pulled them up from their feet. He grabbed them in a hug and swung them around in a large circle, and released them. Backing up a few steps, Mimir cleared his throat to speak.

"That was swell! Glad you made it here, scrubs! It's time for your scores! Drum roll please!" Mimir waited a few seconds to lengthen the suspense, and then spoke up again, his face falling flat. "Ya, honestly, you guys suck super bad. I give Aife a four star out of ten schtar. Thanatos gets a five star out of ten star for rolling when falling. Ah well, you did alright for total beginners!" Mimir reached into his bag and pulled out his special party popper, pulling on it to spit out a large amount confetti, glitter, and streamers over the two. Yaaay, confetti!

"Welp, it's time for the rest to haul ass and get up on here!" Mimir leaned over the edge of the platform, squinting at the two in the distance. "Hallo! You two all the way back there, c'mon and jump over! I guarantee that you'll only get some bruises!"
"Shawn, what are you doing? Shawn, please, don't, we can work this out, we can make this work, it's just another thing to deal with! Please don't go Shawn, I love you, you know I do, you gotta help me here!"


His eyes opened. His head was a mess. All that he could see was a blurred soup of colours. He wasn't being able to stand up and look at his surroundings, but he was hearing something. There were people around, people talking, and some seemed confused, just as much as him. There was several weird platforms around, and the other people seemed to have some sort of jumping super power, as they were running and jumping to platforms that were really far away. As soon as his eyes recovered their usual sight, he saw the environment around, and everything was weird. Weird wasn't good. New wasn't good. He was scared. Slowly, he started to crawl away from those people, from those platforms, and then he would go home. Yes, home. But where was home anyway? And what was this place? His fear wanted to drag him away from there, but his curiosity eagered for an answer. He heard someone talking about jumping to another platform. You know what? That was probably a dream. Yeah, all that weird stuff going on, the people with the super jumps. Of course, it was a dream! And now, he knew he was dreaming, so he could do anything he wanted to. He heard as a mysterious ginger "Go and jump on that crystal platform that's over there!". Ahh... Okay. He decided to go with the flow. He ran towards the crystal platfrom and jumped. The sensation that he was flying made him more sure that this whole thing was just a dream. As he got closer to the other platform, gravity began to pull him back down. His knees hit the edge of the platform. He rolled to the center of the platform, crying like a baby while holding his knees.

"isn't that just great, he doesn't like me, now i wont feel bad for breaking your neck" i grumble not quite under my breath. then he started talking about being much stronger than that we should be and proceeded to jump onto a platform that was higher than a castle's wall. well now, that could be useful i thought to myself somewhat impressed, but i'd never tell that loud red head that.

a few seconds later some of the others decided to give it a try. the first two made it but they didn't land very gracefully, and the third one, well he just kinda hit the edge and flopped onto it with a thud.

"Ha, i can do that" i exclaimed. i got a bit of a running start and jumped as hard as i could. being as i was already fairly strong, that probably wasn't the best move on my part cause i over shot the rest of the group that had already made it by a good bit. that wasnt the worst of it either, i couldn't seem to get my feet underneath me, and well, you kinda needed those when jumping. by the time i realized this it was a bit too late to do anything about and i came to a quite bumpy landing on my stomach.


Hermes hung back when the others began their attempts at getting across the gap to the next platform. All she could really do was watch in a daze, thinking things over as she tried to muddle though the confusion that was slowly starting to fade in her mind. She was still unsure about things but with the disappearance of her memories things were starting to make a bit more sense.

It's understandable why I don't know why I know things...

She was beginning to have a sense of calm flush over her, though she was still nervous and it seemed that she was the only one. It wasn't the gap or the danger of falling that made her this way. For reasons unknown though Hermes felt untouchable by the gap. Like she'd easily be able to clear it without much thought.

Well, I'm the last one.

She took a step back, her stance seemingly carefree as she looked over at the others.


As she thought it her body took off, her toes digging into the ground as she sped toward the ledge quickly. For reasons unknown she felt fast but like it was a natural thing to her muscles. The ledge was getting closer, just a few feet and she'd have to jump. One foot... half...


Her muscles tensed before springing like a coil, lifting her off the ground and into the air as her body took on a weightless feeling. It was wonderful, like she was meant to be in the sky as her body flipped and... went past the platform!?


She was falling now, the weightless feeling making her stomach tumble as she began to plummet. Beneath her was an expand of unknown length stretched. She didn't know how long she would fall for, or if she'd even survive the fall. Still as she closed her eyes and prepared for the long descent she felt a sense of... freedom.

