[The Seven Deadly Sins] OOC Thread

I am wondering if she is some kind of god. I just added a Charm to my attack that adds extra damage to my post-soak hit if she is. Lets see if I make her squeal.
Hm... I would say ghost eating technique is our best bet, or something similar. And just going by what is going on I think that she is an Exalt. it is just that the Sin gives her regeneration. Or she could be a chimera. Regardless I would say destroying her soul is probably our best bet to end this quickly.
Well yes. We can march into Stygia and fling the souls into the mouth of oblivion if nothing else. But i seem to recall that Ghost Eater Technique can do it as well. Granted whether any of our characters will do that is an entirely different matter.
Technically Ghost Eating Technique doesn't kill souls, it just permanently kills things that can usually survive the destruction of their body. Demons, ghosts, spirits, gods, Fairfolk, primordials, yozi, deathlords and neverborn are all acceptable targets for the charm. The only thing it really can't target are animals, mortals, Dragon Kings, Mountain Folk and the Exalted.

It is however, entirely possible for a custom charm to be made building off of Ghost Eating Technique, allowing you to kill souls just as permanently.
Heck, I'll write up that charm right now:


Cost -, Mins: Occult 5, Essence 4

Type: Permanent

Keywords: N/A

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: Ghost Eating Technique

There are no true immortals, only those who a Solar has not made an effort to kill. This Charm permanently upgrades Ghost Eating Technique, allowing it to impose true death on those exempt from Ghost Eating Technique's base effect. The Solar's fury will rend souls, rip apart the very essence matrix of a being, or obliterate the body beyond the hope or possibility of reconstitution, all to ensure the enemy can no longer return from beyond the grave.
The Charm that I'm using is quite nasty against spirits and gods. Assuming that my guess is right. Of course, I could be completely wrong and she's just got a massive amount of health levels and a artifact that allows her to regenerate.
I seem to remember a Cloaked man saying " A Contractor can only Be killed by another Contractor" Implying we need a Sin to Kill a Sin.
jel said:
Hm... I would say ghost eating technique is our best bet, or something similar. And just going by what is going on I think that she is an Exalt. it is just that the Sin gives her regeneration. Or she could be a chimera. Regardless I would say destroying her soul is probably our best bet to end this quickly.
She hasn't actually used any charms aside from the Sin's powers... I'm halfway convinced she's a mortal with a crazy-broken artifact.
Then perhaps the next step is to attempt a disarm maneuver and see if that does the trick.
Too bad I posted my action already, or I'd give it a try. I move in 3 more ticks; if she's still up then I'll do it.
Wardragon seems to have the best Idea here. *Sagenod* Break the Mind Control, I'll use Medicine skill to vivisect her for Science.
What exactly is it that gives you that ability, again?

Also, anybody if I annex this place real quick before we leave? > :)
JayTee said:
I really, really love being able to teleport like that. :D
My teleport is a Charm that I found in DotFA. Lets me pop up to my Essence in yards as a Move action for a whole scene.
What essence/ability rating is that?

EDIT: And it's name?

EDIT2: Nevermind, found it. Too bad you aren't Essence 7, you could upgrade it from yards to miles :D
Essence 6 is the highest I could get. Our ST here has been a little vague about letting me upgrade to E7, but I am hoping.
As long as you find the time and the XP for it, you can upgrade your essence to the highest value your age allows.

Oh, @JayTee if you want to keep/use the venom blade you will need to fork over 30 XP. If I let you use a game breaking artifact, you are going to need to pay for it.

Also, is the blade N/A or 5-dots in your opinion?
N/A artifacts tend to be obscenely powerful, I'd need the details on what the venom blade does first before I can decide that.

And I'll probably fork over the XP once I get enough, although I think a 5 dot artifact would cost 15xp, not 30. I'd need to double check it.
I will provide details when you buy it. If you do, have fun with every single woman falling in love with you the moment they see you! I will find some way for that to bite you in the ass.

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