[The Seven Deadly Sins] OOC Thread

Doesn't seem to be letting me edit...

Although, in Viktor's case, you can probably expect to pay a good deal more than that. Just having him for a boss doesn't entitle you to all his secrets, you know...
Hah.. in all honesty, I plan to make my own Charmlist, eventualy.... Madness Theme, going on there.. possibly a Disection thing, or a Martial ARts style.
By me tutoring them, and paying unfavored xp cost, same as any other Primordial. The Broken Winged Crane (the book that introduces Heretical Charms) has a sidebar specifying that teaching your own custom Charms to another Infernal does NOT unlock them for all Green Sun Princes, the way it does for the Yozis. It wouldn't have that sidebar if it were impossible to share them in the first place.

Since they aren't fully unlockable, any Green Sun Prince in this game besides Viktor who wants to learn Baal-Shazash charms has to be directly taught them by Viktor (or one of his Third-Circle Souls, if/when he reaches Essence 8 and learns Path of a Thousand Whispers).
Oh, you were referring to other infernals, not any exalt who had an interest. That was what threw me. I thought you had some kind of crazy training charm or something.
Ah, heh heh, no, they're still proprietary GSP-technology. Well, Infernals or Eclipses I guess, but Eclipses have always been cheating bastards.
I can't wait for 3E so I can try to build an Eclipse again. I don't give a rats ass about charmshare, but the ability to be a social savant and their oath power are really awesome.
Indeed. I've had more than one character I wished could have been an Eclipse for the Oath power, but I didn't want to deal with charmshare and their crappy caste abilities.
The latest news is that you'll be able to choose five of your Caste abilities from a list of eight. That, combined with the usual favored abilities and the fact that socialize is now going to have inter-personal effects makes me very hopeful.
Damn... impressive. I actually had thought of something like that as a replacement for Charmshare in 2e (pick 3 of your caste abilities and 7 favored).

That for all Solars, or just Eclipses? And source?
All Solars, and I believe all of the Exalted. Charmshare is still a thing, but only for certain charms with an keyword. I can't get you the exact post for this, but it was by one of the devs so it should be on one of the sites that records things like that.
Naw, I just need to know if I have to buy Eclipsing the Sun and Glorious Solar Saber. Combo'd together they give me scene long agg damage against anything I damned well please, as I get to define what is a "Creature of Darkness" and what isn't.
They are in fact not creature of darkness. I'm kind of torn... I want to let everyone have fun but I don't want the Sin to be too easy to kill...
But if we kill a Sin, it will be a Bad Thing. How do we deal with these things without destroying the weapon and therefore, wiping out a whole concept that people do need to exist?
Find a way to kill it that doesn't involve deleting it's concept from existence. Possibly dissolving it so that it no longer has a tangible form, but still technically "exists".
You can kill the sinner, but the actual Sin itself cannot be destroyed. The artifacts can be destroyed with great cost, but that's only prolonging the inevitable.
Technically the Sin wouldn't be destroyed, it would just be changed in to a form that's completely unusable by anyone ever.
So, what do we do with the Sins that we gather up? Who do we trust to take possession of them to keep them away from the wrong hands? Should Wren be expected to store them all in Elsewhere?

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