The Queen's Madness (Open)

Listening to the poor girl tell her tail, Emmony's enthusiastic smile slowly dipped down into a sad frown, her brow furrowing. "Oh, that sounds absolutely awful. I'm so sorry you've had such a bad day. And glad I could help turn it around!" Just like that her grin reappeared. "Perhaps I'm the lucky one. We can always use a few hands around here." The woman held up her own. "My hands tend to be useless for a lot of stuff. I've a bit of a sixth sense when it comes to spatial awareness, which is nice when trying to move around the tavern when it's busy, but I still tend to knock stuff over a lot." A self deprecating laugh escaped her. "I may be able to tell that an object is in front of me, but that doesn't mean I can always get my hand where I want it to go. I get a bit, ah, over excited and knock it over half the time."

She paused for a long moment, allowing the girl to eat her food without distraction, mind wandering through all of the things that currently needed to be done. And where was Breeze? She hadn't seen him all afternoon so far. Well, encountered him rather. Never mind, she'd hunt him down in a bit. "How do you feel about running mugs of ale, Miziki?" She asked, after what she considered long enough to have at least made a good dent in the food.

@Idea @Mitchs98
"Well they do tend to get quite busy around this time of night.", Joyce chuckled to herself, as she opened the outside kitchen door, "The mad queen has returned," Joyce announced as she twirled around picking up a tray of ale, "And she has declared this tavern to be the best in all Lathien.", she continued to gracefully twirl her way through the kitchen, approaching the table where Emmony and Miziki were residing, "To honor my loyal subjects, I hereby pronounce that...", Joyce stopped mid sentence as she set the tray onto the table, noticing the somber mood of Emmony and her guest. "My love, whatever it is they told you, it's most certainly a lie.", Joyce said seductively as she reached for Emmony's hand.

ianbabyyy said:
Listening to the poor girl tell her tail, Emmony's enthusiastic smile slowly dipped down into a sad frown, her brow furrowing. "Oh, that sounds absolutely awful. I'm so sorry you've had such a bad day. And glad I could help turn it around!" Just like that her grin reappeared. "Perhaps I'm the lucky one. We can always use a few hands around here." The woman held up her own. "My hands tend to be useless for a lot of stuff. I've a bit of a sixth sense when it comes to spatial awareness, which is nice when trying to move around the tavern when it's busy, but I still tend to knock stuff over a lot." A self deprecating laugh escaped her. "I may be able to tell that an object is in front of me, but that doesn't mean I can always get my hand where I want it to go. I get a bit, ah, over excited and knock it over half the time."
She paused for a long moment, allowing the girl to eat her food without distraction, mind wandering through all of the things that currently needed to be done. And where was Breeze? She hadn't seen him all afternoon so far. Well, encountered him rather. Never mind, she'd hunt him down in a bit. "How do you feel about running mugs of ale, Miziki?" She asked, after what she considered long enough to have at least made a good dent in the food.

@Idea @Mitchs98
Miziki Kurone

Miziki took small bites of her food as she listened to Emmony speak. She was lucky to of found such a cheerful and kind person to talk to in her opinion. Though if you looked at it from Emmonys' perspective she guessed they were both lucky. She frowned slightly as she spoke about her hands being useless. It was probably terrible being blind, yet Emmony seemed so cheerful and talked about it like it didn't bother her at all. Good for her. It was always a good thing to see people in predicaments like hers not letting themselves be drug down by it. Especially to the extent of co-owning a buisiness with her brother.

When Emmony fell completely silent she took that as a cue to focus entirely on her meal. That and she wasn't really entirely sure what to say, it was a somewhat touchy subject and Miziki didn't want to say anything wrong. By the time Emmony had spoke again she had infact ate a sizeable dent into her food, about half of it infact. She nodded, "That sounds fine to me. Like I said, anything you need me to do I'm willing to. It's the least I can do in return for your help." She replied.
Siara smiled at this, still rather disturbed towards how she appeared to the man, but comforted by his caring attitude. It was rather charming, which led Siara into considering compensating the man by purchasing something. She'd think for a moment as she silently cleaned away at her gloves, eyeing the bloodstains wither away with each stroke in satisfaction.

