The Queen's Madness (Open)

Joyce scowled, looking over her cloak, and running her fingers through her now drenched hair, "I..", she begun to say as Emmony scolded her for the commotion. Joyce bit her tongue; Emmony was quite possibly the only person to have that effect on her, she sighed, grabbing a rag from the counter and begun cleaning up the mess she had made.

With that task accomplished, Joyce returned the tray and mugs to the kitchen, briefly nodded at who cook who had pinched her nose, jokingly of course, but Joyce knew she smelt of ale. Her favorite cloak clung sticking to her lithe frame where the ale had been spilt, hair in a tangled mess.

Joyce was not upset, however, it reminded her of the times she had seen Emmony dump a tray. To her it was always a good laugh to see it, but now she felt ashamed for doing so. She set the dishes in the sink, rung the rag out, and turned to leave to kitchen.

Joyce was headed to her room to change when she noticed the raised arm of an individual sitting at the bar, she groaned as she touched the top of her, "Still soaked.", she mused. She quickly gathered her composure as she made her way to the bar, "I apologize for any delay you may have had," Joyce smiled as she placed a mug of ale down, "Is there anything else you require?", she asks Kneckt.


  • <You better be sorry.> I thought to myself, rubbing my finger on the leathery robe to ease the pain from all the tapping.

    "It´s alright, I suppose. Thank you for your kindness, but I fear you may have mistaken me for another client. I have not made an order yet. In fact, it´s my first time on this tavern, I am not even sure if you actually have the product I was looking for, sap ale." My mandibules naturally clicked a couple times between every sentence, a common habit among my race. I nevertheless forced myself to put on the closest thing a mantid had to a smile.

    I hoped this wasn´t one of those establishments that had gotten stuck into their thick skulls that they knew what the clients wanted better than the clients themselves. I was aware of the existence of such places, but worse, I was familiar with how obnoxious they were. Well, if this place was, then it could easily be proven wrong, as they definitely didn´t know who I was, judging by the fact I wasn´t surrounded with soldiers armed to the teeth. Not that a bunch of overarmed soldiers had ever really helped against any form of proper opponent, but nevertheless, rulers loved to try it out. It was probably part of every king´s bucket list.

    "I don´t think there is anything else I need, unless you have any bargain you´d like to persuade me to acquire." I replied, shaking my head lightly. "This place doesn´t seem to need bargains, though. I hear it is pretty popular, so undoubtebly, the owners must be on the path of riches by now, no?"

The fact that he wasn't needed right away made him a bit suspicious. But again, odds were he could easily beat the both of them in a fight. However, what she said about people telling her about him having great potential worried him. As far as he knew, not many people recognized him as being the former captain of the Queen's Guard unless he was in his full armor and flaunting the fact. Yet here was proof contrary to what he believed. Something he wasn't exactly thrilled about in the least.

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Cecil Jikan

"Mathra (Moving), Cadera (Onward), j'ath (Never), abunda (Kill). Crak(Moving), akad, (Onward) Cronth(Never),Bragh (Kill)." Cecil sat cross legged in the corner of the tavern, repeating the M.O.N.K acronym in different languages, During this time he was contemplating the words. "What do they mean?" Cecil thought to himself "It cannot be this simple, There needs to be a deeper meaning. Or maybe that is the point. ...there is no deeper meaning. It is a fact, A message to the contemplator. Even though all living sentient creature's look for a meaning in life, Life itself is the meaning." He was deep in thought when his tiredness grew over him , He did not realize the presence of his fatigue. It had spread over him like a slowly growing ivy. Cecil gentle withdrew from his meditation and was back in the tavern, During his trance Cecil blocked out all noise and it all came rushing back to him. he did not care for the tavern for it was bias towards the queen, or the people inside it who where loud and obnoxious and smell of rebbelion. He just needed a place to stay during his journey. "My journey" Cecil was so deep in meditation he had forgot about his quest "My journey to find the everlasting candle of F'i" .

The candle of F'i is a candle which when burnt will lasts forever until blown out and gives of a scent, which if inhaled, will give the inhaler the ability to sustain prolonged meditation whitest completely aware of their surroundings, whatever the place or time, Even during battle. Cecil needed this candle, If he got his hands on this artifact it will allow him to be in constant meditation which will result in him coming closer to becoming Chen-Chio. The artifact was rumored to be in a hidden catacomb of the Draede, The capital of Lathien. Cecil had never been in the capital before.He realies very early on he disliked it completely, it was loud and stank of sweat and ale. It was no place to meditate.

