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Fantasy The Ship of Horrors - Roleplay Thread



King of the Underworld

A knock on the door interrupted the Captain's concentration. With an irritated expression on her face, Captain Garvyn set aside the quill pen that she was using to inscribe upon the piece of vellum that was lying on the desk in front of her. A lantern to the side of the vellum provided dim illumination of her chamber.

Hanging from the walls of this chamber were a series of navigational maps. As her eyes passed over them, a small smile crossed Captain Garvyn’s lips. She had charted what she had thought to be every major sea and navigation route stretching across the Untamed Coast.

Rolling up the piece of vellum, Captain Garvyn placed it delicately in a map container by the side of her table.

The captain always took care not to fraternise with the rest of the crew. As a woman, holding her place amongst a group of hardened sailors was a difficult task at best, and for that reason she kept her distance from her companions. She could not afford to be seen as weak or taken advantage of.

A leather armchair sat next to the bunk, and across the room could be found many memento's of her journeys across the world of Eryn. Animal tusks, furs, jewellery and exotic art objects could be seen clustered in different places around the chamber.

Her eyes scanned over them as she sighed sadly. There was another knock at the door, even more insistent than the last. With another sigh, Captain Garvyn headed over to the door. She knew what this was about. Unlatching the door, she opened it to see the familiar form of her First Mate, Brummett standing behind it. Sighing again, the Captain turned away from him, unwilling to face the man.

"You are angry with me because of what I have done. I understand that, and I do not disagree with your sentiment."

Retreating behind her desk, Captain Garvyn sat down and looked Brummett in the eye. Silence followed for a few seconds before she spoke again.

"Trust me. Please. Everything I do, I do to keep us safe. You must believe me."

Brummett scowled, hesitating for a second before responding. “That I don’t doubt, Captain, even if I disagree with your methods in doing so.”

Captain Garvyn sighed again.

"What’s done is done. I can’t change that. All we can do is replace the people we lost and look to the future. Where we go......the seas we travel on....... we need more people. Adventurers. Sailors. People who can handle themselves. Brummett, I need you to find them for me."


One more night,
To bear this nightmare,
What more do I have to say,

Crying for me was never worth a tear,
My lonely soul is only filled with fear,

Long hours of loneliness,
Between me and the sea,

Losing emotion,
Finding devotion,
Should I dress in white and search the sea,
As I always wished to be - one with the waves,
Ocean Soul,

Walking the tideline,
I hear your name,
Is angels whispering,
Something so beautiful it hurts,

I only wished to become something beautiful,

Through my music, through my silent devotion

It was the 26th September. Summer had been and gone. The overwhelming heat of midsummer was replaced with the cooling breeze of autumn. All around Eryn, golden brown leaves were starting to fall from the trees, and soon the land would be buried under the frost of winter. Winter was coming......in more ways than one.

It was this particular day, a typical busy day in the docks of Vost that a group of adventurers and sailors came across an crudely written advertisement on a crumpled piece of paper nailed to the jobs board.

Handsum Payment for ezee work!!

If ye r willing sea-goers with strong stommicks seeking brieef adventur, reeport to tha good ship Endurance berthed at the lokal doks. I reekwire intrepid soles to fill out a crew for a herried deelivere voyage. Ye may reetern to this port or reemane at tha destinashun. Appeer before sundown - we sail at dawn! No land lubbers need apply!

Around, the docks area was full of the hustle and bustle one would anticipate inside a busy port city. Sailors frequented the many taverns in the area, drinking themselves into insensibility. Those that were not were going about their daily business -- either loading or disembarking cargo from the many ships docked in the berth. Merchants hawked their wares and the citizenry of Vost scuttled from place to place, going about their daily lives.

In the distance, it was not hard to see the good ship Endurance, anchored as it was in one of the many ship berths to be found in the docks. The Endurance itself appeared as a cross between a galleon and a frigate. As a ship, it was in excellent repair. It was painted midnight blue, with red and white trim, giving it a somewhat unique appearance amongst the other ships in the harbour. Mounted on the figurehead was a masculine head and torso. The figurehead had long, flowing hair and clutched a trident in one hand. In the other hand the figure was grasping a seahorse.

In the shadows, hidden out of sight in the dark, a cowled figure watched the Endurance. Dark eyes hidden under the folds of velvet cloth watched proceedings aboard the ship with keen interest.

Cracked, peeling lips opened, and whispered words were spoken. Important words, yet words that noone else could hear.....

"The night of evil shall descend on the land.
When this hexad of signs is near at hand

In the house of Daegon the sorcerer born,
Though life, unlife, unliving shall scorn,

The lifeless child of stern mother found,
Heralds a time, night of evil unbound,

Seventh time the son of suns doth rise,
To send the knave to an eternity of cries,

The light of the sky shining over the dead,
Shall gutter and fail, turning all to red,

Inajira will make his fortunes reverse,
Dooming all to live with the dreaded curse,

The bodiless shall journey to the time before,

Where happiness to hate creates land and lore."

