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Viola sat up when Everest knocked on her door and let out a small sigh before wiping her eyes free of the tears that plagued them. “What?” A boat? I mean she followed that it wouldn’t be safer but why were they leaving. What was going on? She swung her legs off the side of the bed and moved to open the door. “I thought this place was like the bees knees of security?” Though she did suppose that man found his way in somehow.

“O-okay. Yeah sure.” Viola stammered at Everest before pushing past him and making her way outside where she saw the lights of the yacht. Impressive. On board she walked until she found the others.

They were talking about the memory capsules but Viola was confused. Where had the man gone? Plus she had made it very clear she wasn’t sure about this capsule thing.

Was every day since the assembly going to be like this? Scary and confusing. People dying or getting hurt? Relationships changing drastically over night? It was so much to handle. As the man faded away Yuu felt something strange. Like a member of his family was now gone... it was similar to what he felt about the others but less intense.

“Yeah. Of course.” Yuu nodded at both Delphina and Nora. Nora had a point. Plus there was no way in hell that Yuu was letting either of those girls out of his sight. He wouldn’t like it if anyone else got hurt but if things got worse for Delphina or anything bad happened to Nora... Yuu would fall apart.

Yuu took in a long breath as Nora’s hand touched his before he followed the group out to the boat. “I think it would be a good idea to take them together. I mean so that even if this goes sour at least we will all be in the same boat... literally.”

Yuu reached out and grabbed one of the capsules. He turned it over a few times in his hand before finally popping it in his mouth and blinking for a few moments. “How long does it take?” Not even a moment later Yuu was yanked into his past. There was fire, and pain, screaming and running. Then it was standing in a group of people and the man in black discussing their afterlife. Then it was meeting everyone... and seeing Nora for the first time. The feeling in his chest. Then it was a night in a bath house. The group was in a room but Nora was missing. Then is was him and Delphina laughing in a couch before warping into Nora screaming at them. Then he was back in the present. Nothing he saw rattled him too badly but... he knew one thing. Late in their after life... he had done something mean to Nora and he couldn’t remember why. But he knew he felt terrible.

No crime scene photo could have ever prepared Marisol to watch a man fade away in front of her own eyes. Was this what would happen to Delphina in a few days? And was there really nothing they could do? There was no way that was true right? It seemed like they had gone through so much... was it really just the end? They were all destined to die young and that was it? What was happening to Delphina made it just feel like history was repeating itself.

When Castor called out to her she started
moving but she wasn’t paying attention to the boat. Or anything really. “I remember him.” Marisol shrugged and continued, “I just feel so bad. I just feel like I owed him something. Like I should have thanked him for something that I can’t remember. Now he’s dead.” His comment about their damned souls was sticking to her brain like glue.

Marisol hadnt even noticed they were on the boat until the conversation changed to the capsules. Yuu reached out one and used one quickly. “Hold on jackass don’t be impatient.” Then his eyes went blank. It was kind of scary to watch... it made her nervous to use hers but. Honestly at this point what more could go wrong.

Marisol popped the capsule into her mouth and suddenly she was in a different life. She was in the back of a car, laughing and screaming as the car swerved and spun before everything went black and she was sitting in a room with everyone, messing with a ball of red yarn that looked like it went through the entire animal shelter. The memory changed again and she was with Castor, both of them looking at flower tattoos on their arms. Then the vision from before; only this time she saw the whole thing. Then she was awake.

Delphina was trying to act okay about this whole dying thing. It happened to everyone, right? And according to the man all of them were destined to die young. The Reaper altered their fates so they could live long, happy lives. If only one of them died so the rest of them could live then it was fine. Right? Besides, she was going to the ocean. That’s where she was supposed to go before the guy altered their fates.

Still, why did it hurt so bad? The thought of leaving this life hurt her and she didn’t know why. Was it because of how much she loved these guys? Would they mourn her or would she be erased from their memories? That last thought pained her more than the first one. She didn’t want to be forgotten. “You’re right. Let’s go take one with everyone else.” Delphina forced a small smile before turning around and walking to the main section of the boat.