Cecil stood up, wiped of his robes and cheeked with his hands if his blue travailing cloak, which was neatly folded on the floor next to the spot where he was meditating was stolen, It was not. He then adjusted the bandage covering his eyes and traversed the tavern, He went by smell and hearing, He could smell the old oak tables which was stained with ale and could hear the babble of nonsensical words from nearby drunker-eds, and walked smoothly past them with a sense of gracefulness in his step. He then smelt the place where the bar was, It smelt heavily of alcohol. He sat down on a stool one rightwards from a strong smell of crustacean which had just stopped talking when he sat down. He could also smell a female behind the bar, He knew it was a female because women of all races had a slightly sweeter scent from their male counterparts. Cecil cleared his throat reading to order a water and waited for presumably the women to pour the creature an ale, because when Cecil was coming near he heard "order".
"What was that smell again." Cecil thought to himself contemplating the species of the crustacean smell , then he heard a small clicking noise coming from the creatures mouth "Oh, of course a Mantid, I wonder why it is so far from its queen and hive?" he thought to himself, however he did not know the Manid's story.


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He listened quietly all the way through her small speech, before arching an eyebrow up at her. "That, my dear, sounded almost like a threat." His eyes stayed firmly fixed on her before turned back towards the street in front of them. "Good. I appreciate your honesty." A number of thoughts ran through his head at full speed, the pros and cons of giving her more information, of trusting her to join the ever growing circle of rebels. At the top of the list was that she was a foreigner. It meant that she had no prior loyalty to the Queen, and thus he believed her to honestly be joining the side she believed was in the right. And it also wouldn't hurt to pick her brain for information concerning other wars, other rebellions.

The pros vastly outweighed whatever cons there may be, and so he began talking again, his voice low enough that only she could hear him. "There is indeed a rebellion centered in The Queen's Madness. Though I hold much sway, I am not the head of it." Well that was a bold face lie, but he quite excelled at them. "I can assure you that in a perfect outcome, there will only be one casualty of this war. If such a thing was accomplished, we would establish proof to the citizens and then move to take the city and storm the castle. We believe that should spur most of the citizens into action, and force the guards to lay down their weapons. There are always those who remain loyal to her above all, but we will not allow anything to stand in our way." He paused then, allowing her to absorb what he'd told her.

Seera squirmed in the girls girl before squeaking loudly and wiggling out. She fell on to the floor, and when she hit she let out the rat equivalent of a scream. Then she changed into a cat, meow'd. Then a wolf. Then a large crow. Then Miziki herself. She turned to the girl, and studied her. "So, I've seen the fox-human hybrids before, but never one with nine tails. What are you?"


(sorry for the short post, on my phone)
"My apologies.", Joyce bowed slightly to Kneckt in recognition of her error, "As for riches, we are on the wrong side of town for such luxuries.", she laughed politely, "However, for my error, please consider the ale", Joyce nodded towards the mug that she had placed on the counter, "To be on the house."

Joyce turned to give the newcomer at the bar a curtsy, sadly, she overlooked the fact that he was blind, "I will be with you in just one moment my good sir." Joyce was slightly irritated, but her bright violet would never betray such a thing, "Now then," Joyce turned to Kneckt, "I'll have someone check the cellar for sap ale.", Joyce gave another curtsy before walking back into the kitchen.

@Idea @Decay

"If only I had some help running the tavern right now.", Joyce mused aloud, "Mayhaps I would be able to change, and perform", she sung the word eloquently, "tonight for our guests." Joyce danced through the kitchen, "Also we have two guests at the counter, one needs sap ale if we have any.", she gently set her rag on the table at which Emmony and Miziki were sitting at. She glared at the would be rat shapeshifter, before heading off to her room.

@ianbabyyy @Scattered Ambitions @Mitchs98

She hummed peacefully as she made through the tavern, winking and blowing kisses at the patrons she recognized, which was to be most of them. Joyce sighed as she closed the door to her room, made sure to lock it behind her, she swore she would never make the mistake again, and she sat down gracefully in a chair placed in front of her mirror.

