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Have you ever gotten that feeling that you know something is over? And you’re not sure whether you’re happy or sad. Instead you’re this strange mix of relieved and hurt. That’s instantly what Yuu felt when Delphina rolled over to Raven and said his name. He was relieved that it wasn’t just him feeling conflicted but hurt. It was just a lot to handle and right now all he knew was that he loved Delphina like family and only wanted to make sure she was safe. So romantics and drama aside, he was focused on her. Whatever that sick carving was in her skin was bad news for them all.

Delphina napped and everyone did their thing. Yuu laid on the floor and stared at the ceiling before suddenly blurting out to Raven. “You’re going to find out what it means right?” He sat up on his elbows and peered over at the man with a slight glare. He was still mad that this ass felt the need to yell at Viola but he could understand the stress he was under.

Nora walked in and Yuus eyes instantly moved to her, his chest fluttered and he cleared his throat. “Hey uh, I just wanted to say you were impressive back there. And thank you.” He gave her a whole hearted smile just as Delphina started to rustle on the couch.

Castor and Marisol also joined and now the gang was all here. Everest was jumping in a little too quick though. “Hey maybe let the girl fully wake up? Try and take a bite of food. Then you can start your interrogation.”

Viola was fuming. How dare he speak to her that way! There a leader inside of Viola that was pissed about being yelled at by that fucking bird and it wasn’t the sorority house president that was for sure. When Everest asked for her help cooking she had half a mind to tell him to choke but instead she just followed without a single word.

Cooking kind of took her mind of things and calmed her down. It made her realize that the time that she was stuck in the window was not enough time for someone to carve something into anyone. It still didn’t mean she was wrong. Raven still shouldn’t have tried to play bad ass. He’s a fucking glorified librarian.

“Do you have a single adult taste bud?” Viola sighed at Castor as she finished dressing a salad for everyone and setting it with the rest of the food.

Delphina stirred and as Viola was gathering herself a plate she heard Everest ask her about what happened. Viola tried not to be a know it all but something in her mind was screaming at her that she knew something about what happened although not the full story. It had to have been some form of magic right? No physical weapon could do that that quickly.

Raven brushed his hands over Delphinas hair the entire time she was unconscious getting the stitches. Once Nora was finally done Raven and Yuu got her to the couch carefully and tucked her in all the while avoiding saying a single word to the other. They had both accused each other of being at fault and honestly they both were. They both failed at keeping her safe.

While Delphina slept, Raven sat in the living room in a chair near the window while flipping through multiple printed files of ancient symbols and runes but nothing really looked close to the thing on Delphinas skin. But Raven was determined. If in this life he had to keep himself in check being her teacher, he would do what he could by utilizing that role the best he could. When Yuu spoke up from the ground Raven could barely stop himself from yelling again.

Thankfully Delphina stirring saved him from any form of reply. When she woke he was able to let go a sigh or relief that he didn’t even know he was holding in. Raven was confident she would be okay but still seeing it and thinking it were two different things. “Hey, how’re you feeling? Do you need anything at all?” Raven closed the papers and walked over to her spot on the couch, giving her a weak smile as Marisol brought over some food.

Everest immediately started asking questions and Raven rolled his eyes at Yuus response. Childish. “It looks like a rune. Or at least something magical. I just have zero clue what it could even mean. Books can only go so far.... sometimes I wish we could shake our pst selves fully awake to answer some questions.”

Her eyes searched the room and she couldn't help but smile at everyone. Yuu who was on the floor, Raven in the chair, and everyone else as they walked in. She had a new found appreciation for everyone and everything in her life. "I'm alright, I really am. Just a little groggy. A little hungry too. Stop fussing." Delphina shifted slightly to sit up and grab the plate of food. "Thanks Marisol." Delphina cheerfully hummed as if nothing had happened a few hours ago. Her brows arched curiously as Everest began to ask her questions, everyone basically scolding him for doing so. She quickly swallowed her bite before speaking up again.