Once inside Delphina didn’t hesitate to take one of the mystical looking pills. She popped it in her mouth and sat on the white plush leather couch. Her pink head laid back on the head rest and closed her eyes. She started from the euphoric feeling she got from swimming to the dread of the net and Spears stabbing into her. Delphina felt the happiness of being told that she was getting another chance at Nirvana, what most every mythical creature wanted. Then she met everyone. She was scared, excited, and absolutely positive that this was where she was meant to be.

Delphina could feel the way her heart raced and the way her stomach twisted every time Raven was around her. Had she always been infatuated by him? Maybe they were just star crossed lovers and were never really meant to be together. There was something she saw at the end of it all but she couldn’t quite make it out, it was just a glimpse. Delphina and Raven were going to stay in Hell and be teachers together. Right? How did they end up being reincarnated?

When Delphina fades back into consciousness she felt dizzy. Her eyes instantly looked for Raven and she felt her heart ache. She had questions, she wanted to know if he remembered anything similar or different. They only had a few days left together though, she just wanted to spend it enjoying their time together. “So we lived three lives instead of just two? I don’t feel so bad about dying for good on the third one.” Delphina stood and walked behind the bar to grab some of the top shelf whiskey. She poured a shot of it and threw it back without even scrunching her face. “Anyone want a drink? I won’t be here much longer so I’d like to drown the pain away.” Delphina poured everyone a round of shots for everyone before taking another shot for herself.

Quickly Nora took one of the capsules and popped it into his mouth. They were all doing this and together. Besides, Nora was too curious not to find out about the past.

A sense of was her first memory. Fear of her father, fear of what would happen if she wasn’t perfect. Loneliness washed over her as she grew up, not knowing the comfort of having a friend. The sheer terror she felt when she was locked in a trunk, or the pain she had when she died. Nora remembered seeing the man in black, the confusion she had. The warm happy feeling she got meeting everyone. The happy feeling she had making sure Yuu was happy, like giving him that sake. She remembered everything, the spa and being taken over by a demon. Yuu rescuing her. Nora even remember promising Yuu that she’d find him in the next life.

When Nora returned to the real world she couldn’t help but smile and look up at Yuu. Maybe they were meant to be together? Her smile instantly fell when Delphina spoke. Right, she was dying. “Delphina we are going to get you through this.” She stood and walked to the bar. Nora didn’t drink but this was for Delphina. Quickly she threw back the shot, twisted her face and coughed a few times. “Oh my god that burns!”

Everyone was taking the pills, it wouldn’t hurt if he took one. Right? He was afraid of what he’d see. He was a damned soul, what was he like? Castor swallowed his pride and fear and popped a capsule in his mouth. He zoned out into a daze as the capsule took effect.

Castors life was a whirlwind of emotions. Hate, fear, and pain were the majority. Hate bred hate and he was the product of the most angriest serpent in the sea. He hated Everest, his brother, and even killed him. Castor was then sent to hell by his father. Castor was covered in Everest’s blood though and he slipped through the cracks. He was going to be a dragon like he always wanted to be.

Marisol changed him. Yes she was human, a race he hated, but she was also a kindred damned soul. She was like him. Funny, snarky, and overall just a lost soul. They bonded, he fell for her. He even risked his life to protect her. He gave up nirvana just to be with her. That was his happiest time, when he was with her. That’s all he wanted.

Castor couldn’t help but smile as he looked at Marisol. “Was it what you expected?” Castor walked to the bar and grabbed two shots. He handed one to her before throwing it back. “That was smooth, expensive shit Nora. Gets you drunk faster than normal whiskey.”

“You don’t have to take it Viola. The man, Reaper, wanted us to have the option to take these and remember all our important feelings. He gave us these before he...well...” Everest fell quiet as he searched for the words. “He’s gone. He turned to ash, said his time ran up. He risked his life to extend ours. I’m grateful for him and his sacrifice for our lives.” With that said Everest swallowed the capsule.

Each life and each event flashed through his head. Castor was his soul sibling. He watched over the others. Everest was a hero in his first life, protecting people was a natural thing for him. He wanted to be a dragon. He chose nirvana, how he got reincarnated was a mystery to him. He remembered the feelings he developed for Viola and her strong leadership qualities.