Welcome to the game folks, glad to have you aboard. At this point, you may start the game however you wish. You could be reading the advertisement for the first time, you could have already read the advert and currently be in the local tavern having an ale before going to the ship, or you could be heading to the ship itself looking to sign up. Feel free to start how you wish :)
August gazed out at the sparkling blue ocean, expanding all the way out to the distant horizon, almost welcoming him. Vost was truly a remarkable place, regardless of the fact that it was often disregarded by outsiders. Towering, majestic ships floated gently in the water, eagerly awaiting their chance to set sail and explore the mysterious, alluring ocean waves. A wonderful place to hide, beautiful views, kind people. A frequently-visited tavern nearby for painful nights--it was the ideal hiding place for a man who desired not to be found.

As August stood, cool water splashing up, softly contacting his bare ankles, he was overwhelmed with nostalgic memories from the past. Of good days on the ocean, with a sober father and a living mother, a baby sister full of hope and a bright, happy future. Oftentimes, these memories throw him under invisible waves of his own, but at this moment, on this day, they just brought him bittersweet joy. It has been three years since the brutal murder of his sister, but it still lurks raw and unforgiven in the back of his mind, no matter the measures he takes to escape.

Laughter rang out across the sandy beach, small children playing in the water. For a while, August simply watched them, distancing himself from the envy that attempts to overtake him, and just remembers.

Eventually, he turned away, a ghost of a rare smile invading his lips, twisting his already handsome features into a face that young women unconsciously stare at has he strolls by, dark hair waving to and fro in the soft ocean breeze. As he made his way back up to the main city, a crumpled paper, wind pulling it dangerously hard against the rusty nail holding it, caught his eye. He quickly deciphered the questionable writing:

Handsum Payment for ezee work!!

If ye r willing sea-goers with strong stommicks seeking brieef adventur, reeport to tha good ship Endurance berthed at the lokal doks. I reekwire intrepid soles to fill out a crew for a herried deelivere voyage. Ye may reetern to this port or reemane at tha destinashun. Appeer before sundown - we sail at dawn! No land lubbers need apply!

It piqued his interest--a chance to sail his beloved seas, to put even more distance between himself and his past. For a moment August stood, undecided, before determining that he had nothing to lose in taking up this compelling offer. He arranged his hair, setting back in place any rebel strands, adjusted his leather jacket, and strolled with his hands (and a long, sharp blade) concealed inside his pockets. Yet again, his face turned heads as he made his journey, but he ignored them, erased any readable expression from his face.

As he neared the specified location, he allowed himself a moment of wonder, awestruck by the magnificent ship before him. The crisp white sails extended upwards from the polished wood of the dock. It was obviously an older ship, but its captain had cared well for it and it was just as incredible as it must have been back in the day. No matter how hard August tried to prevent it, he couldn't prevent a grin from creeping into his features.

This, he thought, was sure to be a grand adventure.
On the summer of June 15th, it was a overly hazed day most of what the season cruelly brings with for the beach in the fun. Except Mutt was far from having fun whatsoever. He learned it wasn't such a cake in the park to just walk up and ask to become part with one of the crew. It was like the more he asked, the more tasks they'll give to the poor young man as 'tasks'. And these tasks seemed a bit more and more like..chores? It was also was some sort of cursed fate to be denied after these trails, but he was damned to know..He can never disagree for a favor.

During later of the evening, after sweating his soul nearly away, most of the ships were gone off to seas except a few. And already gotten rewarded with well meals for his duties from pure usual, you can say his guard was down. Mutt almost didn't noticed a mysterious stranger arriving by his side right next to him while he was just munching on some dried bread. Before, He could even asked what's his dilemma, the stranger took a hold of his throat and kept him still, it's soulless eyes staring back at the shook up urchin. All Mutt can really recall was this man's or was..it even a man? Hot breath exhaled excitedly against his nape before immense pain chinked in from his shoulder. Tears formed from the corner of the urchin's eyes as he couldn't even scream and seemed drugged behind his actions. Slowly he felt the blood loss taking a toll of his conscious..and now, he woke up still from the barrels but now everything seemed...different.

Present time of September 27th, the salty sea waves splashed violently against the sandstone rocks, reaching up over the docks and lightly dusted upon Mutt's cheeks. Closing his eyes once he heard the painted roars beneath the creaky wooden boards from under him, finding a place to hang his booted feet over the edge of the docks. Sweat and oil glisten across his tanned face from his earlier work with oiling up an anchor set for a small fleet, still being on land of course while doing so. It just seemed no crew nor captain seemed willing to adapt a 'land-lover' without proving some crazy insight about navigation or knowing every sort of knots for the sail. His brows furrowed "Jus' can't seem'ta get my dreams done.." with a sigh along the manner.

Jackel stood back up on his two feet as his black coral eyes longingly gazed at the beach from below, right where his Aunt Jemina's shed used to be. But she passed recently of natural age still, it still aches that her nagging voice won't be picked up by the other sailors anymore hence why he decided to do side jobs for the crew on land. And in more hopes that they'll see this young man as a willing learner with getting to know the beautiful seas. With that thought process the motivation sure made him excited! When Mutt turned off, hands in his dark olive green pockets, a flyer caught the edge of his eyes near a stack of barrels. Immediately Mutt rushed over and ripped off the aged paper from the nail, reading it over once more in case it was misread. "A-Adventure...I need to find the'a ship!"

