The Queen's Madness - OOC

@Vantruss Your character is approved!

As far as that one weakness, at one point I wouldn't have considered it such, however I now know someone who's pretty well known around where he works, and he has trouble going anywhere in public because people always want to talk to him. If he wants to go out to dinner, he literally has to find a somewhat secluded corner if he wants a chance to eat in piece.

@Idea Oh, ew, exams. Yeah, that's completely understandable, lol.
@Idea Yeah, I'm actually a bit behind on the Lore tab at the moment. There's a couple of species I need to get on there. I'll probably get it all knocked out this evening, as long as my power doesn't go out. Supposed to be getting bad thunderstorms.
Omg @Cosmo I am so so so sorry. My head is all over the place today. I remember seeing your character this morning and thinking this is too much for 8 am, I'm not alive yet. You are absolutely, 100% approved. I loved reading through your character sheet, and I'm excited to see him in play.


Honestly, I was preparing my, 'Thanks for the chance, have a nice RP,' speech. Then maybe a sad walking away Gif.
@ianbabyyy Alright, last request. Instead of being renown, can we make it so elves are viewed as second class citizens, or possibly slaves in certain situations? You know a kind of negative stigma
My half-elf has encountered much racism, and my Wood Elf lore I added mentions slavery of elves and servitude, I believe. The Elves I've created are certainly looked down upon.

@ianbabyyy Heh, I figured you'd like it. Also, I was wondering if you want me to chalk up descriptions of all the places/events I mention, as it's always good to have some sort of world history to fall back on and make references to in dialogue or monologue.
@Vantruss Sorry D:. I didn't notice your character was in the same place as Miziki. I would of included something in mine for you.
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