"I'm tired but I can still answer questions. About the thing on my stomach..." Well, she supposed it would come out eventually. Delphina preferred for it to come out later but, well, here they were. "It happened when I jumped from the window. It was as soon as I landed. One of the guys in the masks grabbed me by my neck, put his hand on my stomach and his hand started to glow and all I felt was a bad burning. He let me go and disappeared. There wasn't any blood at the time, just a real bad burning. My clothes weren't even burned, I don't know how it happened." She took a bite of the noodles before laying back against the arm rest.

When Raven made his way over to her she couldn't help but smile bashfully, her long lashes batting as she looked up at him. No matter what he did, in both this life and the last, he made her heart flutter. She never got tired of it. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't want you to worry, lord knows we have enough going on right now." Delphina suddenly winced and her hand went to her stomach as she tried to sit up. "I'm sorry to have worried you so much. All of you, I'm so sorry. And thank you again for patching me up Nora, I'm sure I would have been a goner otherwise."

Nora had come to a decision she was going to keep her feelings for Yuu deep down so that they never came out and ruined things. That didn't stop her heart from skipping a beat when he looked at her, that didn't stop the heat that spread across her face as he thanked her, and it didn't stop his smile from making her weak in the knees. Why did she have to feel like this about him? It wasn't fair. "Well, thank you. I guess I didn't do too bad for a pre-med girl. I'm sure any of you could have done the stitches if I weren't here though, they're not anything impressive. Besides, Delphina was my best friend back in the day. Well, other than you." Her cheeks flushed once more. Stop it. She wanted the memories to go away and stop hurting her heart.

Tears burned in her eyes when she seen Delphina start to stir. "Hey there, champ." She wiped away the tears in her eyes. Nora had been holding her breath until an hour ago. She was afraid that Delphina would have some type of internal injury and her blood pressure would crash on her. "I don't need your athletic counseling you insane woman. You're going to take it easy until you heal, doctors orders." Castor came in asking about pizza before Everest made his entrance announcing dinner was ready. Marisol was already moving out into the room and handing Delphina a plate before taking her seat.

Nora slipped out of the room as it filled up and she made her way into the kitchen. She grabbed a plate for both her and Yuu before making her way back to the others, her green eyes avoiding Yuu as she handed him a plate. It was then she noticed something move outside. "You guys eat, I'll do the next patrol." Nora sat down her plate and grabbed the flashlight off of the glass table with a small yawn. How long did she sleep for last night? Did she even sleep? She couldn't remember. The series of events had been a whirlwind.

Quietly she made her way outside and shone the flashlight around the pitch black wooded area. It must have been her imagination. She shone the light on the bushes and trees nearby and followed the line of bushes around the house. Why did she bother coming outside though? She was useless when it came to confrontation. A sudden flashback of her running through a terrifying wooden area made Nora freeze in her tracks. Her hands began to tremble as a sense of fear washed over her. "Is anything out here?" Her usually steady hands shook as she tried to hold on to the flashlight.

"You're laying into me about my taste buds, which are very manly sexy and great by the way, when the dipshit counselor is interrogating a student that hurt on his watch? Yeah I'm the bad guy here. Pizza's great for you, mind body and soul. Mad props to the creator of pizza, I would invite the guy over for a beer for Friday night kegger." Castor shot a glare at Viola as he defended himself. Childish? Yeah, right. He was a grown man. When Marisol walked into the room she looked slightly off, like she had seen something that bothered her. His face twisted curiously as he watched her sit down. What did she see? Then she turned to him and nearly dropped her food. His eyes widened slightly. Was it him? Was he triggering the memory? Shit. What did he do now? He let out a small sigh. Castor knew in the past life he wasn't the best person. He didn't think he was a bad person now. Sure he hazed a bunch of guys, had a bunch of lady friends, and skipped out on school to sleep in more often then not, but he tried his best to be good. He volunteered to work with the homeless all the time, spent a bunch of time volunteering in the community. Maybe subconsciously he knew he sucked as a person back then?