He of course took the moment to fold the paper neatly into it's four corner fold before placing it along his front shirt blouse. Then wildly went by ship to ship at the docks, searching desperately for the name prescribed by the paper. Frowning a bit when every ship sort of look the same aside the shape and sails. In an last attempt Mutt pulled out the folded paper from his small shirt pocket, just to press his nose against it's scribe, hopefully to recognize the scent of the maker with this advert. Mutt still doesn't still recall much that day during the summer but everything he's done felt more natural to do, like apparently knowing scents. "Mn." His eyes widen, finding the scent that lay right in damn in front of him, giving a sly smirk when his leather boots hit the upon boardwalk that lead up to 'Endurance', while his twists whisk wildly from the ocean seas beckoning.
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Carnage had his hands stuffed in his pockets as he strolled around the port, observing the sailors loading the ships and trading the cargo. He sighed and leaned against the cold stone wall. He heard paper crinkle and realised he was leaning on something. He turned around and his emerald eyes slashed into the parchment as his read the advertisement with keen interest. "Looking for a crew?" He mumbled as he skimmed through the words, "Ah what the hell?" He tore the paper off the wall and shoved it in his pocket.
He entered the tavern, running a hand through his dark hair. He plunked down on a stool and nodded at the bartender; who went about getting his usual. He sniffed, pulling out the advertisement and reading it through again. He leaned on his hand, "This is the best idea I've ever had." He smiled to himself, "Well done, Carnage." Saying his name out loud made him remember something. Echoes, his father yelling. It was instantly drowned out by the whispers. The voices. The ones that always plagued his head. He could never fully make out what they were saying. It was just muffled screams and excited chattering. His grin grew and he managed to snap himself out of his stupor when his drink was placed down on the counter next to him. He let a few gold coins fall down and clang onto the counter. The bartender scooped them up and nodded at him with a small smile. Carnage just sipped his drink and grinned at him. It was layered with tequila and rum and had a few ice cubes floating in it. It would sound nice apart from the fact it was on fire. Carnage was pretty sure he was supposed to blow the fire out before drinking but he didn't care. It also had a lemon on the side of the glass, a lemon that was now singed. The drink was almost as unusual as the one who drank it. He sighed contently and looked around the bar. He only wished alcohol could make everything feel better like others would always proclaim drunkenly. To him it was just a drink that make him feel worse, something he liked feeling. He made a mental note to leave for the ship soon.
"Genivieve Huxton, I won't let you go!" Cried the sniveling face of a young man, his hands futilely clutching the ends of a woman's dress. With his knees firmly planted in the dirt of the docks, he cried out again, "You mustn't go-- I can't live without you! I beg you reconsider!"

Gwendolyn cringed. Baxter was a sweet enough young man-- His sandy-blonde hair and pretty face served it's purpose as a cover of normalcy, but the two were never meant to be. She knew that. And she'd like to think that, somewhere in the back of his mind, Baxter knew that too. He treated Gwen well enough in the few short months spent in this town, but their affair was nothing more to her than an act. Something others expected of her; A way to appear normal. He didn't know it, but he would be the sixth poor man lost to her beguiling charms, and he undoubtedly wouldn't be the last. Hell, he didn't even know her real name! Now, Gwen felt that same terrifying, looming presence she felt many a time before-- She was being watched. They had found her again, and that meant it was time to go. Slung over one shoulder, she carried a sack filled with all she had in this world-- Some extra clothes, some gold, a pocket knife, a box of matches, a needle and thread, and a small portrait of her mother. She stood in front of the gangplank of the ship Endurance, having seen the posting for crew the previous day. The chance to sail the world, potentially put an end to this cat-and-mouse game and live comfortably for once.. What wasn't enticing about that? Farewell, Vost. I'll miss you.

Tearing the ends of her dress away from him, she spoke firmly, "Get a hold of yourself, Baxter! You're causing others to stare--"

He jumped to his feet wildly, "I don't care! I love you! And I know you love me too! That's why I don't understand how you can do this, I thought we--"

"You thought wrong," She cut him off harshly, taking an intimidating step forward, "I need a man, not a crying little boy. If you consider yourself otherwise, you'll steel yourself and get out of my way."

This opportunity wasn't going to wait for her, and so help her God, she was getting on that ship. Anything to get away from.. them. She only hoped the secret route she took to get here was enough to throw them off, long enough for her to board the ship without being noticed..

Gwendolyn left poor Baxter there on the loading bay, sobbing, his head in his hands. A small twinge of guilt rang through the back of her mind, but it needed to be done. She pushed past him, and began marching up the plank with a grumble under her breath.
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Awaiting Gwendolyn on the deck of the ship was a younger boy, maybe of 18 or 19 years, with a arguably foolish grin upon his face. August outstretched a hand to assist her in climbing up herself. She seemed disgusted by his offer and rather disgruntled otherwise, and hoisted herself up onto the deck without his help. He shrugged it off and turned back to his incredible view of the sea, admiring its seemingly infinite waves and the sun just becoming visible behind the distant horizon. He makes no further attempt to interact with the young woman he could still sense behind him.

Others had begun to arrive the previous evening, forming a mismatched crew of five. August had yet to observe any sign of the captain's true identity and he seemed to have no intention of revealing himself in any kind of timely fashion. They other people who had located the advertisement for the voyage were wordlessly pacing the sturdy wooden floors of the ship, some had taken it upon themselves to explore the ship, examining every last detail of every single deck of the Endurance.