She blew the hair that was draped across her face, watching as it plopped right back in the same place, "I need a bath.", she whined, as she knew she had no such time. She traced absent-mindedly around her left ear, "Pretty for a knife-ear.", her face grew with disgust as she remembered the events of this afternoon, she flung a dagger into the door, and let her arm fall limply down onto the armrest. "I'll show them someday.", she whispered, as she began to get ready for her performance
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ianbabyyy said:
Oh goodness. Commotion commotion commotion. She heard Miziki answer her question, but it didn't quite process as a small furry thing jumped up into her lap. There was banter from Joyce, and then a crash and a scream and all sorts of chaos. It made Emmony's head spin, all of the unexpected activity making it hard for her to focus and sort out what was happening.
"Everybody calm down. Now," she snapped. Well, it really wasn't a snap. It was a very firm order. She was rather good at those, surprising when compared to her usual excitability. But, well, she had to keep the Tavern in line somehow. Even the cook paused for a moment, recognizing the tone in her boss's voice, before realizing that it wasn't directed at her.

"Let's start with the first and most obvious question: why is there a rat in my lap?" She picked the thing up, carefully, in both hands and held the fuzzy thing in front of her face, as if she could see it. "And the second question: is it dirty, or does it look clean and cute." She sniffed. It certainly smelled okay.

@Mitchs98 @Vantruss @Scattered Ambitions


"My dear," he said, taking the hand that had slid closer, and clasping it between his own with a concerned look, "I do hope that I didn't imply that I have anything to do with these... criminal types?" The man shook his head before blowing a piece of hair out of his eye. Damned thing. "I must reiterate, I'm simply a tavern keeper. I only know what I hear from rumors. But I hope I can ease your mind by saying that most of the rumors I hear seem positive enough. We commoners care about our people. Especially those here in the city."

Her hand was released as he leaned back in his chair again, finger brushing his hair out of his face. "I think it's the large numbers of foreigners here in the capital. We can learn a lot from them, from their victories and losses and mistakes-" He paused, mid thought, and smiled. "In all areas of life, of course."

Vantruss said:
Joyce scowled, looking over her cloak, and running her fingers through her now drenched hair, "I..", she begun to say as Emmony scolded her for the commotion. Joyce bit her tongue; Emmony was quite possibly the only person to have that effect on her, she sighed, grabbing a rag from the counter and begun cleaning up the mess she had made.
With that task accomplished, Joyce returned the tray and mugs to the kitchen, briefly nodded at who cook who had pinched her nose, jokingly of course, but Joyce knew she smelt of ale. Her favorite cloak clung sticking to her lithe frame where the ale had been spilt, hair in a tangled mess.

Joyce was not upset, however, it reminded her of the times she had seen Emmony dump a tray. To her it was always a good laugh to see it, but now she felt ashamed for doing so. She set the dishes in the sink, rung the rag out, and turned to leave to kitchen.

Joyce was headed to her room to change when she noticed the raised arm of an individual sitting at the bar, she groaned as she touched the top of her, "Still soaked.", she mused. She quickly gathered her composure as she made her way to the bar, "I apologize for any delay you may have had," Joyce smiled as she placed a mug of ale down, "Is there anything else you require?", she asks Kneckt.


(sorry for the short post, on my phone)
Vantruss said:
"My apologies.", Joyce bowed slightly to Kneckt in recognition of her error, "As for riches, we are on the wrong side of town for such luxuries.", she laughed politely, "However, for my error, please consider the ale", Joyce nodded towards the mug that she had placed on the counter, "To be on the house."
Joyce turned to give the newcomer at the bar a curtsy, sadly, she overlooked the fact that he was blind, "I will be with you in just one moment my good sir." Joyce was slightly irritated, but her bright violet would never betray such a thing, "Now then," Joyce turned to Kneckt, "I'll have someone check the cellar for sap ale.", Joyce gave another curtsy before walking back into the kitchen.

@Idea @Decay

"If only I had some help running the tavern right now.", Joyce mused aloud, "Mayhaps I would be able to change, and perform", she sung the word eloquently, "tonight for our guests." Joyce danced through the kitchen, "Also we have two guests at the counter, one needs sap ale if we have any.", she gently set her rag on the at which Emmony and Miziki were sitting at. She glared at the would be rat shapeshifter, before heading off to her room.

@ianbabyyy @Scattered Ambitions @Mitchs98

She hummed peacefully as she made through the tavern, winking and blowing kisses at the patrons she recognized, which was to be most of them. Joyce sighed as she closed the door to her room, made sure to lock it behind her, she swore she would never make the mistake again, and she sat down gracefully in a chair placed in front of her mirror.