Marisol probably remembered the bad him and she just didn't want to look at him. He couldn't blame her, really. He did remember her being sad because of him, though he didn't know why. Castor didn't deserve such a fun, sweet girl like Marisol. "I'm not eating salad, I'm not a rabbit." Castor walked into the kitchen and got a plate of food before returning to the room. By then Nora was gone and Delphina was explaining what happened.

"Jesus, a ball of light did that to you? Shit these guys could be using some weird freaky kind of magic. Maybe the voice would know something about the symbol." If Raven couldn't find it they had no one else to turn to. No one was safe anymore, he didn't even know if they could trust the voice, but he was right about the fact that people were hunting them.

Yes it was wrong that everyone was angry with each other. Everyone had reasons to be mad, he just wished they wouldn't fight or be angry at each other. Though, Everest had always been the more mature and mellow person of the group. Raven yelling at Viola did tick Everest off, but he pushed the feelings back down. Raven was scared and hurt from what was happening to Delphina. They were in love in the past after all. Apparently him focusing on keeping those feelings down made Everest a little blunt. "Sorry, Delphina. I wasn't trying to be insensitive." His cheeks heated with embarrassment. Everest leaned against the wall of the room and quietly ate as he listened to Delphina explain what happened.

The man had her literally for a few seconds and managed to magically carve the rune into her stomach. This was some otherworldly magic even from what he remembered from the past. And, unfortunately, Castor had a point. Though it was a very dangerous idea. "The voice hasn't said two words to us since we were attacked. For all we know he could have been the one to set up the attack against us." It was a classic tactic of war. What was the saying, keep your friends close and your enemies closer? Pretend to be on their side just to betray them? "If we contact him we risk the chance of him finding us. Maybe the people after us are following him, he could lead them to us unknowingly. I say we just stay here for a few more days. Hopefully everything will blow over and we can all return to our lives."

As nice as it was to spend time with the old crew again they all had new lives. Living in the past wasn't a life any of them should live, they all had futures to look forward to and work for. The thought left a knot in his gut but...it was true. This would end soon and they wouldn't talk to each other again.

“Nora you have nothing to apologize for.” Raven made his way to her side and patted her on the head a few times with a serious face. “I’m sorry you had to go through that, we should have had a better plan for escape that night. You don’t have to be sorry for us worrying. It’s because we’re your friends.” Slowly he let his hand fall back to his side as he turned to look at Everest and Castor as they spoke.

“While I whole heartedly agree that contacting him somehow is dangerous, I don’t think it’s because the voice is dangerous.” His shoulders rose and fell in a shrug. “I don’t know about you guys but I wasn’t scared of him when he spoke before. He felt familiar. In a good way. But people might be watching for us to attempt to reach out.”

On cue Nora grabbed a flashlight and went outside. He pinched his nose in his fingers and let out a sigh. “Speaking of dangerous. Not being sexist but I don’t know if I think the girl that told the story about struggling to run in the woods should really be alone on watch?”

Yuu watched as Raven and Delphina ogled at each other and he pulled in a deep breath. It was going to be hard but he needed to constantly remind himself that Raven cared, he was just a fucking idiot when it came to being a person rather than a book. His attention was pulled away as Nora handed him a plate and his heart swelled, a smile spreading across his face.

He didn’t deserve her kindness.

Before Yuu could even thank Nora she was heading off to do patrol. That wasn’t a great plan. He shoved a few quick bites into his mouth before rolling his eyes at Ravens comment. “You’re that guy that says I’m not trying to be mean but and then proceeds to be mean.” Yuu set down his plate and turned on his heel to head outside as well.

“Nora?” Yuu called into the darkness as her peered to the right and left. “Nora what way did you go?” In the corner of his eye he saw a bit of light and let out a chuckle as he rounded the corner. His face fell when he saw her, she looked pale and terrified. “Hey Nora!” He ran over to her and stood in front of her, wrapping a hand behind himself and around her to push her behind him. “Did you see something?”

Yuu peered into the shadows and struggled to see something. Maybe it was a raccoon or something? Then it moved again and Yuu jumped. “Hey is someone there!”