"I suppose some ale couldn't hurt," she'd reply with a glistening from her brown eyes. "But, I'd like for you to sit with me in the mean-time. There's something I'd like to discuss with you. That is, if you don't mind, of course," Siara would insist with a gaze towards other customers as she finished her sentence. The tavern certainly seemed bustling and busy. However, what Siara wanted to discuss was larger than her or his needs. Rather, she saw them as one of the most important things when it came to sparks of rebellion like this. Often, she heard tales of rebellions resulting in genocide. Generations of orphans and mountains of corpses and ruins for them to rule. She didn't want Lathien and its people, especially the poor and unfortunate, to fall even further from where they stood because of any possibility of an open rebellion. In relativity, she had heard the stories of the Copper Rebellion in the East, when slaves and peasants rose against their masters in the Eastern kingdom of Nazeer. The slaves won, sacking their city and completely destroying their former owners. However, they had no idea of how to govern themselves following the civil war, and major casualties were only made worse as disease grew rampant in the kingdom. As a result, Nazeer fell completely, all because of a slave rebellion that wasn't handled properly.

If Lathien was to go into a similar rebellion against its Mad Queen, Siara would be there to ensure the wounded were handled properly and the civilians of the kingdom were shown rightful care. If the rebels, whom she suspected dwelled within the tavern, couldn't understand that, then she would reluctantly side with the Crown.



Ciara would smirk as Gareth agreed to her offer, but would only lean forward as she eyed the warrior carefully, almost whispering to him as she continued to speak. "No, not now. Within a few hours, I'll have what you'll need t' carry," the northern woman would insist as she gave him an almost eerie look. Her gaze seemed to pierce Gareth, like she was looking through him, at everything he was and wasn't. The woman seemed almost godly... Out of her body, almost like she was aware of everything that was going on around her. However, Ciara quickly broke the alienating stare as she turned to eye Wilson and smile at him, standing once more.

She'd turn back to look at Gareth, eyeing him up and down before opening her mouth to speak.

"You have much potential, I've been told so. Do not waste it here," Ciara would strangely murmur, her voice almost losing its Northern touch as she seemed to freeze at the speech, that same piercing stare returning as the fire in her air drifted towards her eyes. The woman would then smile, turning as she returned to the man she had charmed.

Through fire and flame, we are reborn to find our purpose in God's will.

"Joyce, my love, the darling of my life," Emmony cooed, hand extended towards the sound of the woman's voice. "How pleasant it is to see you as always. My heart soars." She pressed her free hand to her forehead, as if she was feeling faint. "However, no lies have been told this evening. Instead we've taken a little bird under our wing!"

"Fox, Emmony, she's a fox," the cook grumbled as she sidled past the overly excitable group.

"A fox! Even cuter!" She grinned. "Joyce, this is Miziki. She's had a terrible day, so we're feeding her and giving her a place to stay, in return for helping out. I'm sure you could use the help running food and ale." The woman turned back towards Miziki, taking on a more serious expression. "And, if you'd like to stay on, we would be more than willing to hire you if you'd like steady work for a bit."

@Mitchs98 @Vantruss


He watched the way her expression changed, the way her gaze shifted warily across the crowd, and his eyes sharpened. His smile shifted quickly from caring to calculated, and his expression became a tad cold. "Of course. I could never deny a patron a moment of my time, and we've enough servers that I won't be missed for a bit. As long as my sister doesn't have her head stuck in the clouds of course." He chuckled, but the sound of it wasn't particularly humorous.

"Allow me to grab you a pint of ale, and then I'm all yours," he said with a slight, almost mocking bow. Off he went before she could respond, mind going over the possible topics she had in mind, always swinging back to one in particular: the name of their tavern. It was a name that, in and of itself, was a rebellion, and this wasn't the first time he'd had some subtle, and some not so subtle, inquiries.

Curious to see what exactly she wanted to know, he made his way back quickly, reestablishing that slightly crooked grin as he set it on the table before her. A chair was drawn up, and he dropped heavily into it, as if he was simply enjoying a break from being on his feet.