She blew the hair that was draped across her face, watching as it plopped right back in the same place, "I need a bath.", she whined, as she knew she had no such time. She traced absent-mindedly around her, "Pretty for a knife-ear.", her face grew with disgust as she remembered the events of this afternoon, she flung a dagger into the door, and let her arm fall limply down onto the armrest. "I'll show them someday.", she whispered, as she began to get ready for her performance
Miziki Kurone

"It's cute and fluffy if you ask me. I think she just overreacted." Miziki replied. "Dunno why it's there though. It just kinda walked in." She explained with a shrug. She expected Joyce to comment, but instead she just kind of silently cleaned everything up and walked out to work. Huh. Well. Okay then. She guessed it would of been kind of embarrassing if it had of happened to her. Honestly she probably would of done the same thing had it been her afraid of rats. The rat seemed to react violently to Emmony picking it up though as it squirmed out of her grasp and onto the floor, followed by screaming and morphing into various things. So, Miziki was right, it WAS a shape-shifter. She let out of a cry of surprise and nearly fell out of her chair when it turned into her. Eyes wide she listened as it spoke and sounded just like her. Though, she was confused when she mentioned her having nine tails. Last she checked she only had one. To make sure she hadn't randomly sprouted an extra eight tails she turned to look. Nope, still just one.

"I uh..I actually only have one. I'm not that old or powerful." She replied with a shrug. "And uh..I'm a Kitsune. Names' Miziki, nice to meet you Mr. or Ms. shape-shifter." She added, smiling and holding out her hand. "I could tell you weren't really a rat. Us Kitsunes are good at that sort of thing." She told her. Soon after Joyce came in hinting for Miziki to get off her ass and help out with the tavern. She wasn't sure if they had any of the requested ale, but she did know she was going to have to help. "Do you need anything else Emmony? I suppose she's right, I should get up and start working as promised." She asked her once Joyce left the room.
Siara would smile as he revealed information regarding the rebellion at the Queen's Madness. Taking it all in, she sighed in relief that she hadn't just wasted someone else's time with false assumption. The doctor would raise a brow at "one casualty", assuming he meant the Queen. However, she somehow doubted it was very possible. Siara had experienced much negativity in her time, and it already withered away at her hopes. The doctor would bury those concerns, though, for now. If she were truly allowed into the rebellion, she could voice her opinion on their plans there. If she spoke now, it may have been wasted breath. She wanted to focus more on the topic of sparing civilians the pain of going through the war.

"If you were to just kill the Queen and the soldiers guarding the castle were fought, I doubt it would count as a war," Siara murmured with a smirk as she gazed over at Allan, her eyebrows upraised as if she were examining something on his forehead and focusing on it. Siara was only trying to contain her happiness regarding the fact that she was right, greatly amused that she could both help people and boast of her insight. She'd hum lightly before speaking up again.

"Maybe it'd count as a massacre, or a rape," she'd go on before switching the topic from the technicality of the situation's name to about her own interests. "That doesn't matter, though. If you're truly against dragging civilians into this war, I'd like to join you. Might I ask, though, who would govern the city afterwards?"

There were tales of cities falling to sieges, only for the conquerors to rule over the ruins without order. Why? They didn't know the people they conquered, didn't understand them, and hadn't planned ahead for the right of ruling over their enemies. It usually ended with the conquerors beaten out of their prize, or even slain on their false thrones...

Emmony sighed. "I'm so confused. What's this about a shapeshifter? And tails? And rats talking?" Her rambling questions were cut off by Joyce reentering the kitchen. She was right, they needed more people on the floor. "Yes, please, Miziki," she said, focusing on what she could currently understand and process, starting to get agitated. "If you could please check the cellar for sap ale. We should have some, it'll have a sign on it. When you get to the bar just ask who requested it and then deal with the other patron. Come find me if you need any help.

That settled, she turned to the last place she'd heard the supposed shapeshifter's voice. "You've got about thirty seconds to explain what you're doing in my kitchen before I have somebody put you out on the street. I don't take kindly to those who cause trouble." The usual bubbly tone to her voice had been replaced by an almost heated aggravation. Thankfully, not actual anger. That was harder to rile up.

