[The Seven Deadly Sins] OOC Thread

WarDragon said:
Hmm. And dragons are known for long naps as he takes on more Primordial traits... yeah, total package.
Which is kinda intentional, honestly. I was thinking of having the Seven Deadly Sins be the theme of his inner heart-world, if I ever got around to taking that charm.
So what you are saying is not to let Viktor anywhere near the Seven Sins?

I suppose that Tshav is most likely Wrath or Sloth, and probably the best person to let have Greed. Yeah I'll admit that I am assuming that the Sins would be bad to have in the hands of someone who resonates with the Sin. My character is well off but not too wealthy, and does not rely on artifacts.

Also does any one know the meaning of Invidia. This might be the hint that Seeker of the End was talking about. It is the name of a villain in the Codex Alera series.

Edit: Does any one know what Ira means? I found this name in a comic called Lucidstuck. A Homestuck fan comic. Both are well worth reading. If that is the hint then I'm guessing that it has some sort of Shadowy power amplification thing going on.
[QUOTE="Seeker of the End]Relax, you will all have a chance to play with the shiny new artifacts. :tongue:

now i am scared.

oh and i looked up on Google Translate what the Sins's names mean. here they are.

Ira = Anger

Avaritia = Avarice

Superbia = pride

Invidia = Envy

Gula = Gluttony

Acedia = Sloth

Luxaria does not translate on Google Translate. A possible misspelling? or a reference to something. maybe a British pop band. or it gives the user spider powers. I don't think it is the politician. oh and it translates to Lust according to Wikipedia.
SephirothSage said:
Lux is Latin for Light.
huh interesting. Still probably corresponds with Lust. but maybe it has something to do with light manipulation. Or stealing the power of the Unconquered Sun. that could also work. a Lust for power or something like that.
Well- we know what alot of them /do/ from Abdul and Elio's Lore rolls.

Lust, was a Flower, lets all remember.

Also... I really like this song. [media]

Snake brings up a good point. Are we using training times for our xp?
My character starting on a new MA might be something I do if there is enough time. Of course i would need to get in contact with my characters mentor to do so, but contacting him might be a good idea in any case. See what he knows or can find out about The Sins.

SephirothSage said:
Yessss.... "Projects"...
This can only induce worry.:confused: Especially if your character has one of the Sins. :D
I can't decide on either raising my attributes or going for a new Knack. Either way, I have to bank my points and ponder.
What is the rule on raising Essence? Will that be allowed in this game?

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