August didn't disapprove of this, but he didn't feel compelled to join them. He was completely content to simply continue to sit in silence, observing his crew members and watching the ocean waves as they moved about in graceful patterns.
The bartender's back was turned and Carnage slyly slipped out the bar with his flaming drink still in hand. He took another long sip and sighed. He continued walking around the port, passers by staring at the drink in his hand. He looked at the advertisement and back up at the ships, his eyes scanning the names, "aha!" He spotted the Endurance. He couldn't help but stand and look at it. It was a beautiful ship. Then again, he didn't know much about ships. He made his way down to it and inhaled the salty air. He had to admit there wasn't much that could beat the salty smell of the sea. Then again there was fire. He shoved one hand in his pocket and he climbed up onto the ship. His infamous smile grew on his cheeks and his emerald eyes drank in the ocean. The voices in his head were drowned out by the waves. The gentle rock of the ship was so calming, Carnage could lie down and sleep right there and then. He chuckled to himself as he took another long sip of his drink, which singed his hair, "If only." He muttered to himself.
Mutt couldn't help but to launch his people observing habits on the rise once other people seemed to disgruntle on joining the upper deck along with the young adult. Seeing an older male being a bit isolated and watching the waves, basically he felt like his exact motives were being copied in a while mist. Whereas acknowledging another woman with her large skirt fluttering over the board as for the other few, were standing around. With his arm fixedly crossed, Mutt's excitement got the best of him when his gaze blinked up to stake out the wheel which was placed right behind the stern castle wheel a few feet away from him. Knowing that never in his natural life that he will ever drive a ship with his experience or while he's waiting for the captain who created the advertisement will make appearance it's not enough.

He started to walk the other ways of the ship, having curiosity be the best of him with the ropes, anchor capstan, the few masts and it goes on for a while. It was like almost a kid in a candy store, but he did his absolute best to stay still-face for the sake of not looking foolish, or at least he hoped to the others who gaze up at the dark skinned male.. Who is he kidding? The light blush was already covering his cheeks from just thinking about 'doing-before-thinking' habit that he's already started. Using his fore-finger to curl at one of his twists in his own thoughts with how to de-escalate his panic ideas.
Gwen huffed and puffed, lifting herself onto the deck with a toss of her bag. A young man had offered his assistance, but she declined it with a small annoyed scowl. Once she stood to her feet, she raised the hood of her clothing and kept her back to port, hoping that, if they did find her here, they wouldn't notice among the others. She takes a few meek steps across the deck, her small-heeled shoes thumping about the wood. Sparkling eyes wondered about it's many features in awe. In all her years of exploration, she had never step foot on a proper sailing ship, and it showed. She inhaled deeply through her nose, and let out a large sigh of relief. With a wide spread of her arms, as if she were beckoning the ship itself for a hug, she let's out a tiny, excited laugh. This was the start of a new life, she could feel it. Looking around, she noticed others that were, presumably, here for the same reason she was. Would these be her crewmates? What a group of misfits they'd undoubtedly become.

Gwendolyn turns back to the boy that had offered his help, passing him a bright, delicate smile and a nod of her head, just to indicate to him her issue wasn't with him. She was eager to leave this town and sail into the horizon, and leave those here that hunted her behind. He couldn't have known that.

Retrieving her bag from the ground and throwing it back over one shoulder, she waits patiently, two hands folded neatly on one another. She was no sailor, but how hard could cooking on a boat be, anyway?
August catches her eye and returns her smile, vibrant and full of light. Then he turns away, allowing the hollow smile to fade from his lips, falling back into the depression of memories that were never again to become reality. Mustering all of his inner courage, he closes his eyelids and takes a deep breath, then turns and makes his way down the shallow steps to a lower deck where he will almost undoubtedly be sleeping. He quickly surveys the area, memorizing every last turn and corridor. It's a fairly large ship, filled with spacious and comfortable rooms--they won't be overly cramped. August is certain he'll find a home among this group of misfits, if not friendship.