@Mitchs98 @Scattered Ambitions @Vantruss

(Sorry it's so short, a little overwhelmed.)
"I do suppose war would be the wrong word for what we intend," he admitted, responding to her smirk with a wry grin. "Though I would hope to avoid words such as massacre or rape. They have negative connotations we'd rather keep away from our plans." While there were certainly more important things to focus on, like their actual plans, semantics could have a strong affect on who joined them and who looked upon them as the villains.

"And yes, we want to avoid as many casualties as possible. We cannot guarantee the lives of all of them, especially if they rise up with us, but it is very high up on our list." There was a long, somber silence as he considered her question, trying to find the words, the right words, to give her the appropriate information.

"We, unfortunately, do not have an exact plan on who takes control of the city," he admitted. "Which is one of the biggest reasons why we have made no real move. The idea is for the inner circle of the rebellion to govern the city for a period, to restore order. There are a number of royals in the castle who back us, and would help drastically in doing so, but we have no real plan for when we step down. And we would indeed step down. We are a rebellion, not a dictatorship." There was a pause, and then, "I apologize that I cannot give you a more concrete answer concerning this matter."

Siara would nod along, greatly concerned with their lack of planning regarding governing Lathien. The lady grew quiet for a moment, collecting her thoughts and ideas as they walked along the darkening stone streets. She'd eye a few bystanders walk past in interest, wondering what their opinions would be. However, she knew she couldn't just ask them...

"Whatever it may be, I suggest keeping control away from the nobles. There may be those in the rebellion who want to snatch the Crown for themselves, so you will also have to act if they betray you. If her men aren't completely loyal, an old member of her Queen's Guard who served before her reign may be trusted... However, you want someone the people will flock to in times of need. Otherwise, there will be many riots after you storm the castle."

She'd slightly frown at this, hoping it didn't play out with mass panic. Siara raised her right hand to her lips, rubbing at her chin as if she had a beard. The woman thought on how things could be done, not at all minding that night was soon approaching.

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  • I chuckled as the girl bowed, my mandibules clicking further repeatedly with excitement. If anyone nearby was yet to realize I was an insectoid, my form of laughter had just made it pretty obvious. I pondered taking off my cloak, since it was a tiny bit uncomfortable considering wings weren´t exactly made to be hidden under leathery vests, but I still decided against removing it. After all, doing so could expose the fact I barely had antennae left, since I never let them grow fully back on, and while I doubted such a tiny thing would actually reveal my identity to anyone, considering there were hundreds of mantid without antennae who weren´t me, in every hive at least, the fact could still serve as another piece of the puzzle or prompt someone to look ino it more carefully and perhaps ending discovering my real identity. I did, however, push back the sleeves as I replied to the girl.

    "You are generous, hum... What should I call you, again?" I looked into the normal ale. Was that safe to drink? Well, it should be. Was this girl new or something? It was a bit suspicious, they weren´t exactly serving ale right in front of me, and she had just offered me A FREE DRINK. In every single tavern I had been before, the only way a tavern employee would offer a free drink would be if it was to a king or someone who was about to give them a whole lot of profit or save them from a whole lot of trouble.

    I gazed into the yellowish thing again. I had a strong immunity to poisons for some time now, and I would likely be able to compensate the rest with amber magic, little as the one I had was. So, the possibility of a toxin wasn´t particularly intimidating. But that was a secret, one I had been very careful not to let anyone know. The idea that they might have catch on to who I was way worse. But if that was the case... All I could was play it cool and pretend I didn´t know. They couldn´t kill me so easily, not through means such as poison, so drinking the ale shouldn´t harm me, and it would allow me to pass as unknowing of them finding out about my identity. If it was that they did at all, and the girl wasn´t just too young to understand how her business worked. Or, thinking about it, that might the secret to this tavern´s popularity and reputation. How they tended to silence the word on any mistake by bribing all witnesses. Which led me to ponder... Why didn´t they silence the guy that had just approached us?

    "I think I´ll take you up on your offer then. Thank you for the trouble you´re taking because of me." I told the girl before she left. I gazed upon the guy next to me. Like me, he wasn´t...too dressed. He was human, not mantid though, so it occurred to me he might be some kind of poor person. The girl did they we weren´t exactly in a luxurious part of town. The blindness, though, seemed like a jackpot to hit. That is, if this guy wasn´t too serious to deal with.

    "Good afternoon, I suppose? May I interest you in some free ale? I didn´t want to hurt that girl´s feelings, but honestly speaking what I really want to drink is some sap ale, and I don´t think I can handle to cups in one night." I chuckled again, lighter than before, taking my second sip on the cup. "How about you? You seem like a tough guy."

