[The Seven Deadly Sins] OOC Thread

Scar Writ Saga Shield. If your's is lower than mine, and you dont surpass my soak- you dont get Minimum Damage. It's over my soak or nothing, due to that Charm's passive effect.

Edit: Sorry, it was if your Permanant Essence was lower than mine. My apologies, I had it mixed up with a different one.
I'm not seeing that anywhere. The only change to SWSS from the errata is to the E4 upgrade, and that just reduces the minimum damage from magical attacks by one die.
Ah.. I was reading, for one, from the Manual of Exalted Power, not the Errata. For two- it was... *Ahem*

An Infernal needs Essence 4+ to buy this Charm a third

time, at which point her natural bashing and lethal Hardness

increase to match her natural soak. Additionally, attackers

with a permanent Essence at least four dots less than the

Infernal can no longer inflict minimum damage to her with

their attacks if they fail to penetrate her soak.
Not really applicable. I'm essence 5, you're only essence 6. I'd have to be at essence 2 for that to matter.
I didn't see the edit, but okay. I'll roll the damage dice. Post your soak in the IC thread so I can subtract it properly?
Technically you can't do that, as you've already declared that you'll tank the hit, but I'm not about to make a thing of it.
Jesus christ there's so much shit you have to keep track of in combat. Anyone feel free to tell me if I fucked up somewhere. Goddamn I can't wait for 3E.
Really, I blame myself for this level of bullshit. I could have made one of my non-combat characters that I've been sitting on, but I didn't. Goddmanit.
Awww, its not that bad. Hell, we could be still using 1e.

And once Pokemon releases our ST, we can continue on the rest of the game! :tongue:
I've reclaimed my soul from the Game! (BTW Pokemon X is awesome! xD ) But the day I got it back it got stolen by tests and college apps. Sorry...
I have to ask- why dont you pay any Motes for your Excelency?

Also- that given method of pulling it... wouldn't that be likely to come to an opposed strength check, to try and pull something I am holding tight..?
I didn't pay any motes for my excellency because of Infinite Melee Mastery. I payed 20 motes to buy ten free dice.

The whole pulling of the scythe thing was just flavor for fun, no need to roll strength to keep your weapon or anything.
So, just a heads up: I'm going to europe the 8th through the 16th next month. Not sure if I'll be able to post or not, but I thought I would give you a warning.
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So, it would be in character for Kyros to "forget" to have the book transcribed, and then memorize the contents himself so that he could get the best treasure for himself.

This clearly screws over the other PCs, so I wanted to run it past you guys first.

Do note, that it's also in his character to honor his promise to share the information, I just want to do something pirate-y :tongue:

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