Before he knew it he was back on the boat. Reality washed over him as he took a shot of the whiskey. “Delphina we will get you through this. Did you guys remember anything that could help? The Reaper wouldn’t show us these if it wouldn’t help. Right?” Oh. “He did say go to Germany. Maybe if we went we could find a clue to heal you?” He glanced over towards Viola, hoping to get her opinion on this whole thing.

“Viola, you’re smart. What should we do?”

Viola had taken about an hour to map their plan. They would be taking a channel from the lake at the house that would eventually lead them to a marina closer to the city. From there they would be able to call a ride to get them all to an airport where they would then take a ten hour flight to Germany. The time on the boat would take about two days. It was worrisome.... they didn’t really know for sure how long Delphina had. But staying on the boat was the safest mode of travel until they reached the city.

For the past two days on the yacht, everyone was a little distant after their memory capsule night. Marisol herself was just sad honestly. The things she saw were both happy and scary but they all seemed better than her life now.... and she thought she loved this life. It was so disheartening. Plus she didn’t know what to say to anyone... she was sad for Delphina and the rest of the group that was super close to her but she wasn’t close to her in either life. They were friends but nothing like Yuu and Nora were with her. It felt wrong to say anything when it was clear their entire dynamic was resting on eggshells.

Today was the day they had their tickets for their flight, the method Viola mapped out worked perfectly and they had arrived for their flights perfectly 3 hours before take off. It gave them enough time to get to their gate and settled... it wasn’t like anyone had any luggage so it was fairly simple. Delphina had used a shiny credit card to pay for everyone to have first class seats on the long flight.

“This is swanky.” Marisol turned to the others and gave a wink in an attempt at small talk as they found their seats in the back of first class. All the chairs damn near looked like recliners and were in their own little cubby with a television screen. Marisol plopped down into her plush seat and for comfortable, grabbing the pillow and hugging it in her lap. Next to her was Castors seat... she hadn’t really said anything to him since that night. Seeing him almost die caused a range of emotions and now it was honestly hard to not lose her mind when she looked at him. “Ever flown before?” Marisol peered around the small partition wall between them and raised a brow. “I’m just wondering if I need to be ready to hand you a barf couch frat boy.” She gave him an odd smile that didn’t really match the joke she was trying to make before falling back into her seat miserably.

Yuu spent most of his time running around the boat and avoiding Raven and Delphina while also trying to be as helpful as he could be. He wasn’t willing to accept any one dying, especially not someone who was... is... his best friend. But he also knew that he could make no promises and it was clear she wanted to be around Raven. He decided to let her have what she wanted. It wasn’t just Delphina he was avoiding, it was Nora too. He had strong and confusing feelings for her... feelings that made him feel like he knew her when honestly in this life he really didn’t. If he wanted anything with her in this life... it would have to wait until he figured his brain out. To start she was dating someone. He knew he wanted to be her friend but ... with his heart feeling like this he didn’t know if he could stop there.

After their days of travel by water they ended up in the city and on a plane. Hopefully they could find a lead quick in Germany because honestly Delphinas time was completely unknown to them...

On the plane Yuu found hims of following silently and falling into his plus seat. In his hands was some brochure information on Berlin. He was looking for museums or libraries anything that might help them head in the right direction.

Viola continued to refuse the memory capsule, hell she even gave it to Everest. Told him to use it or let one of the others. Viola wanted NOTHING to do with this confusion, she liked her life! Clearly this life didn’t like her! The one person in this group she felt kindred with was clearly not suitable in this life to be her friend or anything. The others were people she cared about but she already knew them before all this bullshit. Plus before all this they were living decent lives! Delphina wasn’t headed to certain death and Viola was finally going to graduate after years of blood sweat and tears!

Viola helped map a course and plan but after that secluded herself to her cabin. Her phone was going insane. Apparently cops had appeared at the sorority house claiming Marisol and herself had been reported missing but Viola could only assume that was more trickery by whoever was after them. She chose not to tell the others but these people being able to find their personal information and impersonate cops so well made her even more worried.

On the plane Viola took her seat and pressed at the screen in front of her to find her first movie to pass the time before plugging in the headphones and turning her back towards other people.