"Now, my dear, what is it you could possibly want to discuss with a simple barkeep?"

Siara grew a tad bit worried as she noticed the change in Allan's tone. She ensured herself that she had to go through with the confrontation, though, and would await his arrival. In the meantime, she continued to clean her gloves, glancing upwards multiple times as she vigorously wiped away the scarlet corruption that painted her gloves. The fourth time: No Allan. The fifth time: No Allan. Finally, Siara would manage to catch the figure of Allan approaching with a pint of ale in his right hand. Siara aided him in setting it down, carefully dragging it close as Allan questioned what she wanted to discuss.

"Is the name of this tavern simply to draw in more business, or is it something more? Is there truly a rebellion in Lathien?", Siara would ask, her eyebrows raising as her facial expression changed from a thankful one to one of what appeared to be concern. Whatever she was going to go on about truly mattered to her.

Serra stood outside the door of the tavern. She had been by a few times in the past week, but never inside. Instead, she had spent most of her time "begging" outside the door and pick-pocketing the patrons as they entered. Because of this, she finally had enough gold, coins, and other valuables to get a decent room for the night, real food, and some good, strong ale. Now all she had to do was walk through the door. But, she did always enjoy making a scene, and so devised a bit of a plan. She first changed into one of the largest rats she herself had ever seen. She then ran through the open door, and wove her way between the mob of people. She quickly moved into the kitchen, climbed up the leg of one of the chairs, she didn't quite know who sat in which, sat on the lap of one of the two girls, the one with a bandage tied around her eyes, and squeaked loudly.
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It had of course been the question he was expecting. Allan spread his hands in an innocent gesture eyes unreadable as his expression became more serious. "The name of our tavern is merely a jest at the Queen's expense. Something humorous for the people to look to as times in the kingdom grow darker. And only the most foolish and naive of people could think it had nothing to do with our fair Queen." He paused for a moment, fingers tap tap tapping on the table, eyes idly tracing grooves in the well worn wood.

Finally he looked back up at her. "As I said, the name of our humble tavern is merely a jest. I'm simply a barkeep." His eyes fixed on hers, silently expressing that there was certainly more to his words. "What goes on under my roof though is out of my control." He spread his hands again, shrugging and leaning back in his chair. "Out of curiosity, why do you ask?"

Siara noted his expressions, which only furthered her belief that a rebellion had truly been born and had made its mark in the tavern she now sat within. The Whytewynd native would think for a moment, wondering if Allan was being discrete in-case of loose lips or even completely dedicated spies. Or, if the barkeeper was serious about his claims. Most likely, though, she figured that the man would only see if she was at least intelligent enough to pick up on his movements.

"Because, if there were a rebellion here, which I'm sure there isn't, I would want to help them rightfully create peace rather than destruction, which I'm sure they'd like to avoid," the woman would go on to say, leaning inwards a bit as she gave Allan a silently knowing look before partaking in her ale for a moment. She'd then set the ale down and smile lightly towards Allan, looking forward to the challenge his reply would give her.

Joyce curtsies as Emmony introduces Miziki, giving her a playful wink, "How could a queen, even one as mad as oneself, refuse such an offer.", Joyce places her tray atop her head, balancing it ever so delicately, "Now, Miziki I do expect you to be on your worst behavior, as her Madness expects as much from her subjects."

Joyce begins to prance away, with the tray atop her head no less, she begins to hum when she is interrupted by a rat scurrying across the floor. She jumps out of fright, dumping the tray on herself, along with the ale that it held, "Get it away from me!", she screams, tripping on the tray which has clattered to the floor.

@Mitchs98 @ianbabyyy @Scattered Ambitions
"I'm sure most of the people in this kingdom would prefer to destruction," he said, a slightly more sincere, if still calculated smile gracing his lips. He was greatly enjoying this game of wits. Thoughts went back and forth in his head, trying to decipher her motives. Was she trying to draw information from him for personal reasons? Or maybe to turn over to the Queen? Or was she sincerely interested. As amusing as it may be, it was a dangerous game they played.