This is what flying must feel like...

It was a sickening freedom, one that made Hermes want to laugh and cry about. She was about to curse her luck when a sharp pain erupted out of her back causing her to wince. She would have kept her eyes closed if it hadn't been for the strange sense that she had grown something strange from her back. Peeking her eyes open she glanced the air around her, gasping at the delicate objects now drifting around her like rain.

"Feathers..?" She mumbled reaching a hand out to grab one at random. She watched as the drifted slowly downward around her, falling where as she was not longer doing so. Instead she was drifting, floating as the loud sound of wings filled her ears. Her eyes widened, glancing over her shoulders as best she could.


She felt her heart speed up, pattering dangerously fast as she stared at the wing wings that had somehow sprouted from her back. She had grown wings, only she didn't know how. As they pumped she tested their strength, flapping them harder so that she rose toward the platforms she could see above. It was a few, strange, moments later that she somehow made it back to the platform the others were on.

"I jumped to far..." She stated plainly to Mimir as she touched down, "It was pretty hard." As her feet met the surface her wings folded, tucking into an invisible pocket and disappeared.


Stepping out of the subway from the cat highway underground, I looked around the starting grounds. I spotted the newcomers fall in the distance. I continued watching as the Lucid dream, itself, personally gave them their names. I shook with excitement, 'could they be the answer to my boredom? If the Lucid Dreamer actually left its area for these newbies, surely they'll prove to be interesting. I giggled as I walked a bit closer but still out of sight. They started the first trial, learning their abilities, starting with their increase strength, agility, and all that kind of stuff you learn as a newbie.
Mami clapped his hands excitedly when one of the new Slee- waaaaaait one minuute, this guy wasn't here before! A nudging from the Sleepwalker told him that the Sleepwalker was called Merlin. Merlin, eh? "HAaaAaAAAllO! Welcome to the Astral Plane, scrub! You just arrived, yeah? Well, since the L.D. ain't gonna come out again 'cause it likes staying inside, I'm just inform you that your name's Merlin! Eh, why are you crying?" Mimir kneeled next to Merlin, and began poking him. "C'mon, you ain't scared of heights, are you?"

Mimir's ears perked up as he heard the sound of Boreas's voice. Oh, so he was going to jump? He turned to watch as Boreas wiped out in a spectacular fashion, and laughed loudly. "Ha, haha! That's gotta be the worst one I've ever seen!"

He wiped away a single tear of mirth, and turned when he heard the sound of flapping wings. Mimir stared in dumbfoundedness as he watched Hermes activate her power, the sprouting of wings, and her soft landing and disappearance of her wings. There had been a scarce few who had activated their power this early! His eye twitched slightly as he smiled weakly at her and gave a thumbs up. "Ha, ha, you weren't too bad! You managed to make it in the end, eh?" What was up with these kids?!
Aife gaped at Hermes. If she can fly, what can I do? She lifted up her bloodstained hands and viewed them. Her long fingernails were chipped, and her pale, slender fingers ached. Tiny cuts were spread all up her fingers and down to her wrist. She pulled back the sleeve of her sweater to view her wrist. The cuts became less spread out, more regular, different. These scars were white on her skin, parallel. She yanked her sleeve down again. Where the hell did i come from??

She watched Mimir talk in awe at the girl with wings and she felt her chest clench.

I'm as good as useless. She looked at the other Sleepwalkers around her. They were all taller than she was, better built. Here she was, this tiny Irish girl, already bleeding, on the point of falling unconscious, and bleeding already. Would she even last? Who was she anyways? How did she get here? What the hell is going on?

She felt her eyes well with tears and she sniffed, wiping at her freckle-sprinkled nose.

I'm so confused.
"Oh, my," sighed Azriel as he walked, "So much to do, so much to see. So many Walkers, ahimhim." After a second of pondering, he continued his monologue: "But it's really the people that make the place, isn't it? So isn't the best way to spend my time really to figure out what they're doing?" His boots made sharp clicking noises on the crystal platform, coming to a definitive halt. He pursed his lips, then began to whistle. At first, he didn't exactly know what he was doing - his lips formed the tune by themselves. It was probably a song of Michael's, or at least something along those lines. The melody repeated itself; he held out his hand and a thick leather-bound book fell from the sky. He instantly withdrew his hand in surprise, the book clattering to the crystal. He picked up the heavy volume and brushed it off, though there wasn't any noticeable dust on the cover. There was a latch on the side (which, to be honest, didn't actually serve a purpose except for maybe travellers' convenience), and he easily flung it open, thumbing through the pages until he was suddenly inclined to stop.