    @Decay @Vantruss
While she didn't seem to mind that night was slowly inching their way towards them, he thought it might be a tad bit curious for him to be out of the tavern for so long. Especially since he wasn't exactly an unknown in these parts. He'd already returned the greetings of a couple of people. And so he very gently began to steer them back as he spoke.

"You're certainly right about the nobles. We'll be grateful for their help, but anything that comes from or goes through them is strictly monitored, and we'll be very firm about who is trusted to assist while we establish order." His free hand brushed some of his hair out of his face, once again silently cursing the damn thing, promising himself he'd get it cut tomorrow. Though he said that most days, and rarely did he make time for it.

"A trusted figurehead is a good idea, though it's hard to decide if we should look for someone in the Queen's guard or a well liked commoner, someone who people can relate to. As far as the guards, it will really depend on who supports our cause. Even someone who is neutral on the issue could be beneficial, but so far we don't have much word on some of the higher ups. And I'd be hesitant to put that burden on one of the lower guards."


Felicia & Theresa

Having quite a large bounty placed upon each of their heads, they lived their lives on the run. They where in a small town, currently inside a bar. The two Succubi sat next to each other, talking about random things. A man came behind them, clearly intoxicated. They turned to him, and flashed him their most seductive smile. The man slurred over his words, so much that the twins didn't understand him. Felicia stood, placing her hand in his and dragging him out. Theresa smiled, her hands on his shoulders. Once they got outside, they entered a dark alley, the man clearly excited. They placed their hands on his chest, and bit his neck softly. The man moaned, and the girls feasted upon his life force. They felt him go limp, and let him go. The man stumbled foreword, almost falling. Theresa stepped up to him, and softly said.

"You will not remember this."

He nodded, and walked out like nothing happened. The girls snickered, and walked out. They began speaking to one another as they walked down the road, doing nearly everything at the same time.​
Cecil Jikan

Cecil turned to the Mantid. "Ale?" Cecil said in response to the voice "Thank you but I don't drink ale,I only drink water, Ale clouds the mind. And why would you offer me and Ale? It is because I'm blind, I thank you but I do not need your sympathy. In any case I can see quite clearly believe it or not. I can tell you where not born a Mantid because of your antenna's are cut. I can tell by the sound of the vibration of your clicking going through your body and stopping extremely short where your antennas are. You see I have seen many Mantid's in my time I even now some of your language, However Iv'e never seen a Mantid's antenna's being cut so short." Cecil now turned on his stool facing the Mantid. "I can also tell you are an alchemist because of the scent of HunyBurg flower on you which is a basic in all potions. Unless you have just been prancing through a field of flowers, However I find the very unlikely" Cecil was doing this to show he the Mantid he was not vunreable. And to slightly show off, which he never did, Maybe he was doing this because there was something charming about the Mantid in his tone of voice, Even with the amount of clicks between words.

Siara noticed their turn, eyeing the darkening sky with an almost child-like awe before turning her head downwards to catch Allan's hair drifting down towards his face. The woman would smile at this, shifting her gaze towards the cobblestones they treaded on. She'd listen to Allan carefully, poking at his hair absently and without warning as he went on.

"We'll be lucky if we find a charismatic commoner who could hold the responsibility of the Crown, like yourself," she'd suggest, eyeing him with wondering brown eyes that seemed to reflect the moonlight, making her gaze all the more obvious to the Lathien native. Siara wondered if the tavern-keeper could truly control a kingdom. He was certainly charismatic, he was a commoner, and some may regard him a hero for participating in the rebellion. However, it would be a rather risky maneuver. If the people remained undecided during the "war", then they could face yet another conflict; a civil war following the de-throning of the Mad Queen. However, perhaps they should rally the people, the entirety of the people, before marching off against the Crown. That way, seeds of loyalty in the new establishment would already be planted in Lathien's society. Consequently, though, the Crown would quickly become aware of a growing insurgency and attempt to put it down. If they were quick enough, though, Siara believed they could fit rallying the people and storming the castle in the same night. It may result in a few casualties, but what was a few casualties to a few thousand casualties? She doubted the guards could stomach cutting down crowds of innocents, but she really wondered if the risk was worth it. Was she losing her care, already too much like some military officer in mindset? Siara hoped not...

