The shady elf.(every one welcome my first post)

Mioante flew back, but flipped mid air and landed on one of the knives whilst he balanced the other on the tip of his other hand by the blade, "you're just plain pushing it now!" he growled, but after seeing that the other two didn't want to hurt the thing he just waited for the thing's reaction.

(Lol; This guy is the youngest master assassin.)
Mioante hissed and bit the thing's finger, then ran a knife at it's arm to the best possibility whilst in a headlock then started trying very hard to wriggle free.
Mioante hissed at the thing, "ow ow and ow." he said, stabbing one knife into the left side of it and the other into the right.
Mioante dropped the knives from his arms as he goes straight into a wall, "ok now you're just asking for it!" he growled, running at it and jumping high and kicking it in the face then spinning mid air then wrapping his arm around it's neck before pulling it to the ground, flipping it at the last second so it landed face first on the floor. He jumped off it's back and stomped on it's head, but not hard enough to kill it as that would be mean and he tended to save the killing bit for when it was more important and everyone agreed, but Roarke would probably scoff him and try to kill the creature himself since all adults were like that.
Benjamin hits the ground, causing a huge shockwave, knocking back everyone, then he came to Mioante and punches him square in the back of the head.
Mioante growled at the punch, "now you're just being stupid!" he hissed, "in fact this whole thing is stupid! Why don't we just stop fighting?" he asked, managing a smile through all the pain he was unadmitidally in.
Benjamin didn't care, then he grabbed Mioante by the neck and thrown him into a table.

(You do know Benjamin is insane, and that the fact that he is a masochist?)
(oh goodie)

Mioante sighed a little, "awwh come on I was trying to be nice!" he said, giggling a little. Ananzia sighed and walked over, "now mr. would you please calm down." she said in a very calming voice whilst holding a calming stance and making a calming face.
Ananzia narrowed her eyes at the thing, "please, for me?" she said, still trying to create calm withing the creature, then held a hand out in a way so the creature could shake it. Mioante was watching the two VERY closely, waiting for something to happen.
Mioante growled that was the last straw for him he was going to go for the kill. He jumped high and kicked the creature hard in the face then spun around to behind the creature and grabbed both it's hands and tied them tight behind it's back with some handy nearby rope. He grabbed the thing by it's neck and pulled it to the floor and tied it's legs up with the remainder of the rope, leavi g the creature immobile, "I would kill, but I'm not in the mood." he hissed, walking away from it.

Benjamin ripped the rope with his body strength, then ripped the rope off his hands and grabbed Mioante by his neck and choked him.
Mioante struggled and spluttered, then turned his head to take away a lot of the pain. Ananzia seemed pretty annoyed, "you big meanie!" she growled and grabbed Mioante's Knives and threw one at the creature and it landed in his neck, "oops." she said, panicking.
Mioante gasped a little, but he had been stabbed many times and would be alright, however since not a creature in the universe knew what a void blast barrage was Ananzia might not be so lucky. Mioante glared at the monster, "you're just asking for death!" he growled, jumping up and snapping the monster's neck, but in a mike knock out way as the important people could deal with that. He ran over to Ananzia who was lying on the floor awqwardsly, "are you ok?" he asked, looking at her eyes, "yeah... I'm fine." she coughed, sitting up, "I don't care I'm taking you to a doctor." he said, "actually we are with two elves so maybe they can look at you." he said, smiling at her.

(foo' gone and raged an assassin (^^)b)
Benjamin heals himself, then he comes behind Mioante and throws a Voidblast at him.

(Voidblast barrages are lots of Voidblasts, which are highly explosive blasts of energy that is purple.)
Mioante sighed, dodged the purply blowy upy thingy and ran into town screaming, "monster!" when all the able bodies men and women stepped out of their houses and attacked the monster.
The townsfolk shook about Ron the impact and some took quite a bit of pain from the explody purply thingy, but they all kept attacking the monster. Mioante jumped into it's head and kicked it in the face with the back of his foot.

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