Three lives huh? But the last two seemed similar as far as their actually bodies he supposed and from what he could collect from the others. So they must have died, had an afterlife and then came to this life. This is the life they all became human. Right now Raven wished he had some of his old brain... he would know exactly what was going on with Delphina.

Raven spent the days on the boat by her side although he was preoccupied with research. Nothing he could find looked like the symbol and it was bothering him so badly. He taught this stuff at a college level, you would think he would have at least an idea to head towards. All he knew was Germany and elves. Nothing else. And honestly folklore wasn’t even fully factual or understood to begin with! It’s not like they could call any of these “experts” and ask for an address of an elf!

Raven sighed heavily as they took their seats, “How is it feeling today Delphina? Has the mark changed at all or anything?” Raven was constantly asking her how she was feeling, if she needed anything, what he could do. He felt as if any moment she was going to turn to dust and honestly he didn’t know if he could handle it....

Delphina had no problem swiping her card for this expense. She didn't spend much of her allowance so she had plenty of money to fly her friends first class. That wasn't her problem. Her problem were those stupid capsules. The memories ruined basically every relationship on the boat. It created a tension in the air thick enough to cut with a knife. How would she have been able to tell anyone at all about the lines fading on her stomach? How could she tell anyone that she had maybe a little more 24 hours to live? The only thing that remained on her stomach was the circle in the center of the mark. First the top spikes disappeared, then the bottom spikes. The last two days the partial circles disappeared. That meant that one day was left, right?

"I'm feeling fine, no worries." Delphina shone a small smile at him before giving his hand a small squeeze. "Don't worry about that. Just relax, okay? You're much more handsome when you don't look so worried." Her long lashed eyes bat at him sweetly from around the little wall that separated the two of them as she said that. Yes, she knew she was his student and relationships like that were frowned upon. No, she didn't care. She had 24 hours left. All Delphina wanted to do was be honest and enjoy the time they had left. Not just her and Raven, but the rest of them. All she wanted was everyone to smile, she didn't want to fade away without seeing her friends happy. Especially Raven. Her heart ached to see him smile and not so frustrated and concerned. "Just enjoy me while I'm here."

Just like the Reaper Delphina's skin began to become more pale and sickly. She didn't have an appetite and her body felt heavy, like it was a shell and she needed to crawl out of it. "Hey, Yuu." Delphina sat up and turned around to look at Yuu who was sitting behind Raven. A smile spread across her lips as she watched him. She'd never have the chance to let him know her true feelings, how she knew that they were meant to be friends and not a couple. She just wanted him to smile. "Can you stop stressing too? We're going to Germany, let's just find another safe house and settle in for a day. I get jet-lagged. Please? Oh, and talk to Nora. I'm tired of seeing you like this. I know these memories messed everything up and I just want you to be happy. Get to know her or something. You're still my best friend." When Nora approached the seat behind Delphina she smiled at Nora and motioned to her before turning around and sitting back in her seat.

There. Delphina was going to fix this group before she died.

Plans were made and Nora silently agreed to them. Not that she really had a choice. Part of her didn't know if she wanted to come back from Germany. Things had been going rough, her boyfriend was calling like a madman and broke even broke up with her. He called, apologized, and then started yelling at her more. Nora stopped picking up his phone calls. She was tired of being yelled at. It was just sad that she had to deal with this on her own. Everyone was avoiding everyone so Nora just kind of dealt with it on her own. Even Delphina was avoiding her, she kept avoiding Nora every time she wanted to check on the stitches. What did she do to everyone in the past? She thought they had been friends. Well, Yuu more than a friend, but still.

Nora walked onto the plane while scrolling through her phone. She wore a pair of black jeans and a forest green soft t-shirt, black combat boots on her feet. She trailed behind the others because she was so focused on her screen. The symbol was weird and she reached out to several of her contacts through the 'genius nerd' network she was apart of. One of her associates sent her something. "Guys the symbol belongs to an ancient type of moon elf. The lore placed them in a run down German town from the looks of it. These elves spoke in symbols and runes, the symbol on Delphina is a strong symbol for Ascend. It was something they drew on the dead in blood to make sure the soul knew where to go. The town is six hours from the airport and I think we should go."