Marisol continued to pick at her food quietly. Her brain constantly going back to the visions of blood. It was so stupid, she had seen the worst shit before and this little memory or whatever it was was making her stomach do flips in the worst possible way. After a few pushes of her food she decided to stand and take her dish to the sink, scraping the contents into the garbage disposal before placing the dirty dish in the washer.

“I felt like I knew him too. It wasn’t just Raven.” Marisol turned with a flat voice and shrugged a little. “Though that still doesn’t mean he’s safe I guess. Castors right though... whoever he is he would probably be able to shed the light on a lot of things.”

Delphinas wound, their pasts, what happened. Something had been bothering her for a while about this whole past life business. Having a past life meant they were dead right? The idea sent a shiver down her spine.

“But unless he magically starts talking in our heads again the only thing we can really do is keep vigilant here and hope Raven can find something. Right?” Marisol moved closer to the living room again and sent a glance to her side at Castor. “I mean one of us already got injured, we really shouldn’t do anything that could put anyone else in danger.”
The kids were together, they were safe. Well, for now. The Reaper, ex-reaper he should say, had done all he could to prevent harm to these souls. He wanted to protect them but his time was nearly up. His powers were fading, the shield around the frat house failed and that's how they were found. Reaper was like a broken limb, he didn't work. He was THE Reaper, the one that reaped all souls since the beginning of time. He survived off of reaping souls. For his punishment of rewriting history and altering fate his scythe was destroyed and he was banished from Hell. Now he was dying.

Nora turned around and the man in the black hood leaped into the bushes. He stayed there for a long moment holding his breath and hoping she didn't try to find him. He couldn't face them, he couldn't tell them he failed. He exhaled the breath he had been holding when he heard the door open. Shit.

Reaper did his best to stay still as she circled the house and shone the flashlight around. Reaper jumped across the way when she moved her flashlight down, jumping behind a tree. He hoped to have gotten away but froze as he heard both Nora's and Yuu's voice. "Shit." He was found.

"Don't freak out. I'm not here to hurt you." He walked out and lowered his hood before holding his hands up so they could see them. While Reaper was pale before now he was just sickly pale and practically gray. His face was sunken in slightly and his eyes had heavy bags on them. That's what happens when a 4 billion old Reaper dies, he just quickly sinks into himself and turns into dust. "You don't remember me but I remember you guys. Yuu, Nora. Good to see you together. Did you end up together like you wanted to?"

Yuu's voice make Nora come back to reality. She felt faint from the flashback. "I thought I saw something-" Before she knew it someone was coming out into the open. Nora couldn't help it, she squealed quietly and ran directly into Yuu's arm. She buried her face into her chest as her heart beat loudly in her ears, her hands wrapping around him for a tight hug. She was terrified as her eyes clenched shut. "Wait, that's the voice..." Nora's cheeks flushed as she turned her head around him. She shone the light on him slowly and her heart sank. Beyond the gray color and sickly appearance of the man he did seem familiar, though none of the memories came to her.

"O-Oh." Nora quickly dropped her arms from around Yuu and stepped away. "Sorry, Yuu." She averted eye contact with him and quickly looked to the guy in front of them. "You look really sick, are you okay? Come in and get some rest." This guy was a familiar stranger and she didn't feel threatened by him at all. All she wanted to do was help. Nora walked to him and grabbed his cold hand before escorting him into the large lake house. "Guys, don't freak out. He's not here to hurt us. It's the voice." Nora escorted the man to the plush love seat and sat him down. She grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around his now thin frame. "You're freezing. Are you hungry? Thirsty? How long have you been out there?" Nora grabbed a second blanket and threw it around his shoulders.

Could someone explain why those simple little pats on her head warmed her heart? The smile on her face wouldn't go away. The boys started to talk about the voice and it made her perk up. He'd know something about what happened to her. He'd know who these people were. They needed answers, too bad he wasn't there to help. "I think he'd help us if he could." The voice was their friend, he warned them about the impending danger. They would have already been dead if it wasn't for the voice.

