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Fantasy π“𝐇𝐄 π‘π„π•π„π‘πˆπ„ β€” temp ooc


𝐭𝐑𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐒𝐞
inspired by: bridgerton and the nevers
theme: victorian fantasy
01. the story.

london β€” 1899

elite members of high society prepare themselves for another exciting season on the wedding market.

as per usual, eligible bachelors and debutantes of the wealthiest families shall be in attendance. and with all the excitement that comes with the season, a heap of gossip and scandal is almost always expected to follow.

but behind all the fancy decor and drama that comes with the wedding season, a greater, darker force brews in the shadows. one that most certainly will leave a trail of blood in its wake, should you be bold enough to follow.

perhaps if you are lucky, you might even survive.


they call it the source.

nobody knows how or when or where it came from, only that the oldest family names were gifted with it. for thousands of years, the source has only ever been passed down to one living individual in the family, at times skipping a generation or two, for reasons unknown. it is often said that the source had a mind of its own, only picking an individual worthy and strong enough of the responsibility of carrying it. then again, there have been many poor, weak-minded individuals that were gifted with the source as well, and only used their abilities to fuel their own selfishness and greed.

at any rate.

when the source manifests, the lives of those gifted with it changes completely. behind the curtains of ordinary life, a secret society of sourcers exists. together, they use their abilities for good, typically by helping those in need. aiding the sick and helpless. fighting crime. washing the city clean of corrupt filth.

for years they've managed to go undetected. even their own families are kept in the dark of their comings and goings.

but then one day, six months ago, something happened.

one of them disappeared. a strange thing, really, considering they were supposed to be hosting the grandest ball of the season, having invited every member of the ton to attend.

their fellow sourcers searched endlessly to figure out what had happened to them. but it was in vain. not even twenty-four hours after their beloved friend went missing, their body was discovered in a dark, grimy alleyway. beaten and bloodied and very much dead. an investigation was immediately conducted, but despite their determined efforts, the culprit was never found.

perhaps it was a personal attack, some argued. a one time event. one that likely wouldn't happen again.

thing is, it didn't just happen that one time. much to everyone's shock and surprise, it happened again, a mere two nights ago.

if they weren't angry before, the sourcers certainly are now. not only that, but many are afraid. and as they should be. because now, it's quite fucking clear that someone is out there killing them, and it's all hands on deck to figure out who's responsible, before they're next.

02. lore.

o1. while they are born with it, the source doesn't truly manifest itself until the individual has come of age. this typically occurs around the age of eighteen. only one living member of the family is gifted with the source. that means another sourcer will not be born into the family until the previous one dies.

o2. only the eldest family patriarch or matriarch is aware of the source, whether they are gifted with it or not. all other members of the family are kept completely in the dark about it. once the source manifests in an individual, they are introduced to the secret society. think batman or daredevil and what-have-you, but 1899 style. the individual gifted with the source is still expected to maintain their normal lives with their families and make society appearances, however they also divide their time with sourcer activities as well, essentially leading a double life.

o3. sourcers from one family are generally expected β€” no, required β€” to marry into the family of another sourcer. it is very looked down upon to do otherwise, or to not marry at all. this is supposed to keep the bloodline pure, and produce a stronger generation of sourcers for the future. note: your character does not have to follow these rules, these are simply society's expectations.

o4. the sourcers meet in secret in the basement of a privately owned club owned by one of the sourcer's most long standing β€” and wealthiest β€” members. the name of this pub is called the reverie. nicknamed the rev for short.

o5. more to come in the future.

03. the rules.

READ EVERYTHING. i will know if you don't.

discord for official ooc for accepted players. non-negotiable.

don't pm me asking to change lore. the lore is already written. read it. remember it. follow it. i will, of course, be happy to answer any questions you might have if something confuses you. just drop me a pm and i'll get back to you as quick as i can!

i will not β€” WILL NOT β€” make special exceptions and/or bend the rules for your character. it ain't gonna happen. don't argue with me on this. you can try, but you'll be wasting your time. lmao.

don't be a dick. i mean you can, but it wont get you anywhere, other than kicked out.

note β€” your character can be as big of an asshole as you want them to be, because that's what makes stories fun and interesting. but i expect players to treat each other with respect. sus behavior WILL NOT be tolerated what-so-fucking-ever.

post on time. (within reason. there will be quiet spells, because life happens.)

if you ghost, you're getting killed off. nothing personal, just business.

if you need to go mia, just lmk and we'll work something out.

post length varies. anywhere between one paragraph and a thousand words will work based on the circumstances we find ourselves in. this is not the place for literacy snobs. if this bothers you then you can fuck right off.