Nora sat in the plush chair and avoided eye contact with Yuu. He was avoiding her and probably had good reason. Should she ask Everest to switch her seats? With a long sigh she glanced over the small wall before sitting back in her seat. "I'm sorry for whatever I did to make you avoid me, it's probably well deserved." She sniffled quietly and wiped her already reddened eyes. Nora was all cried out from the past few days, she had no more tears to cry. "Good thing our lives don't cross much. After we save Delphina and get out of this mess you won't have to see me again." With that said Nora draped a blanket over herself and pulled out a book she found on the boat.

How could Castor talk to Marisol? He struggled finding the words. Castor knew old Marisol. Punk, sarcastic, damned soul Marisol. Marisol knew angry, dicky, damned soul Castor. They were new people now, they were worthy souls now. Would that make things weird? Reminiscing on the damned past and being a worthy soul at the same time? They were different souls now. Castor was everything he wasn't back when he was a serpent. He was charitable, friendly, and cheerful. Would Marisol like him this way? What was she like now? What was she like as a worthy soul? He'd just have to get to know her all over again. He loved her and he needed to know why. Was it a past or present love?

"Hm?" Castor looked to the side of him as Marisol brought him out of thought process. "Oh? Flown? Well Castor the human, yes. I live in Cali and I've flown all over the country with my folks. Oh, I have those now by the way. They're way cool. Castor the sea serpent? He was capable of swimming but never flying. My wings were too small to support my body. That's why I wanted to be a dragon. Humans have some impressive machines." He gave a small nervous chuckle before rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "I know we were close in our old lives. I want to be close in this life, too, but we're different people. I'd like to get to know you. I think you have the wrong impression of me, I'm not that bad of a guy. The fraternity looks good on my resume, the frat has had several brothers go to the NFL." He knew this was something that they shouldn't focus on but he didn't want her to get the wrong impression of her. Things would go back to normal eventually, he wanted them to get along in real life.

"Did I mention that I always thought you were cute at parties but I never said anything because I knew you were too smart for me?"

Raven gave Delphina a frown when she complimented him and squeezed his hand, why was she the only one acting like she wasn't dying? It was almost unsettling how she seemed to already be giving into her fate. He couldn't do that... not yet at least. Especially not when Nora just spurted out the information she found. Part of him was insanely impressed and the other half had his ego a bit bruised. What was that saying about the student becoming the teacher? He wasn't a fan. "Well that's good news.... when we land we should rent something to travel in. Delphina can sprawl out in the back or something and then we can find a place to stay in while we investigate. "

Delphina's health was visibly deteriorating. It was clear. Quickly Raven was getting over his own... hold backs. His eyes drifted to her hand on his and he swallowed hard before he adjusted so his fingers laced through hers, his face flushing bright red as he turned to look out the window with a stone serious face.

Raven spent the whole flight like that before he eventually fell asleep with his head against the back of his seat. When they landed he woke with a bit of a start before remembering where he was. "Oh okay." It took a minute for the sleep to leave his brain and for him to realize he was still holding Delphina's hand. "Here... want some help?" He stood slowly and held out his other hand to help her stand up. Once she was ready he helped her off the plane and down to the rental car counter.

For a few moments he struggled to speak with the man behind the counter before he found someone who spoke better english and was finally able to convey they needed a rental that could house eight people comfortably... it wasn't until his card was swiped and he was outside holding the keys that he realized he rented a whole ass RV. "So anyone comfortable driving one of these things.... in a different country.... on a different side of the road...?"


Marisol stared at Castor for a long time as he spoke, he was mistaken. "I don't think you're a bad guy." She said it as if it was almost laughable, "I mean you've surely started some cat fights in our house but I mean it's not like the girls are saint like either." Her shoulders rose and fell in a shrug as he continued talking, it made her feel super terrible about avoiding him like she had been. "Castor I-I would really like that. It's not that I think you're a bad guy... just that memory thing was intense. It freaked me out a bit." It was embarrassing to tell someone you had been avoiding them because you held guilt in your stomach for nearly getting them killed. Especially when it was in a past life that she didn't even fully remember. When Castor mentioned she was "cute" her face went red and she rolled her eyes with a huff, "Oh fuck off."

