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Futuristic The Rise Of A New Dawn


The One Who's Always Watching You.
It's been two hundred years since 'They' came. They were a hostile alien race that attacked Earth and ravaged it. Fortunate for us, however, we had the technology to evacuate everyone off of the planet before it was too late. Things were hard for the first few years, but eventually most of the human race found safe planets to live on and make lives for themselves and their families. Once again, the human race prospered, scattered among the stars. Of course, not everyone was content with that, and out of the shadows people rose up to cause mayhem and havoc among the many galaxies. Space pirates, travelling throughout different star systems, killing and plundering for fun. There were humans, but also some alien races among their ranks, and no matter where you tried to go in the galaxy, it was almost impossible to cross out the possibility of a pirate attack. They killed and stole for fun, and it was a rather carefree life being pirates. The most powerful and feared among their ranks were called 'Intergalactic Pillagers', calling themselves 'Dread Pirates' for short. They would often recruit more crew members from planets during their travels. This is the story of the pirates and their crew.

(Go to notes for list of Dread Pirates and Pirate Ships)
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Akuno sprints to the bridge, staring at the holoscreen showing the destruction being caused to the fleet of pirates he'd gathered into an alliance. <The hell?! How did they find us?! Pilot, chart a course to get us outta here, preferably to a different star system, I want all weapons locked on to different targets. GIVE 'EM HELL! THE DREAD PIRATE AKUNO ISN'T GOING TO DIE TO A BUNCH OF WEAKLING HUMANS!> He yells into his translation device, which relays the message spoken in his races ancient language and translates it to English so that his human crew members understood. He quickly sprints through the halls of the ship, heading towards his quarters and deciding not to take the teleporter since there was the risk that the planetary defense force may have hacked their systems. <This ain't good! Someone musta tipped 'em off! Their gonna' blame it on me too!>

...†Akira wandered throughout the streets, his medium-length black hair swaying with each step. He was wearing a black trench coat, that features a buckle just below the collar. The inside of the trench coat was a green colour. There was a distant look in Akira's eyes as he walked. He had just beaten another police officer and killed him, it was strictly self defence, however. He couldn't help that the police were after him, so all he could do was fight them off and to make sure they never came back, kill them. This sometimes caused some problems, however he always worked around them in order to escape†...

...†He suddenly received a call from his automated robot, telling him that his ship was ready. Akira made his way over to his garage. He gripped his white mask, which features a dark purple lightning bolt-type symbol going from the right side of the mask's forehead, down over the eye holes, and to the right cheek bone area. Akira placed the mask on his face as he ran towards his garage, soon arriving at a deserted area of town. He walked over towards a button pad and type in a unique code. The door opened and Akira walked in, the door closing behind him. It was massive on the inside, his ship was docked, attached to multiple pieces of large steel, holding it in place. He looked at his ship and spoke, removing his mask and pulling up his collar, smirking†...

“ It's finally ready. I hereby dub you; The New Horizon. ”

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Akuno frowns, things were definitely not going as planned. He'd gathered as many pirates together as he could to trick them into an alliance so that him and his crew could later slaughter them and steal their money. He'd even found a good target, a planet full of rich humans that seemed to have weak defenses. He was quite angry that everything was going wrong though, and if he didn't act fast this might actually be the end of him, considering that the defense force of that planet had weapons capable of taking down his ship in a single blow. <Shields up, now!> He yells, deciding to betray his 'allies' a bit sooner than he had planned. <Kill them all, no mercy!>
It's been two weeks since his last job. Always at the same bar, same time everyday, for the past two weeks. *sight* «I never thought that a planet as rich as this one had so few jobs...» He called another glass of that blue goo, tasted strange, but had the kick that he needs for what he was about to do. «Legal job no more!!» he whispers just before sending this weird stuff down his throath.

That night he left early, got back to his depot he won after a fight against some overconfident mob. The materials in there are premium, he tweeked his armor and limbs then sent his ''resume'' to a black list, something like not so safe list for space pirate who seeks new recruits.
Alice was relaxing in her quarters inside of her ship that was docked in a very populated space dock, she walked around her ship before getting out of it and then walking out to visit the hotel, Alice rented a room and then walked upstairs to it and then inside it afterwards closing the door behind her, she got on the bed and began to rest.



While normally she wasn't allowed into pubs, she was residing in one currently. The pubs were where the young assassin had found work to make a living and essentially survive. While she could move up in the world with the money she's made already, she actually prefers the life of a lonely assassin. It's only been 3 years since her release into the world and she was doing rather wonderfully but she was actually quite bored with the life she was currently living. While she loved her assassination work, they presented no real challenges. She rarely need to go all out in combat considering she hasn't met any body who matched her level of skill yet and that bored her.

