the quest for the gems

"Would someone kindly explain to me, what the heck is going on?" Yoshi put his hands on his sides. He had a confused look on his face, which was the face he most commonly used.
They stood Akwardly by, watching he scene run by. "Maybe we should go?" Maxine whispered, Watching the two infront of her fight.
Max nodded to Maxine, then looked suttly to Yoshi. "Your Welcomed to come if you'd like. We're going to follow them. Just in case they need help..." His words trailed off. " Yeah, Its a Dangerous path. They'll be Killed without more Help." Maxine tunned in, checking behind her. "Do you want to Come?"
Yoshi shrugged. "...I guess I'll come along." He replied and began following the group, he stayed a few feet back from them.
Yoshi looked back over his shoulder after hearing faint rustling coming from a nearby bush. He carried on when he decided it was nothing.
Maxine studied Yoshi as they walked along. She squinted an focused hard. Max elbowed her slightly and mouth no. She nodded, then looked away. "Whats troubling you?" She asked, Not looking away from the ground.
"Thought I heard something," Yoshi said simply. He frowned when he saw the troll infront of them. "Ugh, I hate trolls...they're so ugly."
Max and Maxine watched the troll. "Did you Just say....And They Exist? But How? Why? When did they?" Maxine rambled one. "Yes, now Were playing Twenty Questions. Are they Threats?" Max asked, Turning to Yoshi as Maxine glared at him.
he said''ok blondie you have to place all the numbers in order WITHOUT touching them..'' lief said''easy...''using his sword he technically wasnt touching them he said''where's 1?''
"No, they're not dangerous. Just don't bother them and they won't bother you. " Yoshi replied to Max. He looked over at Lief then asked,"What is it exactly you you are doing?"

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