Chaos Incarnate
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Miyuki, the purple one, gave a soft smile and was glad to see Regula was joining them even after all that had transpired. It felt like this would probably have been an extremely confusing and overwhelming day for the Baroness. Despite her comment of having to swap from having bedspace to space in the keep, the other two faltered a little with nervous yet surprised awkward smiles having been a little offtaken by the comment but choosing to pass it by. Purple-floofa remained in her peacefully cheery state, not picking up on anything except for the matter that Regula could still provide them place to stay. Though Miyuki did speak on the point of Regula being confused.
"I think we're all a little bit confused right now, I know I am... this isn't really the kind of thing any of us are used to, so it's probably gonna take a while of figuring out. People probably don't split into multiple others on the Regula... I-I mean, regular" Miyuki spoke as she fidgeted with her hands in her lap, Aquaia laughing a little at the mixup.
"Yeah. I don't blame anyone else, but it feels like my mind's been a little bit... overtaken and all jumbled up since being caught up in all of this. I can barely remember anything at all about myself and such, only what feels like vague thoughts of stuff and people I've known since getting you stuck in my head... " Aquaia answered, feeling like she may have been the one who was the most stumped of all. It felt like she couldn't remember her origins or past in the slightest.
"Uuh, I remember the brush thing, I remember the stuff that happened over a lot of time quite well" Miyuki spoke softly, hesitantly looking to the other two floofs. Aquaia pondered for a little while.
"It... maybe? I don't- I'm not sure, that feels a little vague. Maybe the one whose name was being used before really was all the mind in control... or well, maybe a little mixed and influenced by us, so I guess it's her unless Kaga has anything about it" Aquaia answered, gesturing to Miyuki before looking to the white kitsune for any further input or answers. Kagamiyu casually lounged back and thought about it, a soft hum before speaking on it.
"I feel I was more like a spiritual spectator, y'know it wasn't really my interaction but it was like, I saw or rather experienced it. If I had to guess from how it went, it was Miyuki who was aware, though in other instances I've felt like I've seen Aquaia sorta taking lead of who gets to be in charge of the shared braincell" Kagamiyu answered, the other two nodding in agreement whether they fully grasped the explanation or not.
Though for probably the most important subject, Kagamiyu hesitated looking for a way to answer the question.
"Uh, well, hold on, it's a lot stranger when you put it all like that. Maybe it wasn't that crazy and I was just a little lost, all I'm thinking is that I and Miyuki don't know anything about them so maybeee-" Kagamiyu started, being interrupted by Aquaia.
"Well, I maybe recognise those names... well, Chiyoko and Briar. Not Briarhild, so maybe they're real after all. Though, would I... would I fail to remember having a daughter? Maybe... m-maybe they got jumbled and messed up too after all this, I don't really get it though... " Aquaia softly answered, looking like she was getting a little stressed over the thoughts.
"It's okay, none of us get it, it doesn't make any sense at all. We'll figure it out together with time, but Regula has a point. Apologies for my, probably ridiculous suggestion idea, but then maybe they can't be fake. I'm sure when we go back, we can all work together to figure things out, you can have some time to speak and figure things out with those two and maybe find some ideas. I've been in your big ol' brain of yours long enough to know that you're some smart cunning girl whose dealt with weird happenings before" the white fox answered as she had one more thing to speak about.
"Oh, nonono, Gunhild isn't a mother. Well, technically yes- well take it how you will. She's an adoptive mother, or caretaker, or such. There's already too much going on right now to go into detail, but Gunhild is very adoptive with those she thinks needs it. At least that's how I see it, she's quite an intelligent and selfless being underneath what first impressions would tell. Maybe that's why she takes care of Miyuki so much" Kagamiyu answered, looking with a small smirk to said pink floof.
"Are you calling me a baby? I'm older than you!" Miyuki protested with a pout.
"Eeeeeeh, if the shoe fits... " Kagamiyu muttered with a smug grin.
Though Miyuki was at least distracted from said little bickering once Regula spoke of Gunhild more, a wide smile on her face as her splayed throne seating of tails excitedly wagged like a pup.
"I don't get a lot of this other stuff, but that's one thing I get that's reassuring" Miyuki cheerfully beamed, of which Kagamiyu was once again being violently assaulted by fluffy tails.
"Miyuki stop- I get it- I'm gonna be the first person to drown with no liquid involved-" Kagamiyu contested as she tried to push away the tails that kept smacking her face, the foxes looking to Regula over the matter of a hug, the question was a little surprising to hear although Kagamiyu totally wasn't surprised. Miyuki felt a nervous blush on her face.
"W-well, even after all this and, maybe it's not so much coming from the same Miyuki you liked so I dunno, b-but I wanted to say I'm really thankful for all the nice you've done so far and that you're willing to still do that even if we're not able to repay you much at all. Uh, t-thanks, Regula- Lady Caelia, w-whichever one you prefer. I-I'd be okay with hugging, a-and such, I don't mind... " Miyuki nervously stuttered, though from the fact that she had hesitantly inched and made the slight movements to reach to Regula with a little hesitation, it was probably obvious that Miyuki was influenced by Regula's charm and was also very appreciative of them. Maybe even reciprocating of the same thoughts and feelings.
"Well, apart from maybe Kagamiyu, I guess it'd probably be me and Miyuki, or mostly Miyuki, but then again both of us. You know it, probably wouldn't be the strangest thing if that would help you feel more comfortable or something. I'm sure I'd try my best to help if there was a chance I could, what about you?" Aquaia said as she looked to Kagamiyu.
"Nono, it's okay, it's cool. This is more like probably the first time me and Regula have met. But you know, you did do a nice one for Miyuki for me, and for Aquaia who I'd feel terrible to not keep a close care about, so anyone willing to do a solid like that is good for me. Plus, you should watch yourself babythang, I'd watch where you look or I'd just have to start about teasing you back and I wouldn't want to get into trouble with a Baroness would I?~" Kagamiyu grinned and gave a small wink to Regula, she could quickly catch on to Caelia's charm and wasn't at all put aback by it.
"Come on, you know you'd want a nice warm hug. You both would, I've been in your minds, I've seen your secrets~" Kagamiyu teased the other two floofs, to their growing embarrassment.