[The Seven Deadly Sins] OOC Thread

Well, I'm sure you've read my Excellency, and seen Viktor in play. How do you you think Baal-Shazash would take that? :tongue: Not to be a dick, but that would go pretty strongly against everything Viktor believes in, both as a dragon and as an aristocrat, and it'd be pretty hard for him to trust Kyros again after that. He values both knowledge, honor, and shinies highly. And remember, he does have a perfect lie detector...

(Note to self, write perfect valuable-item-finder charm.)

Also, sorry if this sounds petty, but are you misspelling my name on purpose? If so, that's fine... but one of my GMs has conditioned me to assume that if a player misspells something, his character mispronounces it.
Yeah, I figured that would be the case. I'll have the copies passed around ;)

And no, not misspelling the name intentionally. I just slam out a post without really thinking about it too much, so some details like how the name is spelled get missed.

Making it an in character thing seems like an interesting idea. Kyros is from the West, and if I recall your character is somewhere from the Scavenger Lands, so it could be an accent thing.
Probably something of equal value. That is to say, a unique item containing the lost history and information about equally unique artifacts of world shaking potential.

You're not the only one who values treasure, unfortunately :tongue:
I want to pick up the next Charm in the VBoS style. Do I have enough time to train it up, or not yet?
Since we've all had time to read it by now, could we just get a full posting of what the book has to say about the Sins? Or is Kyros making us wait?
Nope, you should all have copies as soon as they can be made. It might be best for Seeker to just make a separate thread for the contents of the book, so we can all ready it at the same time and reference it if need be.
I'm assuming I've had time to read the book cover to cover at least once en route? Not sleeping really frees up your hours. :)

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