After a while, even the ones who trained her were unable to beat her but she supposed that was because she took everything she learned and jumbled it all together into a fighting style she dubbed "Ice Cream" to go along with her Neopolitan name and clothing colors, white, pink and brown . She was as silent as ever, sitting on a stool and staring blankly into nothing. She hadn't felt bored like this in a while. She only remembered feeling this bored when she was thrown into society. She didn't know how to do much of anything and she struggled for quite sometime until well...look at her now.

Was this her life? Was this how it was going to be? No, she didn't want that at all. But even if she didn't, she didn't even know where to start. Where could find a place that she could kill and it would bring new challenges when she has to actually go out and do the killing? She actually had no idea if such a place was real, let alone on Kelper 186F.
Akuno was barking orders to his crew, and they jump away out of the star system. <Damned planetary defenses...> He mumbles, his pride on joy 'The Burnin' Flag' was damaged heavily. <What planet is this? Hmm...Kepler 186F? Never been here before, which means that I might be able to get someone to repair my ship...> He says to himself. <LAND THE SHIP!> He yells, 'The Burnin' Flag' slowly descending onto the planet.
Alice went into the shower for quick moment and then headed out of the hotel and back into the hangar as she got into her ship and said "Ship, travel to Kelper 186F." as a voice came from the speakers in the ship "Auto-pilot engaged" as the ship took off and then flew off out of the system and headed towards Kepler 186F. Alice headed into her cousin's quarters as Alice told her "We are going to Kelper, you are gonna stay at John's place". Her niece nodded as she went back to resting on her bed. Alice went into her own room and then began loading her weapons and holstering them, also putting on her armor suit, afterwards walking to the bridge watching as the ship landed, her niece walked out of her room and then Alice grabbed her hand and led her outside of the ship as they headed towards an apartment building, they walked up the floor and then knocked on one of the doors as a man opened the door and then said "Hi!" Alice nodded and then let her niece walk inside as John closed the door. Alice headed down and began to walk around the city.
Akuno grabs a laser pistol and leaves the ship through the front hangar. <Repairs...where can I get repairs...> He starts asking people where he can get repairs for his ship, and unfortunately for most of them they tried to run away or attack him, so he mercilessly killed them, shooting them to death or decapitating them. Those who were too cowardly or too brave were no use to him as crew members, and as such he did not care about their lives, to him they were just potential trophies to put in his room. <Where can I get repairs for my damned ship?!>
Neo's eyes flickered to a nearby television screen and her eyes stared intensely at the words displayed on the screen in red letters "Breaking News." Neo was rather confused as to what was happening. It was rare for there to be something worth the immediate attention of the public. Neo's eyes widened slightly. Was this it? Was this her ticket to a better life? She turned her body and head to face the television entirely and tuned in. Suddenly, a woman appeared on the screen and while she was speaking calmly, it was easy to tell that she was worried and afraid. "Just a few moments ago, a foreign ship suddenly landed on Kelper 186F and is presumed to be a Dread Pirate ship. Eyewitnesses say a lone 'alien' got off the ship and while asking where he can get his ship repaired, people fled the scene or attacked the alien and were brutally murdered as resu-" The woman's voice was suddenly cut off by the televion turning off. Neo smiled slightly. The first time in a while. She stood from her stool and dusted herself off. She waved to the bartender who didn't ask her to pay since it wasn't beneficial to either of them what with him serving her drinks when she was only 19 and well, her being an assassin who wouldn't think twice about killing him. She opened her umbrella when she left the pub and wondered where she was to go to find this 'alien' who was going around killing people.
Akuno sighed angrily, there wasn't a single person who actually knew where he could get ship repairs. <This planet is worthless. Once I plunder it I think I'll use the antimatter cannons to wipe it away.> He says to himself, more than a bit angry that he couldn't get repairs since the engines were only able to run at half capacity due to damages, and the shields system was completely fried. Him and his crew start taking everything of value and everything that isn't of value, planning on selling it off later for a bit of extra cash. His crew was burning down buildings and blasting everything to bits without a seconds thought. <I sure do pick my crew well. Wonder if I can find anyone to take as a slave here, they fetch a pretty penny on the black market.>