"You do find the occasional 'rebel'," he said the word as if to imply that wasn't referring to the people she was hinting at, "who want nothing more than to storm the capital and tear down the Monarchy by force, with little regard for the people they may be trampling." There was another pause, before, "Those types of people, I've found, tend to be... put down. Quickly." And he didn't mean by the Queen or her guards. There was a bit of a warning in his voice, and his eyes were sharp, but the smile on his face was almost pleasant. "After all, we wouldn't want our beloved Queen to think we commoners were up to something."

ianbabyyy said:
"Joyce, my love, the darling of my life," Emmony cooed, hand extended towards the sound of the woman's voice. "How pleasant it is to see you as always. My heart soars." She pressed her free hand to her forehead, as if she was feeling faint. "However, no lies have been told this evening. Instead we've taken a little bird under our wing!"
"Fox, Emmony, she's a fox," the cook grumbled as she sidled past the overly excitable group.

"A fox! Even cuter!" She grinned. "Joyce, this is Miziki. She's had a terrible day, so we're feeding her and giving her a place to stay, in return for helping out. I'm sure you could use the help running food and ale." The woman turned back towards Miziki, taking on a more serious expression. "And, if you'd like to stay on, we would be more than willing to hire you if you'd like steady work for a bit."

@Mitchs98 @Vantruss


He watched the way her expression changed, the way her gaze shifted warily across the crowd, and his eyes sharpened. His smile shifted quickly from caring to calculated, and his expression became a tad cold. "Of course. I could never deny a patron a moment of my time, and we've enough servers that I won't be missed for a bit. As long as my sister doesn't have her head stuck in the clouds of course." He chuckled, but the sound of it wasn't particularly humorous.

"Allow me to grab you a pint of ale, and then I'm all yours," he said with a slight, almost mocking bow. Off he went before she could respond, mind going over the possible topics she had in mind, always swinging back to one in particular: the name of their tavern. It was a name that, in and of itself, was a rebellion, and this wasn't the first time he'd had some subtle, and some not so subtle, inquiries.

Curious to see what exactly she wanted to know, he made his way back quickly, reestablishing that slightly crooked grin as he set it on the table before her. A chair was drawn up, and he dropped heavily into it, as if he was simply enjoying a break from being on his feet.

"Now, my dear, what is it you could possibly want to discuss with a simple barkeep?"

Miziki Kurone

Miziki hadn't even noticed the other woman had entered the room until Emmony spoke to her. Woops. Nevertheless she smiled as she spoke, taking this time to polish off the rest of her food. She waved slightly to Joyce when she was introduced. When she was offered a job she blinked. She'd never exactly had a steady job before, especially not at a Tavern. But, the idea of getting some money and not having to worry about where she'd sleep and when she'd eat again for a while sounded appealing to her. Plus, she could always do both, right? Who said she needed to travel to be a healer? "Thank you. I'd definetely be willing to work for you for a while, thank you so much." She replied.

She looked to Joyce when she spoke, glad she was keen to accept her help. She seemed nice too, and kind of amusing. Especially so when she freaked out over a rat, although it was huge it was also kind of cute. Though, something told her it wasn't actually a rat..she went along with it anyway. "
Oh calm down, it's just a little rat. It's not hurting anyone." She told Joyce, reaching out and gently petting Serra.
Siara was slightly disturbed by his suggestions, but took great care in knowing that the most fanatic of the rebels were dealt with. It wasn't in a manner that seemed like she would agree with, but it was better than them causing widespread terror in the kingdom. The woman would sigh, shifting her hand towards him lightly as she continued to speak, gripping her tankard a bit tighter as she tensed...

"And say, if you've found that specific type of rebel to be put down, are you saying you've met many other types of rebels, perhaps even communicating enough with them to the point where you understood their motives were less violent than the ones silenced? And, if you commoners were up to something, that you have something to hide?", Siara would pipe up, her gaze piercing Allan with hopeful correctness. She was sure that this man had more than just a bystander-role when it came to the rebellion that had to exist in the kingdom. The woman would smile, charmed by his wit already, as she sipped at her ale.

