the quest for the gems

the troll or ogre watever! said''now repeat this..~sorceress thagen gulps her favorite food in her cave with all her brew (du du du) and the names of the children are....~''(im tolazy to put the rest sorry)
The Sibilings stepped back. Watching each of them. Max eyed the Troll suspiciously. Gripping his sword in his palms. Maxine held her dagger, ready to attack if neccessary.
Nichole said''is the answer 106?!'' he snarled and said''yes but no how will i kill you? will i slice you or crush you?'' Nichole eeped and looked scared for once.
"Wait hold up," Yoshi stepped inbetween the two. "Why are you suddenly threatening us? Why can't you freaking just let us pass? We passed all the stupid riddle things."
He roughly grabbed Nichole and the topaz glowed brightly and he screamed dropping Nichole. dark magic left him and he was a giant bird! lief said''hes a bird?!'' the bird said''yes sorceress thagen was jealous so she turned me into a giant making me guard the bridge you may pass and Nichole call any time you need me''flying away.

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