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  • I couldn´t get a word in edgewise! But thank the queen, I mean, heavens that I didn´t... The man was right on the spot, in the worst possible way, except for the fact he hadn´t yet figured I was the criminal. Or so it appeared. Was this a threat? Did the girl purposely leave me alone with this guy so he could threaten me without tying the nots? This situation was getting more complicated by the minute... Feeling the vibrations of my body? Seriously? We weren´t even touching! If I was a normal mantid, with fully functional antennae and body funcitons, receptive to a queen´s command, this guy would probably be able to read my mind! I could almost bet his "seeing" of my fellow mantid involved the same kind of greeting I gave to the animals they gave me to work with back in the hive...

    Forget making a deal. My first priority was getting in good enough terms with this guy that he would think twice before selling me off to the highest bidder. I was sure there were some pretty big ones.

    "You are right that I am a mantid. The fact you were able to tell that about my antennae like that is really impress, I must admit. May I inquire where you learned that trick? Where did you even come from? You do not seem like an ordinary human anymore, though I assure you, I wasn´t doing anything out of pity. I don´t think I recall...the last time I felt it." That last part was a flatout lie. I hadn´t felt it in a really long time, but the last was as well imprinted on my mind as the ink in the magic scrolls I had stored in the magicomium. I also halted myself from correcting him regarding potions. The idea that the flower was necessary for potions was originated from an old law mandate. The HunyBurd flower had properties of neutrality, which weakened potions and ease the removal of effects, if necessary. It was a safety measure, which truth be told, I did employ on a lot of potions, since there were few where the effect actually changed. Though, most people were convinced the flower actually triggered the functioning of potions, since most people never actually had gotten their hands on a potion without a flower. "Either way, I was looking for clients. But you can´t just go and ask someone outright, right? I thought, since I got this opportunity, that I might as well use it."


Idea said:

  • I couldn´t get a word in edgewise! But thank the queen, I mean, heavens that I didn´t... The man was right on the spot, in the worst possible way, except for the fact he hadn´t yet figured I was the criminal. Or so it appeared. Was this a threat? Did the girl purposely leave me alone with this guy so he could threaten me without tying the nots? This situation was getting more complicated by the minute... Feeling the vibrations of my body? Seriously? We weren´t even touching! If I was a normal mantid, with fully functional antennae and body funcitons, receptive to a queen´s command, this guy would probably be able to read my mind! I could almost bet his "seeing" of my fellow mantid involved the same kind of greeting I gave to the animals they gave me to work with back in the hive...

    Forget making a deal. My first priority was getting in good enough terms with this guy that he would think twice before selling me off to the highest bidder. I was sure there were some pretty big ones.

    "You are right that I am a mantid. The fact you were able to tell that about my antennae like that is really impress, I must admit. May I inquire where you learned that trick? Where did you even come from? You do not seem like an ordinary human anymore, though I assure you, I wasn´t doing anything out of pity. I don´t think I recall...the last time I felt it." That last part was a flatout lie. I hadn´t felt it in a really long time, but the last was as well imprinted on my mind as the ink in the magic scrolls I had stored in the magicomium. I also halted myself from correcting him regarding potions. The idea that the flower was necessary for potions was originated from an old law mandate. The HunyBurd flower had properties of neutrality, which weakened potions and ease the removal of effects, if necessary. It was a safety measure, which truth be told, I did employ on a lot of potions, since there were few where the effect actually changed. Though, most people were convinced the flower actually triggered the functioning of potions, since most people never actually had gotten their hands on a potion without a flower. "Either way, I was looking for clients. But you can´t just go and ask someone outright, right? I thought, since I got this opportunity, that I might as well use it."


Felicia & Theresa

The twin's head snapped in his direction, and they wiped the blood trickling down the corner of their lips with a swift movement, barely caught by any eyes. They raised their hands, waving soflty.


They said in unison, lifting a shoulder slightly just to look innocent.

"How are you doing?"

They asked, switching their braids to their right shoulders. The braid reached all the way to their knees, a nice flower holding the hair together. They smiled softly, their white teeth almost shining between their lips.​
Seera turned to the girl. "Let's see, rag around the eyes, but seems totally aware.....I'd say some sort of oracle...or maybe, a seer. Am I right? No matter, I'm actually here to get some ale and food, and if possible a room. Maybe get hired by one of the patrons. You know, standard traveler stuff."


