[The Seven Deadly Sins] OOC Thread

Hehe.. Yeahhh. I on the other hand.... if she had shapeshifting, and the ability to Read minds...

"Suddenly, she looks like his dead wife, and can do the voice"

*Shrug* But.. yeah.. Viktor might remember, when Aldy's wife died... he went from.. "Eccentric, not the nicest, but in control" to...

"His manse was on lockdown for a whole week, during which you culd hear both screams, and crying, form inside, and at the end, he was the only living thing inside"
Elusive Dream defense says "lolnope", anyway. Perfect Mental Defenses are pretty rad like that :D
It's just... I mean, a Perfect Mental Defense, VS Magical Thing? Of course.. but.. I mean... Against Psychology, being able to mysticaly go "FUCK YOU!" Seems... Mehrg, not conducive to storytelling.. then again, ti costs essence, so you cant spam it.
Nope, it makes an unbreakable intimacy that perfectly defends against all mental influence. It costs five motes, and lasts for as long as the story lasts.
Yeah, OOC, I will admit I goofed there. Figured it was better to try recovering than ask to change it or something.
'sall good. How do you feel about Kyros manipulating your character via Victor's greed? It might make things more manageable in the future. Otherwise I predict we'll all be butting heads like this again.
Just so long as it doesn't get out of hand. I would hate to see the game fall apart due to player (and not just character) infighting.
I dont want any OOC Infighting- but IC Infighting? It 'd be bad RP, if thiese Wildy arying Personalities didnt clash.
I'm pretty sure there's no OOC fighting going on, unless I'm somehow horribly mistaken. My issue with IC arguing is that it can get really dumb and counter-productive if it goes on too long. At that point it's easier to decide a direction to go OOC and take it from there.
JayTee said:
Nope, it makes an unbreakable intimacy that perfectly defends against all mental influence. It costs five motes, and lasts for as long as the story lasts.
That's adorable, you're adorable. You honestly think that your charm will actually make a difference.
Considering how perfect defenses are perfect, yes, I do think it will make a difference. I know it will make a difference.
JayTee said:
'sall good. How do you feel about Kyros manipulating your character via Victor's greed? It might make things more manageable in the future. Otherwise I predict we'll all be butting heads like this again.
Hmmm, can't give a blanket yay or nay on it. Depends on the circumstances. He's not entirely ruled by greed, after all. And I hadn't noticed any butting heads with Kyros aside from you talking about the approaching the building thing?
Yeah, no real headbutting yet. It just seems like your character and mine have the most "I'm in charge" vibe going, what with yours being the ruler of the kingdom and mine being a pirate lord.

I'll be honest, I don't really care who's character in charge, so long as any decisions that the PCs take are decisions that the rest of the players are fine with.
We can be separately in charge! Allies of convenience, as we are now, but neither bowing to the other.

Good point about player agreement... snake, am I pushing Elio's buttons too hard?

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