[The Seven Deadly Sins] OOC Thread

Let me know when everyone has posted their Essence rolls so I can attack.
Everyone that succeeds the essence roll takes 20 levels of soakable lethal damage. Everyone that has over three successes take bashing damage instead. Anyone who fails the roll takes aggravated damage and anyone who botches cannot soak the damage. @Sherwood, you can post your attack.
Oh god. I just took 5B and it's nowhere near my action. Admittedly, my combat plan was to get MHM and and Living Soul of Shadows, but I wasn't expecting that.

And I was wondering what effect the artifact to enhance MHMshuld have? Any thoughts?
Could the Terestial's words be influenced by the mirror or one of the other artifacts? Could she or he(yeah it switches halfway through) be controlled by it? Just a thought for the people playing the mental giants in the group. for the record my character is assuming a large assault on the town.
In my mind, the sensible thing to do here is for Kyros to grab Wren and teleport the both of them over to where we saw the Solar's anima go totemic. This would leave everyone else to play catch up, though, so I'm not sure if I should, 'cause thats not exactly fun.

Either that, or Wren will pick you up and fly over there. Either way, it gives us a slight head start. But everyone else is going to be racing at top speed to the newly Exalted Solar.
Well, everything has been finalized for the trip, by this time tomorrow I'll be over in europe. Wish me luck!
Y'know something. The look, on the Ebon Dragon's face, when he realizes that the Green Sun Princes can /all/ become "Primordials 2.0" .....
What this?


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