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Fantasy The Return of Humanity


Everyone's Favorite Kitsune

"A world at war is nothing to take lightly. Death covers the land like a plague. Hell is all around in war, and a war involving all of humanity is the worst kind"


The rotten putrid sent of rotten flesh fills the air of the last battle. Smoke from the nearby burning village blocked out the sun making it as dark as night. The human army was nothing but rotting corpses crushed by the demonic army of the other world. Humanity’s last stronghold has fallen, there was no longer anyone to weep over the dead. No one left to mourn the loss. This was the end of humanity.


~The 20th year after the fall of humanity~

"Have you heard the rumor going around?"
The horned and scaled frog demon croaked at the bar, a slimy grin on his face. He looked toward the white haired fox demon next to him. A demon who fought in the war.

"I’m sure it’s something utterly foolish,"
She said sipping her drink of a strange black hue. Her white hair hangs to just below her ears and her eyes are a split pupil sky blue. Her scabbard was on her back.

"They say that ‘croak’,”
He sighs and finishes, “That the humans went underground."

Kel, the fox demon, looks at him, "And is there anything to back up this claim?"

The frog nods, "Aiy' they say a soldier was found in the alley his heart stabbed threw and his throat slashed we demons ain't do that to each other"

Kel laughs and shakes her head, “You’re a damn fool Aniz." She stands up and downs her drink then starts heading to the door, Her black pants brushing the floor.

"Don't think we defeated the humans so easily!”
The frog croaks out shouting his words through the bar.


The moon is a slither of light in the dark night sky. There’s no lights in the city a demon doesn't really need the light. Kel walks with her head down. She may be a demon knight but that doesn't mean she’s proud to be one.

She turns down an alley, her head lost in thoughts, her mind drifting back to that last battle 20 years ago, as she’s not paying attention she falls into a hole into the underground he makes a startled sound as she falls. Alerting whatever lays below.


The light in her face was the first thing she noticed. A sword pressed to her throat was next."It’s a demon" The voice with the light says.

"Kill it (y/n)!"The clearly female voice cried.

"(he/she) wouldn't have to if you closed the damn door"A 3rd person says with a growl.

Kel’s eyes are wide, trying to think of a way out .

"She looks like a demon knight" A voice behind Kel says.

"So?!"The girl says....

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Yalin was walking down the street near her "home" which happened to be a cardboard box fort, when she heard the shouting. It sounding like a demon had found its way in. She didn't hate all demons, like everyone else. She thought they deserved a chance. She ran over by them and hid. She popped out of her hiding spot just enough so the demon could see her. She mouthed I'm here to help. Don't be scared. She pulled out a potion, which looked like a poison but just knocked people out and made them appear dead. It slowed their heart rate down. She walked over and tapped on one of the people gathered around the demons shoulder and asked "Oh can I kill her? Can I do it? Pleaaaaaase? I have poison...please? I really want to!"
The woman holding the light just shrugged," Thomas why not let her do it? It's not like we can keep a demon as a pet." The woman was clearly being sarcastic about keeping Kel as a pet but Kel still blanched at the idea.

Thomas turned out to be the man who was holding the sword to Kel's throat. "Fine but she is doing it where we can see her do it. She might let it go."

Kel had just about enough, "Let me go you filthy creatures. You have no right.." She was cut off by another man.

"We have every right."

"Yeah." chimed in the girl.

"Okay kid just do it already so we can go back to the city." Thomas growled to Yalin.
She stepped forward, a small smile playing across her lips. She wrenched open the demons mouth and poured the liquid inside. "This is going to take a minute to work."
Kel choked on the liquid but she swallowed. "What the..." Kel's vision blacked out and she fell unconscious.

"Well congrats kid. You've killed your first demon." The woman holding the lantern said to Yalin.

Thomas just let go of Kel, her body dropping on the stone as he sheathed his sword.

"Let's go and Kale shut the hatch before anymore drop down."

The other man grumbled but complied and the group continued down the tunnels.
Yalin gabbed the demons arms and she dragged her to a dark, but safe alley way. She layer her head back and wrapped a blanket around her shoulders. She thought that hopefully demons didn't need anything else, but she couldn't be sure. She hopped behind some boxs, waiting for the potion to wear off, which would happen soon, but it depended on the person/creature.
Kel began to breathe which turned to violent coughing as she began to sit herself upright. Her fox fire burst for a second, incinerating the blanket , but the flames instantly died down. Kel sat very still catching her breath as her ears twitched as every little sound.