There were scrawled the names of hundreds of Sleepwalkers, some already crossed out, in vibrant blue ink. "At least whoever wrote this has good taste," he muttered. There was something about this page. The names on it seemed to sparkle whenever he looked directly at them, as if they were trying to attract his attention. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to find them, would it? No, it hardly could. Boart," he called with a chuckle, fully aware that he was alone,

He set off, his instincts leading him to the sources of the shimmering names.
Mimir turned to Aife, who was beginning to cry. Ah man, he made someone cry again. This makes it four hundred and twenty now... "Hey, c'mon, don't cry! Everything's okay! Are your wounds hurting? Don't worry, I have bandages! They're really good bandages, too! Do you need any painkillers?" He began poking the side of her head, making sure to miss her wounds. "What's the matter? Why are you crying?"
Aife managed a smiled through her tears as Mimir poked at her. "I'm just overwhelmed, I suppose." She ran a hand across her forehead. "I don't know who I am, I don't know how I got here, or why I'm bleeding or what. Having a blank mind is scary." Her face went slack and she bowed her head. "I'm just scared." It came out at barely above a whisper. She rubbed at her elbow, feeling the severity of this situation settle heavily on her thin, bowed shoulders.
This was just the worst dream ever, the worst dream since the invention of dreaming. So far, the most realistic thing he felt was the pain in his knees. He was still crying a little bit, while the ginger dude was still poking him. He couldn't see anything through the tears in his eyes, but he heard the sound of flapping wings and then, somebody else was crying. It was time to man up. He stood up and stopped crying. That could be a terrible dream, but it was still HIS dream. Waking up couldn't be so hard. But... That whole thing was so interesting. He was curious to see what was going to happen on the dream. He walked towards the ginger man. He tried to sound manly, a hard thing to do when your face is still soaked of tears.

"What the hell is all of this? I demand answers, right now! And my name is not Merlin, it's...". Wait, what was his name? It seemed like the only name he could remember was...


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"Ahahaha! Don't worry! You'll find your memories soon enough, eh? Once you've all settled in with your new physical capabilities, we'll go search for them! Your first memories, ain't that exciting? Don't be scared, yeah? I guess that means that our next tutorial stage will be finding a memory each!" Mimir turned to the new dude, who had stopped crying. He looks like he needs a tissue. "This is the Astral Plane, a dimension parallel to Earth, the place you came from! You have to find your memories, and you have special superpowers that are related to your name, but you have to find them for yourself!"

Welp, it was time for their second trial. The discovery of their first memories, and maybe... Just maybe, the rest of the group would discover their powers as well. Hopefully, they wouldn't be attacked by some random Night Terrors.

"Anyways, I'll be splitting up to go with each of you! You'll be wandering around the Starting Grounds searching for a glowing orb that pulls you toward it! You can choose to go in groups or not, and I'll be going with each of you! You just need to wander around the Starting Grounds, or if you have good senses, follow any type of instinct that tells you that you absolutely HAVE to go somewhere, 'kay?" Mimir pulled a long odachi out of his bag, pointing it at his head. Heh, he loved scaring the kiddies.

Mimir stabbed the sword into his head, feeling the blood slide down. Don't scream, Mimir! You're used to this type of pain! He dragged the sword downwards, slicing himself in half from head to toe and sending out a spurt of crimson. He quickly slashed himself across the torso as well, and fell over into four equal parts that stained the platform with blood and gore. The odachi clattered on the floor next to his arm.

And slowly, the four parts began pulsating and mutating into four child-like mini versions of himself.
((ugh, having writes block -.-))


powers, like the girl with the wings? wait, that means we all get them?! my fear and anger were slowly being replaced by curiosity and awe, though i still didn't like this annoying redhead. i looked up, and away from my thoughts as he was saying something about going with us to find our memories. then he said we could go alone or in groups, but how was he going to go with all of us if we spli-........ that thought was cut short when he pulled out a sword and stabbed himself in head.

"what the hell are you doing?!" i shouted " you cant just leave us here alone!"