The rest of the flight she spent talking to him about everything. The memories, the parties they'd been to together, her favorite movies and music and her reasons for wanting to pursue a career in criminal justice. It was such a great feeling having someone to talk to, the girls in the house were great but Marisol was so different from them. They were all classically pretty women with ideas of snagging a rich man or being a CEO. They all thought her dreams of being a PI were insane and could only equate her education to their hours spent watching Veronica Mars re reuns.

When they landed she almost didn't notice until Delphina and Raven walked passed them. "I guess we're here then...." How did they talk that long? Marisol let out a long yawn before standing and stretching her arms above her head. "Come on if we have a six hour car ride ahead of us I want to go get some snacks before Raven shoves us in some fucking hybrid bullshit." She made her way out of the plane and down to the main concourse where she found a little gift shop and bought arm fulls of chips and foreign candy before heading out to the parking lot with her haul.

"You've got to be fucking kidding, what is this National Lampoons? I don't even like normal driving big guy." Marisol slid past Raven and opened the door to the RV, climbing into the back and stealing a seat at the table where she sat down all the food. "You and Everest want to play the adult card so one of you figure it out!"

"Delphina you're literally dying, stop being so cheerful. It's freaking me out more than you dying." Yuu gave her a sideways smile as the sickly looking girl turned around and spoke to him. "Just rest okay," Yuu stiffened a little in his seat as Nora sat down... it was clear she was having a rough time of it too and he didn't know how to handle it. Ever since he came back into her life, he just made it worse it seemed. Her boyfriend was a total dickwad sure but whenever Yuu saw her on campus or at parties she was always smiling, now her face was red and puffy from crying.

"Nora no that's not it. You didn't do anything!" Her words caught him off guard as she opened her book. God how was he so fucking dense? "Nora I haven't been avoiding you because of you. "I've been hiding away because I don't want to make your life any harder. My memories just made this even more confusing than it already was." Yuu stopped and let out a sigh, leaning back in his seat and staring at the screen in front of him in silent contemplation for the rest of the flight.

When they landed he watched as the others slowly made their way off the plane before turning to Nora, "Nora I want to be around you so badly that it's hard to not but as selfish as it is going to sound... right now I just have to get through this. My head is this jumbled mess of my feelings for you in this life and the last and it doesn't help that I'm really trying to be considerate of your current relationship. It's just a lot to sort out when my best friend is dying in front of me and no matter how hard I try, I'm useless." Yuu hadn't noticed his eyes start to well up with tears. "I'm sorry." He swallowed hard and rubbed at his eyes before suddenly standing up. "Let's find the others yeah?"

Delphina felt her heart skip a beat when Raven laced his fingers together with hers. His hand was so warm and familiar. He fell asleep and she continued to hold onto his hand, her bright ocean blue eyes looking down at their hands. She was going to die soon, she just wanted to enjoy the time they had left together. Eventually her eyes grew heavy and she curled into the recliner, her hand holding his hand as she slept.

Once she fell asleep she found herself looking around a run down dark village. It was covered in a thick haze and she could barely make out anything past the old looking buildings. "Hello?" Delphina walked down the dirt path of the village and stopped when she seen the haze lift. The opening? A creepy looking forest. "Uh, hello? Is anyone there?" This was a dream. She had to wake up. A bright light shone from the forest and, as much as she wanted to fight it, she felt it call to her. "Is that the ocean I hear?" She bit her lip and walked into the forest.

Her eyes opened and she found herself back in the plane. "Oh, thank you..." Delphina shone him a small smile as she took Raven's hand and stood to her feet. Her hand held onto his as she followed him down to the rental car desk. Delphina was too distracted with her dream to listen to Raven try to communicate with the man at the counter.

Out on the curb Delphina blinked widely at the RV. "Oh. Well, this is perfect Raven. Thank you. Everest you can drive this, right?" She shot him a small weak smile before walking onto the RV. Quickly she grabbed Raven's hand and walked to the back of the bus. "Do you mind sitting with me for a little? I...I don't want to be alone." Her face flushed as she sat down on the bed. She didn't really want to go back to sleep but Raven wanted her to rest. She'd give sleep another shot.