He decides that this will be an interesting journey, though he has no idea how truly unprecedented and unexpected this journey would be.
Carnage groaned and lazily glanced around at his fellow crew mates. He squinted at a boy walking around the ship as if it were an art gallery. He laughed. These people were entertaining. He spotted a young lady and ran a hand through his hair, 'So many new toys." He thought to himself. He took to strolling around the deck, sipping his drink and thinking about what was to come. All he really wanted was violence. He was itching for it. He loved it. He needed it. He loved having bloody knuckles and the metallic taste of blood in his mouth. He loved seeing men drop after one shot. His fingers brushed the pistol holstered on his leg. The cold touch of the metal was like a hug from an old friend and he lived for it. He loved nothing more than having a mans life in his hands and the choice of whether or not to end it. He lived for the thrill of the kill and thats all he wanted in this job. He continued to gaze up at the masts with the crazed look in his eyes that never truly went away. He let the fire from his drink burn his tongue a little, enjoying the sensation as he wandered around.
Honor sat with her eyes closed on the warm sand, feeling nothing but eyes, the whipping salt, and the nagging voice in her head. She was considered, by some, an 'improper lady.' Well, they can all burn in the ninth circle of Hell. She thought stoically, standing up and brushing the granules of sand off her bare legs. She stood for a moment, hair tossing in the clutches of wind, and gazed out over the harbor. As she surveyed the many ships anchored there, one caught her eye.
An intimidating vessel, adorned with red and a blue not unlike the sea's. She headed off the beach and walked through the ports, enjoying the stares that lingered around her. With bare legs and shoulders, her arms covered in scars, she was sure a sight to see along the prim and proper noblewomen. She quickly scampered up onto the ship, where other nervous seeming individuals were waiting. Must be a casting call, she thought. Perfect. One seemed crazed, she noted, giving him a wide berth. Observing what were to be her new crewmates, her eyebrows furrowed.
She smiled giddily, excited to be on a ship. Furrowing her eyebrows even more, she chastised herself for letting it show.
She quietly walked below-decks, looking for a place where it was nice and quiet to try to listen to the incessant voice in her head that now seemed to be angered. As she arrived in the sleeping quarters, she spotted an auburn-haired man. "Hey, do you know where the captain of this ship is?" She said crassly. "I need to speak to 'em."
Gwen watched him go, her eyes curiously scanning those around around once he was gone. A man, appearing to be closer to her age, was sipping from a flaming cup. Booze? It must be. She pursed her lips slightly, the thought of a good drink very much tempting right now. She locked eyes with the man holding it, if only for a second, looking away with a small shudder after seeing him shamelessly stick his tongue into the flames. A woman had boarded now, and just as quickly as she arrived, she began to explore. Gwen felt.. out of place. These people seemed to be familiar with this sort of thing. She shuffled uncomfortably in her spot, finally making the decision to move, too. She found herself at the opposite side of the ship, looking over it's railing to the crashing waves below. Looking to her sides, she hoped to find someone worth speaking to; Some recognizable figure that held an air of confidence only the Captain could have. Coming up short, she huffs, and props her chin up on a closed fist. Just have to be patient, then.
August turns at the sound of a female voice behind him. He almost laughs at the sight of her--she seems so out of place on the ship, from her shorter hair to her extremely unladylike clothing choices. To him, she's extremely interesting, once he gets past the initial shock, and manages to plaster an apologetic smile across his face, in contrast to the foul expression on hers. "I do not, and he doesn't seem to be in a hurry to reveal himself, either." He thinks for a moment, then says, "Tell you what, I'll help you look for the guy, if you want. I don't exactly have anything better to spend my time doing."
Honor raised one eyebrow questionably, surprised he hadn't made any foul remarks about her. "Ok, sure. Maybe some of the others can help too. If you don't mind me asking, what position were you lookin' for?" She said, looking down nervously as she realized the voice in her head, the same one that had taunted her even in her sleep, had gone silent. I don't even know if this is good or bad...
August nods, not entirely certain that would be a good idea but not wanting to cross this girl. "I'm looking to be the navigator, if the cap sees it fit. And let me guess, you're going to be the ship's counselor, correct?" He smirks, letting her know that he's joking with her. He leans against the wall and unconsciously runs his fingers through his hair, raising his eyebrows ever so slightly at her.
Having posted the advert, Brummett returned to his cabin. Opening the door, he went inside and shut it behind him. Bolting the door, Brummett walked over to the single wooden desk that sat at the far side of the room. Sitting at the chair, he exhaled, letting out a large sigh as his eyes scanned the room. It was a simple room, lacking the furnishings that adorned Captain Garvyn’s chamber. There was a single cot in the corner of the room and next to it a simple wooden dresser table. On that table......

The corners of his lips turned up in a slight, bitter smile as Brummett reached out, picking up the bottle of hard liquor that sat on the table. He gazed at it for a while, his eyes taking it in. Then, sighing again softly, he pushed the bottle away from him, sliding it up to the other side of the table.

Brummett was sworn to follow his Captain’s orders, irrespective of what he thought of them. Whether he felt Captain Garvyn was right or wrong was simply inconsequential, it was what it was.

So why did it feel so wrong? Why did it rebel against every single aspect of who he was and what he stood for?

“It doesn’t matter....” he whispered to himself bitterly. “Mine is not to question. It’s only to obey.”

The whisper echoed into nothingness as he slumped forwards, burying his head in his hands. Out there.....out there he had to be strong. He had to show the crew always that he was nothing but an extension of Captain Garvyn. He could not be seen to be weak......to doubt. They would seize on him, on them both if he did.....destroy them whole.

Yet the truth was so very very different.

Fingernails dug into his scalp as he screwed his eyes shut.

As he did, he heard the sounds of screaming inside his head......

“Brummett! Are you there?!”

The sound of the second mate, Ralfeo. He straightened, opening his eyes. Had he fallen asleep? How many hours had he lost?

“Ralfeo? I’m here.”

Cursing softly, Brummett walked to the door and unslid the latch. Opening it, he saw the tanned features of the second mate. Ralfeo was in his mid-thirties, his dark eyes offset against his tanned skin. A long scar ran from the top of his forehead, stopping only over his right eye. A memento from a bar fight.

“There’s some new arrivals, answering the advert. Five of them.”

Brummett nodded. That was something at least.

“I’ll be with them shortly.”

Sighing again, he glanced over to the bottle of liquor on his table, sitting there unused.....

