[The Seven Deadly Sins] OOC Thread

And Wren will be quite perturbed if you do, after all, you're her boyfriend. You may not be her Solar Bond, but she quite taken with you.
Well, Kyros isn't really the kind of guy to have a harem, so I probably wont buy it unless it's absolutely necessary for me to use it in order to kill other Sinners. What were your thoughts on my custom charm, by the way?
@Sherwood: Speaking of Wren,I probably should have warned you that Kyros is a bit more pirate-y in this version than the old one (in the sense that he's willing to do bad things and not give a crap.) I'm not sure how Wren would react to this, but she seems more on the side of angels than Kyros is.
They are friends that have a shared attraction to each other. Kyros is not her Solar Bond mate.
Charm is not approved since it's scope is way too wide. You could use it to butcher concepts if you twist it a certain way. Slaying the truly unslayable should be more complicated than a charm upgrade.

Edit: @Sherwood, Wren's going to meet her mate soon, don't worry. :P
How is it too wide? Ghost eating technique can only be combo'd with an attack ability (Melee/Martial Arts/Thrown/Archery), and this charm just upgrades that. I can't see it being used to kill concepts, that would just be silly.
You're basically targeting everything in creation including the Yozi and the Neverborn. Killing the truly immortal shouldn't be possible with but a single charm. It's the same reason why I hate the LSD/ESM combo. You shouldn't be able to do that since it literally is overpowered and completely throws the plot out of the window. You could fucking mimic the Unconquered Sun or Merela and nobody could notice the difference.
You can already kill the Yozi and the Neverborn with Ghost Eating Technique, along with the Deathlords, the Unconquered Sun, Luna, The Maidens, any god, any demon, any Raksha, any ghost, any elemental or any behemoth. What you can't do with it is kill physical beings who are also immortal such (according to what's been said In Character) as the Sinners you've made. My charm enhances Ghost Eating Technique to cover that area.

Also, LDS/ESM? I'm not familiar with those acronyms.
So, what happens when I put the blade into Elsewhere? Is the male population safe?

Also, what is the effects of the sword, how much does it take to attune, and do I need to spend my xp on a weapon that I plan on destroying?
Actually, you can't kill the Neverborn with GET. Or anything. They have an infinite number of Dying health levels.
No, they just have infinite soak. You're forced to do only ping damage to them, but it can be done and they can be killed. Again, lol.
JayTee said:
No, they just have infinite soak. You're forced to do only ping damage to them, but it can be done and they can be killed. Again, lol.
Why do I get the feeling that this would only make things worse? As in the creation of a second Underworld, only one that holds the same relationship to the Underworld that the Underworld has with Creation.
It's stated to be up to the storyteller, although I'm of the opinion that they finally fade in to nothing.
Hm, I'd probably go with the make things worse option myself. Seems like I could make a more interesting story that way.
Depends on the story. Truly ridding the world of the threat of the neverborn and their servants seems like an excellent conclusion to a story.
JayTee said:
No, they just have infinite soak. You're forced to do only ping damage to them, but it can be done and they can be killed. Again, lol.
Yeah, and that's dumb. One of the authors of the book, way back before 3e was even heard of, said it should have been done with infinite dying health levels, so they can't be killed, only made to hurt worse.
I find that to be equally stupid. An Exalt should be able to kill anything that they make an effort to kill. Anything.
WarDragon said:
Yeah, and that's dumb. One of the authors of the book, way back before 3e was even heard of, said it should have been done with infinite dying health levels, so they can't be killed, only made to hurt worse.
Now I am thinking of a charm that can destroy a ghosts connections to the world... Which could be used to destroy the Neverborn...
So, what happens when I attune myself to the blade? Does my idea of sending it to Elsewhere make the effects of the mind control go away?

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