The Obsidian Executioner


The castle training yard, that was this morning, filled with soldiers drilling and practicing under the watchful eyes of stern sergeants was now deserted as the sun started its descent into the horizon. The shift change in guard about to occur and so those that had been training would now be heading to the barracks, or home, while the 'night' shift would be taking their post throughout the castle. A slow change, as Asavar had been sure to change that routine the second he was given command. They shifted guard post at different intervals to lessen vulnerability, and the time they changed was determined by him that day. Routine, after all, was the greatest weakness in their job.

In the corner of the yard, large wooden post stood planted into the ground, a place for the Castle, and Queen's, Guard to practice their forms on, but Asavar had his own. As was quickly apparent as just a teen, the normal wooden and leather post could not stand up to his blows, and so, much larger post were brought in, as round as a full grown oak and just as hard had been driven into the ground at the corner, where the, at the time, soldier and now Commander could work out his aggression.

The massive stake was worn with use, small cracks littered its surface and the post, itself, leaned at an odd angle, having endured numerous great blows to its surface over the years, and the post shuddered as a large gauntlet impacted with the surface, sending shards of kindling scattering the yard. His hand pulled back just as his other one when in, smashing into the post and sending a large crack echoing through the yard, his shoulders pistons pulling one back just to send the other forward, a constant barrage that he had been maintaining since he awoke hours ago. Each blow releasing a microscopic amount of his rage and tension, letting him regain control of his turbulent feelings at the impudent tavern.

Asavar surprised a shiver as beads of sweat rolled down his large back, his muscles worn and stinging in protest at his constant abuse, but it felt
right. The feeling of his body pushed to its limits, the pain of worn muscles stretching and applying the last of their strength as his great lungs labored for breath... It made him feel human. The last of his anger fueling his body, he pivoted his hips, following through with his entire body as his massive right fist shot forward and crashed into the massive pole once more, the great stake shuddering at the blow as the ground shook with the rest of the force being dispersed.

He let out a shaky breath and rested his hand against the tree, taking deep breaths to get oxygen to his depleted body. Flicking his dark eyes to the sky, he had a few hours before those wretches returned with what information they were able to gather. He didn't expect much from them, but it would be a start.

  • Really tall. Pale white teeth. Skulls for armor. There was no mistake. They were skeletons. They probably stole that skin from someone they ate alive... And they wanted to go for ME next!

    "I-I-I-I...I am... I..." I could barely blurt out as my legs kept shaking... And my arms... In fact, I´d say my whole body was shaking like there was no tomorrow. "G-g-good..."

    I gulped down, holding the cloth in my hands tightly.

Idea said:

  • Really tall. Pale white teeth. Skulls for armor. There was no mistake. They were skeletons. They probably stole that skin from someone they ate alive... And they wanted to go for ME next!

    "I-I-I-I...I am... I..." I could barely blurt out as my legs kept shaking... And my arms... In fact, I´d say my whole body was shaking like there was no tomorrow. "G-g-good..."

    I gulped down, holding the cloth in my hands tightly.

Felicia & Theresa

Felicia snickered earning a wack to the head from Theresa.

"What?" Felicia exclaimed.

"Don't scare the poor kid!" Theresa whispered-yelled at her.

"You are scaring him too! I mean, what do you think we are?" Felicia said, facing the boy. They placed their hands on their hips, cocking one eyebrow.

Idea said:
@Supermegabrenda2 (sorry it´s a little crappy of a post)
(Its Ok xD ))
(Breeze´s POV: )

All of the sudden, the two girls began fighting among themselves. I wasn´t sure what to do, if it was that I could do anything about it. I tried stepping back, dropping the cloth and tripping on it. The result was as expected: My head was really hurting in a flash. I raised my hands, trying to cover myself.

"Please, I don´t wanna die! I´m too young to be taken away, I swear! I´ve been good...well, I´ve tried to! It´s not my fault I got so sleepy, ms. Grimreaper..." I begged, still shaking terribly as I gazed onto that a little less horrifying but nevertheless still terrifying gaze of theirs. It seemed there was some weird note of concern, coming from a pair of skeletons. They both cared about what I thinked they were, and about scaring me. Why would the grimreapers care? Furthermore, what was the surprise? I mean, anyone would be scared of dying, right? An in such a terrifying manner too... I raised my hand again, closing my eyes and shrieking with horror. "Please don´t eat me!"


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