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The Short End of the Stick (SeverusX & Prankster Pi)

Artificial Sugar

Plus Ultra



Momo was super excited for this concert. She'd been waiting for months, after she'd bought her ticket. She was going alone, unfortunately, because no one else she knew liked Umibōzu. It was sad, but that was just how life was. Most of her friends liked boy bands or pop stars, and Momo liked them too, but she was into a lot of different music. Sighing as she waited for her train, a gust of wind pushed her skirt up slightly. Flattening it down, Momo was glad she'd decided to wear shorts and black leggings under it. She was never the type of girl to wear just a skirt or dress. Too many accidents waiting to happen. Licking her lips, a small smile formed as she saw her train pulling up.

Grabbing her bag tighter, Momo allowed passengers to get off the train before she boarded. Taking a seat in the back, she couldn't contain her growing excitement. She was wearing an Umibōzu t-shirt, so she was sure that if anyone knew of him, they would know where she was going. Sitting back in the seat, Momo slid her headphones on, turning some music on with her phone. The ride was going to be a while, at least an hour, since the concert wasn't in her town. It was all worth it though.

Her parents hadn't been happy that she was going alone, until she convinced them she was taking her phone and some pepper spray. They were in Greece right now anyway, on a job. Both of her parents were archaeologists, and were often away on work. That was okay with Momo- as long as they were happy. Sighing, Momo tapped her foot in time to the beat on her phone, and forced herself to stay calm. The excitement rising inside her made it almost impossible to sit still, but she knew she had to. She didn't want to disturb the other passengers.

When she finally managed to arrive at the concert hall, she had to wait in line to get inside. After finding a spot inside the concert hall, Momo realized she wasn't going to be able to see. Of course, by that time, it was packed, and the show was beginning. Making her way up towards the front of the stage, she bumped into someone, which made her fall right onto the floor.
"Oh! Excuse me!" She called out, standing, brushing herself off. "Sorry about that. I'm trying to make it to the front of the stage so I can see.. I'm kind of short." Letting out a quiet laugh, Momo sighed. She was too short to get anyone's attention, so she wasn't getting far, either. No one would let her pass.



Otani had been waiting all month for this concert. Everyday in class, he would barge in and slam his bag on his desk, books spilling everywhere. "GUESS WHAT DAY IT IS?" he would ask Risa. "That's right! Only three weeks until the Umib?zu concert!!" And so on, and so on, until his friend would bop him on the head. She was too busy to go. Which was sad, sure.

But the thing was: Otani was GOING, and she wasn't~

Of course, while teasing Risa in school had been all fun, his smugness soon melted as he stood alone in the concert hall. Everything was better with friends, especially one who loved Umib?zu just as much as he did. And it would be nice to have, you know,
someone tall to help him weave through this crowd. He couldn't even see. Sure the concert had only just started, but... Otani crossed his arms over his Umib?zu tee and sighed... He'd waited a whole mo--


Something had crashed into Otani from behind, and he tumbled to the ground with a yelp. Immediately, the person that had fallen with him sprang to her feet and started apologizing. Otani slowly got to his and rubbed the back of his head. "Ah, no that's alright. I guess I'm pretty hard to see sometimes, so I can relate." He laughed sheepishly and grinned. And then his eyes widened. "Ah! Are you okay?"

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Momo shook her head, waving off his comment. "Ah, no, you're totally taller than me!" She replied, letting out a little laugh. Nodding, Momo pulled at her skirt, making sure it wasn't flipped up awkwardly. "Oh! Yes, I'm just fine." Studying the boy's face, Momo felt like she should know him. He seemed familiar. Looking around, Momo saw that the crowd was getting exicited. It was almost time to start. "Oh no! I'll never get to the front of the stage now.." Momo pouted, drooping. She lost all her enthusiasm, feeling that while she could hear the concert, it wouldn't be the same if she couldn't see Umibōzu. Sighing, Momo resigned herself to the fact that she'd have to stay in this spot.

Of course, she only resigned herself for a moment. Looking to the boy beside her, she nodded firmly before grabbing his hand. She hoped he wouldn't be put off by her sudden hand grab. Pulling him behind her, she pushed through the crowd, ignoring the angry yells of surprise. A few moments later, she and the boy were in front, right up against the stage. There was no way they'd miss Umibōzu now. Momo grinned, heart beginning to race as the rapper walked onstage. This was everything she could have wanted! All you had to do was push to get what you wanted, and it would happen.