Oh goodness. Commotion commotion commotion. She heard Miziki answer her question, but it didn't quite process as a small furry thing jumped up into her lap. There was banter from Joyce, and then a crash and a scream and all sorts of chaos. It made Emmony's head spin, all of the unexpected activity making it hard for her to focus and sort out what was happening.

"Everybody calm down. Now," she snapped. Well, it really wasn't a snap. It was a very firm order. She was rather good at those, surprising when compared to her usual excitability. But, well, she had to keep the Tavern in line somehow. Even the cook paused for a moment, recognizing the tone in her boss's voice, before realizing that it wasn't directed at her.

"Let's start with the first and most obvious question: why is there a rat in my lap?" She picked the thing up, carefully, in both hands and held the fuzzy thing in front of her face, as if she could see it. "And the second question: is it dirty, or does it look clean and cute." She sniffed. It certainly smelled okay.

@Mitchs98 @Vantruss @Scattered Ambitions


"My dear," he said, taking the hand that had slid closer, and clasping it between his own with a concerned look, "I do hope that I didn't imply that I have anything to do with these... criminal types?" The man shook his head before blowing a piece of hair out of his eye. Damned thing. "I must reiterate, I'm simply a tavern keeper. I only know what I hear from rumors. But I hope I can ease your mind by saying that most of the rumors I hear seem positive enough. We commoners care about our people. Especially those here in the city."

Her hand was released as he leaned back in his chair again, finger brushing his hair out of his face. "I think it's the large numbers of foreigners here in the capital. We can learn a lot from them, from their victories and losses and mistakes-" He paused, mid thought, and smiled. "In all areas of life, of course."

Siara would raise a brow with this, eyeing his hand as it took hers, before looking back up at Allan as he spoke. She displayed a range of emotions that flashed across her face as he spoke. Doubt when he denied any involvement with rebels, slight relief when he mentioned the care commoners had for one another in the capital, and slight concern when he mentioned foreigners.

"Are you saying that I've possibly made a mistake, or that you can learn a lot from me, a foreigner, by loosening my lips with ale and honeying your words like a rogue?", Siara would ask, eyeing the hair he had brushed away and her lone hand, which retreated back as she clasped her tankard with both of her hands in a sort of innocent gesture. She'd raise the mug of ale and go at it before setting it down onto the oaken table, never truly breaking her gaze on Allan.

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"Your words spear my heart. How could you possibly believe of me such trickery? And here I thought I was merely having an interesting conversation with a lovely lady." He watched as she finished her ale, bright eyes held in a mutual stare, not even blinking until the mug was placed back on the table. As she finished, the first true grin crossed his lips, his amusement flashing behind his eyes. "Though, to answer your question, perhaps I'm saying both."

The man stood then, stretching, and held his arm out to the woman. "Perhaps you'd take a stroll with me. The air in here is rather stuffy, and it's hard to have a proper conversation with so many people surrounding us." He arched an eyebrow at her, daring her to catch the double meaning, to accept his request. "But I would understand if you'd prefer not to wander with a man you've just met."

Was he inviting her to delve into his secrets? To see what he had hidden, a true invitation into the rebellion away from distrusted ears? Siara wondered, scoffing at his formality as she thought on it. Within a few seconds, she had overruled her natural worries about the offer with her curiosity, bravely taking Allan's hand and standing from the wooden chair laid beneath her.

"I'm sure you'd have no ill intention towards me, sir. I agree, we should converse elsewhere," she'd go on to say, eyeing the crowds within the tavern before shifting her curious gaze back to Allen. Her eyes would aim downwards towards the shorter man with an amused smile. She fought off the childish giggle, ultimately failing as she let out a small noise of sympathy for the man. It wasn't often that she was taller than another person, especially another human, so she was greatly amused by this scenario. Siara had to admit; Allan looked much more intimidating and taller when he was sitting rather than when he was standing.

"It appears I have nothing to fear, either way," she'd tease.

He grinned at her response to his height, even chuckled at her tease, well used to it by now, and tucked her hand into the crook of his arm. "Yes yes, get your laughter out now." At least she was only a little taller than him, he thought as he led her quickly towards the door of the tavern. Most people towered over him. "If I could choose my height I would probably add another foot or so," he said as they finally cleared the doorway. The air was fresh and crisp, perfect for wandering and idle conversation.