"Raven I know you said you didn't mean to be sexist, but it was a little sexist." Delphina couldn't help but giggle quietly, her eyes watching as Yuu walked off after Nora. Yuu was always protecting Nora and looking out for her, he couldn't help himself. They were perfect for each other. Too bad Raven didn't think Delphina was perfect for him. Not in this life at least, last life she was worthy. It was bittersweet. Her smile slowly turned sad as she thought more and more about it.

Delphina fell silent and curled up under the blanket. Her heart was hurting. Fortunately Nora came in and dragged Delphina out of her funk. "W-Whoa." The voice had a body too? "You don't look to good. But, um. Can I ask you what this is?" Delphina pulled down the blanket and pulled up her shirt slightly to reveal the symbol. Well, what was left of the symbol. Two of the lines were completely gone, completely healed like nothing happened. the stitch string fell onto her lap as she sat up slowly. "W-What..?" A sense of panic shot through her. The symbols were all connected earlier, right? She wasn't going crazy was she?

Suddenly everyone was all for the stranger that totally let them walk right into a trap. Nora went to patrol, bad idea, and Yuu went after her, an even worse idea. Could he even fight? Castor went to argue with the others but the door opened and in walked not just Nora but a man in a long black robe. This was the voice? He was friendly? The more Castor looked at him the more he supposed she was right. The man didn't look like he meant them harm. In fact the man didn't look too good. He looked like his grandpa when he was dying. The thought put a lump in his stomach. "I'll uh, go get him some food." Castor ran into the kitchen and threw his plate into the sink. He grabbed a new plate and piled the food onto the plate.

Once he grabbed a bottle of water he ran back out to the living room and sat the food and water in front of the guy bundled in the blankets. Delphina went to show the run or whatever and she started to freak out. "At least you're not in a pool of blood anymore-" His jaw dropped when he noticed several lines gone like they never happened. "Holy fuckin' shit." This was some freaky voo doo shit and he didn't like it. "Where did those lines go?" He knew no one would have the answer but he was still in shock.
The fact that all the kids were being so caring and considerate made him know he had done the right thing. His entire existence has been taking things away from their lives and splitting them up. But ever since this group of souls came into his care he knew their system was broken. They take souls and rehabilitate them but them return them to different realities? These kids learned a lot from each other! And returning them to some false reality was cruel.

“Thank you.” He smiled as he was set to rest and given some food. He sipped at the water and took a bite to be polite but he knew it would do no good. Suddenly he let out a violent cough and a little bit more of him faded.

“That’s why I’m here. I needed to try and talk to you all.... I’m just sad to see I was right about the frat house. I’m so sorry I failed you there Delphina.” He frowned at the sight of her wound. “It’s a spell that the missionaries use to track their targets. It will slowly fade and lose its potency but as it fades it also will return the victim to their destined fate.” He paused to cough once more and suddenly it was very hard for him to breathe, his chest on fire. “I don’t know how to stop it. Elves were never my thing.” Another shuddering cough. “Castor, come here boy.”

The man summoned the serpent boy and weakly lifted his hand to present the pouch in his hand. “I stole these memory capsules before I was banished. They’re the strongest of the strong. Be sure you’re ready for them because they’ll bring the good and the bad. There’s enough for you each to have one.”

“I don’t want to scare you kids but, I’m dying. And I don’t know if it’ll be pretty...”

Marisol watched in amazement at Nora and Yuu as they entered with a strange yet familiar man. When he opened his mouth she gasped at the sound of his voice. Was this really him? The voice that started all this? Part of her wanted to punch him in the face and the other wanted to cry and hug him, thanking him for what he had done for them. Marisol was holding a bit of pent of resentment due to the total confusion she was in but seeing a man who was this bad of shape who had done this for them was a little humbling.

“Wait what?” Marisol spattered, adjusting her stance before moving to lean against the chair with a frown. “I thought you supposedly changed things because you thought our destiny was like this or Something? What do you mean it will return her to her destiny?” Something felt wrong.

