The shady elf.(every one welcome my first post)

He touches the wound and it appears on his wrist "Something i picked up from feeding off you." she was healed and he sits up coughing
Zara had just woke up and she looks around "zara go to the market and find a sinful girl now" zara turtns to smoke faster than you can blink the she came back just as fast with a ditsy blonde nadia knees her down beside himand then zara and nadia leave the room sohe can feed
He grabs the girl and plunges his fangs into her neck and drinks enough to give him his health back but not enough to kill her she writhers on the ground in pain "After you turn you will have to listen to me you will belong to me but you will be stronger."
Zara walks backin and slices the girl he changed head off.She then drags the body out side to barrie her nadia took one look at the two peiced body and got sick.

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(roarke is he in?)
"I want to ask that girl to let me change her. She would be so much stronger." he wipes blood from his face

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(he can join.brb shower)
name: Benjamin

age: 127

species: Hybrid of Void Spyder and Void Destroyer

history: A insane warlord of the Void Army, who has tried to kill most of anything in sight.
nadia paused and walked outside leaving roarke behind wich was bad because she cant protet herself as good carring a child she spots ben (thats his nickname for me) and waves "uhm..hello?"
Benjamen sees nadia. "DIE!' he shouted. He started running at Nadia.

(Gotta go in 4 mins... Also, it's not a wise idea trying to melee Benjamin...)
He is infront of nadia inhumanly fast and grabs the person by his throat "back." he growls and throws the man back
(yay a protective father xD )

Nadia looked scared for her life and she sits next a tree in a semi hideing and watching kind of way
(Just for the lulz i'll post, also Benjamin is not a man... It's a qaudrupped void creatures that looks somewhat like a human)

Benjamin throws a voidblast barrage, causing some parts of the area to explode.
(yeah im just gonna notpost until the fights over)

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Nadia walks next to roarke "maybe hes just scarded your here to hurt him" nadia says trying to see the good in that thing
Mioante looked at the almost human, "salutations thy bigeth uglyth monstereth." he said, putting his left hand on his left knife and his right hand on his right getting ready to Attack if it did anything. Ananzia ran over to Nadia as extra protection just in case.
Nadia and Zara look at each other."xun ol" nadia says to zara (wich means do it in drow) Zara throws down a black dust and her and nadia are right next to the placed a shield around mr. thing,nadia and her roarke and the rest could not get in but the could see and hear everything.nadia put her hands up."calm down you may strip and search us for weapons we do you no i will trustyou with this unlike them" nadia and zara put there backs to him trustingly showing they do not mean any harm.nadia had no weapons but zara had one sword showing and tons more hidden they where in her boots,gloves,top even in her cape.

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