What is this? Already they're learning to use their powers! Oh Lucid dreamer you have brought me some new toys. I giggled as Mirmir split himself, seeing the newbies' reactions has always been priceless. Who should I go after first, I wonder? Who is going to provide the most entertainment? I quietly giggled as I continued to watch.
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I wonder... Physical capabilities... Aife looked at her hands again, her vision still blurry with tears. Once Mimir mentioned getting their memories back, Aife pressed the heels of her hands against her eyes, pushing away the tears. As soon as I can figure out what happened and how I got... here... the sooner i'll feel better.

Astral Plane. That's where the boy said they were.

Parallel to Earth. Where she was from.

Astral Plane.


Astral Plane.


Memories, powers, names... It all whirled around in her head. Where was this going? Where would she go?

She kept her hands pressed against her eyes, until she got distracted by the swirly patterns dancing against her eyelids. Her heartbeat slowed, and she could soon take a deep breath without feeling like she was going to cry.

Aife half listened to him as he talked about orbs and starting grounds. I have to find those memories.

Then she heard the noise, and looked up just in time to see the boy... cut himself into pieces?!

She pressed her fingers against her lips, trying to suppress a scream. "What the hell?" This just keeps getting weirder and weirder...

Sorry a bit out of it today so it's not terribly detailed i have had no sleep and a bit of writers block. it's friday... -_-


Hermes shifted her weight from one foot to the next as she watched the others, her mind quiet except for the processing of information that she was taking in. It wasn't strange that she could do this, right? Her wings seemed so natural and yet she couldn't even remember how she had called them out. It was like another secret about herself she didn't understand and yet she knew she was unable to do anything of this nature on earth. How did she know that though?

I... I just know.

Which meant this newly found ability, along with her strength, was something that had come to her while she was in this strange place. The Astral Place is what she had heard Mimir call it. Not that she cared, the idea of finding what she had lost was much more important to her. So important that she didn't blink when Mimir started splitting himself into smaller pieces, though it seemed the others were rather uncomfortable with it. Instead she went forward, bending down to pick up one of the small Mimirs with a small smile.

"Mimi." She stated holding him in her palm.

Yes, Mimi is a good name. Mini Mimir. Mimi.

She then, with a glance at the others, placed the small person on her shoulder and straightened. She hoped they would be a little less panicked but it didn't seem like that was going to happen so instead she decided to test out her strength again.

"Hold on." She said to Mimi before bending and shooting off to land on the next platform. It was a bit of a shaky landing but after staggering and threatening to fall she caught herself and looked back once more at the group of new people.

Should I wait...?

She shook her head, Mimir had said that the next test was finding part of their memories. Only she could do that. If they wanted to catch up then they could later.

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Merlin placed his hands on his head while looking at the four mini versions of Mimir. He felt an urge to shout, but decided that he wouldn't. It was time to be tough. Astral Plane? Lost memories? That was going to be a long dream, and it was already starting to scare Merlin. His dreams were usually so boring. Maybe this was a nightmare, not a dream. Okay, time to wake up. He read somewhere that if you stopped breathing on your dream, you could wake up. He held his breath. His face was turning to purple and he still wasn't waking up. He realized some of the people around were looking to him. He stopped holding his breath, thinking he should be looking a bit ridiculous. The pain was real. The asfixia he felt was real. Everything was real. He looked at the four Mimirs in the ground. "This is real, isn't it?", without waiting for an answer, he turned his back to the Mimir. He closed his eyes and screamed to the void. Screaming wasn't going to help. He stopped. Time to face reality. He looked back at the Mimirs, panicking a little bit.

"Okay, okay, new names, lost memories, and a new trial... Okay, so we have powers that are based on our names right? So if I'm Merlin, I have really cool powers like shooting magic fireballs out of my hands and turning things into ince and stuff like that? Also, if our memories are lost, couldn't you like, just tell us about the memories, or are you just as lost as us? Why are we here? Why are we being tested?". Merlin had just so many questions, and he just couldn't stop talking.
The four Mini-Mimirs stared at each other. Mini-Mimir 1 scratched his head. "Shouldn't there be five of us?" "Uh, yeah... We should make another one..." Mini-Mimir 4, or Mimi as he was now known, picked up the odachi again, and proceeded to cut Mini-Mimir 2 in half to make Mini-Mimir 2 and Mini-Mimir 5. "There we go! Five Mini-Me's! Everyone choose a Mini-Me!"

Mimi was picked by Hermes, and went off with her on her shoulder. "Well, looks like I'm going! Bye!" He held onto her hair tightly, and watched Hermes carefully. "Hermes, be careful. There are many dormant Night-Terrors around, and if you go near them then they'll transform! And then you might die, 'cause Night Terrors are more than likely stronger than you are at the current moment!"