Since she was so short, she often needed to push her way into things. People usually didn't see her, or they felt that because she was so short that she didn't have any fight in her. Momo was so excited about the concert that she didn't even realize she was still holding the boy's hand. Turning to look at him, a large grin on his face, she spoke, slightly breathless.
"I'm Midori. You can call me Momo, though!"



Otani looked back at the girl smiling up at him and still holding his hand. He wasn't even paying much attention to the concert anymore, still stunned by having been dragged to the very front.

Of course, he wasn't complaining. He'd never thought that he would ever to have a spot like this at an Umibōzu concert. Or meet anyone with the same height problems. And he certainly never imagined meeting the two in one place.

Again. He certainly wasn't complaining.

"Midori..." he repeated, still a bit dazed. "Ah, right!" he said, shaking his head and blinking. "Nice to meet ya, Momo~. I'm Otani." He looked down at their joined hands. "Um so...?"




Momo smiled when the boy introduced himself. It was nice to put a name to the cute face. When he looked down at their hands, however, she pulled hers away abruptly, turning bright red.
"Oh! I'm sorry!" She called out, pressing her hands to her chest. She hadn't even realized they were still holding hands- it was too much excitement going on for her to pay attention. Letting out a nervous laugh, she pushed a lock of stray hair behind her ear and turned her attention back to the concert. "This is so amazing!" She called out happily, never wanting it to end. Unfortunately, she knew it would, and far too soon for her liking, honestly. Momo loved concerts, and she often wished they could go on forever.

When it finally was over, Momo found herself in a daze. It was definitely a great concert, and she'd been freaking out with Otani the whole time. She didn't even know the boy, but she found that it didn't matter. They had definitely bonded over Umibōzu.

After buying some merchandise, Momo made her way out of the concert hall and to the train station. As she left, she waved goodbye to Otani, wondering where he lived. It was only once she was on her train that she realized she hadn't even asked for his number, or what school he went to. Her stomach sank as she leaned back in her seat, groaning inwardly. What an idiot!
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Otani sat on the subway, feeling like an idiot. The aftermath of the concert left him enchanted and ecstatic--he'd seen his favorite musician after all, and up close too! But... he'd missed the opportunity to exchange contact details with his new friend. Who knew if he would ever run into her again?

His face set with determination. Well. He would just have to buy more concert tickets. And hopefully he'd run into her again while he happened to be there. Either way, while Risa's companionship and excitement at Umibōzu concerts matched his perfectly, being with Momo felt different. A good different. He couldn't describe it, but it was a refreshing feeling...

Otani sighed. Next time, hopefully...

Unfortunately, the time for school came just as early as usual the next day. The momentum and excitement from last night's concert had escaped him entirely. He dragged his feet like the undead as he entered the classroom and fell over his desk when he slumped into his chair, practically drooling. It was going to be a very long day.

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Momo woke the next morning feeling like crap. She desperately wanted to call in sick to school, but knew it wasn't exactly in her best interest. Sighing, she stood and made her way to the shower, washing and shaving quickly before dressing in her uniform. Grabbing her backpack and a blueberry muffin on the way out of her house, she unlocked her bike quickly. Momo didn't live far from school, so she often rode her bike. It was faster than walking, and it was also healthy. Despite being a small girl, she worried about things like weight. When Momo reached school, she'd finished her muffin, and threw away the wrapper before locking her bike to the bike rack.

Making her way inside, she managed to reach her classroom with ten minutes to spare. Collapsing into her seat, she sighed loudly. There weren't many students in the class yet, so she noticed the boy across from her right away. After squinting at him for a few minutes, she was absolutely sure it was Otani, from the concert last night.

Standing, Momo made her way over to his desk, peering down at him.
"O-- Otani?!" She called out, ready to be embarrassed if it wasn't him.



Otani nearly hit his head on his desk at the sound of Momo's desk. He sat up a little too quickly than what was wise at his current state if deadness. But nonetheless, he rubbed his bleary eyes and turned to face Momo.

There she stood, looking just as tired as he felt and wearing a school uniform. The same uniform the girl's wore at his high school. But. That couldn't be right. "What are you doing here!?" He squinted at her, not registering the situation because it was just seemed out of this world at the moment. "Oh wait, I'm dreaming, aren't I?" he murmured. That made sense...

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