The shady elf.(every one welcome my first post)

"WHY ARE YOU IN MY F*CKING HOUSE!?!?!" it was easy to tell she was annoyed and wanted to be left alone.she was stressed nadia stressed nadia was always calm so you knew she was about to have break down and lose her mind.nadia walked into her room and started to break everything.she riped the pillows appart and then headed to the kitchen throwing things everwhere she soon ran out of things to break and cryed falling to the floor."i-im going insane i can't take it any more !" she yells.nadia had stored up so much pain and sadness she just broke.
Ananzia went over to her and sat next to her, "shh it's alright now." she said in a very calming voice. So calming in fact that Mioante had fallen asleep from the level of calm.
"it is not ok..." nadia growled and she turns to her uses her magic to send her clear across the room without hurting her.nadia looked down still crying everything around her was either broken glass or stuffing from pillows.
Ananzia walked back over to her, "ok then, tell me what's not alright?" she asked, smiling at her.
nadia stands and her hands set on fire.she was even more annoyed and sent the girl flying into a wall.then sits back on the floor looking down as she is now in the middle of a ring of fire
Ananzia growled at her, "fine be that way." she hissed then came back about a minute later with a bucket of water and throws it over her and the water.
nadia blinked and wiped the water out ofher eyes."FINE! YOU WANT WATER HAVE WATER!!" nadia makes a water ball about the size of two books and throws it at her.
Ananzia hissed and woke up Mioante and whispered something in his ear. He jumped at Nadia and smacked her in the face with a large book.
Mioante seemed to not have taken any pain from the punch, he grabbed her hair and tied it to a nearby pole, "now calm down!" he hissed, sitting back down in the corner of the house.
she growls and shifts back into the tiger then back just to get lose."you little" she walks over and stomps right on his manhood. then walks away glaring at them both seting her self on fire so she cant be touched
Mioante squeaked a tiny bit, "owie" he hissed, grabbing more water and throwing it over her again.
Mioante puts his hands tight in a flat shape resembling that of a blade, but with a hand, and smashes each shard of ice in seconds.
Mioante dives on Ananzia, getting them both away from the fire balls, "you need to calm down!" they both growled, Ananzia threw bucket after bucket of water at her whilst Mioante jumped up high and kicked her square in the face then flipped back off her and got another kick in the chin whilst doing so.
nadia fell to the floor and sighed "i will NOT calm down i cant calm down!!" she snaped and slams her hand on the floor causeing the floor to violently shake
Mioante glared at her, "why not?" he asked, sitting down next to her in a way that said 'we're not here to hurt you, promise' without saying anything.
"i.." she sighs and starts to cry again "im sorry i didnt mean to" she lets a pure black shield cover her so they cant see or get to her
Ananzia sat next to the black shield and put a hand on it, "please~" she said in worry. Slowly her hand moved off the shield and she began to sing a song. As she did so tears began to cry a little. The words she was singing had no relevence in the slightest it was liek she didn't know what she was singing, but it sounded so beautiful non the less.

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