[The Seven Deadly Sins] OOC Thread


Propably Just me.

Also- I'd point out. Aldy Brutaly Murdered the last person he fell in love with. She doesnt want him in love with her. :P
I'm going to be "that guy", and call bullshit here. How in the hell is forcing an intimacy on someone not mental influence when it's clearly trying to mindfuck us?
That's the thing, it's not a mindfuck. It's an effect that creates an otherwise useless trait that only works in the context of this artifact. It is not phrased as a mental influence since it's not an attack. The wielder is not trying to actively seduces you, it just happens she is so beautiful that you automatically want to make out with her.

That's what makes the Sin so dangerous. Because honestly? That power isn't going to stop you from attacking her while she's speaking, and it sure as hell won't stop you from just killing her where she stands.

I will be blunt. I'm up against a circle of Elder Exalts so it's going to constantly be a curbstomp in your favor unless I give them stuff like this. I am sorry that the game is difficult but it won't be enjoyable if I just say "A group of elder exalts walk in, one-shot kill an essence 7 antagonist and walks out with a N/A artifact."
Sorry I blew up there... Life has not been going well. I really didn't want to give out my antagonist's weakness but the intimacy is an emotional effect, not a mental attack.
I'm not complaining because it's difficult, I'm calling shenanigans because it's breaking the rules.

Anything that alters the body, mind, spirit or traits of an Exalt is defined as an attack (page 179, Unstoppable Force, Immoveable Object).

As the artifact is changing my mind in some way, it would be defined as an attack and therefore subject to a defensive measure. (EDIT: Plus if it's an emotional effect, it would carry the Emotion Keyword, and as a result be subject to an anti-UMI defense)

I have no problems with difficulty, provided it's done legitimately.

And no worries on the blowup, we all have our off days. :)
Alright alright, you're immune to the UMI, Jaytee. Stupid Solars... Welp, looks like I'm going to have to resort to plan B in order to make my antagonist feasible...
It's all good, man. Solar defenses are pretty comprehensive like that. Hope I didn't come off as too much of a dick.
I on the other hand, am Far from Immune. Just pointing that out- and no longer had the willpower to resist. Aldy isblinking rapidly, trying to reconcile being suddenly in love with this woman, with his feelings towards his dead wife.
Yeah I am in the "I can no longer resist her mental compulsion club." I think I'll end up attacking soon. Yeah I think that i am never going without perfect mental defenses again.
Just a quick note- I'm leaving home prettyy soon, so I wont be home for most od today. Hope I dont miss too much.. or slow things down to much.
Before I reply to this, how does it interact with Impervious Primacy Mantle (any direct command is an Unacceptable Order)? Because I was kinda counting on that...

Even if it doesn't stop the intimacy from forming, it should still block the command, right?
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It's not a command. It's just a suggestion so your mantle doesn't work. The order only stops you from attacking her though, nothing more.
You guys are going to make Wren jealous. She's a beauty, too, you know! After all, she does have a 6 Appearance! She's a hottie!
IM BACK! [media]

But, yes. Back Home. Sorry bout Ze Link,.

And Hey- Aldy's got a 5.. and is confused....

And does Wren have a Mate? If so.... she wouldnt exactly care about us looking at her. :P

ANd if not... *Shrug* Aldy would show interest, normaly.. except, he is terrified of falling in love, considering how badly it went last time. Hence his.. immense confusion, at these feelings.

"W.. Why does she stir my heart... when I ripped it out myself... so long ago."
I'm typing up my post now. It's a doozie, involving several rolls, and I'm distracted by other stuff at the esme time.
Cool. Lets just see how she defends herself from the multiple attacks. That will help tell us what kind of Exalt she is.
QUestion- what do I roll, for a Defend other Again? I'll bring up the Errata and ruleboks on my comp, jsut so I can reference for future acts, but.. yeah
You don't need to do it. You just end up adding your DV's but again, everyone's moving too fast. We haven't even started combat yet. Slow down!
Well- Viktor attacked her, I'm just saying what my Char tries to do... sorreh. xD

I rolled a Join battle with 4 Successes.

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