Marisol was about to go into more questioning when he called for Castor and she watched with wide eyes. Memory capsules? Maybe they would stop her from these terrifying visions, if she had an answer for them she can only assume they would stop. When the man went on to explain he was dying she didn’t really know what to say... in this life she had never really dealt with death.

Despite the situation Yuu couldn’t help but remain red faced at the mans question about him and Nora, even after escorting him inside. Nora and Castor made sure to make the man comfortable but Yuu was still slightly skeptical. How did he get in the gate? How did he know where they were? If he could get in here without them noticing could the other people who had already attacked them once?

Yuu had been zoned into his own thoughts when he finally tuned back into the discussion about Delphinas wound. “Wait elves? Elves did this? Like .... Orlando Bloom type elves?” He just couldn’t wrap his head around the idea of those things actually existing. Even with all the shit he had learned.

The man continued to speak and Yuu found himself taking a place on the floor and listening silently. The idea of getting some of his memory back was thrilling but also terrifying. What if something really bad had happened? Something that he didn’t want to have to relive ? I mean he had died once right? What if that came up?


“I thought you said this place had amazing security! How did he get passed all that?!” Viola stammered a bit as Nora and Yuu returned with a strange man. They explained but Viola was still shaken. Her usual cold resting bitch face was actually showing a bit of shock and fear in it.

The man began giving his talk and Viola shivered when he mentioned the elves, her body just reacted. Then her vision went blank. Pure darkness. Her heart was pounding in her chest and then suddenly it just went away and she was back to normal. What in the fuck was that? Something about the mention of elves was making her want to lock herself in a closet and never risk anything ever again...

It was the same feeling that made her even more terrified at the idea of getting her memories back. “Did you ever think that you’re meddling hurt us more than helped us?” Viola spat the words like venom, just falling from her lips without any way for her to stop them. “I liked my life. And now I’m in mental anguish because of all this!”

Viola didn’t stick around to hear the rest, she snatched her bottle of water from the counter and turned, stomping off to the bedroom she had been staying in before throwing herself into the pillows and covers with an uncontrollable sob.

Raven had been listening silently the entire time. For the mans speech, Violas tantrum and Yuus stupid comment. Although... maybe it wasn’t that stupid.

“Most mythology text books and papers are westernized abominations of real stories told by generations and generations of people. In our country we get a lot of shit about elves in popular culture that have ruined our outlook on them in any sort of honest fashion.” Raven rambled a bit before turning to the man, right now he only cared about one thing. Making sure Delphina didn’t have to follow through with whatever happened when that symbol faded.

“We have to find where to get better information. None of us were elves in our past lives but maybe our memories can give us an idea of one right? Or where at least to start? I assume if you knew much more than you lead on you would tell us.”

Raven felt terrible perstering a dying man but that was just it; he was dying. And he sounded very finite about it. Like there was nothing they could do to help even if they tried. But Delphina they could help. “If that thing is tracking her I can only assume it won’t be long until they show up here. Especially with you finding this place as well....”

Raven looked over at Delphina and he felt his throat tighten. If she really was in this much danger he had to get over himself. He had to stop thinking he was a teacher and couldn’t be near her, he had to make sure she was safe.
The reaper gave a small sad smile, his eyes showing his remorse. It wasn’t remorse for his own fate but for theirs. “I am truly sorry for putting you all in such danger. I don’t expect to be forgiven for what I’ve done. You all wanted to be together. You help each other grow and be good people. I thought I’d do one good thing in my life.” He fell quiet as soon as he handed Castor the capsules. His smile fell as he felt his soul weaken even more. His hands began to turn to dust.

“I don’t regret changing your fates so you all would meet. I’m sorry Viola hates me for doing this to you, you all don’t deserve to die this young. Maybe one day she’ll be thankful for the road she’s on, I just wanted her to feel safe and loved and be the leader she was born to be. Castor, Marisol, I never regretted saving your damned souls, you were worthy of reincarnation in the end. You deserved the lives you both have, you both are happy.Everest, please look out for everyone. You’re the best guardian anyone could ask for. Nora and Yuu, you have always been good for each other. I hope you help each other in this life. Raven, I’m sorry. You and Delphina were going to grow old together. Delphina I’m sorry, I failed to keep you safe. You’ll return to the ocean when that seal fades, you can’t outrun it. The rest of you can outrun the elves though. They came from ancient Germany, maybe try studying them so you can fight back?” And with his final goodbyes said Reaper turned into a small pile of ash onto the floor. It was the end of his reign as the Reaper of souls. Someone else would take his place, that he was sure of.