The blond haired man stepped on-deck. Piercing green eyes sparkled, reflecting off the sun that shine overhead as he regarded the three that stood on the main deck. His goatee was neatly trimmed and his features tanned spent from hours in the sun. His hair had a few streaks of grey in them. His mouth twitched in the slightest of smiles as he looked to the dark haired man standing next to him.

“You said five. I count three Ralfeo. Where are the other two?”

His voice was soft, but carried with it an aura. This was a man who expected to be obeyed.

The second, darker skinned man started slightly as he looked around, his eyes darting from side to side. His gaze finally settled on the hatch that led downstairs.

“They must have gone belowdecks.”

Brummett sighed, shaking his head. Did the sailors of today possess no manners or sense of propriety at all? He leaned his head over to Ralfeo.

“Go....bring them out. I’d like to see who I’m dealing with.”

As Ralfeo headed belowdecks, Brummett cast his eyes over the three on decks. Looking in particular at the tall, dark haired man who was sticking his tongue in a........was that a burning cup(?) Brummett shuddered involuntarily, forcing his gaze away from the cup as he swallowed.

“Names? Skills? What do you think you can offer the Endurance?”

His voice was abrupt as he faced them. Looking at the other two, the girl looking over the ship with a bag slung over her shoulder, and the boy with the dark curly hair, he found himself wondering.

They’re all.....so......young. What are they doing here? Do they have any experience on the seas?

Looking at them, Brummett found himself doubting that simple fact.

Or are they like most? Chasing dreams on the ocean that they will never find. If they are.......the sea will swallow them whole.

Brummett hoped that wouldn’t be the case. The sound of terrible screams echoed in his mind. He had already seen too many he cared for die.


I'm looking to be the navigator, if the cap sees it fit. And let me guess, you're going to be the ship's counselor, correct?

Stepping belowdecks, his feet creaking on the wooden timbers below, Ralfeo interjected into the conversation.

“You’ll be neither unless you haul your asses on deck the now.”

His thick, lightly accented voice was little more than a growl. “Brummett will be wanting you see ya and get a measure of you.”

Ralfeo gestured to the stairs leading back upwards.
August gaped at the stranger who'd seemingly appeared out of nowhere, interrupting them. Shaking his head in annoyance, he quickly climbed the stairs and came face to face with their captain.
“Names? Skills? What do you think you can offer the Endurance?” His tone was emotionless and tired; he seemed to make no effort of disguising his annoyance. August paused, left him in suspense for a few seconds, then responded.
"I'm August Clearwater, sir, and I'm looking to be a navigator. I haven't had a lot of experience overseas but I'm willing to learn and you'll never find a harder working crew member," He stops for a moment, thinking, then continues. "As for my skills, sir, I'm good with a knife and gun, and can read any map you set before me." August stood still, nervously twitching his fingers in anticipation of the captain's answer. He looks at the girl, who's expression betrays no emotion, and attempted to imitate her uncaring attitude.
A commanding voice called across the deck. Gwen turned to it's source, blue eyes resting on a rugged-- albeit undeniably handsome-- Man. She stiffened, fiddling with the strap of her bag. Was this the captain? He certainly carried himself that way.. Taking in a breath of confidence, she straightened up her posture, and tore herself away from the railing. Gwendolyn was no stranger to men; With a plucky, adorable smile, she thrust out an open palm for a handshake. Even if it was feigned, her charm was beginning to ooze out in full effect.

"Gwen. Gwendolyn Huxton," She lilted smoothly. Of course, her name was only half-true. One can never be too careful, even if this ship would be cut off from the rest of civilization..

"I can make you the best rabbit stew this side of Vost, swear it on my mothers grave," She offered a small bow, her hand comically pressed against her heart, "The captain may surely throw me overboard otherwise."
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Carnage drunk the last of his drink and threw the burning cup into the sea. He laughed hysterically and turned to Brummett, “Carnage Valeska, sir.” He grinned, “I’m skilled with guns and starting fires in unusual places.” He wandered over to him, “I’m looking to be your gunner, funnily enough.” The voices in his head got louder again, clouding his train of thought, “uhhh oh yeah! I can offer this ship a lot of dead people in its name!” His smile grew dark, “and like i always say, the pay is as high as the body count!” He noticed everyone else's indifferent attitude and frowned, "Sheesh."
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Honor scoffed as she walked back up, tired of prideful men. After the other five pitched themselves to the blond, impatient man, it was her turn. “I’m Honor, and we’ll see about the last name later. Certified cartographer and I can beat someone to hell. Oh, and I know my way around an exorcism.” As she said the last part, a small grin crept onto her face. Honor had a good feeling about this.
Well, Mutt's thoughts were freely scrambling on where to even start as each one took their turns addressing a far more advance quotations of the sea life and how can they attribute. How should he start really? 'Yes, I stalked the docks for most'n my life and basically went'a spree to begging along every ship, then gotten turned away those offers 90% of the time? But I'm a'n damned pro with the chores? Mutt the mopper at your'a service?' His plump lips tighten, wafting up the scent of alcohol from most or the natural odors by other crew, sadly the winds accounted for the suffering. Yet, learning by the willing people's name and face. He concluded his first impression out of each one.

