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Fantasy The Scars of War

ChazGhost said:
Name: Riptor Scale
Nickname: The Reptile mercenary


Race: Lizard Man

Age: 24

Weapon(s): A spear and his neutral claws and teeth.

Occupation: Mercenary

Personality: street smart, slightly alcoholic, not book smart (can barely read), not easily angered and has a code of honor which includes loyalty to his employers and not killing women and children.

Biography: Riptor egg was left on the door steps of a drunken mercenary who almost ate the egg but Riptor hatched before he was almost eaten. The mercenary was at first angry but soon after decide he might else well raise the reptile. He wasn't the father of the year but he was able to raise Riptor to be a strong and skilled fighter. He also taught him a code of honor which Riptor values above all else. After turning 18 Riptor left to explore the world and to hopefully one day be a famous mercenary.

What is this about?

The overview pretty much told me 'Meh, do what you want' and the In-Character tab doesn't tell me anything.
NeoLeaf said:
What is this about?
The overview pretty much told me 'Meh, do what you want' and the In-Character tab doesn't tell me anything.
That's pretty much it, other than 4 factions locked in war for their own reasons it's pretty much sandbox rules. Granted if you want to do side storylines I might need to know if you plan something like a villain destroying a town and such. Otherwise yea... do whatever for the most part.

Holy Dragon Alliance Goals- Bring peace to the world and help people

The Grand Cult Goals- Summon a demon king to destroy the world and then proceed to conquer it

Nature (I forget what I called it off the top of my head)- Keep the world in balance

The Alliance- Survive in this god damned world of death and destruction. Due to the new and young king their goals aren't exactly known.
NeoLeaf said:
Eda Braun

No Title

? NAME: Eda Braun

? AGE: 26 years of age

? GENDER: Female

? RACE: Human

? AFFILIATION: The Alliance

? OCCUPATION: Landowner

? LITERACY: Cannot read or write


? WEAPON: (Two handed) Great sword, (One handed) Sickle and (Throwing) Javelines

? ARMOR: Battered Knight Armor


: a quarter of an acre.

? CROP: cabbage

? STRUCTURES: House and a well

? WORKERS: 4 peasants



Phlegmatic meaning that she's quiet, honest and stubborn.


Standing 195 cm( 6,4 ft ) tall with a muscular physique and weighing at 80 kgs(180 lbs). Her form or body constitution can be categorized as 'straight'.

Her skin color is creamy beige, however all her limbs and upper back have 'farmer's tan'. Permanent pink scars are located around the left side of her lower waist from life threatening puncture wounds and a long lightning-shaped scar on her right arm beginning from the middle of her hand and ending at the top of her shoulder.

Her face is still all in one piece and remains feminine. While her right eye remains dark brown the pupil in her left eye is red and muddy due to poisoning. Her amber brown hair is short or 'neck high' unlike in this portrait where she had long hair.


She was born years ago to a peasant. She born into a small community lead by a nearby lord. her childhood was happy enough, but there was little time to play. Practically from the time she could walk she was put into work harvesting cabbages with her frozen fingers.

She had spent her youth as a farmer's child. She put her strong back to farm work. She had learned about the land, it's livestock, crops and soils. In some years she enjoyed plentiful harvest, in others she had to make due with an empty stomach and suffer.

Eventually she became a land owner. This meant that she had a bit easier than most servants who worked the land. She even had some servants to help tend her land, but over all her plot of land was small and she still had to do a variety of tasks that the peasants do. She had to pay rent to her overlord and owed him labor services for the land. When her lord was involved in a war, she had to answer his call for foot soldiers. In those times, she had to rely on her spear and shield in the thick of battle.



So... How do I start?

Should I make myself spawn in a smallish kingdom? If so, do I get to name that kingdom, explain it's feudalism, lords, towns, forts, settlements, food, animals, people etc?
NeoLeaf said:
So... How do I start?
Should I make myself spawn in a smallish kingdom? If so, do I get to name that kingdom, explain it's feudalism, lords, towns, forts, settlements, food, animals, people etc?
you know the alliance from world of Warcraft? and how about their capital stormwind? If not quickly look up a map for Stormwind WoW and that's pretty much the main city of the alliance. Since their current motives as a whole are unsure you can pretty much just leave the main city and do whatever or interact with the new king or something, whatever peaks your interest first. Other than that the landscape around the main city is pretty much sandbox excluding the other faction's main cities.
Never played WoW and I'm ignorant of the things involved with it.

Right, so we have the city of Stormwind and everything else can be considered sandbox. Mmmkay, I might have an idea how to start this one off. I just need a confirmation if the land is plagued by all the races that are being mentioned on the map.
NeoLeaf said:
Never played WoW and I'm ignorant of the things involved with it.
Right, so we have the city of Stormwind and everything else can be considered sandbox. Mmmkay, I might have an idea how to start this one off. I just need a confirmation if the land is plagued by all the races that are being mentioned on the map.
if it allows you to start how you wish, than I'll accept it. As I said, outside the city it's virtually sandbox unless its part of a story arc of another player. Since atm you'd be the first to start your arc the area you start in outside the city shall be the standard for anyone else in that specific area. As you can tell I'm extremely flexible about this.

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