One thing Hell could have never stripped him of was his love for those kids. If they could touch his could dead heart then they could beat an ancient team of highly trained magical elves.
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Listening to the man in black speak as he turned to dust was heart wrenching. He just wanted them all to live long happy lives. Hell, if Delphina lived through this she was supposed to be with Raven! ...ha. From the sounds of it Delphina wasn’t getting out alive. She’d become part of the ocean right? Then why did the idea hurt her chest so badly? The old her would have loved it. The current life Delphina wanted to be selfish and live a life with Raven like she was supposed to.

Fate was mean and cruel taking her away like this.

After a long moment Delphina winced and struggled to stand to her feet, her hand gently grasping Ravens hand to steady herself. Her cheeks heated gently as she tried to find the words. “I know it’s selfish to ask, but, do you guys mind staying with me until I...well until the lines fade? Probably no more than two or three days. I know it’s a lot to ask, but we can go out on the yacht. It’ll be safe, we’ll be surrounded by water. Kind of ironic, really.” Her smile faltered for a moment before she shook it off.

Delphina grabbed a small vase and whimpered quietly as she bent over to scoop the ash into the vase. Her body tensed heavily as she stood back up. “You don’t have to, if you wish to go to Germany I’ll have you all flown there. I just don’t want to be alone for my final days.” Grief and sadness was the washing over her, Delphina didn’t even feel like putting up a fight at this point.

“I’m uh, going to the boat started. Raven you come keep me steady, I’m tired of you keeping your nose buried in some book. It won’t help right now anyway.” Delphina gently tugged him out of the house with her. Her fingers held onto Raven tightly, as if letting go would mean she’d die. It was all too surreal. “We’ll live it up on a party boat for a few days, I’ll die, and you guys can vacation in Germany. By Monday you’ll be back in class like nothing had ever happened.” Raven never really cared for Delphina much in this life anyway, maybe that made this a little easier.

It wasn’t long before Delphina was limping onto the dock and into the large boat garage. She held onto the vase and Raven as she slowly made her way across the bridge that led onto the deck or the large boat. “This is it.” This would be where she died. The thought made her stomach churn. “Thank you for being there for me, Raven. I know you have to be because you’re my teacher. To be honest, I was going to do so much better in all of your classes if I lived. I was actually excited for school.” Delphina’s pretty lips smiled sadly as she walked up the stairs to the driving cabin on the top of the boat. Once inside she sat the vase down and looked out the glass at the water. It was selfish for a mermaid to want anything other than being one with the water wasn’t it? Even though the body was human her soul still had a destiny.

Everything that was happening was a complete whirlwind. Viola was angry, the Reaper guy was giving Castor some capsules, he gave heart wrenching goodbyes and then he turned to ash. Delphina was a goner and so were they if they stayed with her. They couldn’t leave her or give up on a cure, she was their friend. Nora refused to give up this easily. “Raven will find a cure, he’s smart.” Nora had to put her faith in him because she had no clue what to do. Delphina couldn’t die, she was the person that everyone loved.

“It’ll be okay, Yuu. We just have to hope that we can save her.” Nora gave Yuu’s hand a small squeeze. “I’m going to stay on the yacht with Delphina, she’s in no condition to travel. I have to keep an eye on her.” Nora didn’t want to die or be tracked by the elves, but, there was no way Nora would ever leave someone to deal with this on their own.