| 'Honor', seems so pompous and possibly a snob from coming of a well life, impatient, did he already say snobby by her huffs and high held head? It's like a full tier example of what Aunt Jemina warned him about 'those' type of women.|
| 'Carnage' damned reeked of that awful odor which that he distaste, alcohol, and his humor matched up with the personality. Dark, twisted and unclear by his motives, basically this is the quickest being to ever piss him off just by a glance. It was obvious chaos was his favorite meal of the day by the unruly behavior.|
| 'Gwen' out of the others didn't have the unwavering smells. Honestly, he could tell by a soft prick of seasonings from her aura that she'll be an amazing cook. But truly hoped the kind face and mannerism won't take get taken advantage of during the voyage. But the twinkle in her eyes made him deter she'll be strong enough to possibly kick any man's ass if she really wanted.|
| 'August' well, to him compared to the other personalities? Seem more like average August, not to out there of the spectrum but never to far if it makes sense. His scent had an odd combination with new places, a hint of fresh dew but it's the only thing he can recognize.|

And himself? A nervous, dirtied of grease young man longing to reach the chase for the seas.

The great gods themselves couldn't help his nervousness as his coal eyes stared to dull when the co-captain went up to him next " Jackel Mutt Garciel, but I would prefer to be named Mutt." Yes there we go, a nice start. But he sighed lowering his gaze "...I really don't have'n most to no experience about the seas-- But I know almost every part of this ship, it's weight and girth! I can also name every knot for every types and how to properly distribute the storage/water for each voyage by a certain number of men, what roles there's is to be laid for a functional system. Like right now the rigging is in jeopardy for a new change of ropes." His eyes went off towards the front-most ship where the foremast lay, seeing the right side of the ropes being a bit aged and splinted from it's past beatings the ocean gave.

"Mn, plus I'm quite familiar with swimming against what the mother seas can offer if anyone's gets set off-board." The confidence that barely mustered from the start swelled as his tongue spoke a bit more about the knowledge that Mutt has obsessed and studied over most of his life. Finishing his turn with a chuckle at himself, it was a lot of words that stumbled from him. What was he, a school boy? Giving a soft stretched by his arms it was a time for the captain to choose or not to have him.
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Brummet sighed inwardly as he looked from them one to the next. There were a lot of new folk here, clearly inexperienced people who had never been on a ship before..... Brummett remembered the first time he had stepped on board a boat.

The Sprightly Maiden was a majestic ship. The first thing I thought to myself when I stepped on it was that it was sooo big, and everyone was so busy. Captain Anders took me aside that day, perhaps seeing my wide-mouthed stare. I will never forget the words he told me -- words that I still hold close to this day.

"This is the first day of your life," he told me. "Who you are, what you did before I don't care. Your past doesn't exist. This is your life now and this day....it is your first naming day. This is the start of your life."

Suddenly smiling, Brummett reached out and clasped August's hand, shaking it firmly.

"And learn you shall. You will learn and you will work hard. And when you're not navigating or working, you will practice your swordplay. Even if you have used those weapons before, you will learn to use them better."

Looking to the next, a pretty girl with short back hair, Brummett nodded. Clasping her hand, he shook hers the same way he had shook August's.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance, Gwen. And it must be with the Lord's providence that you appeared as we are in need of a cook for the voyage ahead. And if you do not make the best rabbit stew we've ever tasted I'm sure the Captain will throw you overboard."

Grinning, Brummett released her hand. There was something about the girl that pricked at his consciousness. Whether it was something in the way she carried herself, or the way that she spoke.....the way that she smiled. Something......he did not know what it was, but the girl reminded him of himself.

When Carnage spoke though, Brummett's frown deepened for a moment before his features smoothed over.

"Carnage eh?" He glanced over towards Ralfeo and the nearby crewmembers who were looking at Carnage slightly askance -- not just from his words but also from his casual dispersal of the burning cup. "That's a, uhhh, suitable name and I daresay that your tendencies will serve us well when we encounter less......friendly sorts."

Raising his left eyebrow towards Ralfeo, he nodded his head almost imperceptibly. We'll need to keep a close eye on this one. Although perhaps that was what the Endurance needed....someone a little harder and not afraid to......offer the ship a lot of dead people in its name. Almost involuntarily he sighed again, beginning to think that this was going to be a very long trip indeed. Ultimately though, he consoled himself with the thought that if Carnage, indeed any of them in fact, got out of hand they could always just keelhaul them.

The tall youth with the dreadlocks offered his name up as Mutt, and basically admitted to this being his first voyage and having been turned away from most other ships he had tried to get on board. This time keeping the sigh back, Brummett nodded his head to the boy.

"You will certainly work hard, and I'll try not to put you on deck swabbing duty too much Mutt. Pleased to meet you," Brummett grinned. He was only half-joking.

At Mutt's comment about knowing ships inside and out, and the rigging needing new ropes, Brummett turned to look at where he indicated. The boy wasn't wrong. The ropes were worn and had begun to fray. His face darkening slightly as he scowled, Brummett waved over at Ralfeo.

"Ralfeo, the crew seem to have missed the fact that the rigging needs new rope. It might be a good idea to sort it," he said in a sardonic tone of voice.

His face flushing slightly, Ralfeo turned and moved away, barking orders to the crew. Looking back to Mutt, Brummett nodded, his eyes showing an inch more respect than it had before.

