The shady elf.(every one welcome my first post)

nadia followed andmade the girl leave then slaps roarke"whats rong with you she has a life you know!" she yelled and put everything he bought away
"Sorry.But admitidly she was easy to convince.I need to feed!" he grabs his head the voice trying to take over
"why didnt you just ask?" she offers him her neck. by now she was used to the pain and it was better than him turning into a killer
"feed or i will leave" she knew he was gonna be stubbern she just wanted to help so if this was what it takes she would do it
He puts his hands on her hips and kisses her jaw then kisses down to her ne k he slowly sinks his teeth in "You will have to stop me."
"well i have been sick lately so i went to the docter and..he thinks im pregnant.." she sighs afraid of what he will say
"R-roarke...." she get really close to him trying to look in his eyes for him to blink.slightly scared he died standing up or something.

she puts her hands on his shoulders shakeing him slightly."a-are you ok i mean what if if hes upset i cant be yelled i just can't!" she crys walking back and forth infront of him starting to break down again.
(I did NOT rage *hmph*)

Ananzia's eyes widened and ears seemed to prik right up at the mention of the word pregnant, but she didn't get involved in the conversation nor did Mioante, they both sat there pretty motionless.
(ok sorry imadding more carrys but the sister was a fail so i must aim for succes with a secound carry im trying a younger one if you want you can try to feed on her)

Name: Zara

Age: 13


Other : she has one black eye and one green wich gives her the power to put fear in every ones heart it does not work wellon vamps though

Breif history: Zara was abandon because she was a drow.Nadia had found her and sent her to live with her sister Vanna.Vanna tought her how to be a master assasin/thief.she nowlives with leona a white lion that helped her in a fight.

Picture: this is leona and zara

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"DON'T DO THAT!!"Nadia yelled crying a bit then walked away.Zara was on a roof scaning the streets for rich pigs to steal from.

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