All Sylar could remember were the alarms blaring and red lights flashing as the cargo ship he stole shook and bumped in the atmosphere. Dreams of it entered his mind as he lay unconscious in the grass. Suddenly, his eyes flashed open. As Sylar sat up, his ears and eyes slowly focused on what was happening around him. He stood up and turned around, searching for anyone nearby. At first, his legs didn't seem to work. He stumbled a little and was quite shaken. Suddenly, he heard a jarring "BOOM!" off in the distance. Sylar shook of his pain and injury and ran as fast as he could toward the source of the noise, keeping low and running as quietly as possible. He pondered what the cause of the noise could be. "I hope everyone's alright... Not." He grinned as he ran, ready to stab some fleeing idiots. He would keep count and see how many people he could kill before he got caught. "I get the feeling that this'll be a lot of fun!"
Neo wasn't particulary proud of the sight that she was seeing. Yes. Many people were fleeing but it wasn't because of her and she didn't like that one bit. She frowned slightly and kept walking, ignoring the people who were running past her. She obviously was looking for the source of the panic. All she knew that it was some sort of alien but what it looked like and where it was, was currently unknown. However Neo took mental note that if she encountered any opposition they would be shown no mercy. She smiled evilly to herself before something caught her eye. Someone was also running in the direction she was heading. Perhaps it was some sort of officer? Not like it would matter, the police force on Kelper 186fF was next to useless. Still, it would be fun to see his death.
As Slyar ran through the crowds, he discretely slashed at people, causing them to stumble or fall. "This is fun. Too easy, but fun.He stopped to get his bearings for a bit. "Where am I...?" As he looks around, he notices a chick with an umbrella headed towards the commotion. "Oi! You there! What the hell are you doing?"

Akuno noticed people running around, some towards and some away. <So much prey, so little time.> He says to himself, pulling out his blaster and using military officers that were trying to attack him as target practice, hitting each one straight between the eyes. <Humans, pathetic and puny creatures.>
Neo paused mid-step when she heard herself being called out too. She turned to face her caller and it turns out it was just the young man who seemed to be going around slaughtering innocent people who were trying to escape. She raised a brow and she drew the stiletto blade from her umbrella. She wasn't one for words and thus, had no intention of answering him. If he was just slaughtering these people as they fled for their lives then there wasn't a doubt in her mind that he'd attack and if that was the case then this young man would be making the biggest mistake of his life.

((Not slaughtering, just tripping and injuring))

Sylar looked concernedly at the lady. "Uhh, excuse me, miss! This is the way to the playground, it's not really safe for you here! Also there's a weirdass alien up ahead shooting people with a cool laser gun thing. I would recommend going that way!" He points to where the people are running, casually holding out his leg and tripping someone. ((@NetherLightGod ))
This man was irritating her. The playground, really? Those words angered her more than normal and she the choice right then and there that she would shut him up permanently. She blinked twice, her left turned pink and her right eye turned brown. She grinned slightly and began walking to the man slowly, menacing. She pointed her blade at him when she a few feet away from him.
"So it's a fight you want." Sylar extended his claws and got onto all fours, his ears tilted backward on his head like a cat. His monocle turned Crimson. "Ladies first." ((@NetherLightGod))
Akuno frowns, noticing off in the distance what seemed like a fight about to start. He fires a shot of pure concentrated energy right between them, smiling. <Let's see if they run, or attack me.> He thinks to himself, smiling. He was itching for a proper fight.
Neo eyes follow the source of the energy beam and narrowed her eyes. She had finally found her target. This feline boy would have to wait his turn. She pointed her blade at the alien and grinned slightly, blinking once causing her irises to turn white. She had no intention of letting this chance to kill this guy pass up. She took a death breath and slowly began to walk towards the alien.
Akuno smiles, he had managed to get one of the two to come at him, perfect. His energy blade started glowing a bright blue color. <Humans are so easy to anger. If this one can last long enough against me then I will spare it, maybe even let it join me crew.> He thinks to himself, yelling orders to his crew members, telling them to take what they managed to steal back to the storage bay of the ship.
"Holy shit!" What was that? Hey, come back!" Sylar started to chase after her but noticed what she was going after. Instead, he bounded quickly toward the...thing...that shot them. Once he was around 10 meters away, he stopped, stabbed his katana into the ground, and balanced on it. He eyed the alien/person/thing warily and did a basic scan on them.They seemed to be ordering their crew around. He guessed that they were either captain or a high-ranking officer aboard a terrorist ship.
-That'll be 20 bits, the cashier said.

Yu paid without saying a word and left. Her energy levels had been rather low lately, so she was glad she could finally recharge herself. She wasn't sure if she had done the right thing to get the money for it, however, it wasn't like she had a choice.

As she walked down the lain, she suddenly saw plenty of people running away. Curious, Yu decided to go in the direction they were fleeing from. She saw one of ''Them'', shooting at people. Suddenly it stopped, seemingly enganging in a fight with some pink lady.

Yu decided to observe this event, but from what she deemed a safe distance.

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