"Well lad, it seems you've already earned your keep somewhat. I'm sure you will come to be a valuable crew member over time."

Between them, the four of them reeked somewhat of youthful inexperience. When he looked at them, it was hard for him not to feel envy. To be that young again.....to experience the seas for the first time -- it was a magical experience that Brummett had not felt since, nor would he feel again. To feel the sea at your shoulder and know that you were free......free from the shackles of the land and the ghosts that haunted you. And make no mistake, there were a lot of sailors that chose the sea very deliberately......either running from or seeking something in turn. Yet what it could offer.....it was indescribable.

At least it had once, for him. Now though......there were the screams that he couldn't truly ever escape from.

The voyage would be difficult, having to break in so many new people to life on the seas, perhaps a different life from any they had ever known before, or would ever know again.

Not all inexperienced.

Brummett's gaze turned to the last of the group. And Brummett for his part was glad that there was at least one in the group who wasn't as youthful and callow as the others. She certainly was pretty, with windswept auburn curls. Still, he wasn't sure how much experience she had on the seas either. At her temerity he chuckled.

"Very well, just Honor. I hope you are as honourable as your namesake. I'm Brummett. Just Brummett. I'm glad you can beat people up, it'll serve you well with this rabble," he said with a chuckle, looking over at the various crew members tending to the ship. "Hopefully you won't need to exorcise anything though. That would be bad."

Looking from Honor to August, Brummett rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "This does mean we have two navigators though. You can shadow each other, maybe teach each other a few tricks. And when one of you isn't navigating, then you can double up as guards and weapon training. You'll need to learn the ballista and catapults amongst other things. I'll have the crew show you the ropes."

Moving over to the hatch leading belowdecks, Brummett stopped for a second, before turning back to the new recruits.

"Whatever your past was, I don't care. Whatever your life was before the Endurance, it doesn't exist anymore. This is a new start for you....all of you. A fresh slate. Any ghosts, any demons you have, forget about them because they're gone. You are one of us now, and here there is only us, and only the Endurance. When you sign up and when we leave shore, you agree that whatever came before for any of you......its gone. Do we have an agreement?"

Grinning, Brummett bowed as he leaned down to open the hatch.

"If you are still with us, I'll give you the grand tour of the ship. Later, before we set sail, the Captain will want to see you."
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Carnage's grin faultered as he was caught off guard by Brummett's words. 'A new start.' He had never thought he would find a new start. A place where noone knew who he was or what he'd done. A place where, maybe, he could escape the madne- Voices flooded his brain, screaming and whispering. It was like the ocean beneath them. They were swallowing him whole, dragging him into their murky depths. He put a hand to his head, growling softly. They had never been this bad before. He came to the realisation that there was no fresh start. No new life. He was Carnage Valeska and thats all he'd ever be. A lunatic. He choked back a sob and grinned again, mind going blank. He hated showing weakness. But to be perfectly honest, Carnage wanted to put his gun to his neck and pull the trigger. Anything to silence those godforsaken voices. The thing he hated most was that noone could hear them. Noone could hear him. The Carnage who had thrown the burning cup into the sea, the Carnage who had stuck his tongue into the flames, the Carnage who had killed his mother... that wasn't him. It was the madness. He hated it. It was like was trapped in his own body. He wasn't in control. He wished everyone could see that but they never would. A tear ran down his face and he quickly wiped it away. He sidled towards the hatch with the others.
Gwen's smile grew ever wider, finding her shoulders relaxing when the man before her promised her a spot on this ship. He exuded a charming air of debonair politeness, and it was hard not to feel grateful when the words left his mouth. When he moved down the line to the others, she listened to him carefully, eager to see what these others could offer the ship. That Carnage guy was certainly.. interesting. Best to steer clear of him. Honor seemed just a tad arrogant, and Gwen found her brow furrowing when she spoke. 'Mutt,' as he so oddly preferred to be called, seemed harmless enough. August looked not much younger than Gwen, but certainly held the same level of confidence as any of them there. She could admire that-- It was a useful trait, especially at such a young age. Her mind briefly flashed to her younger years, the memories passing by in front of her eyes in quick succession. Suddenly, her face became.. indiscernible, holding a blank, thousand-yard stare. She quickly shook it off though, training her eyes back to Brummett. So, he wasn't the Captain after all. Who was, then?

Not only that, but there was something about the way he talked.. His optimism and cheerfulness. It felt.. foreign. Rehearsed. Something she, herself, had practiced a thousand times over. With a small, curious tilt of her head, Gwen's eyes dragged from his boots, up to his eyes; The windows to his soul. She wasn't quite sure why, but she had the creeping feeling he had something to hide. What that was, she couldn't say; She supposed, as far as sailors went, they all had something others didn't need to know. Hell, she was one of them. Did that mean he could be trusted? A different topic, entirely.

Handsome AND mysterious. What a journey this will be.

With a small chuckle and playful smirk, Gwen tucked a stray hair behind her ear, "You underestimate me, Just Brummett. I'll take that bet."

Again, she found herself smiling brightly when he spoke-- "Whatever your life was before the Endurance, it doesn't exist now." Those words seemed to stick to her very heart, and she tightly clutched the strap of her bag with anticipation. Maybe this would finally be it; A place to truly call home.

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