Back at the platform, Mini-Mimir 5 walked up to Merlin, tugging on his clothes. "Scrub, you ask way too many questions! To answer your first one, you gotta find out for yourself. The second, well, life's too easy if everything was passed to you on a silver platter, yeah? You're being tested to see if you're gonna survive in this world and go back to your life! So don't worry about it! You might die and stuff, but you were supposed to die anyways, so it's perfectly alright! Don't you feel lucky?" MM5 climbed onto Merlin's back, sat on his shoulder and tugged on his ear, smiling all the while. "I guess we'll be going together!"

The last three Mini-Mimirs crowded around the feet of Thanatos, Aife, and Boreas. "Hurry up and pick a Mini-Mimir so you can start your journey for your memories! Don't just stand there and look shocked! I guarantee that I won't be the weirdest thing you see!"
Aife reached out and grabbed one of the Mini Mimirs. Try saying that five times fast, she thought. A smile touched at her lips. She put MM3 on her shoulder and pushed her crazy curls out of the way. "Tell me if you want me to pull my hair back. It's a bit of a nuisance."

She sniffed and wiped at her eyes. Get yourself together! We have business to do. She set her face, clenched her fists, and squared her shoulders.

"Okay let's do this!" She forced a smile and set off in a random direction, looking for one of those glowing orbs.

This direction felt right, but as she walked along, she felt a strange sense of foreboding. It looked almost... what was the word? sketchy. "Do you think this direction is safe?" She asked warily.
(Starting a little farther back since I haven't posted recently)

Thanatos rolled his eyes at Mimir's unnecessary ratings and cheap confettii. Does he treat everything like some game? He shook his head to get the excess streamers off. Pretty annoying, really.

One by one the rest of the people jumped. Nothing too special about the first two guys, besides how badly they wiped out, but then the last girl overshot the platform and started falling. Thanatos cringed slightly. He didn't think anybody would die so early in the little 'training session', but then the girl suddenly flew back up to the plateau with her...wings? Thanatos' eyebrows furrowed at the sight of the girl's new ability. These must the powers that Mimir was talking about. So then what about the rest of us, and what about me?. Thanatos could feel a pang of jealously well up inside of him, but the feeling soon disappeared and turned into being horrified when he saw Mimir cut himself to pieces. He knew the guy seemed a little off, but he didn't think the strange man would go that far. Then the parts began to pulsate and turn into mini versions of Mimir. Thanatos slowly shook his head and took a few cautious steps back from the crowd. All of this commotion was starting to get to him, and he'd had enough of it. "...I'll pass on a mini Mimir," he said, waving them off. Thanatos turned and leaped to a different platform from anybody. Mimir said the group would have to look for these memory orb if they wanted to get back to this Earth place, or wherever home was. He needed some time to sort all this out, away from the others.

(Sorry I haven't posted in a while -_- Had a competition this weekend, but it's all over now so I'm back :3)
Mini-Mimir 1 glanced at Aife from her shoulder. "Of course not! Do you seriously think this place is safe? Ha, nope! But don't worry, I won't let you die yet! You're important to him, after all! You'll be safe!" MM1 smiled at Aife reassuringly. The Lucid Dreamer liked them, so he would not let them die. They would die eventually. They always did. But he'd keep them safe until them.

Meanwhile, Mini-Mimir 3 gaped at Thanatos's retreating figure.
"EeEeEEh?!? Wait, wait for me! Don't leave me behind!" MM3 hopped after Thanatos, landing nimbly on the platforms behind him.

((Sorry for the short post. But I'm tired from a long concert, and my fingers are pieces of spaghetti attached to a steak right now. ))
Merlin started to jump across the platforms. He didn't know exactly where to go, he just felt that he was going on the right direction, deep into his heart. He was worried with what the Mimir on his shoulder told him. "You might die and stuff". The words ressonated on his mind. He was scared, but at the same time he felt brave. He wondered what were the night terrors, but decided he wouldn't ask Mimir anymore, since he would never give a direct answer. All the jumping from one platform to other was making him tired. He looked back, seeing that he was getting a bit distant from the others. His heart tightened due to his fear. He started to shake. Mimir number five on his shoulder was probably noticing it. He had to stop thinking about the "die and stuff" possibility. It would be nice to keep talking, to avoid panicking.

"So, weird Mimir guy, are we going to any specific place? And couldn't like, summon a portal to take us there, or something like that?"

{sorry guys, having a writer block and kinda in a hurry}

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