"It does have it's uses however. The smaller a person is, the less they expect from them." A wry grin was directed up at her. "It can be a great advantage to be underrated. I learn a lot without having to ask, because people don't see small individuals as particularly intelligent or strong. He led her slowly down the cobblestone street, which was still fairly busy though the sun was setting. "Especially when said individual is fully human, with no magic abilities to speak of." That grin took on a slightly more forbidding tone. "I'm rarely underestimated twice though."

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Siara allowed him to speak for the beginning of their walk, simply admiring the capital of Lathien from the guidance of a small man. She found a relaxing charm in the brisk air, letting in large breaths of it as they trodded along the rocky streets beneath them, surrounded by all mannerisms of people who were off in their own worlds. It was beautiful, especially under the omniscient view of the lowering sun that tinted the sky around it a colorful orange.

She took particular note when Allan brought up 'fully human', and with no 'magic abilities'. Siara eyed him curiously, watching his grin slightly change before he spoke once more of the uses he found through his appearance. The half-elf would eye a few others walking by, an elven servant following his two foreign masters closely, before eyeing Allan with a slight frown, her eyebrows raised again due to her largely expressive face.

"And what's that grin supposed to mean, sir? That I'm not fully human, and possess wizard's magic? Do you truly believe I cannot simply have irregular ears, and that because of those ears I go sneak off into the dark woods every couple of stormy nights to go chant some Elvish curses? I'm afraid I'm just as underestimated as you are, I dare."

"Oh, and it's rude to avoid telling one their name for so long. Almost sketchy, but I'm sure there's nothing dirty about you, tavern-keeper."

He gave her a truly startled look, pausing in their stroll. It wasn't often people managed to surprise him. "I am truly sorry if it sounded that way, that's not what I meant at all." He honestly hadn't though much as to her species. A person was a person in his eyes, and not much mattered more than that. Besides, he'd been too drawn into their banter to have payed much attention to it at all. Though now that he gave her a true once over, for looks rather than body language, he could see the pointed ears. "I hadn't thought much about your race at all, to be quite honest, my mind was on other things, such as your words."

"I merely meant that as far as most people, especially in this area of the city, I'm generally considered fairly powerless, and as such I'm overlooked as being much of a threat." He laid his hand over hers, giving her an apologetic frown. "I truly am sorry if I offended you. It wasn't at all my purpose."

Releasing her hand, he idly started to walk again, with no purpose or direction. "My name is Allan. And I can assure you, there is certainly nothing dirty about me."

Siara smiled at this quietly, turning away so that he wouldn't perceive it. She wasn't truly offended by what he said, rather reacting in such a way as to see how he himself would react in turn. However, she was truly rather sensitive of her appearance, especially since she was a half-elf. As a child, she had been called a 'savage' numerous times, even mistaken for a slave by some Historian outsider once. It was all very traumatizing at first, but, as most free elves found it, it was easier to just accept it and get used to it rather than die over it.

"No, no, I'm not truly offended. In fact, I'm flattered. You're very well-mannered for a commoner, no offense, and you've certainly earned my attention and my, albeit premature, friendship. I'm Siara, and I am a half-elf, but I lack the magic you've seemingly heard of," the Whytewynd lady would assure Allan with an impressed smile flashing his way. She clasped tighter towards him as she found that she felt secure with the man, despite having just met him. She was just... swayed by his words. It was frustrating, too. She often found that many could persuade her as if she was some child who had no idea what 'brainwashing' or 'influence' was. Siara felt with this case, though. If Allan had ill intention, Siara was certain that she would've recognized it by now. That, or she was just being an idiot again.

"No offense taken. I am what I am. To deny that I'm a commoner would be to deny a piece of myself." He paused, before returning her smile. "It's an honor to meet you Siara, and to have earned your friendship. And I find your ears quite pretty by the way." The last was added as almost an after thought, before his mind moved on to something else. "I suppose we should eventually return to our prior conversation.