"How am I..." Kel looked around her to see she was in a place different than the one before.
Yalin stepped out from behind her hiding place. She slowly walked towards the demon. "Are you alright?" She kept a safe distance however, as she was still just a human and there was a demon sitting in front of her. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm here to help."
Tyler was walking around the alleys patrolling the city keeping an eye out for demons he had his attack armor on which made him to times bigger than a normal human and was carrying a giant sword and was thinking "damn why do I have to look out there's no demon that makes it this far anyways I'm just a guard for the richer people" and he heard a noise from an alley and looked back there saying "Hey is there someone back there!" And starts walking towards them.
She turned around, startled. She tried to drag kel and herself behind something in the alleyway, but she had no more energy. She hadnet eaten a few day, so she collapsed in front of kel on the ground.

(Please reply? Someone?)
Tyler noticed some one moving and said "stop" pointing the ginormous sword at them and said "identify yourself"
Kel shape-shifted into a human form and picked the girl up. "Thank you small human. I am greatly in dept to you." She whispered before stepping out into the light so the armored man could see them.
Tyler saw the two of them and said "identified your self" still holding the giant sword up towards them.
To help the girl Kel would have to lie. " We were on our way back home but she passed out. I don't know what to do. Can you help us?"

Kel hoped she sounded convincing enough to get the child help before she made her way back to the surface. She still couldn't believe the slimy frog was right about the rumors.
Tyler looked at the girl passed out on the ground and puts his sword on his back and says "sure I'll help but you're coming to" and goes up to the girl passed out and picks her up with his armored claw and picks her up gently making sure not to hurt her.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.47a70bbeaf9d495cde504373e773750b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53188" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.47a70bbeaf9d495cde504373e773750b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Kel nodded but eyed him. How did the humans have this type of technology? Or is this even technology at all?

Kel tried not to show her disbelief over the fact that humans were still alive, and apparently thriving.
On his way walking he went to his house and opens the door and going in and says "come in" and lays the girl on the couch and his armor retracts into his spine and says "welcome to my humble abode" and walks into the kitchen cooking fish since he buys a lot since he lives next to a fish market.


Kel sits down next to the girl. She could try something to help her wake up but it would risk Kel being exposed as a demon. Kel wanted to stay until the girl woke up so she could thank her but Kel needed to return to the surface before her master started to get angry about her lack of an appearance.
When Tyler got done cooking he placed the fish in front of kel and the passed out girl and said "you can wake her up but she'll be drowsy" and sits and starts to eat his fish.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.4ba5ad6b150f39c36111597a5e52a4f9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53191" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.4ba5ad6b150f39c36111597a5e52a4f9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Kel gently shakes the girl. "Hey wake up. There's something here you can eat." Kel didn't eat human food so she wasn't really interested in the dead earth creature. Kel didn't really know what to do. Water maybe? She could try and use her fox fire to wake the girl but that might be a bit dangerous for a human.
Tyler looked at the girl and said "that's not how you wake someone!" And goes over to the girl and shakes her a little harder and sits down again and says "aren't you going to eat"

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Kel shakes her head. "No I'm not hungry." Kel gets up and looks outside. She pats her pockets looking for something. "I could have sworn.." Kel was looking for her prayer beads. She suddenly realized that she probably fell out of her jacket when she blacked out. Kel turns back to the human male. "I left something. I need to go back. Can you look after her?"
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|Bell Tarris|

She waited on the rooftops, a small figure whose face was shadowed by an over-sized hood, as she watched a suit of armor wander into the alleyway where a mob of people had just left. Desperate to stay hidden, she had waited till all had settled, but there was never really quiet in this back alley part of town. With a twinge of nostalgia she recognized the armor set, claw and all, as vague memories from two winters ago came into her mind. Back then she had helped this boy, and the group he was with, by stealing medicine from the demons. The kind that smelt like pine trees and tasted like magic. It was a habit of hers to never stay in one place too long anymore. It was a habit to make them forget her. She wanted to know if they were okay, but was far from her comfort zone to put herself in the line of sight of someone who constantly wielded a weapon.

Chiding herself for being so weak-hearted, she waited 'till they left, climbing down to get a closer look at those who had just left. As her feet brushed the concrete that made up the alley floor, she noticed a small glint of light, bouncing off a string of beads. Curious, she bent to study them, running her hand delicately over them. Her hand retracted when a spark could be felt, weighing on her chest, just from her delicate touch. Bell sat herself on the ground, now amused by the new spectacle before her.

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Kel ran to where the alley was. She looked all around, frantic to find the beads. Out of the corner of her eye Kel noticed a small hooded figure huddled on the ground. Because of Kel being a fox demon she could see perfectly in the dim lighting. The beads! Kel took a step towards the figure, cautious but want to retrieve the precious item she had lost.

"Excuse me?" Kel spoke out to the figure. It's not like they'd be able to pick the beads up because of the layers of magic placed on them by powerful demons.

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