REAL LIFE FC'S ONLY. AI IS PROHIBITED. written descriptions are acceptable. if you app with an illustrated FC or AI i will take that as you blatantly not reading the rules so in return i will not even look at your app.

one character per person, until stated otherwise.

on shipping β€” because people really like to get bent the fuck out of shape about this β€” it is encouraged but IS NOT REQUIRED. yeah, i know this is a bridgerton-inspired roleplay, but i want everyone to feel comfortable. DO NOT FORCE/PRESSURE SHIPS ONTO PEOPLE. it is okay to politely ask, but if another player says no thanks, then leave it at that. if i catch wind that you're being pushy, then you're getting the cut. plain and simple.

anyway, i know all this makes me sound a bit harsh and unapproachable, but i promise you i am anything but. i am simply enforcing strict boundaries in this rp so everyone can have fun and enjoy the ride. if this bothers you, then you're welcome to go somewhere else. otherwise, i look forward to having all of you along!

yours truly,

a humble gm.

04. links.

code by @leviathan.
if anyone has questions let me know or drop me a pm. i'll be setting a deadline for profiles at some point soon.
Would it be best to have a character who has the source in order to help move plot along, or are you hoping that sourcer characters will be rare?

I was wondering, similarly to jones, if all our characters would be sourcers or if only a few in the roles have the source?
sliding in here, because i'm interested and hoping to apply but i do have a few little questions about the source that i feel like i might have just missed the info on HAHA. does the source manifest as one specific power in each person who inherits it (i'm assuming as such just due to the sheet template)? is it the same power that appears in the same family, or different per each new inheritor? thanks in advance for answeringgg, i'm sure i'll have more at some point!
To answer questions:

All cast members will be sourcers! Sorry if that wasn't clear before!

One magical ability per character. The idea of there being one ability in the family is cool, but I think for the sake of the rp it can be anything. So different per inheritor.
Can characters be peerage (besides the outcast, since I guess he already sorta is!) or should they be regular members of the ton?
Can characters be peerage (besides the outcast, since I guess he already sorta is!) or should they be regular members of the ton?
sourcers are only born of noble birth, so all cast members must be regular members of the ton. the outcast is kind of a special case, because though he's a bastard, he's still of half-noble blood so that's why he has magic. ever since he was given his inheritance though he's been a member of the ton as well.
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**Profile Due Dates**
Profiles will be due at MIDNIGHT eastern standard time
NEXT Saturday, 27th JULY


If you need an extension please let me know.
I know we all have busy lives and sometimes need more time to work on things.

I will be accepting/turning down characters via pm,
so you will find out if you've been accepted into the rp or not then.

In the meantime, happy character creating ( :
Can characters be peerage (besides the outcast, since I guess he already sorta is!) or should they be regular members of the ton?
wow im dumb for some reason i thought peerage meant middle-class society when it's really just titled nobility and im just now catching this like days later lmaooo my bad.
wow im dumb for some reason i thought peerage meant middle-class society when it's really just titled nobility and im just now catching this like days later lmaooo my bad.
hahah i was a bit confused by your answer but i basically just wanted to know if Surina could be the younger sister of an earl, so!

(also i would have known that already had I just reread the lore instead of just inhaling it in an excited fervor -_-)
hahah i was a bit confused by your answer but i basically just wanted to know if Surina could be the younger sister of an earl, so!

(also i would have known that already had I just reread the lore instead of just inhaling it in an excited fervor -_-)
nah it was a totally legit question LOL but yeah surina can be that if you want!
**two new roles added!**
two open roles have been added to the cast list.
you must pm me the title of your potential role as well
as a brief description of it for approval. extensions will be granted
for these profiles since they were added late.

let me know if you have any questions!

kind regards,


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