"You were inquiring about the possibility of my tavern housing a rebellion, were you not? And I believe there was some discussion on the nature of those rebels." His tone grew serious, and though the smile never slipped from his face, it was no longer quite as pleasant. "You must understand, Siara, that those are quite serious accusations to lay on a near stranger. I'd like to ask again, out of earshot of a room of drunken people, what your interest is?" While he'd vastly enjoyed their game, he felt it was time for straightforward answers, from both of them. If she was truly honest in her interest to help, he'd be vastly grateful to have another brain to pick. If she wasn't, well, he couldn't allow a pretty face and a quick wit to take down what had been built up.

Siara blushed as Allan commented on her ears, always finding them rather ugly due to the constant criticisms of racists who found her elven heritage disgusting and therefore making her a lesser being in retrospect. She might say she'd never take those sort of accusations to heart, but she always felt a little bit damaged every time one of the other children in her youth would comment on her pointed ears...

"I've seen horrible things, Allan. Where I come from, killing is rampant among the land's nobles. They fight over everything, and villagers are always caught in the crossfire, like almost every other war. I know some may say it's reality, but I want to limit that damage as best as I can. It may seem pointless, but people shouldn't suffer for anything they aren't involved in, especially when it's the work of two conscious sides who can make humane decisions. I don't want those uninterested in the rebellion to be hurt, or those drafted into the Queen's military treated like animals by their enemies. If a complete and outright rebellion were to occur, I would like it to be a war of respect and dignity, no matter how brutal the fighting is. Every side suffers in a war. For once, I would like to see that suffering limited to those who willingly take it. I want to work for the rebellion in this war, exclusively, because they're newer. They have a chance of creating something purer than the government before them. But, if the rebellion is just a group of brigands looking to rally up the people for their own accord, I have no quarrel siding with the Queen, if that grants me the ability to aid those inflicted."

Siara would huff after her small speech, eyeing the ground as if she was thinking on something. Reflecting on something. Quickly, though, she would shift her gaze back towards her companion.

"I've suffered for things out of my control. I know how it feels, and no one else should experience that. If you're truly a head of some sort of rebellion, I suggest you take me in before I work against you," she would reply, mostly realistically. She didn't mean it to seem like a threat. She only wanted to express the reality of their situation. Siara, honestly, would rather work with the Rebellion. However, if she was rejected, she would just as willingly work for the Queen if allowed to do so.


  • Latches of wood poured out little by little as my fingers scratched on the balcony, my mandibules clicking with impatience. I was pretty sure by this point that had I brought an hourglass with me, I would have already flipped it quite a few times. All the while, I remained waiting by that counter, arm raised like some kind of idiot or overzealous soldier. I was neither, hadn´t been for a long time. At this rate, I might just spare their "queen" some trouble and burn down the tavern myself. What kind of patron, in their right mind, leaves a client waiting for almost an hour, in particular when the tavern didn´t seem all that busy yet?! I struggled to prevent my arms from running to the amber blades hidden beneath the cloak, while my fingers continued to tap on the table as if counting time.

    My patience wasn´t infinite, though. I was yet to see anyone I could even approach safely.Not because anyone was particularly suspicious, quite on the contrary. Nobody seemed all that far from normal, as far into normal as our dear world could go, with all it´s species and their different shapes, and sizes and magic. Their different skins, different flesh, different bones, so easily cut through with the right knife stabbing on the upper crack for dissection...

    I shook my head. I should avoid falling into old habits now. Rather, I was actually getting thirsty thinking of the ale I wasn´t getting, despite the fact ale had been the last reason I would go anywhere for. I despised the effects of alchohol, and pretty much anything that could affect my mind. I knew better than most of the drunks here just how bad it was to have your will bent beyond your control, to have it broken. A broken will is no will at all.

    Sighing, I decided to give it a few more minutes. The repute of this place was enough for that. It made me curious to see what kind of people would pop through it´s doors. What kind of species would they belong to? Where did they come from? What did they wear, do for their lives? What sort of role did they play? Lords? Peasants? Bards? All of this fueled my imagination, and my scheming. But curiosity wouldn´t drive me forever. Much less my patience.

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