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Fantasy The RP of 1000 possibilities

Dracula was in his office doing his paperwork. "Can't all the state debts just be erased by magic?" he mumbled as some stranger (@Zaria ) rang the doorbell. The Count pressed a button and asked, "Who's there?"
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CountDracula said:
It was long journey...all the way from Egypt....years in each city either stealing or earning money just to get the money to travel....this is it. Aziza gazed at the castle in awe, her body shrouded in a huge cloak to hide her facial features, however she was in a pantsuit so that she can run, just in case. When hearing the reply.. she gulped for a moment then spoke in a firm but shaky voice

"H-hello?....this is The Castle of Dracula.....am I right?" , she had been speaking in a fake accent since she got to Romainia...just in case she needed to guise her identity... she waits
CountDracula said:
"Yes, you are right" Dracula answered. "I am Count Dracula. Who do I have the pleasure with?"
Aziza listened the voice...that was Dracula...the man who most definitely solve of her problem....she shivered, she was cold and a but weary from her travels, she didnt rest for a moment from traveling. "...I-I believe you can help me with a .....problem?" she is wondering if this will work...it had to....if he was who he said he was...he must know something...right?
Aziza heard the door unlock and stepped gingerly into the glorious castle...the high ceilings caused an echo of her footsteps whenever she moved. She looked around in awe of such architectural beauty and called out to the Count "Um hello? Where are you......Count?" she looks around for him
CountDracula said:
Dracula left his office and came down the stairway. "Hello" he said. "How can I help you?"
Aziza stops in her tracks and looks in awe at the man....such stature....she feels...like a strange ..bond? to the man? like he was of higher authority than her... she quickly goes to the floor and bows in respect, coughs a bit and uses her fake accent ".....Great Count...I have traveled from a long distance for your help.....for I wish to purge myself of the curse bestowed onto me" she remembers the shame she felt when after she tasted blood for the first time....she loved it and was begging for more almost constantly....was she a monster? she looks to the floor in shame
Aziza rose from her feet and walked close to the man...a bit embarrassed she opened her mouth and exposed her fangs.... she blushes and nods....then backs up and hides her face from the Count
"There's no need to be ashamed" Dracula said. "Just look at me: The whole world knows what I am and still, they don't hate me. The days when we were hunted are over. Thank God."
Aziza blushes a bit as she looks at Dracula...she shivers a bit, she is cold... she blows on gem ringed her hands and rubs them...then she looks at him with a confused look "....We are not longer hunted? At least here?.....I have been running for a long time" still in her fake accent....but is now curious
Aziza blinks in disbelief.....was it true? she sinks and sighs.....feeling relief....but then.....hunger.... she covers her mouth and shivers a bit...thinking "No....please not here!" she blushes in embarrassement
"...but I feel like a monster....living off of another's lifesource.......a parasite" Aziza says , muffled from her hand... she feels like weeping, but does not due to embarrassment of doing so in front of the Count
Aziza nods while muffling herself....a bit scared...but at least wanting to understand... she shivers
Aziza breathes slowly....she hasnt fed in awhile "......C-count?".... she begins to tremble and hides her face
Aziza suddenly falls to the floor....."I.....I have not fed in a long time....why does this hurt my body so?"
Dracula: "Because your body needs blood. It can't produce its own blood cells. That's why we have to drink." Dracula handled her some blood bags.
Aziza looks at the blood bags on the floor and looks a bit conflicted.....reaching back and forth....then taking one and gently opening it , then she sips it slowly... then quickly.....she slurps in hunger and ache.. licking every drop

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