Yuu wasn't mad at her. That was good, right? He wanted not to make her life any more complicated. How could it get more difficult? They were reincarnated souls running away from elf killers trying to keep their mermaid friend alive. Nora stayed quiet though and continued her reading. Eventually she fell asleep with the book on her chest. The plane ride was long but thankfully comfortable. When they landed her long lashes opened and watched as everyone got off the plane.

Nora stood and went to walk off the plane but froze when Yuu started to talk. Her green eyes landed on him and she listened to him. As the tears filled his eyes she felt her heart broke. "Yuu, we're going to fix this. Delphina's going to live and we're going to go back to our normal lives. You take as much time as you need. I'll be here to talk when everything is resolved." Nora wrapped her arms around Yuu to give him a soft sweet hug. "And if it makes you feel better Lincoln and I are over. You were right, I deserve someone better than that." Her cheeks heated as she took a step away from him. The hug made her heart race.

"Let's go catch up before they leave us." She took his hand and laced her fingers together with his before heading off the plane and to the curb with the others. Nora dropped Yuu's hand and squeezed passed the others and onto the RV. "I speak 6 languages but I don't drive in other countries. That's on one of you adults." Nora took a seat on the couch and opened her book back up, her legs tucking underneath her as she read her book.

The plane ride Everest spent watching a few movies before sleeping the rest of the time. When the group made their way off of the plane Everest made his way to the one of the shops. He purchased snacks and drinks for the ride before making his way to the curb with the others. "Raven good buddy, do you not speak German? I did my dissertation here comparing mental health of the US to those in European countries. I've spent a good year driving across Europe in a similar RV with a few colleagues." Everest couldn't help but chuckle quietly. "Get on the bus everyone, we're in for a ride."

Everest packed the snacks and drinks in the fridge before he got in the drivers seat. The six hours from the airport to the village was long. They went from the bustling airport to the long, empty countryside. The country was empty, he was sure they were lost but every time he asked Viola she assured them that they were on the right path. She had the map, that was the only way they were to find the place since it didn't appear on GPS. When Everest was about to ask Viola again they passed a sign that read Tauber. "We're here guys." The sign was covered in ivy and was broken in several places. The buildings were run down and falling apart.

As they pulled into the empty town square Everest parked the RV and stood from his seat. "Are you sure people even live here?" Everest had seen old towns before but this looked abandoned. Slowly he stepped off the bus and looked around. "Hallo?" He looked around at the ghost town and let out a small sigh. "Guys I don't think anyone lives here. Should we explore a little, see if anyone is still around?"

They talked for 10 hours straight and he had never had a better time. She was the same girl he had fallen in love with in he last life, determined, snarky, and smart. She was just more ambitious and brave in this life. He talked about his dreams of surviving college and getting scouted by the NFL, preferably the cowboys, but he wasn't picky. Talking to Marisol made him smile and feel whole. "Ay? Time to leave already?" Everyone was getting off the plane. Now that they were done talking he noticed how tired he was. "Yeah, snacks are a good idea. I could use a 6 hour nap, too." Castor stood and followed Marisol off the plane.

He bought some snacks before heading out and finding the others around the RV. "Oh. Interesting. As long as I'm not driving I guess." Castor sat across from Marisol at the table, snacking on some of the foreign and familiar food before he passed out for the remainder of the drive.

When the RV came to a halt Castor stirred awake and gave a long yawn. "Here already..?" He sat up and gave a long stretch. "Marisol." He tossled her hair before standing to his tall stature. "Time to go explore." He walked off of the RV and looked around. Were they fucking kidding him? "This is a goddamned ghost town, no one here can help us because there isn't anyone here!" They were running out of time. Delphina looked like the reaper guy did, she didn't have very long. This was their saving grace.

"Are you positive separating is a good idea?"

Raven followed Delphina and sat in the back as she rested during their trip. He took the opportunity to search anything he could about this city on his poorly working phone. There wasn’t very much information he could find, small, very little population, no major events or culture. It honestly just seemed like a small country town that you could find anywhere.

When they pulled up Raven expected to at least see a sign of life outside their windows beyond plants but there was nothing...

