The shady elf.(every one welcome my first post)

Mioante smiled at Roarke, "I'm being here is what I'm doing here." he said, walking over to Ananzia who was sitting in the corner.
Mioante shook his head from the corner, "oh nothing don't you worry." he said, snuggling into Ananzia.
He sounds fake scary "So does your BLOOD!!" he bites her neck softly with his front teeth not his fanfs
Mioante rolled his eyes a little, being able to hear what was going on in the other room, then looked at Ananzia and smiled, hugging her tightly. Ananzia giggled and ran her fingers through his hair lightly.
"guests? i want them out.." nadia sat up and looked at the mess she had made.

(any guesses on whats going on with her)
(her sister died, she's in denial, now she's blaming herself and before she was blaming others)

Mioante overheard them saying how they want him and Ananzia out, but they couldn't leave; outside could be a very dangerous place for two assassins.
(no she used magic to stop that from happening try again)

"my stomach hurts thats all" she stands and sigh feeling like shes gonna get sick

--- Merged Double Post ---

(if her sister dies she dies i thought we already pasted that!!)
(hmmm... good guess ok your just gonna have to wait and see prowl raged on me for spoilers)

nadia smiles at him and huged him then walks in the livingroom wich was not the best idea because she barefoot and had glass everywhere
He who was also barefoot picked her up so she wouldnt get hurt "we dont want you getting hurt." glass was digging into his feet he carried her over and set her on the couch
"no i already have somthing for you to do"she stands and makes him stop handing him 900 gold coins"you get to go to the market"

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