Nora glanced over at Castor with a small smile. “We can all take the capsules on the boat together if you’d like. Maybe we could reminisce or something?” Nora’s fingers gently grazed Yuu’s before she grabbed a flashlight and headed down to the boat house. The yacht was huge but at this point she didn’t expect anything less. It was dark though. Nora walked inside the sleek modern decorated yacht and flipped a switch by the door, the lights flicking on and lighting up the deck and the inside of the boat. From the outside it looked to have three stories. A little much for a lake boat, wasn’t it? Nora wasn’t really rich so didn’t know.
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Castor swore he never met this man before but, yet, he seemed so familiar. His words broke his heart. For some reason this guy and his words made him think of his own father. Castor listened, absorbed all he had to say, and even held out his hands for the small velvet black bag. He stared at them in amazement, not even paying attention as Viola yelled and stormed out. He listened intently as the reaper spoke his goodbyes. Warm tears threatened to spill from his eyes and he felt one escape, the back of his hand quickly wiping the rest away. This guy saved him in his past life. Castor has absolutely no memory of being saved but he did have an overwhelming feeling. Reaper didn’t deserve to die.

Neither did Delphina. From the sound of it though Delphina didn’t stand a chance. Her time was ticking down rapidly and in a few short days their friend would be gone. She’d return to her original fate. The rest of them just had to avoid the elves.

“We should stay for Delphina. The guy in black would want us to, and Delphina would stay for us if the roles were reversed.” Castor held onto the capsule bag for dear life before grabbing the flashlight with the other. “Marisol care to join me? Everest go escort Viola. If she even wants to come.” Castor gave a small sigh before walking outside. “Do you remember him at all?” Maybe it was just Castor going crazy. That guy was the only one to ever believe in him in the past life. He didn’t deserve to die, not for giving them long happy lives. Why should they die young? Why should they be separated? It wasn’t right. They were all meant to be friends!

“Shit I don’t even want to know how much this boat cost.” Castor looked around as he walked inside the yacht. “I can’t bring myself to leave a member of the group behind. I’m not that big of an asshole.” Castor let out a long depressed sigh before looking down at the bag in his hand. “I’m scared of what we’ll see, guys.”

The man was open and honest with them, and maybe that’s what was hurting. He held nothing back not even the bad. Viola’s reaction to him? Natural. She was angry and hurt and Everest didn’t blame her. When the man addressed them and said his peace and goodbyes Everest felt his heart wrench as the man turned to dust.

“I’ll go let Viola know.” Everest walked up the stairs slowly so he could absorb everything happening. Delphina was as good as dead basically. Their lives? Illegal in the laws of the universe. The only guy watching over them? A pile of ash scooped into a vase.

Viola was right to be angry. Everest wished that he was. Instead he felt sadness and a feeling of dread. They were going to the boat to spend Delphinas last days with her. “Viola.” He knocked quietly on her door with a long sigh. “The boat will be much safer, Delphina wants to spend her last days on it. Do you want to come out with us and try to cheer her up?”

Raven couldn’t believe what was happening in front of him. When people died they didn’t turn to ash without the help of cremation. Then again, so far everything around them was insane. Nothing seemed real anymore. This person who was trying their best to help them was suddenly gone and honestly leaving them with more questions than answers. What did they need to look for? Was there even a way to help Delphina? Why did he meddle ? Why was this their new reality? All the questions made Ravens head spin.

Raven went red when Delphinas hand grabbed his and she started talking. “Of cruise Delphina.” At first his words sounded like a promise for the others. “I Mean, at least I will.” He had to stop being stupid like this. If she truly was going to ... die ... he had to let this idea go. This idea that the age difference is so terrible. They’re age really wasn’t the different, it was the authority thing. An appropriateness to the situation that was wrong.

As his inner turmoil boiled, Delphina pulled him off toward the boat. He wanted to tell her everything was going to be okay but it was something he couldn’t promise her no matter what he wanted. Raven was going to try his danders to fix this but.... he couldn’t promise anything.

Delphina went to the driving cabin and soon the others were joining, discussing the memory capsules.”I think we need to know as much as we can. Either just to know how to help... or just to know as much as we can about ourselves before we don’t have the change.” Raven pushed back his dark hair before glancing over at Delphina. He wanted to remember more about her than just this feeling in his chest.
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