“Delphina.” Raven reached over and gently shook her shoulder with a small smile, “were here, let’s go take a look.” He didn’t wait for her to wake fully, instead he slipped his arms under her and scooped her up in his arms and made their way outside, keeping an arm under hers as he set her down to support her weight. Each minute she got paler, it was really starting to freak him out.

“I think taking a look around is a good idea.” Raven eyes Delphina carefully, unsure if she could do much walking at all. “We can kind of stick around here... watch the RV a bit and call if we see anyone.”

As soon as they landed in Germany, Viola was upset. Something deep in her was reacting very adversely to being here but she didn’t know why. Her intuition was screaming danger while her head was confused as to why. No one else seemed to get that feeling so it wasn’t something that happened as a group. It had to be something that happened in her first life... the one she was trying her damndest to avoid. Viola had refused the memory capsule but apparently that wasn’t enough... her old self was wanting so badly to peek through.

Viola remained silent as they got into the RV and began driving, only giving simple answers to lead Everest in the right direction in accordance with the map. Every inch closer to this town was making her stomach tie itself in knots and when they finally parked Viola was in a full blown panic attack.

After a few deep breaths Viola gathered herself and exited the RV to join in the situation. Splitting up? Perfect. “I’ll just, ill head that way.” Viola didn’t stop and wait, “I’ll call. Keep in touch if I find anything.” Her voice was hoarse with anxiety but she needed to get away from everyone before she threw up in front of them all.

Viola turned around a building and found an alley before leaning over a trash can and letting herself puke. It didn’t help. Her stomach was still in so much pain and her heart was beating out of her chest. It was so hot even though it wasn’t even that warm outside... she needed to get out of the sun! That would help. Without paying much attention Viola pushed on a few doors until one was unlocked. It seemed to be some sort of abandoned bakery.

The familiar smell of dust and mold filled her nostrils and she dropped to the floor. Above her on the ceiling a bunch of symbols were carved into the wood. Viola should have called someone but her body wouldn’t listen, all she could do was sit and panic.

“Hmm?” Marisol whined and wiped away a bit of drool from her mouth as Castor ruffled her hair. They were already there? It felt like she had closed her eyes for two seconds let alone six hours. There was no way! Slowly she stood and trudged off the RV without bothering to fix her messy hair.

The others were already talking and it took her a moment to get up to speed. “Wait no! That’s a terrible fucking idea!” Viola stormed away before Marisol could finish protesting. Her heart was in her throat and before she knew it her hands were gently wrapping around Castors arm. “What about splitting up sounds sane? Every time we split up someone almost dies!” Her memory of all that blood was coming back and making her chest hurt. “I mean Delphina is in this situation because of us splitting up and-and...” it’s happened before but I don’t really remember all the details but still this is stupid? Marisol thought to herself but let her voice fall flat.

“I mean I know we need to cover ground quickly here but...” Marisol looked over at Delphina leaning against Raven and swallowed hard. They needed to move super quickly. “Okay okay fine. We should all call each other now on like an open group call or something. So if something bad starts we instantly know. I just still don’t have my phone... and someione needs to find Viola.”

They broke up and the hug that Nora gave him was honestly more head clearing than anything else had been this entire time. Yuu had thought that being close to her would be confusing but honestly it was refreshing and calming. Nora was like his zen in a way...

On the RV Yuu sat beside her and peered over Nora’s shoulder as she read, though he was only reading sentences as she finished whole pages so he didn’t really know what was going on in the damn thing. Once the stopped he finally looked up and out the window and let out a defeated whine. How the fuck were they supposed to find someone to help them here? He felt his anxiety begin to rise again and it only worsened when Raven walked passed with Delphina. Just in six hours she was so much more pale and frail... “We have to find something here Nora. Or I think this is really it... we can’t keep carting her around the world on any lead we get. Something here has to be the answer.” He swallowed and gently took Nora’s hand. “Thank you by the way. For figuring this much out, I am so impressed by you.” I

After everyone else was off the RV, Yuu planted a small kiss on the top of Nora’s head before heading off the RV and finding they were already missing a person. “Where’d Viola go? Are we splitting up then? Good idea.”

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